
Someone once told me that heaven is love 24/7, so hell must be of the opposite extreme.

I think so . Think about it . If you live with only hate in your self . What you going to get from everyone else . Like a guy said to me once that was mad as hell as he was seeking his revenge on Me " Back At you . Back At you .
Oh shit was he mad . He was dishing Me with the same thing I dished him the year before . I had to laugh about it , What else could I do ? In his pea brain he was giving Me back what he perceived Me to be. I hurt him by taking away his dumping grounds for his dog poop and his grass clippings . So he jump my ass when I piled a mountain of dirt on his lawn . All I could do is laugh . He had just sold the house and had not moved out yet and the new owner let us do it . He didn't know it . So I didn't move the dirt like he wanted by the next morning . He sure felt better about chewing my ass though
because then you know the difference between good and evil, and you can choose a better existence because you know it's right and you want it, as opposed to being a dumb animal or a puppet on a string.

Now wait a minute...Why were Adam and Eve cursed then? Wasn't it because they ate from the tree of knowledge? Is there a tree of knowledge #2 or what? I thought this knowledge of knowing right from wrong happened with A&E so maybe I'm not getting what you mean by receiving this knowledge between good and evil being worth it in the end. As to imply its not here now.

Seriously, why do you believe the Biblical God toys with people like that. He's "God" after all. It didn't have to take a blood sacrifice to save us, he could have used M&M's or something a little less violent. I think human sacrifice is dead wrong- I'm just perplexed as to why Christians think it's OK. :shrug:
of course you're not talking about what happens in the real world. :rolleyes::confused:

I was merely trying to make a point. One that is as obvious as can be. You simply refuse to act like you get what I mean. You may not agree with it but you don't have to act like you don't understand what I'm saying.
Now wait a minute...Why were Adam and Eve cursed then? Wasn't it because they ate from the tree of knowledge? Is there a tree of knowledge #2 or what? I thought this knowledge of knowing right from wrong happened with A&E so maybe I'm not getting what you mean by receiving this knowledge between good and evil being worth it in the end. As to imply its not here now.

Seriously, why do you believe the Biblical God toys with people like that. He's "God" after all. It didn't have to take a blood sacrifice to save us, he could have used M&M's or something a little less violent. I think human sacrifice is dead wrong- I'm just perplexed as to why Christians think it's OK. :shrug:

Well I suppose it's only worth it in the end to those who learn enough from it to desire something better and bring about that change.

And would you please stop talking your fantasy crap? In the real world the wages of sin is death, not m&m's.
And would you please stop talking your fantasy crap? In the real world the wages of sin is death, not m&m's.

No, Lori, in the Biblical world wages of sin is death. Very caring and loving of the Biblical God. What I'm saying is the idea that a God would need a blood sacrifice to save others from HIMSELF, is crazy. He's God- he could use any means (and yes that includes M&M's or any other method; he chose a violent one instead)
No, Lori, in the Biblical world wages of sin is death. Very caring and loving of the Biblical God. What I'm saying is the idea that a God would need a blood sacrifice to save others from HIMSELF, is crazy. He's God- he could use any means (and yes that includes M&M's or any other method; he chose a violent one instead)

In the real world too and you know it. I'm glad the wages of sin is death. It would be evil to reward sin or to be indifferent to it.
In the real world too and you know it. I'm glad the wages of sin is death. It would be evil to reward sin or to be indifferent to it.

Why eternal torment? Well Sin is sin after all....so that includes sending people to hell all because they don't believe Jesus is the son of God. Not because they've raped, or killed someone. Rather, sending people to hell forever because they lack a belief in something. Hell, if it were that important you'd think God would make damn sure that everyone would know that Jesus is his son. But, he didn't or can't...after all, he's only God. :rolleyes:
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Why eternal torment? Well Sin is sin after all....so that includes sending people to hell all because they don't believe Jesus is the son of God.
that's what man makes it.. man makes it about believe as i do or go to hell..

God would not send you to hell, you get there on your own merits..
that's what man makes it.. man makes it about believe as i do or go to hell..

I'm pretty sure there are various scriptures but one that comes to mind is John 3:16 ....I know it doesn't say you'll go to hell but it says "...Whosoever believes in me shall not perish but have everlasting life" But...also in Revelations it talks about "Depart from me ye who work iniquity for you knew me not" One cannot know in the manner he is speaking about knowing if they do not believe.

God would not send you to hell, you get there on your own merits..

I despise this answer....I hear it all the time from Christians as their defense for hell. But my answer to that is God created so the called laws...laws that a person may not agree with (like believing Jesus is God's son). If someone told you that you had a choice to eat a tablespoon of dog poop or horse poop...that really isn't a choice. Nobody would want to suffer for eternity.
I'm pretty sure there are various scriptures but one that comes to mind is John 3:16 ....I know it doesn't say you'll go to hell but it says "...Whosoever believes in me shall not perish but have everlasting life" But...
exactly. we cannot know what it is, that we could do, to keep us from going to hell without jesus, jesus was sent to give us a clue..

also in Revelations it talks about "Depart from me ye who work iniquity for you knew me not" One cannot know in the manner he is speaking about knowing if they do not believe.
enough of jesus was put in the bible to reason out who he was..the more we study him, the more we 'know' him..(familiarity)

I despise this answer....I hear it all the time from Christians as their defense for hell.
study for yourself. it has always been mans flavor to make it about 'or else' even in the bible.

why do you need a 'rule' to get you to do what is good?

But my answer to that is God created so the called laws...laws that a person may not agree with (like believing Jesus is God's son).
if we did not have access to both sides of the argument how could we make the best choices?

If someone told you that you had a choice to eat a tablespoon of dog poop or horse poop...that really isn't a choice. Nobody would want to suffer for eternity.
If one contained an immortality(wish?) pill would you eat it?

i have heard there is a belief that we will get a second chance, jesus will come to hell to retrieve some souls. (i have no clue as to source)

i believe that God created us with the ability to choose.
i think that anything counter to this is from 'Man'.
enough of jesus was put in the bible to reason out who he was..the more we study him, the more we 'know' him..(familiarity)

So you expect everyone to read the Bible? What if they can't read? What if they don't own a Bible? What if they don't want to read it?

study for yourself. it has always been mans flavor to make it about 'or else' even in the bible.

Matthew: 7:21
21“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ 23Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

Don't you consider that an or else? "Only those who do the will of my Father"?

why do you need a 'rule' to get you to do what is good?

I don't need a rule to get me to do what is good. Nor do I need Jesus to do that either or the Bible.

if we did not have access to both sides of the argument how could we make the best choices?

I see what you are saying, however I think it's crazy to even consider that a God would need a blood sacrifice to save us from himself- that's really the best God could come up with? Violence?

If one contained an immortality(wish?) pill would you eat it?

ROFLMAO So are you saying we have to eat poop in order to get immortality?:p
So you expect everyone to read the Bible? What if they can't read? What if they don't own a Bible? What if they don't want to read it?
can you read? do you own a bible? do you really want to know?
you can't criticize a literary work without reading it, why is the bible an exception?

Matthew: 7:21
21“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ 23Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

Don't you consider that an or else? "Only those who do the will of my Father"?
think of what they are comparing, those that 'Do Gods will' and those that just say they are..it is my opinion that these latter types are at the top of the religious food chain.

and 'will of the father' is very susceptible to what it is the father wants you do to (not mans).

I don't need a rule to get me to do what is good.
Nor do I need Jesus to do that either or the Bible.
doesn't hurt to study for a different perspective on some things..

I see what you are saying, however I think it's crazy to even consider that a God would need a blood sacrifice to save us from himself- that's really the best God could come up with? Violence?
there is more to God than any of us can figure..

ROFLMAO So are you saying we have to eat poop in order to get immortality?:p
lol..isn't that what we need to do to get ahead on earth?
can you read?

No, not at all. :D
do you own a bible?
yes, I own a Bible
do you really want to know? you can't criticize a literary work without reading it, why is the bible an exception?

I've read it

think of what they are comparing, those that 'Do Gods will' and those that just say they are..it is my opinion that these latter types are at the top of the religious food chain.

and 'will of the father' is very susceptible to what it is the father wants you do to (not mans).

Yep, says they that do not DO the father's will are going to hell. To be honest those people were shocked I'm sure as I'm sure they thought they were doing what he wanted. Regardless, hell is a little drastic-

there is more to God than any of us can figure..

That can be taken in more than one way

lol..isn't that what we need to do to get ahead on earth?

lol true, very true. So shouldn't heaven be a bit different?
Why eternal torment? Well Sin is sin after all....so that includes sending people to hell all because they don't believe Jesus is the son of God. Not because they've raped, or killed someone. Rather, sending people to hell forever because they lack a belief in something. Hell, if it were that important you'd think God would make damn sure that everyone would know that Jesus is his son. But, he didn't or can't...after all, he's only God. :rolleyes:

it's just a realization heart. it's a realization that there's something tragically wrong with humanity that we can't fix ourselves.

i mean, it's all relative you know? this earth is a real hell hole; a real place of torment, and you know as well as i do that some people are just fine with it, while it tortures others to the point of insanity. it's all perspective.

i believe in a way out because i've been shown the way out, and all i did was ask. what's the harm in taking a chance on something better? why is the end of all of our suffering something to get defensive about? fuck if i know, but people sure seem to.
it's just a realization heart. it's a realization that there's something tragically wrong with humanity that we can't fix ourselves.

i mean, it's all relative you know? this earth is a real hell hole; a real place of torment, and you know as well as i do that some people are just fine with it, while it tortures others to the point of insanity. it's all perspective.

i believe in a way out because i've been shown the way out, and all i did was ask. what's the harm in taking a chance on something better? why is the end of all of our suffering something to get defensive about? fuck if i know, but people sure seem to.

It's not such a terrible place for everyone, Lori. And I think it has improved from what it once was. And it could be better.
It's not such a terrible place for everyone, Lori. And I think it has improved from what it once was. And it could be better.

It's all relative, but relative to a world without sin? People can't even fathom. Just try a mental exercise where you imagine what it might be like without greed alone. Then lose the hate, the lies, the fear, the violence. We can't even imagine as hard as we try, a world in which everyone loves each other, and because of that always acts in accordance with the greater good. Realize that without a doubt currently, none of us do that. Why?

You understand how people are conditioned right? Even by really horrible things. And those things become normal. Think about it. Think about how people become acclimated to very harsh environments. I'm saying that we all have, and we think this is ok, simply because it's the norm.

I want to annihilate the norm.
It's all relative, but relative to a world without sin? People can't even fathom. Just try a mental exercise where you imagine what it might be like without greed alone. Then lose the hate, the lies, the fear, the violence. We can't even imagine as hard as we try, a world in which everyone loves each other, and because of that always acts in accordance with the greater good. Realize that without a doubt currently, none of us do that. Why?

You understand how people are conditioned right? Even by really horrible things. And those things become normal. Think about it. Think about how people become acclimated to very harsh environments. I'm saying that we all have, and we think this is ok, simply because it's the norm.

I want to annihilate the norm.

The world isn't devoid of those qualities that you crave. They might be lacking the intensity of what you consider heaven, but they are still here. There are many selfless people who give their lives towards improving the world, sacrificing much in the effort.

Love, Compassion, and Forgiveness

I'm not a saint by any standard, but I can still appreciate the message. For me it doesn't only represent hope for spiritual salvation, but hope for the world, the world we live in. Do you understand? Yeah, it sucks here, but maybe we can make it better?

Anyway, I'm not a champion of good deeds, but I do see the light. The challenge is in finding the strength to practice the above in our lives. Maybe that's what's wrong with our world, we are too weak. :)