Horus--Jesus--Buddha, same origin??

Do you think Buddha, and Jesus were inspired from Egyptian Mythology?

  • I believe so, yes.

    Votes: 9 23.7%
  • No, there is enough evidence, that these figures existed independantly.

    Votes: 29 76.3%

  • Total voters
Jesus and Horus both exist and they are the same thing. They are the creative principle governing the universe, and this principle has also been born in human form. It can be called self or mind.
VitalOne said:
I've already pointed many many sources.
No you haven't even provided one. Not one single poll.
I cut your repetition of your same old lies.
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Trilairian said:
No you haven't even provided one. Not one single pole.
I cut your repetition of your same old lies.

What's wrong with you? You need it to be put in terms that even you can understand?

"A connection between Jesus and Horus-Osiris is frequently raised by critics of the historicity of Jesus. Superficially, the death and resurrection of Horus-Osiris, and Horus' nature as both the son of Osiris and Osiris himself, appear to be a template for the idea that this occurred in Jesus. However, there is much more to both deities than this, and so such basic comparisons are not terribly persuasive to most academics" - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horus#Horus_and_Jesus

"Present-day theologians: The assertion that Jesus is not a historical figure or that he did not live in the early 1st century CE is held by a small number of academics." - http://www.religioustolerance.org/chr_jcno.htm

"These independent accounts prove that in ancient times even the opponents of Christianity never doubted the historicity of Jesus, which was disputed for the first time and on inadequate grounds by several authors at the end of the 18th, during the 19th, and at the beginning of the 20th centuries." - The Encylopedia of Brittianica (Article on "Jesus", 1990)

"Some writers may toy with the fancy of a 'Christ-myth,' but they do not doso on the ground of historical evidence. The historicity of Christ is asaxiomatic for an unbiased historian as the historicity of Julius Caesar. It is not historians who propagate the 'Christ-myth' theories."[Bruce, F.F. The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable? ..5th revised edition, Downers Grove: Inter-Varsity Press]

"Wells claim of a mythical Jesus has received no support and for the most part little attention from historians and theologians." - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G.A._Wells

"No serious scholar has ventured to postulate the non-historicity of Jesus" - [Otto Betz, What do We Know about Jesus?, SCM Press, page 9]

There, you've got all the sources, and everything with such a pole, ofcourse your argument will now turn into "this is not the word of God".

Ok next. Now it's time to debunk your source. I'm going to expose the biased in your source - http://www.theosophical.ca/AncientEgyptAppendix.htm:

That web site makes this comparison:
Egypt - The paradise of the pole-star
Christian - The Holy City lighted by one luminary that is neither the sun nor the moon=the pole-star.

What the Bible actually says:
"And the city hath no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine upon it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the lamp thereof [is] the Lamb." - Rev. 21:23

There is NO INDICATION that the Holy City is lighted by the pole-star. This exposes the biased of this author. The author purposely tries to find similarities even if they don't fit in at all. There you go, you've just been completely debunked.

Just give it up. Even many atheists and proponents of Christianity agree that Jesus historically existed in some way. You and Medicine Woman are in denial of the facts.
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VitalOne said:
What's wrong with you? You need it to be put in terms that even you can understand?...
And yet you still have not one single source, no, no poll.
You give it up and don't come back here with such outlandish claims about the majority opinion until you find at least one single poll.
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Trilairian said:
And yet you still have not one single source, no, no pole.
You give it up and don't come back here with such outlandish claims about the majority opinion until you find at least one single pole.

I have quoted many many sources, and everyone reading the post can clearly see and read them.

I wonder why you haven't responded to any of the quotes?
I wonder why you haven't responded to me debunking your source?

Actually, you are the one making the outlandish claim. There are barely any historians with you. The idea that Jesus is a myth is just like the idea that aliens built the pyramids, they have no real support from most historians (or archaeologists).
VitalOne said:
I have quoted many many sources, and everyone reading the post can clearly see and read them....
No you still have not quoted one single source, no not a single poll. You have convinced me that you are insane making outragous claims claiming you have a poll, a source, and never having provided it you keep claiming that you have. Get lost.
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Trilairian said:
No you still have not quoted one single source, no not a single pole. You have convinced me that you are insane making outragous claims claiming you have a pole, a source, and never having provided it you keep claiming that you have. Get lost.

What constitutes to be a source or pole to you?
VitalOne said:
What constitutes to be a source or pole to you?
A poll is a survey of a sample group used to make an estamate of percentages within a population. Without one all you have is an opinion, and a mere opinion without a poll whether yours or an encyclopedia author's is not a valid source for percentages within a population.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Is there anyone out there who still believes in Jesus Christ? Com'on, this is the 21st century! Jesus doesn't exist in the modern mind. Give it up!

Tril needs to read this as well,

Why do you always post with Criticism and no information or sources? You've chimed in on this whole entire discussion, but yet you prove no asset to your alliance. If you really cared about wether Christ existed or not you would start providing some information supporting your views. Otherwise you're just pure spam at this point.

You really need to step out of your bubble and listen to yourself here. You're just speaking out of opinionated fervor and zeal, but you're views hold no fact or consequence to this discussion unless you are trying to convince people of your ideas upon faith alone.

So quit pointing the finger of religious intolerance, because until you provide some fact behind what you're talking about I will conlude that you're talking wholly out of your faith alone in your religious ideals.
Trilairian said:
A poll is a survey of a sample group used to make an estamate of percentages within a population. Without one all you have is an opinion, and a mere opinion without a poll whether yours or an encyclopedia author's is not a valid source for percentages within a population.

No such poll is neccessary, none that can be found. Asking for one is trivial. Encyclopedias are usually considered great sources.

This is like a person trying to prove that the Earth is flat, I say that the majority of scientists agree the Earth is round and quote many sources and then you say where is there such a poll that says this? Such trivial nonsense.

The Sources I gave you say that the majority of theologians, historians, and scholars agree that Jesus historically existed (and myth is probably tied to him). Ofcourse, you will continue to ride your wave of delusion holding your faith that most historians believe that Jesus didn't exist historically, not believing anything no matter what the source is until you see a poll. You even resort to such tactics as "Wiki is not god", "that site is biased" type of arguments.
Nisus said:
Tril needs to read this as well,

Why do you always post with Criticism and no information or sources? You've chimed in on this whole entire discussion, but yet you prove no asset to your alliance. If you really cared about wether Christ existed or not you would start providing some information supporting your views. Otherwise you're just pure spam at this point.

You really need to step out of your bubble and listen to yourself here. You're just speaking out of opinionated fervor and zeal, but you're views hold no fact or consequence to this discussion unless you are trying to convince people of your ideas upon faith alone.

So quit pointing the finger of religious intolerance, because until you provide some fact behind what you're talking about I will conlude that you're talking wholly out of your faith alone in your religious ideals.
M*W: You haven't been on this forum long enough to read my sources, and you are in no position to determine who/what my alliances are. It sounds as if you watch too much reality TV.

The christ-messeh figure was written about in several cultures but never actually existed. You must have me confused with somebody who gives a damn. I would never "point my finger at religious intolerance." Until you go back and read my sources, you are in no position to comment. What you may "conclude" from not reading my sources is nothing but your usual mindless drivel.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: You haven't been on this forum long enough to read my sources, and you are in no position to determine who/what my alliances are. It sounds as if you watch too much reality TV.

The christ-messeh figure was written about in several cultures but never actually existed. You must have me confused with somebody who gives a damn. I would never "point my finger at religious intolerance." Until you go back and read my sources, you are in no position to comment. What you may "conclude" from not reading my sources is nothing but your usual mindless drivel.

I'm talking about this thread doofus. Now i gotta go research your posts because u talk on a thread, but u source no information?

oooo that's great u'v done research but it doesn't matter to anyone that reads this thread, gratz on another retarded post.
Trilairian said:
Why are you lieing?

Now we're just playing who can have the last word because VitalOne / Nisus blew your views out the water..

by the time we're done bickering with you now i'll have 10k posts and MW can stfu.
Nisus said:
Now we're just playing who can have the last word because VitalOne / Nisus blew your views out the water..

by the time we're done bickering with you now i'll have 10k posts and MW can stfu.
Cussing at me is not a valid argument. No one has blown my views out of the water. I have disproven your religion. You are just made because I did.
Why it doesn't matter what I say, it's just that I say something, because you'll just come back with the same old crap you replied to 99% of the thread, and have no evidence or proof and we'll just keep going back and forth.

Basically I can cuss, spit, yell, take shots at you because you aren't going to become any more intelligent. You aren't going to support your claims any better, every opportunity you have to post you just look more and more foolish.

It's a power struggle and you're bouncing off of what I say.
Nisus said:
Why it doesn't matter what I say, it's just that I say something, because you'll just come back with the same old crap you replied to 99% of the thread, and have no evidence or proof and we'll just keep going back and forth.

Basically I can cuss, spit, yell, take shots at you because you aren't going to become any more intelligent. You aren't going to support your claims any better, every opportunity you have to post you just look more and more foolish.

It's a power struggle and you're bouncing off of what I say.
But I did prove it by the weight of evidence. All you've got is cussing me out as a rebuttle.
The only thing you continue to prove is how blind your mind is. I'm not going to take the time to show you disproofs because even when you are shown things, you still don't see =p.

Vital one and I have pointed out to you plainly over and over again why you are wrong.

You just can't accept the fact.

And you want the last word! You lost your hope in having the facts so now you're scraping for the last post! ~~~!~! muahaha
There is no point to me arguing anymore. Your argument has become if you cannot find a poll, that makes you 100% wrong. Oh yeah, according to you, information in Encyclopedias are purely opinions. You and Medicine Woman have lost the argument completely, there's no point in me replying to this topic anymore.

Medicine Woman clearly states that Jesus never existed but has nothing to say about my quoted sources. She just states things without any evidence to back it up. When a theist does that everyone jumps on their case.

You say you have a weight load of evidence, but I clearly debunked your source and pointed out the biased in it. It's no wonder that wikipedia says
"However, there is much more to both deities than this, and so such basic comparisons are not terribly persuasive to most academics" - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horus#Horus_and_Jesus

No one takes your BS seriously. But ofcourse, if I have Encyclopedias that say that, the Encyclopedias are just opinions.

Well I'm done with this debate, you've plainly lost. The fact is that the majority of scholars who may well believe that myth is tied to Jesus still uphold that Jesus was some type of historical figure who really existed.