Horus--Jesus--Buddha, same origin??

Do you think Buddha, and Jesus were inspired from Egyptian Mythology?

  • I believe so, yes.

    Votes: 9 23.7%
  • No, there is enough evidence, that these figures existed independantly.

    Votes: 29 76.3%

  • Total voters
Nisus said:
The only thing you continue to prove is how blind your mind is....
No, I proved you wrong. You are the one using your delusional heart rather than your analytical mind. Accept the fact and move on.
VitalOne said:
There is no point to me arguing anymore.
That's right, you were proven wrong so don't.
Your argument has become if you cannot find a poll, that makes you 100% wrong. Oh yeah, according to you, information in Encyclopedias are purely opinions.
Who said you could miss quote me?
You and Medicine Woman have lost the argument completely, there's no point in me replying to this topic anymore.
No, you lost the argument completely so there is no point in you replying to this topic anymore.
Medicine Woman clearly states that Jesus never existed but has nothing to say about my quoted sources.
You don't have any. There are no records of anyone contemporary to Jesus saying that they even heard of him. If you have any such source I would like to see it. As yet you have given none and in all the research I have done I have found none. The closest thing you have is the new testament written way after the alleged events by who knows who.
She just states things without any evidence to back it up. When a theist does that everyone jumps on their case.
The evidence is there, you just refuse to look at it.
You say you have a weight load of evidence, but I clearly debunked your source and pointed out the biased in it.
Sources, and you haven't debunked a single one of them. They debunked your religion.
It's no wonder that wikipedia says
"However, there is much more to both deities than this, and so such basic comparisons are not terribly persuasive to most academics" - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horus#Horus_and_Jesus
Where is the poll? Without one that most statement is nothing more than the authors opinion. Wiki like the bible is not the word of God.
No one takes your BS seriously.
Don't lie you yourself. You even yourself take my valid argument which isn't BS very seriously otherwise we wouldn't still be arguing about this.
But ofcourse, if I have Encyclopedias that say that, the Encyclopedias are just opinions.
Sarcasm is not a valid argument. Don't twist what I said.
Well I'm done with this debate, you've plainly lost. The fact is that the majority of scholars who may well believe that myth is tied to Jesus still uphold that Jesus was some type of historical figure who really existed.
No, you lost and you still have provided no poll to validate that ridiculous statement. And I don't believe you are honest when you say you are done.
VitalOne said:
Well I'm done with this debate, you've plainly lost. The fact is that the majority of scholars who may well believe that myth is tied to Jesus still uphold that Jesus was some type of historical figure who really existed.

Thank you that is all I wanted to hear at the conclusion of this thread/poll. I could have said this myself, matter of fact I did in many ways...

But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.
(Matt. 18: 16)

Then they said they had sources ...

But found none: yea, though many false witnesses came, yet found they none. At the last came two false witnesses
(Matt. 26: 60)

My work here is also done.
Nisus said:
Thank you that is all I wanted to hear at the conclusion of this thread/poll. I could have said this myself, matter of fact I did in many ways...

But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.
(Matt. 18: 16)

Then they said they had sources ...

But found none: yea, though many false witnesses came, yet found they none. At the last came two false witnesses
(Matt. 26: 60)

My work here is also done.
You were two false witnesses defying the truth presented to you from valid sources, yes I know.
Yes my boy - the valid source is of course the good book (written by Ahmed Osman) -
it proofs anything anybody want to proof - it does not matter if it is true or not - just accept the proof..........
Trilairian said:
You should be banned for posting as someone else Nisus.

You should be banned for not taking your meds... what r u talking about?
I'm talking about you reporting me dewd... but nm i see that you realized you were mistaken.

u don't know what my religion is rarrrr
Nisus said:
I'm talking about you reporting me dewd... but nm i see that you realized you were mistaken.

u don't know what my religion is rarrrr
I wasn't mistaken and I do know what your religion is.
Nisus said:
Tell me what you think. Were Jesus and Buddha both inspired from egyptian mythology?
the question would work better as:

Was Egyptian mythology, Buddha and Jesus insired by the 5000 year old Krishna/Hindu theology/philosophy?

or even better question: what difference can there be between Krishna, Buddha and Christ if they all believed/were the same thing: universal LOVE?
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Trilairian said:
I wasn't mistaken and I do know what your religion is.

Like I said, go on believing what you want, it wouldn't be the first time you believe something wrong, and it's something you have grown acustomed to doing.
genep said:
the question would work better as:

Was Egyptian mythology, Buddha and Jesus insired by the 5000 year old Krishna/Hindu theology/philosophy?

or even better question: what difference can there be between Krishna, Buddha and Christ if they all believed/were the same thing: universal LOVE?
No Harry was derived from Horus who predates 5000 years ago.
Would you quit talking about horus? You're starting to bore us. Lets just get to worshiping the old stegosaurus.

He's ancient, like millions of years old, older than everything you've ever been told. Does that make you angry, cause your argument can't hold?

We'll just keep having to tell you, and put it in bold.

You're wrong.

You've been wrong all along. And you can't get over it, so you're, posting on and on.

Then when you get torn asunder, you reply with the same old spit. And I'm obliged to inform you, you never had an argument.

That's right cause if you did, you'd stick to it, and quit actin like a hypocrit.
Nisus said:
Would you quit talking about horus? You're starting to bore us. Lets just get to worshiping the old stegosaurus.

He's ancient, like millions of years old, older than everything you've ever been told. Does that make you angry, cause your argument can't hold?

We'll just keep having to tell you, and put it in bold.

You're wrong.

You've been wrong all along. And you can't get over it, so you're, posting on and on.

Then when you get torn asunder, you reply with the same old spit. And I'm obliged to inform you, you never had an argument.

That's right cause if you did, you'd stick to it, and quit actin like a hypocrit.
M*W: Please stop your inane rhyming. You don't know what you are talking about. Tri is more knowledgeable than you. You suck, and you're a fool. Shut the fuck up!
The Jesus Buddha question

Jesus story: Yes. Buddha story: I was looking for historical references when I chanced upon your forum. If the facts were available concerning the lives of Jesus or Buddha there would be no forum debate. The fact is these are all opinions based on historical documents, that may or may not be true, and emotional attachments. It is necessary to remember that histories scribes had emotional motivations too. Just because something has been written doesn't make it factual. The numerous, repeated, astrological based story of Horus and Jesus, and all the others, leads me to think they are all from the same mythological origin. Buddha, on the other hand, in writings, is no different from and other guy who found out something about how life works. I kind of wanted to know what was written about him and by whom so I could think about it.
I don't know anything for a fact where the past is concerned. I am getting more comfortable with this as I go along. I guess I really don't believe anyone can give me a true factual rendition of any event. I can't get a factual story about what happened yesterday: I can get a lot of peoples take on it. People will lie, argue and even kill one another to defend an emotional position. The need to be right the hindrance to sane thinking. I listen a lot and practice meditation and hopefully will become something that is best for everything. It may become necessary, if we are to survive as a species, to let go of emotional based opinions. At the moment we have stories: Jesus stories, Buddha stories, God stories. No matter how much we want something to be real we simply don't know. This is why people argue and debate on and on. It will go away, things will change, debate will become tiresome and pointless: then we will do something else.