
I get and understand what you mean. All I was saying to Lori is that hell on earth and the hell as described in the Bible are 2 different things.

If one will preserve this body and hell will have a temperature higher then 100 C i will be cooked, if it will have higher then 240 C it will get burned .
Body wise to last long time in so called physical hell it have to be no higher then in a desert.
Hell must be some form of remorse for not doing the right thing when the opportunity was there .
If one will preserve this body and hell will have a temperature higher then 100 C i will be cooked, if it will have higher then 240 C it will get burned .
Body wise to last long time in so called physical hell it have to be no higher then in a desert.
Hell must be some form of remorse for not doing the right thing when the opportunity was there .

they have used parables to describe it as painful in a physical sense.

Remorse for not doing something right, like sending a kid to its room for doing something wrong? Little drastic if you ask me. :bugeye:
they have used parables to describe it as painful in a physical sense.

Remorse for not doing something right, like sending a kid to its room for doing something wrong? Little drastic if you ask me. :bugeye:

Not doing something right? Skip over to tiassa's thread about the "pastor" who raped and almost murdered a girl and wants mercy for entertaining demons.

What makes you think that evil people like this are going to somehow stop being evil when they pass on?

Do you realize that there can't be a heaven without a hell? I know math isn't your strong suit but it's simple extrapolation.
Not doing something right? Skip over to tiassa's thread about the "pastor" who raped and almost murdered a girl and wants mercy for entertaining demons.

What makes you think that evil people like this are going to somehow stop being evil when they pass on?

For starters I was commenting on the phrase yaracuy used of "Not doing something right". Did you know your God sets it up for people to go to Hell who happen to not believe that Jesus is his son? For a lack of belief- which I find rather drastic. I do not agree with behavior that this "pastor" did, wasn't even thinking of those people. I was thinking of those who go to Hell for not believing the way the Biblical God wants them to.

Do you realize that there can't be a heaven without a hell? I know math isn't your strong suit but it's simple extrapolation.

Yeah, like knowing the Bible by reading it isn't your strong suit :) But, anyway, come on ole wise one, why can't their be heaven without hell? Do you think someone being deaf makes me hear? :bugeye:
For starters I was commenting on the phrase yaracuy used of "Not doing something right". Did you know your God sets it up for people to go to Hell who happen to not believe that Jesus is his son? For a lack of belief- which I find rather drastic. I do not agree with behavior that this "pastor" did, wasn't even thinking of those people. I was thinking of those who go to Hell for not believing the way the Biblical God wants them to.

Yeah, like knowing the Bible by reading it isn't your strong suit :) But, anyway, come on ole wise one, why can't their be heaven without hell? Do you think someone being deaf makes me hear? :bugeye:

Let's assume god is right. I think that's a safe assumption don't you?

If you separate the good from the bad, there's gotta be somewhere for the bad to reside.

And what is your beef with Jesus anyway? The idea of a sinless existence bothers you? You like living in a world full of greed, lust, pride, envy, sloth, wrath...what's the other one vanity? What gives?
What makes you think that evil people like this are going to somehow stop being evil when they pass on?

We have no record of anyone, ever, committing a crime after they've died. It's quite simple.

We have no record of anyone, ever, committing a crime after they've died. It's quite simple.

Well IMO it stands to reason that if there is an afterlife that people will be just as fucked up there as they are here if not more so.
Used to just be Hel. A place somewhere below the tree of life.

The Christians added an "L" so they could convert the Wotanic...
Hell is created to intimidate unbelievers.
It is also an object used by crazy fanatic believers to impose fear and suffering on their enemy.
Hell is created to intimidate unbelievers.
It is also an object used by crazy fanatic believers to impose fear and suffering on their enemy.

tell that to your dog while you're chopping off it's tail for your own vanity's sake.
Well maybe that's what it took, some Pharisees. Ha!
Not even the Pharisees believed in hell...nor the Sadducees.

The Greek new testament speaks only of Hades, Tartarus and Gehenna.

All Greek words, except Gehenna is derived from the Hebrew 'Gehinnom' and comes from the traditons of the Misnah.

Although its somewhat vague, Gehenna was apparently thought to exist ONLY after the resurrection of the dead.
Not even the Pharisees believed in hell...nor the Sadducees.

The Greek new testament speaks only of Hades, Tartarus and Gehenna.

All Greek words, except Gehenna is derived from the Hebrew 'Gehinnom' and comes from the traditons of the Misnah.

Although its somewhat vague, Gehenna was apparently thought to exist ONLY after the resurrection of the dead.

what does it matter what people believe in? any belief that has to do with the afterlife is pure speculation. now, it could be speculation based on what we know about the lives we lead here. and i would speculate that if there was a circumstance in which evil was not bridled by good, it would be pretty hellish. don't you think?
if there was a circumstance in which evil was not bridled by good, it would be pretty hellish. don't you think?
Perhaps this was the circumstance for millions of years before the arrival of civilised humans.

Animals spend most of their time tearing each other to pieces or running for their lives.

Some of them may look CUTE to us...but from their own point of view theres nothing cute about it.

Dolphins arent really smiling...:cool:
Perhaps this was the circumstance for millions of years before the arrival of civilised humans.

Animals spend most of their time tearing each other to pieces or running for their lives.

Some of them may look CUTE to us...but from their own point of view theres nothing cute about it.

Dolphins arent really smiling...:cool:

Dude I was going to come all unglued on you , but I am practicing tolerance . Animals are not like that at all . When I go into the woods respect of environment is key . The Animals understand your every thought and react upon it . There are does and don't , boundaries you can cross and boundaries you can't . At least with out having consequences. When I go hunting the wilderness offers up my prey . Strange but true . What they as a species offers up I am satisfied to take . No more no less . Lets take fishing . I catch just enough fish to feed my Family of 3 a meal or 2, no more no less . Fish don't keep that long so the rule of thumb is good . The freshness to die for . The fish population is stable because of fish and games limits in this fashion of conservation . Now before all you expert foresters and Wildlife Biologist jump my ass " I know a lot more science goes into determining game limits . O.K. that said To the rest of You " The fish and game is about 2 years behind the curve . It takes 2 years to alter course for the new data year to year . Can you see what is happening . Yeah living in the past . So we have time delay in human group functioning. How do you over come that . We need scouts and we need to listen to scouts . O.K. that would help .