If God has created the Universe and everything in it, then ...

Contriving stories doesn't work, nor does attributing the "dark side" to your gods any less fictional than Star Wars movies.

You still haven't answered my question.

"Explain the delineation between your gods capricious puppeteering and natural random events?"

Puppets doesn't have conciousness, totally moved by the performer.
Nature once was ignited as dynamics, filled with conciousness, initiatives, and actions. Given energy, those characteristic stimulate events.

God is neither sadist nor loving, or maybe sadist and loving at the same time, depends on perspective of human that put those attributes to God. Human are free to label, and free to stimulate. God (with it's law) simply replies.
Puppets doesn't have conciousness, totally moved by the performer.
Nature once was ignited as dynamics, filled with conciousness, initiatives, and actions. Given energy, those characteristic stimulate events.

God is neither sadist nor loving, or maybe sadist and loving at the same time, depends on perspective of human that put those attributes to God. Human are free to label, and free to stimulate. God (with it's law) simply replies.

Sorry, but if you can't explain the differences, then you haven't got a case. Your god can't control everything and everything has free will at the same time.
Don't be a shithead. You are not such a person yourself. The simple statement of "creator and not creator" is mutually exclusive under any consistent temporal circumstances.

And "eternal relationships of contingincy"? That's flat-out BS and you know it. If any statement is valid in your cosmology (which seems to be the case), then I wish you good luck. But you already seem comfortable with allowing any and all nonsense to become part and parcel of your "philosophy".

You are overlooking something. People can and will say anything, however irrational, if they are stupid.
No it isn't...how is it contradictory? I don't think you read what I wrote...

Please point out the contradiction

It's one thing not to understand what another wrote, but to not understand what one writes onself is the pits
Puppets doesn't have conciousness, totally moved by the performer.
Nature once was ignited as dynamics, filled with conciousness, initiatives, and actions. Given energy, those characteristic stimulate events.

God is neither sadist nor loving, or maybe sadist and loving at the same time, depends on perspective of human that put those attributes to God. Human are free to label, and free to stimulate. God (with it's law) simply replies.

What is all that supposed to mean ? " ignited as dynamics", " filled with consciousness" ?, " initiatives and actions" ? " Ginen energy, those characteristics stimulate events " ?

Some of the rubbish I have read on Creationists sites make more sense than what you write.
Sorry, but if you can't explain the differences, then you haven't got a case. Your god can't control everything and everything has free will at the same time.

Your God can know everything but everything has free will at the same time.
I don't know. Do you ?

Scientifically speaking it is a matter of cause and effect. If we had a singularity sitting there then something must have caused it to explode or it would still be sittting there.

Unless the universe is eternal.

Unless there are multiple universe exploding which doesn't really solve the problem, just like alien life wouldn't solve the problem for our existence.

Do I know?


But an intelligent cause is the obvious answer.
Scientifically speaking it is a matter of cause and effect. If we had a singularity sitting there then something must have caused it to explode or it would still be sittting there.

Unless the universe is eternal.

Unless there are multiple universe exploding which doesn't really solve the problem, just like alien life wouldn't solve the problem for our existence.

Do I know?


But an intelligent cause is the obvious answer.

If you don't know why is an intelligent cause the obvious answer ?
If you don't know why is an intelligent cause the obvious answer ?


The chimps are the most intelligent being on earth (after the dolphin, hmmm dolphin might be greater intelligence wise). How long do you think they would take to be able to look through a telescope to observe galaxies?

1million years you might say, but in truth they might never will.

We assume because we can do it, we evolved from something less intelligent over millions of years to be able to observe and question the stars.


The chimps are the most intelligent being on earth (after the dolphin, hmmm dolphin might be greater intelligence wise). How long do you think they would take to be able to look through a telescope to observe galaxies?

1million years you might say, but in truth they might never will.

We assume because we can do it, we evolved from something less intelligent over millions of years to be able to observe and question the stars.


Evolutionary theory explains how we developed. No big mystery/
Evolutionary theory explains how we developed. No big mystery/

Evolution explains alot, it doesn't explain why we are here, it only explains why your son or daughter looks different to you at the end of the day.

What answer are you after?
You miss my point. If you don't know, nothing is obvious.

If you attribute it to some form of intelligence it means you do know.

Present me with an example of something intelligent giving birth to something that questions its origins.