
I'm pretty sure there are various scriptures but one that comes to mind is John 3:16 ....I know it doesn't say you'll go to hell but it says "...Whosoever believes in me shall not perish but have everlasting life" But...also in Revelations it talks about "Depart from me ye who work iniquity for you knew me not" One cannot know in the manner he is speaking about knowing if they do not believe.

"""Depart from me ye who work iniquity for you knew me not""""

Where did you get this quote??

The verse says in my NKJV Bible:

Matthew 7
22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’

Jesus is talking to ones who believed in jesus but never believed Jesus. These people where religious people. Not atheists.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
It's not such a terrible place for everyone, Lori. And I think it has improved from what it once was. And it could be better.

It's a Terrible place for me because i know it is a terrible place for many.

Why does the knowledge of others suffering make it terrible for me?

It's called Compassion.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
It's a Terrible place for me because i know it is a terrible place for many.

Why does the knowledge of others suffering make it terrible for me?

It's called Compassion.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

If you have that much compassio, act on it; that is, make the world better. Don't wait for heavenly intervention.
If you have that much compassio, act on it; that is, make the world better. Don't wait for heavenly intervention.

Shit Man . They don't know what to do . They need examples . That is where we come in . Are you with Me . Do the hustle, Bomp Bom Bomp , be domp Bomp Bomp. I am changing the world bro . I know you can't really tell but it is true. Yeah right now I am in the vetting process and the powers that be are wondering if I am going to become viable . It is a lot like getting a loan from a bank . You have to succeed before you get support and yet you need support to succeed . Slide of hand is the only way around it . Create your own support and then everybody wants to be with a winner so then you get support when they see you are supported . So it is kind of to late . Heavenly intervention already hea ! The Big sky diving down on the world like a vulture to eat up the dead carcasses of inaction . The slippery slope of self loathing giving charity as a feel good touchy self with out real regard for the down trodden . The same that convert you and us the carrot on a stick as there tool of indoctrination of there own god image. The one feed to them by the culture they live in . We will make every one Live by the values of our own indoctrination. Be like us mentality . If your not you are unwashed and not worthy to receive our help that we really do to satisfy our own low opinion of our selves .

Lets see how I can make it more clear . The average person does charity so they can feel good about them selves . For contributing a and there by being a good little civic citizen. Do they really care about a homeless man with a drink in his hand past out on a park bench . No they hate that Man . They would rather see him die or just go away . He is the scape goat . He represents the Killer , The Child molester, the thief , the drunk that kills the innocence of life with his car that he lives in . The impression of civility
"""Depart from me ye who work iniquity for you knew me not""""

Where did you get this quote??

The verse says in my NKJV Bible:

Matthew 7
22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’

Jesus is talking to ones who believed in jesus but never believed Jesus. These people where religious people. Not atheists.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I do like the way the m is capitalized in the name Me for Who is Like Me. The work Man that builds his house on rock. If he don't then the ruin of that house will be great . LUke said that . Not the M part or the Who is like Me , but the rest he said
Lets see how I can make it more clear . The average person does charity so they can feel good about them selves . For contributing a and there by being a good little civic citizen. Do they really care about a homeless man with a drink in his hand past out on a park bench . No they hate that Man . They would rather see him die or just go away . He is the scape goat . He represents the Killer , The Child molester, the thief , the drunk that kills the innocence of life with his car that he lives in . The impression of civility

True for some, but many do it because they are compelled. As for homeless drunks, there's no easy solution for that problem, yet there are people who care. If I were to give my compassion in that direction, it would be financial support for those organizations that provide services to the homeless.