Horus--Jesus--Buddha, same origin??

Do you think Buddha, and Jesus were inspired from Egyptian Mythology?

  • I believe so, yes.

    Votes: 9 23.7%
  • No, there is enough evidence, that these figures existed independantly.

    Votes: 29 76.3%

  • Total voters
VitalOne said:
Cut the drivel? You should be telling that to yourself.

Roman historians Tacitus, Suetonius, Julius Africanus, Thallus, Josephus, among others clearly describe that Jesus did indeed exist.

Do some research, only a small number of theologians today believe that Jesus did not exist.
Nisus said:
Tell me what you think. Were Jesus and Buddha both inspired from egyptian mythology?

Or is Trilairian lost in vain associations? Let the poll decide.

Jesus almost certainly, simply because of locality--the Levant being close to Egypt, and under Egyptian control for a long time in the deep past. Bhudda less so, at a guess--except that there was trade by sea between India and Egypt a long time back, so there's always the possibility of ideas passing back and forth along the trade routes.
Trilairian said:
No your not and your opinion doesn't count.

Least I don't fail at debate like u do man. You don't even respond to all of the things that tear your dim-witted dogmas down. And you don't even hold them up under critisism and scrutiny.

You establish yourself in hear-say, without fact.

You can't provide a link or reference to a book you say exists...

And I feel like I'm surrounded by RETARDS because I'm the only one that is pointing out there is no BOOK OF VIVIFYING THE SOUL FOREVER, available. And i'm the only one actually looking into your claims.

I tell you it's nowhere to be found for research, not on amazon or on Ebay, or google books. And you respond with--- your typical manurer. You're utterly pathetic and anyone that believes you is blind as well. Blind leading the blind, congratulations because you're all retarded. The way people accept your posts without looking into them is worse that people blindly believing in the bible, because at least the bible is a record.

Jesus being born in Bethlehem is still held in a firm, published, circulated and available text for research. Horus born in Annu is--- established and founded on modern deceit.

And you other people that are reading this thread, that disagree with Trilairian, but aren't looking into his claims; Look up the book, you won't find it. And put him on the spot for being a fraud, because unless more people point it out to him, he won't realize what's going on.
So you thought, but just like the Christians here you are wrong as I've already demonstrated here. Buddha takes many mythological characteristics from Horus.
Nisus said:
Least I don't fail at debate like u do man. You don't even respond to all of the things that tear your dim-witted dogmas down. And you don't even hold them up under critisism and scrutiny.

You establish yourself in hear-say, without fact.

You can't provide a link or reference to a book you say exists...

And I feel like I'm surrounded by RETARDS because I'm the only one that is pointing out there is no BOOK OF VIVIFYING THE SOUL FOREVER, available. And i'm the only one actually looking into your claims.

I tell you it's nowhere to be found for research, not on amazon or on Ebay, or google books. And you respond with--- your typical manurer. You're utterly pathetic and anyone that believes you is blind as well. Blind leading the blind, congratulations because you're all retarded. The way people accept your posts without looking into them is worse that people blindly believing in the bible, because at least the bible is a record.

Jesus being born in Bethlehem is still held in a firm, published, circulated and available text for research. Horus born in Annu is--- established and founded on modern deceit.

And you other people that are reading this thread, that disagree with Trilairian, but aren't looking into his claims; Look up the book, you won't find it. And put him on the spot for being a fraud, because unless more people point it out to him, he won't realize what's going on.
Yelling and screeming your false assumptions does not constitute a valid arguement. Why are you so scared of learning the truth? Do you have no faith?
Trilairian said:
Yelling and screeming your false assumptions does not constitute a valid arguement. Why are you so scared of learning the truth? Do you have no faith?

False assumptions? Do you even listen to yourself? If you did, I think you would be incapable of seeing how marvelously stupid you sound right now.

I'm struck in awe and amazement, you are in fact a monument of your own shame.

I'm just waiting for other people to respond, and do some research, so you will see I'm not the only one pointing out the obvious.
Nisus said:
False assumptions? Do you even listen to yourself? If you did, I think you would be incapable of seeing how marvelously stupid you sound right now.

I'm struck in awe and amazement, you are in fact a monument of your own shame.

I'm just waiting for other people to respond, and do some research, so you will see I'm not the only one pointing out the obvious.
You still have no valid argument. After all this time you still haven't done any research. I do the research. I present the results to you. You claim I'm lieing without even looking it up. Saying the book doesn't exist really doesn't even make sence. Do you really want to make the crackpot claim that the book of the dead doesn't exist, or just that section, the book of vivifying the soul forever? Do you even have any idea what you are claiming?
Nisus said:
Well I'm a scholar! And I say he lived!
M*W: You're no scholar. Your posts are clearly evident of that. You're also very childish and you don't belong on a science forum.
Trilairian said:
You still have no valid argument.
You have no valid claims. Most importanly no valid source.

Trilairian said:
After all this time you still haven't done any research.
There is a link to the Book of the Dead, you've never read a thing from the Book of Vivifying the Soul---EVER, lol.

info on horus

oh this blows you out of the water. Hitler-Horus

I've done more research than everyone combined--while you've managed to keep talking out your :confused:

Trilairian said:
I do the research.

No you don't obviously because you can't provide any information on where one can find these Books you claim have all this info on horus. You did however manage to link us and spam us with all the contents of this page;
Which also has no sources for their information.

So that's not any of your own research, that's you copy/pasting the info.

Trilairian said:
I present the results to you.
You Copy/paste = Lazy
Facts/history = Results

You presented another website's views. Results of what?

Trilairian said:
You claim I'm lieing without even looking it up.

Did you overlook this post of mine??
Nisus said:
Book of Vivifying the Soul Forever can't be found anywhere not even amazon.com, or ebay.

I googled it. I went to Ebay, I went to Amazon, I went to Wikipedia, I went and searched the Book of the Dead.

Trilairian said:
Saying the book doesn't exist really doesn't even make sence.
It's the results of my research. Maybe if you had actually done some research yourself and not copy/paste someone elses, you would find yourself in the same boat, unable to locate information on The book of Vivifying the Dead Forever.

Trilairian said:
Do you really want to make the crackpot claim that the book of the dead doesn't exist, or just that section, the book of vivifying the soul forever?
Wrong. I never said the Book of the Dead doesn't exist. To refresh your memory these are the words I said..

Nisus said:
Book of Vivifying the Soul Forever---
Ok so first of all, it's nowhere to be found and it is only spoken of.
(Everyone go look for it, first to find it and reference it gets a cookie)

Nisus said:
Interesting that the bible is so easlily and readily at hand for reference but your sources are ..................nowhere to be found.

Nisus said:
Book of Vivifying the Soul Forever can't be found anywhere not even amazon.com, or ebay.

Nisus said:
You can't provide a link or reference to a book you say exists...

Nisus said:
And I feel like I'm surrounded by RETARDS because I'm the only one that is pointing out there is no BOOK OF VIVIFYING THE SOUL FOREVER, available. And i'm the only one actually looking into your claims.

Nisus said:
I tell you it's nowhere to be found for research, not on amazon or on Ebay, or google books. And you respond with--- your typical manurer. You're utterly pathetic and anyone that believes you is blind as well. Blind leading the blind, congratulations because you're all retarded. The way people accept your posts without looking into them is worse that people blindly believing in the bible, because at least the bible is a record.

Trilairian said:
Do you even have any idea what you are claiming?
yea, you're dumb. And your posting privileges should be revoked.

You should question what you're "claiming".
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: You're no scholar. Your posts are clearly evident of that. You're also very childish and you don't belong on a science forum.

Step in line MW, you'll get your turn. I've resorted to cannibalism and I'm eating Tril alive :D

Read into his "sources" btw. You will realize he is the one without facts and doesn't belong in the Science forum..

Plus ... :confused: -- you havn't even done any research or provided any information so get off bandwagin pls.
Trilairian said:
I'm not making stuff up and these aren't lies. You are doing mental gymnastics again. The anchient text is
Book of Vivifying the Soul Forever
written 3000 BC
wherein Horus is born in Annu. Google search it, and next time look it up yourself.

Here is the best info I have encountered so far on the purported Book...

The text of the 130th chapter of the "Book of the Dead" is said to have been discovered or re-discovered, in the reign of Housapti, the fifth king of the first dynasty, who lived more than 6000 years ago. At that time certain portions of the sacred books were found as antiquities, of which the very tradition had been lost. And this is the chapter of "Vivifying the soul for ever." The Egyptians were accustomed to set up two different images with the dead body in the tomb. One of these is the Shebti, or duplicative figure. This was one of their types of transformation; it represented the duplication of the mummy for another life, called that of the Second Breath. The other image was named the Ka, or second self.

Notice the text:

"is said to have been discovered or re-discovered"

Note also

"discovered or re-discovered, in the reign of Housapti, the fifth king of the first dynasty, who lived more than 6000 years ago."

The book you say is from 3rd Millenium BC. Above info contradicts you...

As the 130th Chapter of the Book of the Dead...Book of Vivifying the Soul Forever---I've not found a readable or published text. Anyone ??

So the Bible has Different "Books"

Like the Book of Matthew. Where it says

Matt. 2: 1

"NOW when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,"


There are a few sites where you can look it up for yourself.


"Date of Gospel
There is little in the gospel itself to indicate the date of its composition. Some conservative scholars argue that it was written before the destruction of Jerusalem (Matthew 24), probably between the years A.D. 60 and 65, but others would date it in the 70s, even as late as A.D. 85.

In regards to most recent scholarship John Wenham is considered to be one of the more notable defenders of an early date for the gospel of Matthew. In addition, Carsten Peter Thiede in Eyewitness to Jesus, argued for the redating the Magdalen papyrus and the Gospel of Matthew to before A.D. 70. His writings have been hotly contested."

Still waiting for your Text of where this idea was stolen from Horus.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: You are wrong. Scholars believe Josephus was a forgery. You're the one who needs to at least read the latest biblical research. There are a significant number of christian scholars out there today who doubt the authenticity of Jesus's virgin birth, his death on the cross, his resurrection and the trinity. There are certainly many more non-christian biblical scholars and archeologists who deny his existence.

Peter, Paul and John the Baptist, Abraham and Moses, are considered by many biblical scholars to be figurative personages. Please visit your local library or bookstore before you make anymore assinine comments.

You are right about that, except modern Theologians still believe that Jesus existed.

Source - http://www.religioustolerance.org/chr_jcno.htm
"Present-day theologians: The assertion that Jesus is not a historical figure or that he did not live in the early 1st century CE is held by a small number of academics."

The Josephus reference may well be a forgery, but there is still enough evidence that suggests that Jesus existed. The reason that not every historian at the time recorded him is because he was not very famous or well known at the time, not a king or anything, but just a leader of a small group.

The Enyclopedia of Brittanica states:
"These independent accounts prove that in ancient times even the opponents of Christianity never doubted the historicity of Jesus, which was disputed for the first time and on inadequate grounds by several authors at the end of the 18th, during the 19th, and at the beginning of the 20th centuries"

Also, other texts like early Jewish scriptures mention Jesus.

Professor Robert Van Voorst asks why, “if Christians invented the historical Jesus around the year 100, no pagans and Jews who opposed Christianity denied Jesus’ historicity or even questioned it.” (The Study of Jesus Outside the New Testament, page 15).

Still the fact remains, the majority of all scholars today believe that Jesus factually existed

The majority of all scholars seem to agree that Jesus was an actual man from which Christianity originates from.
Nisus said:
Step in line MW, you'll get your turn. I've resorted to cannibalism and I'm eating Tril alive :D

Read into his "sources" btw. You will realize he is the one without facts and doesn't belong in the Science forum..

Plus ... :confused: -- you havn't even done any research or provided any information so get off bandwagin pls.
M*W: I've been around sciforums for four years, and I have done a lot of research on the subjects discussed herein. Since you're relative newbie here, you wouldn't know the research I've done, but it disagrees with everything you post.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I've been around sciforums for four years, and I have done a lot of research on the subjects discussed herein. Since you're relative newbie here, you wouldn't know the research I've done, but it disagrees with everything you post.


That's great. You want to be argumentive, but you don't want to be wrong. Help Trilairian out atleast buy citing his info about Horus being born in the House of Bread...

I've not posted anything but simple facts. I havn't EVEN asked you to believe in Jesus. Just facts MW.
This is pretty funny, people so biased against Christianity resort to distorting their logic by concluding that Jesus hadn't even existed.

Imagine if a Conservative Christian group had concluded that Darwin had never existed and was simply made up by proponents of Christianity. Doesn't that sound laughable? It's the same biased mentality.

Here's the FACT, Jews and other proponents against Christianity never questioned that Jesus existed. Now if Jesus was really a myth, created by the Church, would not these proponents against Christianity at the time of the creation of the Jesus myth say even once that Jesus never existed? Remember, these are people against Christianity at the time, why did they not even once question that Jesus existed? Use your natural logic, it doesn't make sense.

Hey guys, maybe the Holocaust is also a myth, and never happened too :rolleyes: