Horus--Jesus--Buddha, same origin??

Do you think Buddha, and Jesus were inspired from Egyptian Mythology?

  • I believe so, yes.

    Votes: 9 23.7%
  • No, there is enough evidence, that these figures existed independantly.

    Votes: 29 76.3%

  • Total voters
Obviously any historian will tell you that they existed independantly, and actually existed.

About the similarities, there are similarities between many historical figures...does that mean they did not exist independantly?
VitalOne said:
Obviously any historian will tell you that they existed independantly, and actually existed.
You wish.
About the similarities, there are similarities between many historical figures...does that mean they did not exist independantly?
To this level of correspondence. Yes.
Here is a list of things stolen by Jesus writers from Egyptian leagend:
The Mysteries
The miracles

The Sem, or mythical representations
The parables

The Ritual as the book of resurrection
The Book of Revelation

The sayings of Iu or Iu-em-hetep
The Sayings of Jesus

Huhi the father in heaven as the eternal, a title of Atum-Ra Ihuh,
the father in heaven as the eternal.
Ra, the holy spirit God
the Holy Ghost.

Ra the father of Iu the Su, or son of God, with the hawk or dove as the bird of the holy spirit
God, the Father of Jesus, with the dove as the bird of the Holy Spirit.

Iu or Horus, the manifesting son of God
Jesus the manifesting Son of God.

The trinity of Osiris the father, Horus (or Iu) the son, and Isis
The Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Iu-Su or Iusa, the coming son of Iusāas, who was great with Iusa or Iusu

The ever-coming Messu or Child as Egyptian
The Hebrew Messianic Child.

Horus (or Heru), the Lord by name,
as a child Child-Jesus as the Lord by name (Gospels of the Infancy).

Meh-Isis, the virgin mother of Iu, her Su or son
Mary the virgin mother of Jesus.

The first Horus as Child of the Virgin, the second as son of Ra, the father
Jesus the Virgin’s child, the Christ as son of the father

The first Horus as the founder, the second as fulfiller for the father
Jesus as the founder, and the Christ as fulfiller for the father.

The two mothers of Child-Horus, Isis and Nephthys, who were two sisters
The two mothers of Child-Jesus, who were sisters.

Meri or Nut, the mother-heaven
Mary as Regina Coeli.

The outcast great mother with her seven sons
Mary Magdalene, with her seven devils.

Isis taken by Horus in adultery with Sut
The woman taken in adultery.

Apt, the crib or manger, by name as the birthplace and mother in one
The manger as cradle of the Child-Christ.

Seb, the earth-father, as consort to the virgin Meh
Joseph, the father on earth, as putative husband to the Virgin Mary.

Seb, the foster-father to Child-Horus
Joseph, as foster-father to the Child-Jesus.

Seb, Isis and Horus, the Kamite holy trinity
Joseph, Mary and Jesus, a Christian holy trinity.

Seb, the builder of the house, the carpenter
Joseph, the carpenter.

Seb, the custodian of the mummied dead
Joseph of Arimathea, the keeper of the Corpus Christi.
Sut and Horus, the twin opponents
Satan and Jesus, the twin opponents.

Horus, the sower, and Sut, the destroyer, in the harvest-field J
esus, the sower of the good seed, and Satan, the sower of tares.

Sut and Horus contending in the desert
Satan and Jesus contending in the wilderness.

Sut and Horus contending on the Ben-Ben or Pyramidion
Satan and Jesus contending on the pinnacle.

Horus carried off by Sut to the summit of Mount Hetep
Jesus spirited away by Satan into an exceeding high mountain.

Sut and Horus contending on the mount
Satan and Jesus contending on the mount.

Sut undoing the good that Horus does
Satan sowing tares by night.

S’men, for Khemen, a title of Taht Simeon.

S’men, who held Child-Horus in his arms as the young solar god
Simeon, who took the Child-Jesus in his arms.

Anna or Annit (a title of Hathor), with Taht-S’men
Anna, the prophetess, with Simeon.

The Petar or Petra by name in Egyptian as Revealer to Horus
Peter, the revealer to the Christ.

The house of Annu Bethany.

The group in the house at Annu
The group in the house at Bethany.

Horus in Annu
Jesus in Bethany.

Asar or Osiris

The two sisters Mertae
The two sisters Mary and Martha.

Osiris, whom Horus loved
Lazarus, whom Jesus loved.

Osiris perfumed for his burial
Jesus anointed, when the odour fills the house.

Osiris prays that he may be buried speedily
Jesus begs that his death may be effected quickly.

Osiris prepared for burial under the hair of Hathor-Meri
Jesus prepared for his burial beneath the hair of Mary

Osiris, who slept in the tomb at Annu
Lazarus, who slept in the tomb at Bethany.

Osiris raised from the tomb by Horus in Annu
Lazarus raised from the tomb at Bethany.

The mummy Osiris bidden to come forth by Horus
The mummy Lazarus bidden to come forth by Jesus

The Great One who does the work of washing
Jesus washing the feet of his disciples.

The star, as announcer for the Child-Horus
The Star in the East that indicated the birthplace of Jesus.

The seven Hathors (or cows) who minister to Horus
The seven women who minister to Jesus.

Anup, the Precursor of Horus
John, the forerunner of Jesus the Christ.

Anup, the Baptizer
John the Baptist.

Aan, the saluter of Horus
John, the saluter of the Christ.

Aan, a name of the divine scribe
John, the divine scribe.

Hermes, the scribe
Hermas, the scribe.

Mati, the registrar
Matthew, the clerk.

Taht, Shu, and black Sut
The three kings, or Magi.

Nut at the pool of the Persea, or sycamore-tree, as giver of divine drink
The woman at the well as giver of the water.

Horus born in Annu, the place of bread
Jesus born in Bethlehem, the house of bread.

The vesture put on Horus by the Goddess Tait
The swaddling clothes put on the infant Jesus.

Offerings made to the child by the worshippers in Annu
Offerings and worship of the Magi.

Child-Horus with the head of Ra
Child-Jesus with the solar glory round his head.

The Bull of Amenta in the place of birth
The ox in the birthplace of the Child.

The ass, Iu, in the birthplace
The ass in the birthplace (catacombs).

The lions of the horizon attending upon Horus
The lions attending the Child-Christ (pseudo- Matthew).

Child-Horus emerging from the Papyrus-reed
The Child-Jesus in the catacombs issuing from the Papyrus.

Horus, the ancient child
The little old Jesus in the catacombs.

Horus, the gracious child
Jesus, the child full of grace.

Horus, one of five brethren
Jesus, one of five brothers.

Horus, the brother of Sut the betrayer
Jesus, the brother of Judas the betrayer.

Amsta, the one brother of Horus in the human form
James, the human brother of Jesus.

The two sisters of Horus
The sisters of Jesus.

Horus the lad in the country and youth in town
Jesus as the child in the country and youth in town.

Horus baptized with water by Anup
Jesus baptized with water by John.

Horus in the tank of flame
Jesus the baptizer with fire.

Horus in his baptism becoming the beloved Son of God the Father
Jesus becoming the Son of God the Father in his baptism.

Horus the husbandman with the fan in his hand
Christ coming with the fan in his hand.

Horus the Good Shepherd, with the crook upon his shoulder
Jesus the Good Shepherd, with the lamb or kid upon his shoulder.

Horus with the four followers in the Mount
Jesus with the four disciples in the Mount.

Horus with the seven great spirits in the Mount
Jesus with the seven spirits in the Mount (Rev.).

Herrut the Apap-reptile, slayer of the younglings in the egg
Herod, the murderer of the innocents.

Isis commanded to take her child down into Egypt for safety
Mary warned to take her Child down into Egypt for safety.

Horus as the typical fish
Jesus as Ichthus the fish.

Horus as the fisher
Jesus as the fisher.

The four fishers with Horus as founders of the kingdom
The four fishers with Jesus as founders of the kingdom.

Sebek, the father of the fishers
Zebedee, the father of the fishers.

Two fisher-brethren, Kabhsenuf and Hapi
Two fisher-brethren, Simon and Andrew.

Two other fisher-brethren, Amsta and Tuamutef
Two other fisher-brethren, James and John.

The seven on board the bark with Horus
The seven fishers on board the bark with Jesus.

The wonderful net of the fishers
The miraculous draught of fishes in the net.

Horus as the lamb
Jesus as the lamb.

Horus as the lion
Jesus as a lion.

Horus (Iu) as the black child
Jesus as the little black bambino.

Horus as Ahi, the striker with the flabellum
Jesus wielding the scourge of cords as the striker.

Horus identified with the Tat or Cross
Jesus identified with the Cross.

The blind Horus, in two characters, as the God and Manes
The two blind men of the Gospels.

Horus of twelve years
Jesus of twelve years.

Horus made a man of thirty years in his baptism
Jesus, the man of thirty years in his baptism.

Horus (Iu), the son of a beetle
Jesus, the good Scarabaeus.

Horus (or Ra) as the great cat
Jesus as the cat.

Horus as the shrewmouse
The mouse of Jesus dedicated to “Our Lady.”

Horus, the healer in the mountain
Jesus, the healer in the mountain.

Horus as Iusa, the exorcizer of evil spirits as the Word
Jesus, the caster out of demons with a word.

Osiris as the vine-plant, Aarru
Jesus as the vine.

Horus, the bringer of the fish and the grapes in Egypt
Jesus as bringer of the fish and the grapes (catacombs).

Horus, the child standing on two crocodiles which adore him
The Christ-Child adored by dragons=crocodiles.

Horus, the child of a widow
The Child-Christ who lodges with a widow in Egypt.

Horus, the child of the widow in Sutenkhen
The Child-Christ with the widow in Sotenin (pseudo-Matthew).

The golden Horus
The corn-complexioned Jesus.

Horus full of wine
Jesus the wine-bibber.

Horus, who gives the water of life
Jesus as giver of the water of life.

Horus in the lentils and the grain
Jesus the bread of life.

Horus as Unbu in the bush of thorn
Jesus in the crown of thorn.

Horus the just and true
Jesus the faithful and true.

Horus-Mat-Kheru, the Word made truth at the second coming
Jesus the spirit of truth at the Second Advent.

The human Horus glorified in becoming a (Khu) spirit
The spirit not given until Jesus is glorified.

The world made through Horus
The world made through Jesus.

Horus the bridegroom with the bride in Sothis
Jesus the bridegroom with the bride.

Horus of both sexes
Jesus as the bearded Sophia; Charis, the female Christ.

Horus who exalteth his father in every sacred place
Jesus who exalteth his father in every place.

Horus as Remi the weeper
Jesus as the weeper.

Dumb Horus, or the silent Sekari
Jesus silent before his accusers.

Horus behaving badly to Isis
Jesus speaking brutally to his mother.

Horus the gladsome
Jesus the jocund.

Horus as prince of the divine powers
Jesus the prince.

Horus the uplifted serpent
Jesus uplifted as the serpent.

Horus as the Bennu
Jesus as the phoenix.

Horus who giveth light by means of his own body
Jesus the light of the world.

Horus the hider of himself as Har-Sheta
Jesus the concealer of himself.

Horus the word-made-flesh
Jesus the word-made-flesh.

Horus the word-made-truth
Jesus the doer of the word.

Horus in the bosom of Ra
Jesus in the bosom of the Father.

Horus the Krst
Jesus the Christ.

Horus the avenger
Jesus who brings the sword.

Iu-em-hetep who comes with peace
Jesus the bringer of peace.

Horus called the illegitimate child
Jesus called the Mamzer.

Horus the afflicted one
Jesus the afflicted one.

Horus the unique one
Jesus the unique one.

Horus the lord of resurrections from the house of death
Jesus the resurrection and the life.

Horus as the type of life eternal
Jesus the type of eternal life.

Iu (em-hetep) the child-teacher in the temple
The Child-Jesus as teacher in the Temple.

Child-Horus as sower of the seed
Child-Jesus as sower of the seed.

Har-Khuti, lord of the harvest
Jesus, lord of the harvest.

Horus the founder
Jesus the founder.

Horus the fulfiller
Jesus the fulfiller.

Horus as master of the words of power
Jesus whose word was with power.

Horus Ma-kheru
Jesus, “the witness unto the truth.”

Horus as the lily
Jesus typified by the lily.

Horus the link
Jesus the bond of union.

Horus who came to fulfil the law
Jesus who comes to fulfil the law.

Horus as bearer of the Ankh-symbol of life and the Un-sceptre of resurrection
Jesus as the resurrection and the life personified.

Horus (or Khunsu) the chaser of boastfulness
Jesus the humbler of the proud.

Horus of the Second Advent
The coming Christ.

Horus the hidden force
Jesus the concealed.

Horus as Kam-Ura, the overflower, and extender of the water illimitably
Jesus, giver of the water of life without limit.

Horus, who came by the water, the blood and the spirit
Jesus, who came by the water, the blood and the spirit.

Horus the opener as Unen
Jesus the opener with the keys.

Horus of the two horizons
Jesus of the two lands.

Horus as teacher of the living generation
Jesus as teacher on the earth.

Horus as teacher of the spirits in Amenta
Jesus as preacher to the spirits in prison.

Horus as teacher on the Atit-bark, with the seven glorious ones on board
Jesus the teacher on the boat, also with the seven fishers on board.

Horus uttering the words of Ra in the solar bark
Jesus uttering the parables on board the boat.

Horus walking the water
Jesus walking the water.

The blind mummy made to see by Horus
The blind man given sight by Jesus.

Horus and the Hamemmet or younglings of Shu
Jesus and the little ones.

The children of Horus
The children of Jesus.

Horus the raiser of the dead
Jesus the raiser of the dead.

Horus the raiser up of Asar
Jesus the raiser up of Lazarus.

Horus, who imparts the power of the resurrection to his children
Jesus who confers the same power on his followers.

Horus entering the mount at sunset to hold converse with his father
Jesus entering the mount at sunset to hold converse with his father.

Horus one with the father
Jesus one with his father.

Horus transfigured on the mount
Jesus transfigured on the mount.

Amsu-Horus in his resurrection as a Sahu- mummy
Jesus rising again corporeally or incorporated.

The blood of Isis The issue of blood suffered by the woman.
The field manured with blood in Tattu Aceldama.

The mummy-bandage that was woven without seam
The vesture of the Christ without a seam.

Seven souls of Ra the Holy Spirit
Seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Seven hawks of Ra the Holy Spirit
Seven doves of the Holy Spirit.

Seven loaves of Horus for feeding the multitude reposing in the green fields of Annu
Seven loaves of Jesus for feeding the multitude reclining on the grass.

Twelve followers of Har-Khuti
Twelve followers of Jesus, as the twelve disciples.
Horus with the twelve in the field of divine harvest
Jesus with the twelve in the harvest-field.

The twelve who reap for Horus
The twelve who reap for Jesus.

Horus as the intercessor
Jesus as the paraclete.

Horus as the great judge
Jesus as the great judge.

The judgment of the righteous, who are the sheep of Horus, the good shepherd
Judgment of the righteous, who are the sheep of Jesus the Good Shepherd.

The judgment of the guilty, who are the goats of Sut
Judgment of the wicked, who are the goats of Satan.

Horus parting off the evil dead
Jesus parting off the accursed.

The condemned spirits entering the swine
The evil spirits entering the swine.

The glorious ones that wait on Horus
The angels that minister unto Jesus.

Horus ascending to heaven from Bakhu, the Mount of the olive tree
Jesus ascending to heaven from Mount Olivet.

The revelation of Horus, given by Ra, his father, to make known the mysteries of divine things to his followers
The revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave him to show unto his servants.

The revelation written down by Aan (Tehuti), the scribe of divine words
The Revelation written by John the divine.

The saluter Aani, who bears witness to the word of Ra and to the testimony of Horus
John, who bears witness to the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.

The secret of the Mysteries revealed by Taht-Aan
The secret of the Mysteries made known by John.

The books in Annu
The book of doom and the book of life in Patmos.

The books and their bringer
The book and its opener.

Seven dungeon-seals
The book with seven seals.

The great mother Apt, the pregnant water-cow
The woman sitting on the waters.

The crocodile as great mother
The dragon as great mother.

The great mother as Hathor, the abode
The woman that was the great city personalized.

The great or enceinte mother in her lunar character
The woman arrayed with the sun about to bring forth the child

Isis, who brought forth Horus in the marshes
The woman who brought forth in the wilderness.

Isis pursued by the great crocodile
The woman persecuted by the dragon.

Isis, hawk-winged
The woman with eagle’s wings.

The bride as Hathor-Isis, with the calf or lamb upon the mount of glory
The bride as the lamb’s wife upon the mount.

Atum-Huhi, the closer and the opener of Amenta
Ihuh, who carries the keys of death and Hades as closer and opener.

Atum-Ra, the holy spirit
The spirit.

Hathor-Iusāas the bride, with Horus the lamb (or earlier calf) upon the mount
The bride with the lamb upon the mount.

Anup and Aan, the two witnesses for Horus
The two Johns as witnesses for Jesus.

The seven Khuti or glorious ones
The seven spirits of God.

Horus, with the seven Khabsu stars, or gods of the lamp
Jesus in the midst of the seven golden lamp- stands.

Sebek-Horus the lamb on the mount
Jesus the lamb on the mount.

Horus the morning star
Jesus the morning star.
Horus, who gives the morning star to his followers
Jesus, who gives the morning star to his followers.

The Har-Seshu, or servants of Horus
The servants of Jesus Christ.

The seven spirits of fire around the throne of Ra
The seven spirits of fire before the throne.

The fathers, or the ancient ones
The four-and-twenty elders.

The four corner-keepers
The four living creatures at the four corners.

The solar god of golden form
The form with feet like unto burnished brass, and countenance as of the sun.

Iu the son of man (or Atum)
Jesus the son of man.

Horus as the first-born from the dead
Jesus the Christ as first-born of those that slept.

Horus in the house of a thousand years
The Millennial reign of Jesus.

Sebek the solar dragon
The scarlet-coloured beast with seven heads.

Seven souls or powers of Ra
Seven heads of the solar dragon.

The eighth to the seven
The eighth to the seven.

Ten Tata-gods or powers
The ten horns or kings.

The war in heaven
The war in heaven.

Har-Tema as the avenger, the red god who orders the block of execution
The word of God, faithful and true, with raiment dipped in blood.

Michael the Archangel.
Sut the accuser
Satan the accuser.

Sut and Horus
Christ and the Anti-Christ.

The celestial Heptanomis
The seven mountains of earth or islands in the sea.

The seven children of the old earth-mother
The seven kings of the earth.

Horus at the head of the seven
Jesus at the head of the seven.

The last judgment
The last judgment.

The mount of glory
The throne set in heaven on the mount.

The mount as judgment-seat
The mount as throne of the Great Judge.

The lion-faced throne of steel
The great white throne.

The great judge seated on his throne
The Great Judge on the judgment-seat.

The god in lion form
The god who is the lion of the Tribe of Judah.

The god in the solar disc
The god with the sun-like countenance.

The god whose dazzling mouth sends forth breezes of flame
The god from whose mouth proceeded the two-edged sword.

Osiris-Tat, the sufferer in the Lower Egypt of Amenta
The Lord who was crucified in Egypt.

The Apap-reptile, the serpent of evil
Abaddon, Apollyon, or Satan, that old serpent.

Apap, the power of evil in the Abyss
Abaddon or Apollyon, the angel of the Abyss.

The binding of Apap in chains and casting the beast into the Abyss
The binding of the dragon, that old serpent, and casting him into the Pit.

Apap and Sut bound in chains and cast into the Abyss
The Devil and Satan bound in a great chain and cast into the Pit.

The Ankh-key of life and the Un-symbol of the resurrection
The keys of death and Hades in the hands of the opener.

The first resurrection and the second death in Amenta
The first resurrection and the second death.

The Lake of Putrata where the lost souls fall headlong into everlasting night
The lake of the second death.

The beatified in their white garments of glory
The beatified spirits arrayed in white.

The name of Ra on the head of the deceased
The name of the Father written on the forehead.

The little column of white stone given as a talisman to the initiates
The white stone given to the initiated.

The mount of the double earth in Hetep
The mountain great and high.

The eternal city at the summit
The Holy City.

The water of life as lake or river
The river of the water of life.

The two divine sycamores over the water of life
The tree of life on either side of the water of life.

The water of life proceeding from the throne of Osiris.
The water of life proceeding from the throne of God.

The great lake in Hetep upon which the gods and glorified alight
The glassy sea on which the victors stand triumphant.

The great white lake of Sa
The sea of crystal.

The calf (later lamb) of Horus standing on the mount with Hathor bearing the bride
The lamb standing on Mount Zion with the bride.

The lunar goddess Hathor bearing the solar orb
The woman arrayed with the sun, and the moon at her feet.

The glorified in Hetep stoled and girdled and crowned
The angels girt about the breasts with golden girdles.

The emerald dawn around the mount or throne of Ra
The rainbow like an emerald round the throne.

The Ba enclosure of Aarru, in twelve measures
The walled enclosure of the New Jerusalem, in twelve measures.

Heaven according to the measure of a man
Heaven according to the measure of a man.

The paradise of the pole-star
The Holy City lighted by one luminary that is neither the sun nor the moon=the pole-star.

The ark of Osiris-Ra
The Ark of the New Covenant in heaven.
VitalOne said:
Obviously any historian will tell you that they existed independantly, and actually existed.

About the similarities, there are similarities between many historical figures...does that mean they did not exist independantly?
which historian(s) says Jesus 'actually' existed?
The beauty of truth is that it doesn't matter what anyone says, or thinks, it remains constant forever.

And SELF-existant
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I could find hundreds of similarities with my life and relate it to a billion other things on earth--- but I exist regardless of those things.

Keep counting Tril, the Wisdom of God confounds the wise...

John 21: 25

And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.


Praise the Lord of Hosts
Nisus said:
I could find hundreds of similarities with my life and relate it to a billion other things on earth--- but I exist regardless of those things.

Keep counting Tril, the Wisdom of God confounds the wise...

John 21: 25

And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.


Praise the Lord of Hosts
And you even still end your ranting invoking the god Amen. Well so much for a valid counter argument.
LOL, what's valid to you Tril? Is it that the poll says more people think you're full of crap?
Jesus was still born in Bethlehem.

Wait here is a similarity.

Jesus was Born...
I was born!!! OMG!!!
Does that mean I am like Horus?

You like pizza?
Nisus said:
Jesus was still born in Bethlehem.

Wait here is a similarity.

Jesus was Born...
I was born!!! OMG!!!
Does that mean I am like Horus?

You like pizza?
Horus born in Annu, the place of bread
Jesus born in Bethlehem, the house of bread.

The evidence is overwealming. Why are you to afraid to face the truth? Don't you have faith?
Matt. 2: 1

NOW when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,

Okay, there is a writing.

Now find some text more ancient then the book of Matthew, where it Says Horus was born in Annu.

Reference it. And quit making stuff up. Or copying other people made up lies.
Oh wait, that's just Anti-Christ Propaganda. There is no evidence...
Nisus said:
Matt. 2: 1

NOW when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,

Okay, there is a writing.

Now find some text more ancient then the book of Matthew, where it Says Horus was born in Annu.

Reference it. And quit making stuff up. Or copying other people made up lies.
I'm not making stuff up and these aren't lies. You are doing mental gymnastics again. The anchient text is
Book of Vivifying the Soul Forever
written 3000 BC
wherein Horus is born in Annu. Google search it, and next time look it up yourself.
Book of Vivifying the Soul Forever---
Ok so first of all, it's nowhere to be found and it is only spoken of.
(Everyone go look for it, first to find it and reference it gets a cookie)

Your failure to produce a source of where you got your assertions is also testimony of their fallacy. You can't produce any written publication or documentation where these words are spoken. Only Anti-Christ websites, which don't even contain reference or citing to the original source of the information.

Once again you can make alot of claims, you don't back them up, when asked for reference you tell me to look it up; Rather than provide the reference yourself.

So far I posted a reference where Jesus was born in Bethlehem, you have no source or citation of where it says Horus was born in Annu, or a "place of bread".

Rather than go line by line and disprove all of your lies. I will just rest my case in the evidence beforehand. You have no FOUNDATION at all for any of your speculations. No publications, no written ancient words.

The Bible > everything you say.

Interesting that the bible is so easlily and readily at hand for reference but your sources are ..................nowhere to be found. And you can't provide them but one must "search" for them in google. . LOL.... Even Wikipedia, and other online encyclopedia's and Dictionary's don't contain any of your fabrications.

I did find this however, which was pleasing to me, while searching for your purported book that you failed to source or cite it's location.

This is the best one...read this if you don't read any of the rest
10 Horus born in Annu, the place of bread
Hitler born in a town with a bakery


1 Horus is the father seen in the son
Hitler’s superior qualities reflected in many sons of Germany

2 Horus claimed to be the light of the world
Hitler claimed to enlighten Germany politically

5 Horus says “It is I who traverse the heavens… Eternity has been assigned to me without end
Hitler traversed the skies by aeroplane and offered to make Germany forever powerful

8 Horus baptized with water
Hitler baptized as an infant in water

9 Horus had a divine scribe
Hitler had scribes

10 Horus born in Annu, the place of bread
Hitler born in a town with a bakery

16 Horus of 12 years
Hitler at 12 years in highschool

17 Horus A man of 30 years
Hitler joined Nazi Party at 30

18-19 Horus the KRST and manifesting son of God.
Hitler seen as a saviour

20 Horus the Trinity
Hitler, Goebels and Himler

21 Horus Child of a virgin
Hitler’s mother a virgin prior to being mistress of H’s father

23-24 Horus taken by Set to the summit of Mount Hetep
Hitler’s retreat at Berchtesgarten

26 Horus the avenger
Hitler avenger of Versaille Treaty

27 Horus comes with peace
Hitler repeatedly promised peace

28 Horus the afflicted one
Hitler the afflicted one

32 Horus has 12 followers
Hitler had 12

33 Horus Revelation written down by divine scribe Aan
Hitler’s secretary wrote down his Will and Testament in 1945

34 Horus—Aani bears witness
Hitler—Goebels his propaganda minister

35 Horus—The secret mysteries revealed by That-Aan
Hitler—Albert Speer wrote a book “Inside the Third Reich”

36 Horus The morning star
Hitler comforted by astrology

39 Horus The paradise of the Pole star
Hitler had a model of how Berlin would be rebuilt

40 Servants of Horus
Servants of Hitler


So Tril, any references you want me to consider before I put the nail in your coffin? :confused:
Trilairian said:
You wish.

To this level of correspondence. Yes.
Here is a list of things stolen by Jesus writers from Egyptian leagend:
The Mysteries
The miracles

The Sem, or mythical representations
The parables

The Ritual as the book of resurrection
The Book of Revelation

The sayings of Iu or Iu-em-hetep
The Sayings of Jesus

Huhi the father in heaven as the eternal, a title of Atum-Ra Ihuh,
the father in heaven as the eternal.
Ra, the holy spirit God
the Holy Ghost.

Ra the father of Iu the Su, or son of God, with the hawk or dove as the bird of the holy spirit
God, the Father of Jesus, with the dove as the bird of the Holy Spirit.

Iu or Horus, the manifesting son of God
Jesus the manifesting Son of God.

The trinity of Osiris the father, Horus (or Iu) the son, and Isis
The Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Iu-Su or Iusa, the coming son of Iusāas, who was great with Iusa or Iusu

The ever-coming Messu or Child as Egyptian
The Hebrew Messianic Child.

Horus (or Heru), the Lord by name,
as a child Child-Jesus as the Lord by name (Gospels of the Infancy).

Meh-Isis, the virgin mother of Iu, her Su or son
Mary the virgin mother of Jesus.

The first Horus as Child of the Virgin, the second as son of Ra, the father
Jesus the Virgin’s child, the Christ as son of the father

The first Horus as the founder, the second as fulfiller for the father
Jesus as the founder, and the Christ as fulfiller for the father.

The two mothers of Child-Horus, Isis and Nephthys, who were two sisters
The two mothers of Child-Jesus, who were sisters.

Meri or Nut, the mother-heaven
Mary as Regina Coeli.

The outcast great mother with her seven sons
Mary Magdalene, with her seven devils.

Isis taken by Horus in adultery with Sut
The woman taken in adultery.

Apt, the crib or manger, by name as the birthplace and mother in one
The manger as cradle of the Child-Christ.

Seb, the earth-father, as consort to the virgin Meh
Joseph, the father on earth, as putative husband to the Virgin Mary.

Seb, the foster-father to Child-Horus
Joseph, as foster-father to the Child-Jesus.

Seb, Isis and Horus, the Kamite holy trinity
Joseph, Mary and Jesus, a Christian holy trinity.

Seb, the builder of the house, the carpenter
Joseph, the carpenter.

Seb, the custodian of the mummied dead
Joseph of Arimathea, the keeper of the Corpus Christi.
Sut and Horus, the twin opponents
Satan and Jesus, the twin opponents.

Horus, the sower, and Sut, the destroyer, in the harvest-field J
esus, the sower of the good seed, and Satan, the sower of tares.

Sut and Horus contending in the desert
Satan and Jesus contending in the wilderness.

Sut and Horus contending on the Ben-Ben or Pyramidion
Satan and Jesus contending on the pinnacle.

Horus carried off by Sut to the summit of Mount Hetep
Jesus spirited away by Satan into an exceeding high mountain.

Sut and Horus contending on the mount
Satan and Jesus contending on the mount.

Sut undoing the good that Horus does
Satan sowing tares by night.

S’men, for Khemen, a title of Taht Simeon.

S’men, who held Child-Horus in his arms as the young solar god
Simeon, who took the Child-Jesus in his arms.

Anna or Annit (a title of Hathor), with Taht-S’men
Anna, the prophetess, with Simeon.

The Petar or Petra by name in Egyptian as Revealer to Horus
Peter, the revealer to the Christ.

The house of Annu Bethany.

The group in the house at Annu
The group in the house at Bethany.

Horus in Annu
Jesus in Bethany.

Asar or Osiris

The two sisters Mertae
The two sisters Mary and Martha.

Osiris, whom Horus loved
Lazarus, whom Jesus loved.

Osiris perfumed for his burial
Jesus anointed, when the odour fills the house.

Osiris prays that he may be buried speedily
Jesus begs that his death may be effected quickly.

Osiris prepared for burial under the hair of Hathor-Meri
Jesus prepared for his burial beneath the hair of Mary

Osiris, who slept in the tomb at Annu
Lazarus, who slept in the tomb at Bethany.

Osiris raised from the tomb by Horus in Annu
Lazarus raised from the tomb at Bethany.

The mummy Osiris bidden to come forth by Horus
The mummy Lazarus bidden to come forth by Jesus

The Great One who does the work of washing
Jesus washing the feet of his disciples.

The star, as announcer for the Child-Horus
The Star in the East that indicated the birthplace of Jesus.

The seven Hathors (or cows) who minister to Horus
The seven women who minister to Jesus.

Anup, the Precursor of Horus
John, the forerunner of Jesus the Christ.

Anup, the Baptizer
John the Baptist.

Aan, the saluter of Horus
John, the saluter of the Christ.

Aan, a name of the divine scribe
John, the divine scribe.

Hermes, the scribe
Hermas, the scribe.

Mati, the registrar
Matthew, the clerk.

Taht, Shu, and black Sut
The three kings, or Magi.

Nut at the pool of the Persea, or sycamore-tree, as giver of divine drink
The woman at the well as giver of the water.

Horus born in Annu, the place of bread
Jesus born in Bethlehem, the house of bread.

The vesture put on Horus by the Goddess Tait
The swaddling clothes put on the infant Jesus.

Offerings made to the child by the worshippers in Annu
Offerings and worship of the Magi.

Child-Horus with the head of Ra
Child-Jesus with the solar glory round his head.

The Bull of Amenta in the place of birth
The ox in the birthplace of the Child.

The ass, Iu, in the birthplace
The ass in the birthplace (catacombs).

The lions of the horizon attending upon Horus
The lions attending the Child-Christ (pseudo- Matthew).

Child-Horus emerging from the Papyrus-reed
The Child-Jesus in the catacombs issuing from the Papyrus.

Horus, the ancient child
The little old Jesus in the catacombs.

Horus, the gracious child
Jesus, the child full of grace.

Horus, one of five brethren
Jesus, one of five brothers.

Horus, the brother of Sut the betrayer
Jesus, the brother of Judas the betrayer.

Amsta, the one brother of Horus in the human form
James, the human brother of Jesus.

The two sisters of Horus
The sisters of Jesus.

Horus the lad in the country and youth in town
Jesus as the child in the country and youth in town.

Horus baptized with water by Anup
Jesus baptized with water by John.

Horus in the tank of flame
Jesus the baptizer with fire.

Horus in his baptism becoming the beloved Son of God the Father
Jesus becoming the Son of God the Father in his baptism.

Horus the husbandman with the fan in his hand
Christ coming with the fan in his hand.

Horus the Good Shepherd, with the crook upon his shoulder
Jesus the Good Shepherd, with the lamb or kid upon his shoulder.

Horus with the four followers in the Mount
Jesus with the four disciples in the Mount.

Horus with the seven great spirits in the Mount
Jesus with the seven spirits in the Mount (Rev.).

Herrut the Apap-reptile, slayer of the younglings in the egg
Herod, the murderer of the innocents.

Isis commanded to take her child down into Egypt for safety
Mary warned to take her Child down into Egypt for safety.

Horus as the typical fish
Jesus as Ichthus the fish.

Horus as the fisher
Jesus as the fisher.

The four fishers with Horus as founders of the kingdom
The four fishers with Jesus as founders of the kingdom.

Sebek, the father of the fishers
Zebedee, the father of the fishers.

Two fisher-brethren, Kabhsenuf and Hapi
Two fisher-brethren, Simon and Andrew.

Two other fisher-brethren, Amsta and Tuamutef
Two other fisher-brethren, James and John.

The seven on board the bark with Horus
The seven fishers on board the bark with Jesus.

The wonderful net of the fishers
The miraculous draught of fishes in the net.

Horus as the lamb
Jesus as the lamb.

Horus as the lion
Jesus as a lion.

Horus (Iu) as the black child
Jesus as the little black bambino.

Horus as Ahi, the striker with the flabellum
Jesus wielding the scourge of cords as the striker.

Horus identified with the Tat or Cross
Jesus identified with the Cross.

The blind Horus, in two characters, as the God and Manes
The two blind men of the Gospels.

Horus of twelve years
Jesus of twelve years.

Horus made a man of thirty years in his baptism
Jesus, the man of thirty years in his baptism.

Horus (Iu), the son of a beetle
Jesus, the good Scarabaeus.

Horus (or Ra) as the great cat
Jesus as the cat.

Horus as the shrewmouse
The mouse of Jesus dedicated to “Our Lady.”

Horus, the healer in the mountain
Jesus, the healer in the mountain.

Horus as Iusa, the exorcizer of evil spirits as the Word
Jesus, the caster out of demons with a word.

Osiris as the vine-plant, Aarru
Jesus as the vine.

Horus, the bringer of the fish and the grapes in Egypt
Jesus as bringer of the fish and the grapes (catacombs).

Horus, the child standing on two crocodiles which adore him
The Christ-Child adored by dragons=crocodiles.

Horus, the child of a widow
The Child-Christ who lodges with a widow in Egypt.

Horus, the child of the widow in Sutenkhen
The Child-Christ with the widow in Sotenin (pseudo-Matthew).

The golden Horus
The corn-complexioned Jesus.

Horus full of wine
Jesus the wine-bibber.

Horus, who gives the water of life
Jesus as giver of the water of life.

Horus in the lentils and the grain
Jesus the bread of life.

Horus as Unbu in the bush of thorn
Jesus in the crown of thorn.

Horus the just and true
Jesus the faithful and true.

Horus-Mat-Kheru, the Word made truth at the second coming
Jesus the spirit of truth at the Second Advent.

The human Horus glorified in becoming a (Khu) spirit
The spirit not given until Jesus is glorified.

The world made through Horus
The world made through Jesus.

Horus the bridegroom with the bride in Sothis
Jesus the bridegroom with the bride.

Horus of both sexes
Jesus as the bearded Sophia; Charis, the female Christ.

Horus who exalteth his father in every sacred place
Jesus who exalteth his father in every place.

Horus as Remi the weeper
Jesus as the weeper.

Dumb Horus, or the silent Sekari
Jesus silent before his accusers.

Horus behaving badly to Isis
Jesus speaking brutally to his mother.

Horus the gladsome
Jesus the jocund.

Horus as prince of the divine powers
Jesus the prince.

Horus the uplifted serpent
Jesus uplifted as the serpent.

Horus as the Bennu
Jesus as the phoenix.

Horus who giveth light by means of his own body
Jesus the light of the world.

Horus the hider of himself as Har-Sheta
Jesus the concealer of himself.

Horus the word-made-flesh
Jesus the word-made-flesh.

Horus the word-made-truth
Jesus the doer of the word.

Horus in the bosom of Ra
Jesus in the bosom of the Father.

Horus the Krst
Jesus the Christ.

Horus the avenger
Jesus who brings the sword.

Iu-em-hetep who comes with peace
Jesus the bringer of peace.

Horus called the illegitimate child
Jesus called the Mamzer.

Horus the afflicted one
Jesus the afflicted one.

Horus the unique one
Jesus the unique one.

Horus the lord of resurrections from the house of death
Jesus the resurrection and the life.

Horus as the type of life eternal
Jesus the type of eternal life.

Iu (em-hetep) the child-teacher in the temple
The Child-Jesus as teacher in the Temple.

Child-Horus as sower of the seed
Child-Jesus as sower of the seed.

Har-Khuti, lord of the harvest
Jesus, lord of the harvest.

Horus the founder
Jesus the founder.

Horus the fulfiller
Jesus the fulfiller.

Horus as master of the words of power
Jesus whose word was with power.

Horus Ma-kheru
Jesus, “the witness unto the truth.”

Horus as the lily
Jesus typified by the lily.

Horus the link
Jesus the bond of union.

Horus who came to fulfil the law
Jesus who comes to fulfil the law.

Horus as bearer of the Ankh-symbol of life and the Un-sceptre of resurrection
Jesus as the resurrection and the life personified.

Horus (or Khunsu) the chaser of boastfulness
Jesus the humbler of the proud.

Horus of the Second Advent
The coming Christ.

Horus the hidden force
Jesus the concealed.

Horus as Kam-Ura, the overflower, and extender of the water illimitably
Jesus, giver of the water of life without limit.

Horus, who came by the water, the blood and the spirit
Jesus, who came by the water, the blood and the spirit.

Horus the opener as Unen
Jesus the opener with the keys.

Horus of the two horizons
Jesus of the two lands.

Horus as teacher of the living generation
Jesus as teacher on the earth.

Horus as teacher of the spirits in Amenta
Jesus as preacher to the spirits in prison.

Horus as teacher on the Atit-bark, with the seven glorious ones on board
Jesus the teacher on the boat, also with the seven fishers on board.

Horus uttering the words of Ra in the solar bark
Jesus uttering the parables on board the boat.

Horus walking the water
Jesus walking the water.

The blind mummy made to see by Horus
The blind man given sight by Jesus.

Horus and the Hamemmet or younglings of Shu
Jesus and the little ones.

The children of Horus
The children of Jesus.

Horus the raiser of the dead
Jesus the raiser of the dead.

Horus the raiser up of Asar
Jesus the raiser up of Lazarus.

Horus, who imparts the power of the resurrection to his children
Jesus who confers the same power on his followers.

Horus entering the mount at sunset to hold converse with his father
Jesus entering the mount at sunset to hold converse with his father.

Horus one with the father
Jesus one with his father.

Horus transfigured on the mount
Jesus transfigured on the mount.

Amsu-Horus in his resurrection as a Sahu- mummy
Jesus rising again corporeally or incorporated.

The blood of Isis The issue of blood suffered by the woman.
The field manured with blood in Tattu Aceldama.

The mummy-bandage that was woven without seam
The vesture of the Christ without a seam.

Seven souls of Ra the Holy Spirit
Seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Seven hawks of Ra the Holy Spirit
Seven doves of the Holy Spirit.

Seven loaves of Horus for feeding the multitude reposing in the green fields of Annu
Seven loaves of Jesus for feeding the multitude reclining on the grass.

Twelve followers of Har-Khuti
Twelve followers of Jesus, as the twelve disciples.
Horus with the twelve in the field of divine harvest
Jesus with the twelve in the harvest-field.

The twelve who reap for Horus
The twelve who reap for Jesus.

Horus as the intercessor
Jesus as the paraclete.

Horus as the great judge
Jesus as the great judge.

The judgment of the righteous, who are the sheep of Horus, the good shepherd
Judgment of the righteous, who are the sheep of Jesus the Good Shepherd.

The judgment of the guilty, who are the goats of Sut
Judgment of the wicked, who are the goats of Satan.

Horus parting off the evil dead
Jesus parting off the accursed.

The condemned spirits entering the swine
The evil spirits entering the swine.

The glorious ones that wait on Horus
The angels that minister unto Jesus.

Horus ascending to heaven from Bakhu, the Mount of the olive tree
Jesus ascending to heaven from Mount Olivet.

The revelation of Horus, given by Ra, his father, to make known the mysteries of divine things to his followers
The revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave him to show unto his servants.

The revelation written down by Aan (Tehuti), the scribe of divine words
The Revelation written by John the divine.

The saluter Aani, who bears witness to the word of Ra and to the testimony of Horus
John, who bears witness to the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ.

The secret of the Mysteries revealed by Taht-Aan
The secret of the Mysteries made known by John.

The books in Annu
The book of doom and the book of life in Patmos.

The books and their bringer
The book and its opener.

Seven dungeon-seals
The book with seven seals.

The great mother Apt, the pregnant water-cow
The woman sitting on the waters.

The crocodile as great mother
The dragon as great mother.

The great mother as Hathor, the abode
The woman that was the great city personalized.

The great or enceinte mother in her lunar character
The woman arrayed with the sun about to bring forth the child

Isis, who brought forth Horus in the marshes
The woman who brought forth in the wilderness.

Isis pursued by the great crocodile
The woman persecuted by the dragon.

Isis, hawk-winged
The woman with eagle’s wings.

The bride as Hathor-Isis, with the calf or lamb upon the mount of glory
The bride as the lamb’s wife upon the mount.

Atum-Huhi, the closer and the opener of Amenta
Ihuh, who carries the keys of death and Hades as closer and opener.

Atum-Ra, the holy spirit
The spirit.

Hathor-Iusāas the bride, with Horus the lamb (or earlier calf) upon the mount
The bride with the lamb upon the mount.

Anup and Aan, the two witnesses for Horus
The two Johns as witnesses for Jesus.

The seven Khuti or glorious ones
The seven spirits of God.

Horus, with the seven Khabsu stars, or gods of the lamp
Jesus in the midst of the seven golden lamp- stands.

Sebek-Horus the lamb on the mount
Jesus the lamb on the mount.

Horus the morning star
Jesus the morning star.
Horus, who gives the morning star to his followers
Jesus, who gives the morning star to his followers.

The Har-Seshu, or servants of Horus
The servants of Jesus Christ.

The seven spirits of fire around the throne of Ra
The seven spirits of fire before the throne.

The fathers, or the ancient ones
The four-and-twenty elders.

The four corner-keepers
The four living creatures at the four corners.

The solar god of golden form
The form with feet like unto burnished brass, and countenance as of the sun.

Iu the son of man (or Atum)
Jesus the son of man.

Horus as the first-born from the dead
Jesus the Christ as first-born of those that slept.

Horus in the house of a thousand years
The Millennial reign of Jesus.

Sebek the solar dragon
The scarlet-coloured beast with seven heads.

Seven souls or powers of Ra
Seven heads of the solar dragon.

The eighth to the seven
The eighth to the seven.

Ten Tata-gods or powers
The ten horns or kings.

The war in heaven
The war in heaven.

Har-Tema as the avenger, the red god who orders the block of execution
The word of God, faithful and true, with raiment dipped in blood.

Michael the Archangel.
Sut the accuser
Satan the accuser.

Sut and Horus
Christ and the Anti-Christ.

The celestial Heptanomis
The seven mountains of earth or islands in the sea.

The seven children of the old earth-mother
The seven kings of the earth.

Horus at the head of the seven
Jesus at the head of the seven.

The last judgment
The last judgment.

The mount of glory
The throne set in heaven on the mount.

The mount as judgment-seat
The mount as throne of the Great Judge.

The lion-faced throne of steel
The great white throne.

The great judge seated on his throne
The Great Judge on the judgment-seat.

The god in lion form
The god who is the lion of the Tribe of Judah.

The god in the solar disc
The god with the sun-like countenance.

The god whose dazzling mouth sends forth breezes of flame
The god from whose mouth proceeded the two-edged sword.

Osiris-Tat, the sufferer in the Lower Egypt of Amenta
The Lord who was crucified in Egypt.

The Apap-reptile, the serpent of evil
Abaddon, Apollyon, or Satan, that old serpent.

Apap, the power of evil in the Abyss
Abaddon or Apollyon, the angel of the Abyss.

The binding of Apap in chains and casting the beast into the Abyss
The binding of the dragon, that old serpent, and casting him into the Pit.

Apap and Sut bound in chains and cast into the Abyss
The Devil and Satan bound in a great chain and cast into the Pit.

The Ankh-key of life and the Un-symbol of the resurrection
The keys of death and Hades in the hands of the opener.

The first resurrection and the second death in Amenta
The first resurrection and the second death.

The Lake of Putrata where the lost souls fall headlong into everlasting night
The lake of the second death.

The beatified in their white garments of glory
The beatified spirits arrayed in white.

The name of Ra on the head of the deceased
The name of the Father written on the forehead.

The little column of white stone given as a talisman to the initiates
The white stone given to the initiated.

The mount of the double earth in Hetep
The mountain great and high.

The eternal city at the summit
The Holy City.

The water of life as lake or river
The river of the water of life.

The two divine sycamores over the water of life
The tree of life on either side of the water of life.

The water of life proceeding from the throne of Osiris.
The water of life proceeding from the throne of God.

The great lake in Hetep upon which the gods and glorified alight
The glassy sea on which the victors stand triumphant.

The great white lake of Sa
The sea of crystal.

The calf (later lamb) of Horus standing on the mount with Hathor bearing the bride
The lamb standing on Mount Zion with the bride.

The lunar goddess Hathor bearing the solar orb
The woman arrayed with the sun, and the moon at her feet.

The glorified in Hetep stoled and girdled and crowned
The angels girt about the breasts with golden girdles.

The emerald dawn around the mount or throne of Ra
The rainbow like an emerald round the throne.

The Ba enclosure of Aarru, in twelve measures
The walled enclosure of the New Jerusalem, in twelve measures.

Heaven according to the measure of a man
Heaven according to the measure of a man.

The paradise of the pole-star
The Holy City lighted by one luminary that is neither the sun nor the moon=the pole-star.

The ark of Osiris-Ra
The Ark of the New Covenant in heaven.

First, the majority of all scholars will tell you that Jesus was an actual person, who lived (they may not agree on the miracles or whatever), and had a factual existence at sometime in history.

Secondly, you're using cardstacking propaganda. I can take almost any 2 people and find many similarities between them, and list them out, it still does not mean that they didn't exist independantly.

Maybe Alexander the Great did not exist either, or maybe George Washington is another myth :rolleyes:
Nisus said:
I could find hundreds of similarities with my life and relate it to a billion other things on earth--- but I exist regardless of those things.

Keep counting Tril, the Wisdom of God confounds the wise...

John 21: 25

And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written. Amen.


Praise the Lord of Hosts
M*W: The wisdom of atheism confounds the gods.
VitalOne said:
First, the majority of all scholars will tell you that Jesus was an actual person, who lived (they may not agree on the miracles or whatever), and had a factual existence at sometime in history.
That isn't what I''m finding. I cut the drivel.
Nisus said:
Book of Vivifying the Soul Forever---
Ok so first of all, it's nowhere to be found and it is only spoken of.
(Everyone go look for it, first to find it and reference it gets a cookie)
No, I told you where to find it.

Your failure to produce a source of where you got your assertions is also testimony of their fallacy.
I produced a source liar.
I will just rest my case in the evidence beforehand.
No you won't. You'l lkeep apologising.
I cut the rest of your irrelevent drivel.
Trilairian said:
That isn't what I''m finding. I cut the drivel.

Cut the drivel? You should be telling that to yourself.

Roman historians Tacitus, Suetonius, Julius Africanus, Thallus, Josephus, among others clearly describe that Jesus did indeed exist.

Do some research, only a small number of theologians today believe that Jesus did not exist.
Trilairian said:
I produced a source liar.

Book of Vivifying the Soul Forever can't be found anywhere not even amazon.com, or ebay.

So you just believe in what http://www.theosophical.ca/AncientEgyptAppendix.htm
says without even having a valid source?

That's not even a source... you have no source! People can't even read up on the things you post except from the Anti-Christ Sites.

You have no historical data at all sourced.
VitalOne said:
Cut the drivel? You should be telling that to yourself.

Roman historians Tacitus, Suetonius, Julius Africanus, Thallus, Josephus, among others clearly describe that Jesus did indeed exist.

Do some research, only a small number of theologians today believe that Jesus did not exist.
M*W: You are wrong. Scholars believe Josephus was a forgery. You're the one who needs to at least read the latest biblical research. There are a significant number of christian scholars out there today who doubt the authenticity of Jesus's virgin birth, his death on the cross, his resurrection and the trinity. There are certainly many more non-christian biblical scholars and archeologists who deny his existence.

Peter, Paul and John the Baptist, Abraham and Moses, are considered by many biblical scholars to be figurative personages. Please visit your local library or bookstore before you make anymore assinine comments.