
so you think that everything that really does happen in this world, and who we really are in this world, is entirely irrelevant, and you would instead rather fantasize about your happy shmappy afterlife (which you really know nothing about)? do i have that straight?

Last I knew we were discussing the bible and the biblical god's actions- and now they are dropped, as usual.
Last I knew we were discussing the bible and the biblical god's actions- and now they are dropped, as usual.

Well I relate god to what I see around me in the real world every day and you want to talk about some fairy tale wishful thinking that relates to nothing we see or experience, but instead to the afterlife, which is something you can't possibly know anything about. (?)
According to the Bible it is the FLESH that is weak and that makes one sin. Once the flesh is gone it should free the spirit, correct?
Why then did God make FLESH...did he not see "that it was good"?

Thats what Carcano sees...in women...in particular.:cool:
Well I relate god to what I see around me in the real world every day and you want to talk about some fairy tale wishful thinking that relates to nothing we see or experience, but instead to the afterlife, which is something you can't possibly know anything about. (?)
Lori is like St. Paul...who did not need to meet Jesus in the flesh to experience his presence in every moment.
Well I relate god to what I see around me in the real world every day and you want to talk about some fairy tale wishful thinking that relates to nothing we see or experience, but instead to the afterlife, which is something you can't possibly know anything about. (?)

No, I am not wanting to talk about a fairytale wishful thinking, unless that's what you call the Bible. If that is the case, then very good for you. :)
No, I am not wanting to talk about a fairytale wishful thinking, unless that's what you call the Bible. If that is the case, then very good for you. :)

when i look at the bible, and i look at the world, they are the same.
Why then did God make FLESH...did he not see "that it was good"?

Thats what Carcano sees...in women...in particular.:cool:

LOL! Funny.

As to the the flesh part, yeah ya know....the Biblical God is weird that way. He sets man and woman up from the start, all so there could be the fall. [sarcasam] Yay God, good plan! [/sarcasm] *my best Dr Phil impersonation* What were you thinkin' God????
As to the the flesh part, yeah ya know....the Biblical God is weird that way. He sets man and woman up from the start, all so there could be the fall. [sarcasam] Yay God, good plan! [/sarcasm] *my best Dr Phil impersonation* What were you thinkin' God????
This the central difference between the Hebrew paradigm and that of the Greeks...where even the Gods were ashamed of clothes.
This the central difference between the Hebrew paradigm and that of the Greeks...where even the Gods were ashamed of clothes.

well I was talking about what the Bible refers to as the flesh...that as long as we are in this body we will be sinners....we will be tempted to do things "not of God" lusting, being drunkards, gluttony, etc...yadda yadda *yawn* :)
well I was talking about what the Bible refers to as the flesh...that as long as we are in this body we will be sinners....we will be tempted to do things "not of God" lusting, being drunkards, gluttony, etc...yadda yadda *yawn* :)

so you think that you're spiritual nature is completely unrelated to your physical nature, and there's no reconciliation that can occur? that people who are kind and loving and gentle while alive, and other people who are serial killers and liars and warmongers and rapists while alive, all magically turn into virtually the same person after they die, and everybody goes to the nice-nice place?
it's not a cop out; it's the truth. you want some nicety nice fairy tale, and i'm sorry but take a look around. it just ain't happenin'.

Okay then, here is what I mean. Over the years I have given you numerous scriptures from the Bible. From the one book that you claim to be truthful- the book that you believe word for word. The book that you believe will open eyes and lead people to God. I show you horrible horrible things that the Biblical God did. You think nothing of them or make excuses, anything but ponder...hmmm maybe that isn't really cool for anyone to be doing, especially a God! No, no not you. THEN, you refuse to read it. You'd rather read the newspaper than to read the Bible. (That should be a clue to you right there). You can't explain away the brutality of God or any other f'd up thing he has done. You REFUSE to discuss and digest that. Instead you float around like a bumble bee and find your honey pot with what makes you feel comfortable (as opposed to those scriptures). THE SAME BLOODY THING YOU ARE ACCUSING ME OF!!!
so you think that you're spiritual nature is completely unrelated to your physical nature, and there's no reconciliation that can occur? that people who are kind and loving and gentle while alive, and other people who are serial killers and liars and warmongers and rapists while alive, all magically turn into virtually the same person after they die, and everybody goes to the nice-nice place?

All I am saying to you is that according to the Book you swear by, that this book says the flesh is weak. That it is what leads us to sin. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo IF you aren't in this flesh...it only makes sense to me that we wouldn't have that problem. God never said that the spirit will lead us to sin. THE FLESH THE FLESH...read your Bible, will you?
Okay then, here is what I mean. Over the years I have given you numerous scriptures from the Bible. From the one book that you claim to be truthful- the book that you believe word for word. The book that you believe will open eyes and lead people to God. I show you horrible horrible things that the Biblical God did. You think nothing of them or make excuses, anything but ponder...hmmm maybe that isn't really cool for anyone to be doing, especially a God! No, no not you. THEN, you refuse to read it. You'd rather read the newspaper than to read the Bible. (That should be a clue to you right there). You can't explain away the brutality of God or any other f'd up thing he has done. You REFUSE to discuss and digest that. Instead you float around like a bumble bee and find your honey pot with what makes you feel comfortable (as opposed to those scriptures). THE SAME BLOODY THING YOU ARE ACCUSING ME OF!!!

dude, wtf are you talking about? FOCUS...this is very easy...

take a look around. you see that things are as you say, "horrible horrible". every fucking day they are, yes. and there is a god. now what the fuck does that mean to you?

i don't read the bible every flippin' day or every sunday or whatever, like it's some ritual, no. but i have read the majority of it at one time or another. and i've read the newspaper too, and you know what? they sound an awful lot alike! :bugeye:
dude, wtf are you talking about? FOCUS...this is very easy...

take a look around. you see that things are as you say, "horrible horrible". every fucking day they are, yes. and there is a god. now what the fuck does that mean to you?

i don't read the bible every flippin' day or every sunday or whatever, like it's some ritual, no. but i have read the majority of it at one time or another. and i've read the newspaper too, and you know what? they sound an awful lot alike! :bugeye:

buzzzzzzzzzz buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

YOU focus. Focus on those scriptures. Ponder them. Come up with some heartfelt thoughtful pondered moments on why the heck you think it's okay to follow a baby killer
All I am saying to you is that according to the Book you swear by, that this book says the flesh is weak. That it is what leads us to sin. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo IF you aren't in this flesh...it only makes sense to me that we wouldn't have that problem. God never said that the spirit will lead us to sin. THE FLESH THE FLESH...read your Bible, will you?

the flesh may be weak or corrupt, but it is absolutely not invincible. that's actually the major tenet of the bible. that there is a reconciliation. that the holy spirit does a work in you. not while you're dead, but while you're alive.

you have to want it though. you have to ask for it, invite it, receive it, believe it. and i'm sorry but i don't think that people's desires in this regard are going to change all that much if at all just because they pass on into another realm. i don't see why you would. i also think it's funny that you're trying to base your argument on a book that you don't believe. you're a real piece of work you know? sheesh!
buzzzzzzzzzz buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

YOU focus. Focus on those scriptures. Ponder them. Come up with some heartfelt thoughtful pondered moments on why the heck you think it's okay to follow a baby killer

the flesh may be weak or corrupt, but it is absolutely not invincible. that's actually the major tenet of the bible. that there is a reconciliation. that the holy spirit does a work in you. not while you're dead, but while you're alive.

you have to want it though. you have to ask for it, invite it, receive it, believe it. and i'm sorry but i don't think that people's desires in this regard are going to change all that much if at all just because they pass on into another realm. i don't see why you would. i also think it's funny that you're trying to base your argument on a book that you don't believe. you're a real piece of work you know? sheesh!

Do you not see how retarded that is??????? First, once you lose the flesh you lose all the sins and temptations. SOOOOOOOO because that is out of the way, to JUDGE a person while they were IN THE FLESH and send them to hell because the biblical god gave them defective armor to begin with, is cruel, it's stupid, makes no sense other than God loves for people to suffer. He LOVES blood and isn't shy about using his power to off someone and then try to paint it all white. What a crock.

I am basing this on a book because that is what your faith is based upon. God doesn't go around in burning bushes every day. :rolleyes:

Please, I know your an intelligent woman. So really, try to LISTEN to what I'm saying instead of screaming away what I'm saying. Please?

A) I am talking about the stories in the Bible
B) God ordered this done. No natural causes. Yes, yes, I know nothing goes outside his will yadda yadda blow it out your nose-ola. What I'm talking about is when that book you say you believe is the end all tell all....describes and shares with us stories where God commanded women to be raped, babies to be slaughtered, animals, men etc....(He's no better than that priest Lori!???!) He COMMANDED it, Lori. Do you not see a difference if someone walked up and beat the shit out of you instead of someone accidentally getting scared and as a reflex punched you and said sorry? Follow the bouncing ball. Yes you can...I know you can do it.