
Perhaps this was the circumstance for millions of years before the arrival of civilised humans.

Animals spend most of their time tearing each other to pieces or running for their lives.

Some of them may look CUTE to us...but from their own point of view theres nothing cute about it.

Dolphins arent really smiling...:cool:

Are you saying that animals do good towards other animals and can make the decision to be "bad" not out of some necessity? Humans can do that but i never heard of that with animals.
Actually dolphins spend a lot of time playing and having lots of sex.
There's no survival reason for for them to play in the bow waves of ships, but they do it all the time.

General rule of thumb, the smarter they are, the more time they spend playing.
My understanding is that hell is a really bad place where god sends people after they die, who have a different set of values and/or religion than you.

We have no record of anyone, ever, committing a crime after they've died. It's quite simple.

That is not true ! It is all about perception. So my relative Danial Greathouse he was convected of starting the Dunsmore wars in Delaware . After he was dead that is . He died of measles and became the scape goat after the fact . Before he died a guy name Cresop ( Potential Spelling error0) was to blame in a letter to President Jefferson ) Greathouse died of measles before the trial and the story changed to "Greathouse did it" real fast .
Scape goats pay big time cause they are the devil . Hell is to be a scape goat like the devil
Could I get some understanding ( opinion ) on what is hell

It's a fictional place that fictional deities send fictional souls to for the purpose of torturing them for some pre-determined or indeterminate amount of time.
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Read what I wrote and then read your reply. :rolleyes:

Oh you mean like they die and then a month later they kill white people , but they don't do the killing until a month after there dead . I think Jesse James the out law Did or even Jesus . Maybe it was more of an Elvis is still alive thing. I think cult leaders vicariously kill after there dead, how bout that ? Hitler and white supremacy groups of the modern era. How bout that ? can I get a cheer for that? please please . O.K. stretching it I know . You can be such a downer sometimes . Take my buzz away . Now I got to go have another drink . Are you buying ?
Animals are not like that at all . When I go into the woods respect of environment is key. The Animals understand your every thought and react upon it . There are does and don't , boundaries you can cross and boundaries you can't . At least with out having consequences. When I go hunting the wilderness offers up my prey.
The wilderness offers you nothing and doesnt care if you respect it or not.

The wilderness has no consciousness...there is no entity making choices.

Remember that scene in Star Wars where Yoda responds to Luke, who is about to descend into the cave of dreams?


"Only what you take with you."

And so it is with the natural world...the beauty and harmony you see is your own.
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Are you saying that animals do good towards other animals and can make the decision to be "bad" not out of some necessity? Humans can do that but i never heard of that with animals.
How do we know if some advanced alien race might not think the same of us humans...that we have so little free will?
How do we know if some advanced alien race might not think the same of us humans...that we have so little free will?

I dont think that signifies freewill but simply they lack the ability.

I seriously doubt off earth species with the capability would think that.
Let's assume god is right. I think that's a safe assumption don't you?

That depends on which God you are talking about. If you are talking about the one with the violent behaviors, the one who admits to lying, the one who will kill just because he gets angry or his wittle feelers hurt...then hell no, I could never assume a brutal narcissistic anything (human or god) is right for their behavior.

If you separate the good from the bad, there's gotta be somewhere for the bad to reside.

Oh, because the Biblical God isn't powerful enough to make it vanish? Hmmm...

And what is your beef with Jesus anyway? The idea of a sinless existence bothers you?

You call it sin. I don't believe in "sin" as the Bible describes. Do I see the lust, greed etc...sure.

You like living in a world full of greed, lust, pride, envy, sloth, wrath...what's the other one vanity? What gives?

No, of course not. However, some of those things that you mention the Biblical God exhibits...so I guess the fruit doesn't fall from from the tree, eh?
That depends on which God you are talking about. If you are talking about the one with the violent behaviors, the one who admits to lying, the one who will kill just because he gets angry or his wittle feelers hurt...then hell no, I could never assume a brutal narcissistic anything (human or god) is right for their behavior.

i'm talking about the god that exists. i suppose you could describe him in whatever fantastic way you'd like, since you'd be making it all up anyway. ;)

Oh, because the Biblical God isn't powerful enough to make it vanish? Hmmm...

well as long as people continue to desire it...would you like him to get rid of those people, because we're not talking about magic here heart, we're talking about the duality of law.

You call it sin. I don't believe in "sin" as the Bible describes. Do I see the lust, greed etc...sure.

so you're arguing over a label? a name to call something? why?

No, of course not. However, some of those things that you mention the Biblical God exhibits...so I guess the fruit doesn't fall from from the tree, eh?

how do you know about god heart? because someone beat you over the head with a book to try to scare you? i'm afraid to say it worked. :(
i'm talking about the god that exists. i suppose you could describe him in whatever fantastic way you'd like, since you'd be making it all up anyway. ;)

Oh, I'm sorry. Let me clarify. The description I had given was from the Bible. You can sprinkle whatever pixie dust you want to over those scriptures (even though you don't read them) and try very hard not to make him look like a dick or Jack the Ripper...but, I'm afraid it's still all very much clearly stated in black and white my friend. So please, if you want to talk about making up God and how he his....unless it matches according to the Bible, you ain't talking about the Biblical God.

well as long as people continue to desire it...would you like him to get rid of those people, because we're not talking about magic here heart, we're talking about the duality of law.

No, Lori, what we are talking about is the afterlife. According to the Bible it is the FLESH that is weak and that makes one sin. Once the flesh is gone it should free the spirit, correct? Otherwise, you'd have all kinds of sin in Heaven now, wouldn't you?

so you're arguing over a label? a name to call something? why?

Not that it matters, but because according to the Bible sin is something that sends people to hell. I don't believe in hell or a God barbaric enough to create it. If you do, then will you follow suit and torture your child for their life because they don't behave (submit to your control) as you'd like? I think the idea of "sin" as described in the Bible and its OVER-THE-TOP consequences is ludicrous at best.

how do you know about god heart? because someone beat you over the head with a book to try to scare you? i'm afraid to say it worked.

I know because I have read the Bible. Nobody had to beat me over the head with it. Anyone with two eyes can see. Open it up, read it sometime. However, I've given you loads of scriptures that you refuse to comment on or you will answer saying, "Well, God is a dick, and asshole" and all the many other ways you've described him, which really makes me wonder just why they heck you'd follow and serve and dedicate your life that-feeling the way you do.
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it's a place of unimaginable and eternal torture. god puts unbelievers there for eternity. and sinners till they cleanse of sins. all after death of course.
Oh, I'm sorry. Let me clarify. The description I had given was from the Bible. You can sprinkle whatever pixie dust you want to over those scriptures (even though you don't read them) and try very hard not to make him look like a dick or Jack the Ripper...but, I'm afraid it's still all very much clearly stated in black and white my friend. So please, if you want to talk about making up God and how he his....unless it matches according to the Bible, you ain't talking about the Biblical God.

No, Lori, what we are talking about is the afterlife. According to the Bible it is the FLESH that is weak and that makes one sin. Once the flesh is gone it should free the spirit, correct? Otherwise, you'd have all kinds of sin in Heaven now, wouldn't you?

Not that it matters, but because according to the Bible sin is something that sends people to hell. I don't believe in hell or a God barbaric enough to create it. If you do, then will you follow suit and torture your child for their life because they don't behave (submit to your control) as you'd like? I think the idea of "sin" as described in the Bible and its OVER-THE-TOP consequences is ludicrous at best.

I know because I have read the Bible. Nobody had to beat me over the head with it. Anyone with two eyes can see. Open it up, read it sometime. However, I've given you loads of scriptures that you refuse to comment on or you will answer saying, "Well, God is a dick, and asshole" and all the many other ways you've described him, which really makes me wonder just why they heck you'd follow and serve and dedicate your life that-feeling the way you do.

hey heart, i realize you've got a fairly fluffy and happy existance going on right now but honestly, take an honest look at the world, and tell me, how in the hell could god NOT be a dick?

but god IS right.
and this world is not all there is.

you want to bitch about hell and judgement, when you see with your own eyes the evil atrocities that go on every day? why? why do you want either good consequences or no consequences to really really bad actions? why?
hey heart, i realize you've got a fairly fluffy and happy existance going on right now but honestly, take an honest look at the world, and tell me, how in the hell could god NOT be a dick?

I'm not talking about the world. I'm talking about the afterlife.
but god IS right.
and this world is not all there is.
The biblical god is right? Right to command soldiers to rape women, rip apart babies, strike people and kill them because he got angry or jealous and the list goes on and on and on (and yet you bitch when a preacher does it???)...IF that is your idea of right, honey you can keep it.
you want to bitch about hell and judgement, when you see with your own eyes the evil atrocities that go on every day? why? why do you want either good consequences or no consequences to really really bad actions? why?

Again, I'm talking about the afterlife. The flesh is gone then...so now what's your excuse?
I'm not talking about the world. I'm talking about the afterlife.

The biblical god is right? Right to command soldiers rape women, rip apart babies, strike people and kill them because he got angry or jealous and the list goes on and on and on...IF that is your idea of right, honey you can keep it.

Again, I'm talking about the afterlife. The flesh is gone then...so now what's your excuse?

so you think that everything that really does happen in this world, and who we really are in this world, is entirely irrelevant, and you would instead rather fantasize about your happy shmappy afterlife (which you really know nothing about)? do i have that straight?