
Lori, I'm pleading with you to eliminate the talk of "what is going on in this world" right now. Please? That's NOT my point and you keep throwing it up like vomit as if it were all so you can cover up what I'm saying.

The ONE thing that Christianity believes is the Bible. I'm not talking about car accidents or cancer or anything like that. Here's where it gets tricky....so please do try to follow....I'm talking about what the Bible describes (actual scripture) as DIRECT ORDERS from God. Like some Godfather ordering something done....do you get my drift or do you want to go into your Ginger Rogers tap dance into left field? Those orders are meant for intentional harm, for evil because God was intentionally being a dick.

i'm telling you, GOD IS A DICK. and yes that's based on reality and no i'm not going to stop talking about reality. I'M NOT IN YOUR HAPPY SHMAPPY FANTASY WORLD.

bottom line heart. you can argue that there is no god, or, you can argue that god is an asshole, but you can NOT argue that there is a god and he's nice. you gotta be outta your fucking mind.
i'm telling you, GOD IS A DICK. and yes that's based on reality and no i'm not going to stop talking about reality. I'M NOT IN YOUR HAPPY SHMAPPY FANTASY WORLD.


Allllllllrighty then, so we've established that the Biblical God is a dick.

Why would you want to dedicate your life to a God who behaves no better than Charles Manson, Son of Sam, or any other non caring, cold hearted beast? Got a bad boy thing or what?
bottom line heart. you can argue that there is no god, or, you can argue that god is an asshole, but you can NOT argue that there is a god and he's nice. you gotta be outta your fucking mind.

You think God having women raped and babies killed is okay because its God doing it ....and you think I'm out of my fucking mind? Did you get a hold of some bad smoke or what?
You think God having women raped and babies killed is okay because its God doing it ....and you think I'm out of my fucking mind? Did you get a hold of some bad smoke or what?

Help me out here, where in the bible can we find evidence of his cruelty? I have a vague recollection of a couple, but I'm not well read in the book.
I'm a little confused... God is a dick? Lori?

well if there is a god, you would have to agree that he's certainly not "nice". right?

from what i know of him he's not. but like i said, he is god, and he is correct (imo). he's just not sympathetic i guess you would say. from heart's perspective, and from a very human perspective, he doesn't seem to be, when you look at the brutality in the world, it's hard to think of god as being nice. imo a nice god wouldn't be a just god. maybe a pushover. but i think that god has a plan and we have a destiny that we can't see entirely, and nice or not, i trust god to know what he's doing.

learning about good and evil isn't nice, it's brutal, you know? but i think it's a good thing to learn.
You think God having women raped and babies killed is okay because its God doing it ....and you think I'm out of my fucking mind? Did you get a hold of some bad smoke or what?

heart, snap out of it! it happens doesn't it? women are being raped and babies are being killed right now as i type this, and if there is a god he's allowing it to happen.
Allllllllrighty then, so we've established that the Biblical God is a dick.

Why would you want to dedicate your life to a God who behaves no better than Charles Manson, Son of Sam, or any other non caring, cold hearted beast? Got a bad boy thing or what?

like i said. learning about good and evil is brutal, but i think it's worth it in the end.
I personally don't have an issue with your religion, Lori--people believe what they want to believe. My mother and two oldest brothers are religious and are reasonably intelligent people. I just don't find any solace in it, which excludes me from having any faith. I think the world is sometimes cruel and that that is reflected in the character of our gods. So, I'm not surprised to learn that god is a dick. It's all relative.
heart, snap out of it! it happens doesn't it? women are being raped and babies are being killed right now as i type this, and if there is a god he's allowing it to happen.

I'm not talking about what happens in the world. End of sentence. The only thing one can go by when it comes to God's character is the Bible, because burning bushes aren't as plentiful these days. got it?

They are, to me, completely different. The Bible vs the real world. We don't hear God shouting out commands these days. Oh, wait, yes....there is that woman I told you about who killed her children because God told her to. That truly must have been the Biblical God talking? Funny, seems there are a lot of stories outside of the Bible where people have said God told them to kill.

I'm sure they will all have jewels in their crowns for following God's violent orders. Blessed are they who kill in his name?
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like i said. learning about good and evil is brutal, but i think it's worth it in the end.

Okay, I'll bite. Why is it worth it in the end? You find out a blood thirsty, narcissistic baby killer really might have some bit of love for you and others? Kind of like when serial killers convince women outside of prison that they are the best thing since sliced bread and they are just misunderstood, so these women end up marrying them? Or...well, I apologize, I should let you answer instead of just guessing.
I personally don't have an issue with your religion, Lori--people believe what they want to believe. My mother and two oldest brothers are religious and are reasonably intelligent people. I just don't find any solace in it, which excludes me from having any faith. I think the world is sometimes cruel and that that is reflected in the character of our gods. So, I'm not surprised to learn that god is a dick. It's all relative.

I will find those for you. I am needing to get ready for an appointment so when I get some time I'll most definitely do so. That or you can search my posts...the scriptures are in there, all kinds.
Okay, I'll bite. Why is it worth it in the end? You find out a blood thirsty, narcissistic baby killer really might have some bit of love for you and others? Kind of like when serial killers convince women outside of prison that they are the best thing since sliced bread and they are just misunderstood, so these women end up marrying them? Or...well, I apologize, I should let you answer instead of just guessing.

because then you know the difference between good and evil, and you can choose a better existence because you know it's right and you want it, as opposed to being a dumb animal or a puppet on a string.
I'm not talking about what happens in the world. End of sentence. The only thing one can go by when it comes to God's character is the Bible, because burning bushes aren't as plentiful these days. got it?

They are, to me, completely different. The Bible vs the real world. We don't hear God shouting out commands these days. Oh, wait, yes....there is that woman I told you about who killed her children because God told her to. That truly must have been the Biblical God talking? Funny, seems there are a lot of stories outside of the Bible where people have said God told them to kill.

I'm sure they will all have jewels in their crowns for following God's violent orders. Blessed are they who kill in his name?

of course you're not talking about what happens in the real world. :rolleyes::confused:
What hell is? Well if it existed, I'm pretty sure it would be the place that the Jehovah's witnesses keep going on about when they come knocking on the door.

There depiction is thus, they come to the door and state "how would you like to live in a place like this for eternity?", they depict a "heaven" implying no suffering, no concern for money, no going hungry, living with nature and animals and otherwise being "perfect", at least that's until you get wind that this place will be filled with people "Just like them" which is the to me a definition of a place of moral turpitude, annoyance, anger and borrowing from the catholic religion "purgatory".

In essence "If heaven is where all the religious people go, I wouldn't want to go there because it would be my hell".

So perhaps Einstein is proven right yet again about Relativity. (Due to the relative perception)
very well, hell is that which is extremely bad relative to all possible human perception.
Someone once told me that heaven is love 24/7, so hell must be of the opposite extreme.
well if there is a god, you would have to agree that he's certainly not "nice". right?

from what i know of him he's not. but like i said, he is god, and he is correct (imo). he's just not sympathetic i guess you would say. from heart's perspective, and from a very human perspective, he doesn't seem to be, when you look at the brutality in the world, it's hard to think of god as being nice. imo a nice god wouldn't be a just god. maybe a pushover. but i think that god has a plan and we have a destiny that we can't see entirely, and nice or not, i trust god to know what he's doing.

learning about good and evil isn't nice, it's brutal, you know? but i think it's a good thing to learn.
O.K. maybe it is the rest of you that are dicks , Ever think of that ? Maybe God has to be a dick to defend him self from dick humans . Don't be a dick and maybe just maybe God won't be a dick , Except somethings it is fun to be a dick so I doubt people will stop being dicks all to soon . Don't be a Dick . I wrote that song . When the day comes you hear the song think about what I said . It is a hit song . I know that already . It is not on the charts yet , but one day it will be . Your going to love it. I knew it when I wrote it 30 years ago . It's day is coming
because then you know the difference between good and evil, and you can choose a better existence because you know it's right and you want it, as opposed to being a dumb animal or a puppet on a string.

Humans are both of those Lori 357. Dumb Animals and puppets on a string . That is the true nature of humanity. Humans copy humans . It is the most basic rule of humanity. That is what school is all about. Community . We copy each other especially when we see success . Then we will be more apt to copy that success. Your a Jesus Puppet , or a God Puppet . I got the world on a string . Love that song !! Ever heard of it ? Came out before your time . It was a big hit. Some circles it still is .
Did you see my trick ? Did you understand the trick and the power of it ? How it works like a virus ? You infect those around you and they go infect others . I seen it move through a crowd plenty of times to know it really works. I thought it was my imagination at first when I started using the Trick . No . I have analyzed it real good . In Fact I am going to go to the store and get something for dinner for the family and infect a new group of people with the virus . Ha Ha Ha Ha I am a Dick . I will get them all Ha Ha Ha Ha
You know when I was more of a hard ass people would say that . Ass Hole Mike ! Well fuck em ! Some one has to be the bad guy . Every body would be fucking there sister or brother otherwise. So here is the question ? Is it O.K. to have sex with your third cousin . Now I know it is legal and the bible says government is by God . Yet there seem to be in the modern world a stigmatism about fucking your third cousin. Which is right American moral compass or the Law ? Which is by God and Which is by Government ? Mind you the bible says Government is by God