
All I am saying to you is that according to the Book you swear by, that this book says the flesh is weak. That it is what leads us to sin. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo IF you aren't in this flesh...it only makes sense to me that we wouldn't have that problem. God never said that the spirit will lead us to sin. THE FLESH THE FLESH...read your Bible, will you?

mental .....mind....think.....<:confused:> (self?)

flesh speaks of body the physical side of our nature,what we know, what we can see,hear,feel, and taste, religion teaches that this state of being is only temporary,(hell,even science knows this part..) and that we should focus on
our spiritual state of being,(at cost of neglecting the others) science tends to focus on the physical(at same cost).

my point?
grow up and get along!
both you two..
Please, I know your an intelligent woman. So really, try to LISTEN to what I'm saying instead of screaming away what I'm saying. Please?

A) I am talking about the stories in the Bible
B) God ordered this done. No natural causes. Yes, yes, I know nothing goes outside his will yadda yadda blow it out your nose-ola. What I'm talking about is when that book you say you believe is the end all tell all....describes and shares with us stories where God commanded women to be raped, babies to be slaughtered, animals, men etc....(He's no better than that priest Lori!???!) He COMMANDED it, Lori. Do you not see a difference if someone walked up and beat the shit out of you instead of someone accidentally getting scared and as a reflex punched you and said sorry? Follow the bouncing ball. Yes you can...I know you can do it.

i don't think anything happens outside god's authority and babies are killed every day, not of natural causes.
mental .....mind....think.....<:confused:> (self?)

flesh speaks of body the physical side of our nature,what we know, what we can see,hear,feel, and taste, religion teaches that this state of being is only temporary,(hell,even science knows this part..) and that we should focus on
our spiritual state of being,(at cost of neglecting the others) science tends to focus on the physical(at same cost).

my point?
grow up and get along!
both you two..

Again I am talking about what the Bible says about the flesh. I don't buy that BS but Lori should since she believes in the Bible so much.

I love lori like a sister....we do this all the time... I mean her no disrespect and vice versa.
i don't think anything happens outside god's authority and babies are killed every day, not of natural causes.

*downs a 5th of Scotch- okay not literally but if i could* LORIIIIIIII are you trying to be this way on purpose? :(
No. Acting is if you have no clue what I'm saying, purposely. Why? To drive me mad?

i don't agree with you, and i honestly don't think the way you do. i'm not purposefully trying to antagonize you. the way you think about these things makes absolutely no sense to me, other than to conclude that you're entirely jaded, and you just can't see straight. i'm sorry; no offense.
i don't agree with you, and i honestly don't think the way you do. i'm not purposefully trying to antagonize you. the way you think about these things makes absolutely no sense to me, other than to conclude that you're entirely jaded, and you just can't see straight. i'm sorry; no offense.

Lori, if I walked up and slapped you in the face then spit on you and told you to go to hell VS coming around the corner and you startling me and out of a reaction unintentionally hit you....would you see those both as equal? Because that's exactly how you expect others to view the Biblical God with him ordering soldiers to go and rape women and to kill children. If you think it's okay, then why are you so outraged over that priest doing what he did to that girl? They are no different.
Lori, if I walked up and slapped you in the face then spit on you and told you to go to hell VS coming around the corner and you startling me and out of a reaction unintentionally hit you....would you see those both as equal? Because that's exactly how you expect others to view the Biblical God with him ordering soldiers to go and rape women and to kill children. If you think it's okay, then why are you so outraged over that priest doing what he did to that girl? They are no different.

i don't think god has accidents, and i don't think god is evil. i think god is correct.
i don't think god has accidents, and i don't think god is evil. i think god is correct.

Raping women and killing babies are correct????????????????????????

Even if he ordered it done to your own child?

Not that he does that shit anymore mind you, I'm speaking about the stories in the Bible.

You're right it was no accident that he got pissed off and killed a guy because he didn't carry his beloved ark in a certain manner. He could not control his anger and acted no better than any murderer. Would you kill your child for not doing something you wanted just like the Biblical God? That's abuse, Lori! That's fucked up over the hill crazy, Lori. There is nothing ever ever ever correct about violence, not ever!

And if you believe that these things are of God and are correct then that indeed makes your God pure evil.
Raping women and killing babies are correct????????????????????????

Even if he ordered it done to your own child?

Not that he does that shit anymore mind you, I'm speaking about the stories in the Bible.

You're right it was no accident that he got pissed off and killed a guy because he didn't carry his beloved ark in a certain manner. He could not control his anger and acted no better than any murderer. Would you kill your child for not doing something you wanted just like the Biblical God? That's abuse, Lori! That's fucked up over the hill crazy, Lori. There is nothing ever ever ever correct about violence, not ever!

And if you believe that these things are of God and are correct then that indeed makes your God pure evil.

i don't think that what the OT describes, and what you see going on around you every day is any different. i think it's just worded in a way that you don't like, or understand. the forrest that you refuse to see because you're lost in the trees is that nothing happens outside god's authority. even the bad things. omniscience means that god even knows it's going to happen before it does, and yet, doesn't intervene (obviously). i know it's something you really don't want to believe, but it's also something that is overwhelmingly obvious and undeniable. do you see?
i don't think that ultimately, people get what they deserve. i think that ultimately, people get what they desire, and what they believe in.

That goes against the teachings of the bible, doesn't it? I mean, it seems to be black and white: you believe or you don't believe, your choice determining your fate in the afterlife. I'm not a theologian, so I'm not going to pretend to know the full details regarding spiritual survival. The basic outline does appear easy to understand, though. Anyway, I simply disagree with your above statement; however, it would be nice if it were true.
Would you kill your child for not doing something you wanted just like the Biblical God? That's abuse, Lori! That's fucked up over the hill crazy, Lori.
Careful...such blasphemies will consign your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren to have your iniquities visited upon them.

With extreme prejudice...no doubt.

"I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me."
That goes against the teachings of the bible, doesn't it? I mean, it seems to be black and white: you believe or you don't believe, your choice determining your fate in the afterlife. I'm not a theologian, so I'm not going to pretend to know the full details regarding spiritual survival. The basic outline does appear easy to understand, though. Anyway, I simply disagree with your above statement; however, it would be nice if it were true.

i don't think it's contradictory, if what you desire and what you believe in is christ.

from what i gather, christ is about communion. there are various aspects to that of course, but in the most basic sense i think it's determined by a desire for the truth, and an achievement of the greater good, and a recognition that we don't have either of those things without god.

there are those who do not want the truth. they do not desire communion with god or with all others. they are filled with hatred and fear, and are driven by the ego and not love.

if heaven and the kingdom are a place of communion, and hell is a place in which god does not dwell, it seems like we get what we want. does that make sense?
i don't think that what the OT describes, and what you see going on around you every day is any different. i think it's just worded in a way that you don't like, or understand. the forrest that you refuse to see because you're lost in the trees is that nothing happens outside god's authority. even the bad things. omniscience means that god even knows it's going to happen before it does, and yet, doesn't intervene (obviously). i know it's something you really don't want to believe, but it's also something that is overwhelmingly obvious and undeniable. do you see?

Lori, I'm pleading with you to eliminate the talk of "what is going on in this world" right now. Please? That's NOT my point and you keep throwing it up like vomit as if it were all so you can cover up what I'm saying.

The ONE thing that Christianity believes is the Bible. I'm not talking about car accidents or cancer or anything like that. Here's where it gets tricky....so please do try to follow....I'm talking about what the Bible describes (actual scripture) as DIRECT ORDERS from God. Like some Godfather ordering something done....do you get my drift or do you want to go into your Ginger Rogers tap dance into left field? Those orders are meant for intentional harm, for evil because God was intentionally being a dick.
Careful...such blasphemies will consign your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren to have your iniquities visited upon them.

With extreme prejudice...no doubt.

"I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me."

Well it's a good thing I don't have any :)

But, yes, I know, he's such a kind and loving God teaching us through violence all because he cares for us.
if heaven and the kingdom are a place of communion, and hell is a place in which god does not dwell.
Is there any place where God is not allowed...by what law?

Traditionally Lucifer was thought to be a angel who became arrogant and was thus cast out from heaven and fell to earth. Falling with such force that he crashed right through to the exact center of the earth.


And there he broods as we speak...in his cavern.

Surrounded by ice...the frozen tears of the damned.
