If God has created the Universe and everything in it, then ...


"in one way did create the universe, in another way God did not create the universe"


Well since God is the origin of all the innumerable universes, God is the "creator" of this universe and all other universes/realities, however since God is unchanging, the non-doer so he is in this way not the "creator"
Well since God is the origin of all the innumerable universes, God is the "creator" of this universe and all other universes/realities, however since God is unchanging, the non-doer so he is in this way not the "creator"
You do realize that this is just babble, don't you?

It is completely inconsistent and self contradictory. Feel free to explain why it is not, whithout just insisting that it's not. If you please.
You do realize that this is just babble, don't you?

It is completely inconsistent and self contradictory. Feel free to explain why it is not, whithout just insisting that it's not. If you please.

No it isn't...how is it contradictory? I don't think you read what I wrote...

Please point out the contradiction
No it isn't...how is it contradictory? I don't think you read what I wrote...

Please point out the contradiction
He is creator and not creator. Can't have it both ways. They are mutually exclusive statements. Logically incompatible. No matter what kind of spin you put on it.

Get it?
He is creator and not creator. Can't have it both ways. They are mutually exclusive statements. Logically incompatible. No matter what kind of spin you put on it.

Get it?
perhaps for one who cannot entertain eternal relationships of contingency, or who holds as absolute temporal issues of cause and effect ....
perhaps for one who cannot entertain eternal relationships of contingency, or who holds as absolute temporal issues of cause and effect ....
Don't be a shithead. You are not such a person yourself. The simple statement of "creator and not creator" is mutually exclusive under any consistent temporal circumstances.

And "eternal relationships of contingincy"? That's flat-out BS and you know it. If any statement is valid in your cosmology (which seems to be the case), then I wish you good luck. But you already seem comfortable with allowing any and all nonsense to become part and parcel of your "philosophy".
Can you define creator?

Who is the creator of your physical body?

Is it your mother and father, your distant relatives, or nature?

What do you mean by "creator"?
I don't mean anything by "creator". I'm an atheist, remember? You're the one who has the lock on what a creator is and is not, all at the same time I gather.
I don't mean anything by "creator". I'm an atheist, remember? You're the one who has the lock on what a creator is and is not, all at the same time I gather.

Oh well ok then

God is the ultimate creator, the ultimate cause, since God is the cause of all things, the origin of all the innumerable universes, nothing can exist without God, all rests upon God

But God is not the creator in the sense of directly making or "doing" things
Can you define creator?

Who is the creator of your physical body?

Is it your mother and father, your distant relatives, or nature?

What do you mean by "creator"?

Good questions.

What is it that is created? The body, the soul? What is secondary?
Different religions will probably answer this differently.
God is the ultimate creator, the ultimate cause, since God is the cause of all things, the origin of all the innumerable universes, nothing can exist without God, all rests upon God

But God is not the creator in the sense of directly making or "doing" things

Theists complain that scientists don't have the answers for this and explanations for that because they're far too complex for humans to comprehend.

Yet, we're supposed to understand the contrived logic of random events with clarity and understanding as they are sometimes controlled and sometimes not by the invisible and undetectable, depending on a strict set of guidelines made only to confuse and obfuscate.

Clear as mud.
Theists complain that scientists don't have the answers for this and explanations for that because they're far too complex for humans to comprehend.

Yet, we're supposed to understand the contrived logic of random events with clarity and understanding as they are sometimes controlled and sometimes not by the invisible and undetectable, depending on a strict set of guidelines made only to confuse and obfuscate.

Clear as mud.

Who says we're "supposed" to understand the events?

If you understood karma understanding why events happen to you is easy and simple
Don't be a shithead.
Would you prefer I insult your mother or country of birth?

You are not such a person yourself. The simple statement of "creator and not creator" is mutually exclusive under any consistent temporal circumstances.
unless of course consistent temporal circumstances are contingent on the creator ....

And "eternal relationships of contingincy"? That's flat-out BS and you know it.
whats the matter?
Does it have too many syllables for your liking?

If any statement is valid in your cosmology (which seems to be the case), then I wish you good luck.
it wasn't any statement.
it was a very specific one

But you already seem comfortable with allowing any and all nonsense to become part and parcel of your "philosophy".
your reluctance to even discuss philosophy on the subject brightens your bias in neon lights
Would you prefer I insult your mother or country of birth?
Country, please.

unless of course consistent temporal circumstances are contingent on the creator ....
Useless speculation.

whats the matter?
Does it have too many syllables for your liking?
Err.. no. It's meaningless.

it wasn't any statement.
it was a very specific one
Yes. One of many.

your reluctance to even discuss philosophy on the subject brightens your bias in neon lights
What have I been doing? All you seem capable of doing is countering valid points with mental dancing designed to do nothing more than support you umm... position. Whatever that is. Oh, I forgot. Your position is that you alone have percieved god and we just aren't trying hard enough. Right.
That strikes me as a totally useless explanation. God creates diseases and also creates cures which we must discover ! When bother in the firstplace ?

If I throw a bucket of water over you and then hand you a towel, would you regard that as satisfactory ?

When in heaven, maybe. Just open up mouth to be fed automatically even before getting hungry. Do you really think the world is supposed to be that boring? I wouldn't know the function of towel hadn't been I wetted. You have me learnt.

Surely it would make more sense not to douse you with water in the first place.

Finally, what about all the people who die of dreadful duseases before god has allowed us to find his secret cure ?

Ignited already,that's how the world works: sequential. Stimulation comes first, reaction follows. Those lives were called by the owner. Maybe, that contributes science to progress. Were they cursed, victims of capricious puppeteering God? Or, were they blessed as the medium for other human to keep learning the 'function of a towel'? Who knows God, what to say it's mind? People believing in God, believe there is afterlife anyway.
Country, please.
ok how about this
"You guys are funny looking"
how did I go?

Useless speculation.
actually it is part of the claim of the whole "creator" business, so if you want to write off the creator as a useless speculation, it kind of behooves you to address it in a more reasonable manner (unless you would prefer we had a conversation revolving around popeye-isms or something - "I yam what I yam ...")

Err.. no. It's meaningless.
meaningless to you perhaps

Yes. One of many.
material reductionists also make many claims too ... without having recourse to practice, which brings to issue their claims ... at least to me anyway

What have I been doing? All you seem capable of doing is countering valid points with mental dancing designed to do nothing more than support you umm... position.
if you were asked to defend your position on electrons and were prohibited to mention any term that is validated by peering through a microscope, I don't think you would call it dancing ...

Whatever that is. Oh, I forgot. Your position is that you alone have percieved god and we just aren't trying hard enough. Right.
close. in a lukewarm sense.
My position is that behind claims there is practice, and behind practice there is theory. Messing up on theory (or obstinately refusing to examine what a particular theoretical issue involves) and pretending the issue of practice just doesn't exist will obviously give different results