Horus--Jesus--Buddha, same origin??

Do you think Buddha, and Jesus were inspired from Egyptian Mythology?

  • I believe so, yes.

    Votes: 9 23.7%
  • No, there is enough evidence, that these figures existed independantly.

    Votes: 29 76.3%

  • Total voters
Welcome to Sciforums dgswilson - this is a really really old thread! 2005 I think!

My opinion is Jesus was mythical and based on Egyptian myth stories - definitely.
Buddha probably lived and the religion of Buddhism is based on Hindu myth stories. I don't know if Egyptian or Hindu stories intertwined though? I don't think they did, but maybe. I mean Egypt had been around for a long time some Hindu stories (the older religion) may have made it's way to Egypt - but then back again?

Also, evidence suggests humans made a leap from SE Africa across the desert during a good session when things were wetter (aka it was possible to move north) to Egypt and settled then the desert returned and blocked more Africans from moving northward.
A second wave of people moved out from Africa directly to southern Arabia these people stayed along the coast and migrated to India.

Effectively setting up two peoples in a sense.
Islam tells us that many Prophets were sent to many people. Therefore in Islam Jesus and Buddha were both Prophets. From the inuits to the Abrogines, Prophets were sent. They were sent by the same God hence there are many similarities between them.
That is one theory - another theory as propose by the late Professor Joseph Campbell an expert in comparative mythology and comparative religion who spent his entire life studying the subject - well, he would suggest that the commonality of mythology, “elementary ideas” if you will, were and are a product from human psychology. The Masks of God and The Hero with a Thousand Faces

The last of four volumes in but one set of many many books authored by Campbell is "The Way of Man" focuses on religion and philosophy as it developed after the Axial Age (c. 6th century BCE), in which the mythic imagery of previous eras was made consciously metaphorical, reinterpreted as referring to psycho-spiritual, not literal-historical, matters. This transition is evidenced in the East by Buddhism, Vedanta, and philosophical Taoism; and in the West by the Mystery Cults, Platonism and Gnosticism. I personally feel that these great idea's were crushed by literalistic Christians whose intolerant simplistic ideas, unfortunately for Muslims, were directly incorporated into Islam.

OR then again, perhaps Mohammad rode a winged fairy-magic creature and was indeed the "Last Prophet" OR maybe the Buddhist are correct and Jehovah and Allah are but one of many Gods and other beings stuck in the Karma Cycle destine to be reborn again OR then again maybe the Christians are correct and all us non-Christians will burn in Hell and Buddha was simply a philosopher and Mohammad was creature of Satan. Yes, all and any of the above could be correct.

BUT, if one were to step outside of their childhood conditioning for a moment and with an open mind read some of Professor Joseph's voluminous in depth studies of World myths - I think they'd side with Joseph in the end.
I also forgot to mention that the Holy Prophet of Islam was mentioned in the Bible and other books, including the Vedas. The books by Joseph sound interesting but how do they deal with the religion of the aborigines?
I also forgot to mention that the Holy Prophet of Islam was mentioned in the Bible
While I'm not a Christian - I am curious as to where in the Bible you suppose this verse exists?

Secondly, you have no idea about the Bible. Do you know when and how the Bible was created? What the myth is based on? How the secrets are hidden in it?

On a side point the Bible, as is all religious literature from that time, was written in Gnostic tradition - it has many mathematical coded secrets - Gnosis so to speak. THESE were carefully kept secrets. The reason why they were so secret was so that when a new Poindexter popped up, like Mohammad, and claimed he was the "Last Prophet" (which happened ALL OF THE TIME – I personally see Mohammad as a composite – but regardless) this NEW Last Prophet would not be able to decode the mathematical riddles and hence could be know to be fraud.
The Qur'an, yes - that pinnacle of whatever, has NONE of the Gnosis – NONE of the KNOWLEDGE - of course it was ALL LOST. This was because Mohammad didn't understand the most basic of Gnosis. Hence, if you really didgive two craps about the Bible (which you seem to or why bother mentioning it?) then you'd realize that in the same breath as mentioning the Bible you have also condemned the Qur'an as fraud – and poorly plagiarized at that.

That is what you don't seem to get Arsalan.

but you really don't care about the Bible, that is not your programming. You simply mentioned it justify you indoctrination.
Am I right?

You will need to learn a hell of a lot more about early religious history before you can even have a basic understanding of what you just read.

But we both know that’s not going to happen. Right now as you read this with the left side of your brain the right side of your brain is making up some bullshit to justify all of the little beliefs that your parents and Imam's taught you to believe – you will live the rest of your life believing in a fairytale.

Sad but true,

[=Arsalan's right Brain]well I know that the Bible was corrupted and thatwhy Mohammad was sent and so those Gnositic secrets were just part of the corruption - taking them out was probably why Allah sent Mohammad. Yes that it!! Oh I feel so much better knowing the Qur'an is perfect... whatever that means... Oooo Ooooo don't think too much about that..[/Arsalan's right Brain]
Secondly, you have no idea about the Bible. Do you know when and how the Bible was created? What the myth is based on? How the secrets are hidden in it?
Enlighten me. Or are you going to cite Zeitgeist?
On a side point the Bible, as is all religious literature from that time, was written in Gnostic tradition - it has many mathematical coded secrets - Gnosis so to speak. THESE were carefully kept secrets. The reason why they were so secret was so that when a new Poindexter popped up, like Mohammad, and claimed he was the "Last Prophet" (which happened ALL OF THE TIME – I personally see Mohammad as a composite – but regardless) this NEW Last Prophet would not be able to decode the mathematical riddles and hence could be know to be fraud.
The Qur'an, yes - that pinnacle of whatever, has NONE of the Gnosis – NONE of the KNOWLEDGE - of course it was ALL LOST. This was because Mohammad didn't understand the most basic of Gnosis. Hence, if you really didgive two craps about the Bible (which you seem to or why bother mentioning it?) then you'd realize that in the same breath as mentioning the Bible you have also condemned the Qur'an as fraud – and poorly plagiarized at that.
Exactly what knowledge has been lost? What carefully kept secret that you seem to know about? The mathematical code for Nero? The mathematical code to determine the time of the 2nd coming of Jesus? Are you talking about some Gnostic teaching? Docetism? What gnosis has exactly been lost?
but you really don't care about the Bible, that is not your programming. You simply mentioned it justify you indoctrination.
Am I right?
Nope. Religious indoctrination doesn’t work.
But we both know that’s not going to happen. Right now as you read this with the left side of your brain the right side of your brain is making up some bullshit to justify all of the little beliefs that your parents and Imam's taught you to believe – you will live the rest of your life believing in a fairytale.
Haha! If only that were true. A fairytale is actually a pretty nice place to live. But, once again, you are wrong about me. The only religious education I got from my parents was the names of the Prophets, Caliphs and how to pray and how to read the Quran. That’s it. I wasn’t that much interested in my religion until I was being spat on in the street after 9/11. Then I started to read about and study my religion. So your assumption that somehow I am a robot who can only regurgitate what he has been told is once again, wrong. So please, drop the indoctrination crap, it just makes you look stupid.
[=Arsalan's right Brain]well I know that the Bible was corrupted and thatwhy Mohammad was sent and so those Gnositic secrets were just part of the corruption - taking them out was probably why Allah sent Mohammad. Yes that it!! Oh I feel so much better knowing the Qur'an is perfect... whatever that means... Oooo Ooooo don't think too much about that..[/Arsalan's right Brain]
How does this add to any discussion? To any mods reading this: this is obviously meant to insult me and to start some kind of flamewar. Oh well, a good and learned friend of mine once said that people who start to insult and swear lose the argument there and then.
Also, do you know about Jesus teaching the Buddhists and about his tomb?
M*W: Yes, I've seen pictures of said "tomb," but Jesus didn't exist, so he could not have travelled there. The whole thing was erected by missionaries, and there is absolutely no way Jesus could have done this.

I realize your Qur'an claims Jesus was a prophet, but whomever wrote the Qur'an probably had read verses of those ancient manuscripts. It's an understandable mistake. Further, christianity was not created by Jesus but by the people who believed in Jesus.

I can't remember the date of the tomb's construction, but I remember it to be long after the fictional Jesus was said to have been alive.
I watched a little of the online move Zeitgeist. The movie mixes some facts with some fiction.

I don't know about you but when I read a Sumerian story in the Bible I pretty much think to myself, yup that's a Sumerian story plagiarized into the Bible.

On the other hand, a brainwashed Xian (or Muslim or Jew) would probably think (and have told me) that Satan traveled back in time, put a stone relief with Sumerian writing in the ground and then traveled back into the future to trick an archeologist who dug it up - into thinking that this clearly true Biblical story was really a Sumerian one - you see you have to know that Satan is a trickster...

Well Arsalan is Satan a time traveling trickster?
Tell me what you think. Were Jesus and Buddha both inspired from egyptian mythology?

Jesus was just a guy, leading a schismatic personality-based cult within the Jewish community. Judaism has its roots in Babylonian and Sumerian mythology, with influences from Egyptian henotheistic cults, but the guy himself was not inspired by any Horus-like attributes.

Horus, OTOH, was part of Egyptian mythology, and has parallels in local religious beliefs in surrounding regions. Since Egyptians are of the Semitic ethnolinguistic group, it's logical to assume that Egyptian mythology and other Semitic mythologies, i.e Babylonian and Sumerian, and Judean, are interconnected to some extent.

The Buddha was a real person, Siddhartha Gautama. Buddhism was based on Hinduism, an Indo-European religion- one of the oldest, in fact. It is in no way connected with Semitic religions in terms of mythology.
Take you vain words of all that is holy.
I do now know any man from the land of the forgotten.
The man who is not man, is the leader of man for god said.
God is the being you all know, god is the being I shall know.
The path is before you.
Let the people decide, people are ignorant, persons are intelligent.
The masses will decide our fate, but how to act? What to do?
As you do, so shall I, as I have done as I have walked.
As I've walked the gavel falls for sins upon sin the gavel falls.
Hi I new here please forgive my poor English and my spelling is at times in need of help sorry to you all for this. I write this because I see a war going on about was Jesus inspired from Egyptian Mythology? I see some one have move up to character assassination just because some may be wrong well I guess I need to address the smart people the that can write with out feeling as if I am some how attack them. I am not here to tell any to stop what they want to do please feel free do what ever. But though of that want peace think about this it takes two to dance it takes or two to fight so Mr. Trilairian and Ms. Medicine*Woman and others that believe them it of no good to tell Mr. Nisus or others like him because what you see as truth is lies to him and he dose not want to see any thing else and that all they is to it I can see he a self made man and he find the truth but like my title said the truth finds you. please see the movie What the bleep do we know, In a nut shell we don’t know much and yet many people think they know but they wrong it takes very big person to say I know that I DONT KNOW that is were one starts to see truth coming at you full speed and some times it hurts and some people find the need to character assassination. To help this pain because they been lie to and it not fair and feel the need to us this. Mr. Trilairian and Ms. Medicine*Woman PLEASE believe me when I said I HAVE look at many things said about the bible and I BELIEVE you are right. The bible is the greatest story ever toll because it a rewrite a over used story by the Egyptians The hole bible can be find in Egyptian history the CROSS for one Jordon Maxwell can tell more. Please don’t waste you good time with people that already know the truth and want a fight because if he truly believes god he safe from people like us we go to hell. Yet some how Mr. Nisus knows he right and in away he is his; in his mind at less. THE TRUTH COMES TO YOU AND IF YOU’RE READY TO SEE IT YOU IT WILL SET YOU FREE. I AM FREE!!! GOOD DAY MY FRIENDS! YES YOU TO Mr. Nisus. We all have a good day.
No your not and your opinion doesn't count.

Hi I want to tell I think your right but read this first I post it for all to see. Hi I new here please forgive my poor English and my spelling is at times in need of help sorry to you all for this. I write this because I see a war going on about was Jesus inspired from Egyptian Mythology? I see some one have move up to character assassination just because some may be wrong well I guess I need to address the smart people the that can write with out feeling as if I am some how attack them. I am not here to tell any to stop what they want to do please feel free do what ever. But though of that want peace think about this it takes two to dance it takes or two to fight so Mr. Trilairian and Ms. Medicine*Woman and others that believe them it of no good to tell Mr. Nisus or others like him because what you see as truth is lies to him and he dose not want to see any thing else and that all they is to it I can see he a self made man and he find the truth but like my title said the truth finds you. please see the movie What the bleep do we know, In a nut shell we don’t know much and yet many people think they know but they wrong it takes very big person to say I know that I DONT KNOW that is were one starts to see truth coming at you full speed and some times it hurts and some people find the need to character assassination. To help this pain because they been lie to and it not fair and feel the need to us this. Mr. Trilairian and Ms. Medicine*Woman PLEASE believe me when I said I HAVE look at many things said about the bible and I BELIEVE you are right. The bible is the greatest story ever toll because it a rewrite a over used story by the Egyptians The hole bible can be find in Egyptian history the CROSS for one Jordon Maxwell can tell more. Please don’t waste you good time with people that already know the truth and want a fight because if he truly believes god he safe from people like us we go to hell. Yet some how Mr. Nisus knows he right and in away he is his; in his mind at less. THE TRUTH COMES TO YOU AND IF YOU’RE READY TO SEE IT YOU IT WILL SET YOU FREE. I AM FREE!!! GOOD DAY MY FRIENDS! YES YOU TO Mr. Nisus. We all have a good day.
M*W: You're no scholar. Your posts are clearly evident of that. You're also very childish and you don't belong on a science forum.

Hi I do think you right but this Mr. Nisus I guess do need help in any way of any kind but more important you a lady that uses a name like Medicine Woman to man that feel your wrong that like a hit below the belt. Your lady that being around the block and Mr. Nisus sounds a very young man just look at the photo he used with a fire burning behind some one maybe him and then he said he wants peace but will destroy many or is talking about god how loves us all. Both of them love us but will destroy us. love like that we dont need the devil leave that to super being that knows all to make some up like that. WOW and still people fall in this mud trap and want us to follow them or we die. Mr. Nisus if I love you but you did some thing I dont like why would I want you dead but I could say I dont love you and want you _ _ _ _ but I am not and another thing the Medicine Woman could teach a thing or two about life growing up. Men need to be taught to grow up I know this is true I not as young as you. Yes Mr. Nisus She could teach me a thing or two this true because women even crazy women bring life in to this world so men do less talking and listen more you she maybe wrong but I am at best my best when I
listen or if I talk I said yes you might be right knowing she be wrong but dont tell her. Because my mother a women she let come into this world so were we but with out women not here that is for sure so kiss you thank you Mr. Nisus and thank the woman of your life for life before it to late. You might try saying your sorry to Ms. Medicine Woman for your childish talk so that the world can heal from your bad talking you do more home work to find if other truths can also find you.
M*W: You're no scholar. Your posts are clearly evident of that. You're also very childish and you don't belong on a science forum.

I watched a little of the online move Zeitgeist. The movie mixes some facts with some fiction.

I don't know about you but when I read a Sumerian story in the Bible I pretty much think to myself, yup that's a Sumerian story plagiarized into the Bible.

On the other hand, a brainwashed Xian (or Muslim or Jew) would probably think (and have told me) that Satan traveled back in time, put a stone relief with Sumerian writing in the ground and then traveled back into the future to trick an archeologist who dug it up - into thinking that this clearly true Biblical story was really a Sumerian one - you see you have to know that Satan is a trickster...

Well Arsalan is Satan a time traveling trickster?

Hi Michael can tell what fact are mix up? Facts are facts they dont get mix up
fiction gets mix up. Mixed up FACTS are fiction.:)
First off, sorry for gravedigging haha. Anyway. The big thing between Christianity and Buddhism: It matters if Jesus existed, because Christians have to worship and pray to him. The beauty of Buddhism and exactly why I practice it: It doesn't matter if the Supreme Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, existed or not. His teachings are still here. He isn't meant to be worshipped, which is greatly tweaked by the Mahayana school, particularly in the West. Buddha reached enlightenment, and passed on his teachings in the hopes of everyone becoming enlightened, and thus ending Samsara, the cycle of rebirth and suffering; all the while without the need to be worshipped or prayed to. It's also a fact that it's based on Hinduism. The funny thing is, nobody cares. The religious tolerance between Hinduism and Buddhism is absolutely beautiful. How many times will you see a Church and a Synagogue built side by side? Chances are very slim to none. However, there have been many cases where Hindu and Buddhist temples have been built side by side, in harmony. Anyways, I'm trailing. I'll end by saying this. The parallels between Jesus and Horus are copious. And I definitely think the story of Jesus is based upon Horus. The story of Buddha however, is a bit more believable, because he never claimed any ridiculous miracles, however there have been recent scientific miracles performed by Buddhists in deep meditation (staying alive for 10 days without food or water, all the while being documented round the clock by scientists). So, take that into consideration. It definitely matters if Jesus existed or not to Christians, because it's mandatory to worship him. Buddha, on the other hand, it's not that big of a deal if he did, because his teachings are still around, and he was never meant to be worshipped as a deity or prophet or God.

Roman historians Tacitus, Suetonius, Julius Africanus, Thallus, Josephus, among others clearly describe that Jesus did indeed exist.


The famous Testamonium Flavianum (the T.F.) in the Antiquities of the Jews is considered probably the best evidence for Jesus, yet it has some serious problems :
* the T.F. as it stands uses clearly Christian phrases and names Christ as Messiah, it could not possibly have been written by the devout Jew Josephus (who remained a Jew and refused to call anyone "messiah" in his book which was partly about how false messiahs kept leading Israel astray.),
* The T.F. was not mentioned by any of the early Church fathers who reviewed Josephus.
* Origen even says Josephus does NOT call Jesus the Messiah, showing the passage was not present c.200CE.
* The T.F. first showed up in manuscripts of Eusebius, and was still absent from some manuscripts as late as 8th century.
* The other tiny passage in Josephus refers to Jesus, son of Damneus. The phrase "so-called Christ" may have been a later addition by a Christian who also mis-understood which Jesus was refered to.

An analysis of Josephus can be found here:

In short - this passage is possibly a total forgery (or at best a corrupt form of a lost original.)
But, yes,
it COULD just be actual evidence for Jesus - late, corrupt, controversial but just POSSIBLY real historical evidence.


Roughly 80 years after the alleged events (and 40 years after the war) Tacitus allegedly wrote a (now) famous passage about "Christ" - this passage has several problems however:
* Tacitus uses the term "procurator", used in his later times, but not correct for the actual period, when "prefect" was used.
* Tacitus names the person as "Christ", when Roman records could not possibly have used this name (it would have been "Jesus, son of Joseph" or similar.)
* This passage is paraphrased by Sulpicius Severus in the 5th century without attributing it to Tacitus, and may have been inserted back into Tacitus from this work.

This evidence speaks AGAINST it being based on any Roman records -
merely a few details which Tacitus gathered from Christian stories circulating in his time (c.f. Pliny.)
this passage is NOT evidence for Jesus,
it's just evidence for 2nd century Christian stories about Jesus.


Roughly 80-90 years after the alleged Gospel events, (about 45 years after the war) Suetonius refers to a "Chrestus" who stirred the Jews to trouble in Rome during Claudius' time, but:
* this "Chrestus" is a Greek name (from "useful"), and is also a mystic name for an initiate, it is not the same as "Christos"
* this Chrestus was apparently active in Rome, Jesus never was.
this passage is not evidence for Jesus,
it's nothing to do with Jesus,
it's evidence for Christians grasping at straws.

THALLUS (date unknown)

We have NO certain evidence when Thallus lived or wrote, there are NONE of Thallus' works extant.
What we DO have is a 9th century reference by George Syncellus who quotes the 3rd century Julianus Africanus, who, speaking of the darkness at the crucifixion, wrote: "Thallus calls this darkness an eclipse".
there is NO evidence Thallus made specific reference to Jesus or the Gospel events at all, as there WAS an eclipse in 29. This suggests he merely referred to a known eclipse, but that LATER Christians MIS-interpreted his comment to mean their darkness. (Also note the supposed reference to Thallus in Eusebius is a false reading.)

Richard Carrier the historian has a good page on Thallus:

Thallus is no evidence for Jesus at all,
merely evidence for Christian wishful thinking.

Julius Aficanus?
He is from CENTURIES later !

None of your evidence stands up to scrutiny.

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