Horus--Jesus--Buddha, same origin??

Do you think Buddha, and Jesus were inspired from Egyptian Mythology?

  • I believe so, yes.

    Votes: 9 23.7%
  • No, there is enough evidence, that these figures existed independantly.

    Votes: 29 76.3%

  • Total voters
Nisus said:

That's great. You want to be argumentive, but you don't want to be wrong. Help Trilairian out atleast buy citing his info about Horus being born in the House of Bread...

I've not posted anything but simple facts. I havn't EVEN asked you to believe in Jesus. Just facts MW.
I already cited it. You are just to scared to look it up.
VitalOne said:
You are right about that, except modern Theologians still believe that Jesus existed.

Source - http://www.religioustolerance.org/chr_jcno.htm
...The majority of all scholars seem to agree that Jesus was an actual man from which Christianity originates from.
That isn't what I've found. I am telling to you results. The results are that very few religion historians acept his historical existence because of the lack of historical evidence for it and because of all he was imbued with from Horus etc. The extent of that leaves you with two choices. One the new testament Jesus is mythological. Two the Egyptian Horus religion was correct and prophetic. I've already argued against the latter. So which of the two do you want?
Trilairian said:
I already cited it. You are just to scared to look it up.

Why do you even post now? You just trying to have the last word or something when the rest of your stance has been destroyed?

You need to read all of the thread. You are missing a myriad of details. Basically you've no reason to even post at this time, you just make yourself look more and more unprepared to back up what you write.
Nisus said:
Why do you even post now? You just trying to have the last word or something when the rest of your stance has been destroyed?

You need to read all of the thread. You are missing a myriad of details. Basically you've no reason to even post at this time, you just make yourself look more and more unprepared to back up what you write.
Why are you talking to yourself?
Trilairian said:
That isn't what I've found. I am telling to you results. The results are that very few religion historians acept his historical existence because of the lack of historical evidence for it and because of all he was imbued with from Horus etc. The extent of that leaves you with two choices. One the new testament Jesus is mythological. Two the Egyptian Horus religion was correct and prophetic. I've already argued against the latter. So which of the two do you want?
What do I want? I want Evidence. Where is your evidence? I can't just take your word for it, give me an actual reliable source that says that the majority of all historians believe that Jesus was mythological.

I cited an Encylopedia, professors, and other sources. You have no source. You seem to be in denial.

"The vast majority of historians and theologians have always believed in the reality of Jesus' life. The skeptical view ..."has always been held by a small minority of investigators, usually 'outsiders'." (i.e. non-theologians)."
VitalOne said:
What do I want? I want Evidence. Where is your evidence? I can't just take your word for it, give me an actual reliable source that says that the majority of all historians believe that Jesus was mythological.

I cited an Encylopedia, professors, and other sources. You have no source. You seem to be in denial.

"The vast majority of historians and theologians have always believed in the reality of Jesus' life. The skeptical view ..."has always been held by a small minority of investigators, usually 'outsiders'." (i.e. non-theologians)."
Why are you making stuff up? I have given resources for each one asked of me and several items more. You have made no such resource. You are making the claim that the majority of historians beleive and I am saying that is not what I am finding. You have given no resource to any kind of poll verifying your emotionally biased claim. Anyway, since you are making the rediculous claim that you have a resource demonstrating such a poll I would like to see it. The site you pointed to doesn't count because it has no such poll, merely an emotionally biased author claiming what he wants to believe as a Christian. Now I am sure you are going to read more in to what I am saying than I am. You like to think most people think as you do and those who don't must be completely opposite and evil. So you will of course presume that I am saying that there wasn't a historical Yeshua. I am not saying that. I am saying that the biblical Jesus gets his characteristics from Horus whether or not there was a Historical person Yeshua. I am saying that if there was such a Yeshua it looks like he set himself up as Horus. I am saying that I do not find that the majority of Historians think there was a Historical Yeshua. I am saying you Christians are not a majority in the world at all !
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VitalOne said:
What do I want? I want Evidence. Where is your evidence? I can't just take your word for it, give me an actual reliable source that says that the majority of all historians believe that Jesus was mythological.

I cited an Encylopedia, professors, and other sources. You have no source. You seem to be in denial.

Tril, Read that a few times.. maybe it will sink in. Hablas ingles o que?
Trilairian said:
I am saying you Christians are not a majority in the world at all !

Take note, this is how you make a source---

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion <----- source. A link.

"Present day religious adherence and trends
Christianity is the religion with the largest number of professed adherents, followed by Islam and Hinduism. These statistics show the number of professed adherents of the major world religions. In addition, approximately one billion people do not profess any belief in a religion. These figures are necessarily approximate."

Christianity: 1.9 billion
Islam: 1.3 billion
Hinduism: 1 billion
Buddhism: 400 million
Chinese traditional religion: 394 million
Primal-Indigenous: 300 million
African Traditional & Diasporic: 100 million
Sikhism: 23 million
Spiritism: 15 million
Judaism: 14 million
Bahá'í: 7 million
Jainism: 4.2 million
Shinto: 4 million
Cao Dai: 4 million
Zoroastrianism: 2.6 million
Sant Mat / Surat Shabd Yoga : 2 million
Tenrikyo: 2 million
Unification Movement: 1.5 million
Neo-Paganism: 1 million
Unitarian-Universalism: 800 thousand
Rastafari movement: 600 thousand
Nisus said:
Take note, this is how you make a source---

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion <----- source. A link.

"Present day religious adherence and trends
Christianity is the religion with the largest number of professed adherents, followed by Islam and Hinduism. These statistics show the number of professed adherents of the major world religions. In addition, approximately one billion people do not profess any belief in a religion. These figures are necessarily approximate."

Christianity: 1.9 billion
Islam: 1.3 billion
Hinduism: 1 billion
Buddhism: 400 million
Chinese traditional religion: 394 million
Primal-Indigenous: 300 million
African Traditional & Diasporic: 100 million
Sikhism: 23 million
Spiritism: 15 million
Judaism: 14 million
Bahá'í: 7 million
Jainism: 4.2 million
Shinto: 4 million
Cao Dai: 4 million
Zoroastrianism: 2.6 million
Sant Mat / Surat Shabd Yoga : 2 million
Tenrikyo: 2 million
Unification Movement: 1.5 million
Neo-Paganism: 1 million
Unitarian-Universalism: 800 thousand
Rastafari movement: 600 thousand
1. Stop yelling.
2. learn math
1.9 bill out of 5+ bill in the world is not a majority.
And I don't even believe the 1.9 bill number either.
Increasing the font size is to show u. Where did I say they were the world majority?

If you look at the context of comparison, you would see, the other religions listed. So my reply must have been --- yes follow reason --- in relation to other religions.

First I have to teach you how to source, now I have to teach you reading comprehension?
Trilairian said:
Why are you making stuff up? I have given resources for each one asked of me and several items more. You have made no such resource. You are making the claim that the majority of historians beleive and I am saying that is not what I am finding. You have given no resource to any kind of pole verifying your emotionally biased claim. Anyway, since you are making the rediculous claim that you have a resource demonstrating such a pole I would like to see it. The site you pointed to doesn't count because it has no such pole, merely an emotionally biased author claiming what he wants to believe as a Christian. Now I am sure you are going to read more in to what I am saying than I am. You like to think most people think as you do and those who don't must be completely opposite and evil. So you will of course presume that I am saying that there wasn't a historical Yeshua. I am not saying that. I am saying that the biblical Jesus gets his characteristics from Horus whether or not there was a Historical person Yeshua. I am saying that if there was such a Yeshua it looks like he set himself up as Horus. I am saying that I do not find that the majority of Historians think there was a Historical Yeshua. I am saying you Christians are not a majority in the world at all !
Read my previous posts, they have sources.

The religious tolerance site isn't biased - it's the same site that says that places with organic atheism are the best places to live. Where do you get the "emotional biased author" claim from? It also has both sides.

Also why do make so many oppositions about me. I'm not Christian. I don't think people who are the complete opposite are evil.

I think Jesus has a history and myth. Actually, you can find many similarities between Jesus, Buddha, Horus, Krishna, Mithra, etc...People just search for similarities and find a few, then they disregard all of the other countless differences. Also these so called similarities are vague and biased, and often have the words "could be interpreted", "some considered", etc...in their explanations.

However theologians still believe that Jesus was a completely separate person. I already stated previously that Theologians may not agree on the Biblical story.
Nisus said:
Increasing the font size is to show u. Where did I say they were the world majority?
You said it by posting it to assert the *majority* supported the historosity of Jesus.
VitalOne said:
Read my previous posts, they have sources.
No, they have no such poll.

The religious tolerance site isn't biased - it's the same site that says that places with organic atheism are the best places to live.
Yes it is. You've been duped. I cut the rest of your invalid arguement.
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Trilairian said:
No, they have no such pole.

Yes it is. You've been duped. I cut the rest of your invalid arguement.

Yes, I do, the sources are religoustolerance.org, Wikipedia, and the Encylopedia of Brittanica, and how have i been duped? Because you've lost the argument completely?

The religious tolerance site isn't biased at all. Explain how it's biased if it states that places with organic atheism are the best places to live.
Trilairian said:
You said it by posting it to assert the *majority* supported the historosity of Jesus.

I posted it to show you how many people believed in Christ.
"A connection between Jesus and Horus-Osiris is frequently raised by critics of the historicity of Jesus. Superficially, the death and resurrection of Horus-Osiris, and Horus' nature as both the son of Osiris and Osiris himself, appear to be a template for the idea that this occurred in Jesus. However, there is much more to both deities than this, and so such basic comparisons are not terribly persuasive to most academics..... Indeed, according to a few more radical scholars, Jesus was copied from Horus wholesale, and made into a Jewish teacher." - Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horus#Son_of_Osiris

You've just been completely debunked....haha...still trapped in denial?
VitalOne said:
Yes, I do, the sources are religoustolerance.org, Wikipedia, and the Encylopedia of Brittanica, and how have i been duped? Because you've lost the argument completely?

The religious tolerance site isn't biased at all. Explain how it's biased if it states that places with organic atheism are the best places to live.
You have been duped. You have zero sources. Not a single one has any such poll. Show me the poll. Where is the poll? There is no such poll. Ever see such a poll? No, no poll? Get it?
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VitalOne said:
"A connection between Jesus and Horus-Osiris is frequently raised by critics of the historicity of Jesus. Superficially, the death and resurrection of Horus-Osiris, and Horus' nature as both the son of Osiris and Osiris himself, appear to be a template for the idea that this occurred in Jesus. However, there is much more to both deities than this, and so such basic comparisons are not terribly persuasive to most academics..... Indeed, according to a few more radical scholars, Jesus was copied from Horus wholesale, and made into a Jewish teacher." - Wikipedia, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horus#Son_of_Osiris

You've just been completely debunked....haha...still trapped in denial?
You are in denial. Wiki is not the word of God. You have already been proven wrong. You are the one with the religion which I debunked.
Nisus said:
I posted it to show you how many people believed in Christ.
M*W: Is there anyone out there who still believes in Jesus Christ? Com'on, this is the 21st century! Jesus doesn't exist in the modern mind. Give it up!
Trilairian said:
You have been duped. You have zero sources. Not a single one has any such pole. Show me the pole. Where is the pole? There is no such pole. Ever see such a pole? No, no pole? Get it?
I've already pointed many many sources.

Trilairian said:
You are in denial. Wiki is not the word of God. You have already been proven wrong. You are the one with the religion which I debunked.
Man, you truly are in denial. Anything contrary to Horus being Jesus is false. Your argument has now become "Wiki is not the word of God", how unnaturally pathetic.

I've given you sources, what more do you want?

I'm sure that if I find many other credible sources that clearly state most theologians agree Jesus historically existed, you will just say that it is biased or not the word of God, how ignorant can a person be.