Present me with an example of something intelligent giving birth to something that questions its origins.
You have not answered my question
Present me with an example of something intelligent giving birth to something that questions its origins.
Present me with an example of something intelligent giving birth to something that questions its origins.
How about a human being ?
Well we are human beings so it's a bad example as this is my point.
I don't know what question I didn't answer.
It's a perfectly good answer to your question.
The point ( implied question) was that you said
a) you didn't know how the universe came into existence
b) you also said that it was obvious that som form of ontelligence was involved
These two statements are mutually contradictory .Either you know or you don't
I assume one:
There was a cause
This cause was intelligent.
How does science answer this question?
It doesn't yet but it may do so in future. One must learn that some things may never be known. There are no grounds for introducing an intelligence unless one feels the need to do so. It's the type of answer known as the god of th gaps.
It's also the god of the millions of years as evolution uses.
I say God did it, you say eons of time did it, neither of us are better then each other in an intellectual sense.
Pffftt......neither of us are better then each other in an intellectual sense.
I disagree. There is abundant evidence to support evolutionary there; none to support the concept of god.
Like what? A few examples might aid in the discussion here.There is an abundance of evidence for the concept of God.
Like what? A few examples might aid in the discussion here.
Huh? It's a rock with some (as the article states) unknown symbols. How is this "ample evidence" for a god?
Huh? It's a rock with some (as the article states) unknown symbols. How is this "ample evidence" for a god?
Sorry. I just realized that I misread your statement.There is no evidence for God, but the concept of God.
This establishes what?
It establishes the fact that you can't have your cake and eat it too.
There is an abundance of evidence for the concept of God.
Evolution is pretty new actually.
Concentrate on human evolution, what evidence have we got?
It just establishes the fact that some people wrote about God.
None of which actually questions God's knowledge.