Have you ever seen anything supernatural?

religion tries to make it a math formula..(do this, get that)

why don't atheist listen when a believer explains it in such a way as to NOT make it a math formula.:shrug:
(pry cause then the atheist wouldn't have anything to argue with..:shrug:)

I am a mediocre mathematician. I do listen to theist explanations and I do not ask questions just because I like to argue.I do my best to understand the views of others, problem is that so far every believer I've encountered has a very different story to tell about supposedly the same faith.It's total confusion.

If it is all by personal experience and simply following whatever parts of a book I want to follow then anything and everything goes. Maybe this means that I am where I am suppose to be since I've never experienced anything supernatural or maybe I am not special to any deity like you are. :shrug:

For those that can't wait for humanity to be destroyed/eternal tortured, I'd say you are far worse than any terrorist wanting the annihilation of a nation.
problem is that so far every believer I've encountered has a very different story to tell about supposedly the same faith.It's total confusion.
look for the common denominators..make up your own mind..
If it is all by personal experience and simply following whatever parts of a book I want to follow then anything and everything goes.
good..that's a good start..better some than none..let the rest speak to you when your ready for it ..

Maybe this means that I am where I am suppose to be
this is what i usually argue..
since I've never experienced anything supernatural
God usually whispers (IMO and experience)(IOW leaves the choice to you)
but it does bring up the question of; why would God need to use such a display to convince us?..IOW If i am where i am supposed to be then why would he need such a trick?

or maybe I am not special to any deity like you are. :shrug:
hey now..I don't claim any superiority of knowledge,Christianity,Authority or person..
in fact..stick around..i am usually more than willing to share how screwed up i am..
i just tend to share my thoughts..any responsibility for your usage of anything i say, is your own responsibility.(think for yourself,not do as your told)
Nothing I said was twisted or contradicts anything within Christianity. You're simply threatened by any rational perspective regarding faith. That's no one's problem but yours.

Oh boy thanks for that Lori that just put a big smile on my face. You can come up with some pretty funny bullshit sometimes. I'm just soooo threatened by your rational perspective regarding faith! lol You obviously think a lot of yourself and your 'rationality' if you think it threatens others. Try not to be too arrogant in the future, it doesn't go well with ignorance.
Oh boy thanks for that Lori that just put a big smile on my face. You can come up with some pretty funny bullshit sometimes. I'm just soooo threatened by your rational perspective regarding faith! lol You obviously think a lot of yourself and your 'rationality' if you think it threatens others. Try not to be too arrogant in the future, it doesn't go well with ignorance.

well if that's not it, then please explain to me what the problem is. perhaps i'm being stereotypical here, but many times in the past i've come across people who want those who believe in god to be ridiculous close-minded idiots so badly, that when and if they're not, and when they actually give a rational perspective about something, it pisses them off. are you sure you're not being one of those people?
that's what i mean..atheist (theist also..) tend to make it about the rules, as soon as a rule gets passed into law..the choice is no longer there.(with respect to consequence)..

sorry..its hard to answer that without getting into a rant..

ppl want hard answers.they/we want 'do this,get that', it makes it so much simpler,makes it so one doesn't have to be responsible..why should one think about whether one can or can't do 'X', they won't let them do it anyway, so why should one expend ones thoughts on something one has no control of anyway? (see the danger?)

Such wishy washy bullshit. I'd expect that sort of relativistic crap from a stoned palm reader. "The inner knowing guides us in choosing our spiritual path. What is wrong or right comes to us through meditation and contemplation. Some see a path as brighter than another and choose that which they know is right. It isn't as simple as right and wrong, you must let the spiritual realm communicate it to you. If you aren't ready for that level of knowing right now, give it time, one day you will transcend from the black and white thinking that society has instilled in you."

Makes me feel like levelling a forest with a bulldozer.
well if that's not it, then please explain to me what the problem is. perhaps i'm being stereotypical here, but many times in the past i've come across people who want those who believe in god to be ridiculous close-minded idiots so badly, that when and if they're not, and when they actually give a rational perspective about something, it pisses them off. are you sure you're not being one of those people?

A 3 year old could rationally justify their belief in Sata Clause, but I don't find that rationality threatening. People can rationally justify almost any crack pot idea, as long as that rationality doesn't have to be based on any sort of solid evidence.
A 3 year old could rationally justify their belief in Sata Clause, but I don't find that rationality threatening. People can rationally justify almost any crack pot idea, as long as that rationality doesn't have to be based on any sort of solid evidence.

so in other words, yes, you are being one of those people.
lol so let me get your thinking straight.

You think that people get threatened by your amazing rational abilities. These people don't want to hear that superior rationality because they can't possibly think of any rational objections against your amazing superior rationality. So those people then get pissed off. And even when those people dismiss your rationality as pathetic, so pathetic in fact that it couldn't possibly piss them off because it is laughably stupid, they deep down really still think that it is somehow amazing! And because deep down they recognize that you have superior rationality, they really are still pissed off. So I must be one of those people that are really deep down threatened by your superior rationality and I am therefore one of those people that are pissed off.

Makes perfect sense to me Lori, I think that's the only possible sane way to look at the situation...
Lori take a look at this gem of superior rationality that you put forth earlier:

"in regards to the blasphemy, i'll stick to my guns here and say that as long as hinduism accepts christianity as truth, there is no conflict and there is no blasphemy."

I love your superior rationality here. In order to justify your opinion you state that you say it. Wow what a great rationally supported argument. It must be right and it must be justified because you said it. No need to quote any religious text that supports your opinion. No need to give any evidence to support your opinion. As long as you said it, that's all that is required for a superior rationally justified position.

I feel so threatened and pissed off right now. Oh gosh darn it what am I gonna do with myself.
What is wrong or right comes to us through meditation and contemplation.

it should be..it is not..

it is instilled by indoctrination,whether it be our parents,our teachers,neighbors,or law enforcement personnel ( i would include God, but since you are an antitheist, i will leave it at that.)
Nothing I said was twisted or contradicts anything within Christianity. You're simply threatened by any rational perspective regarding faith. That's no one's problem but yours.

Everything you said goes against Christianity. The bible makes it explicitly clear that you are not supposed to look to other faiths. Did you not see the massive list of scripture that I quoted earlier? And thats just a small sample of the multitude of bible verses that say not to.

Jesus's words:

John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, but through Me.”

How can you call yourself a Christian, but then explicitly do things that Christ said not to do?

This is why I call you a hypocrite.
That's ridiculous. The only reason to be that close minded and stupid is fear, which is the opposite of faith.

Blah blah blah. Skaught quoted chapter and verse why you are committing blasphemy. According to your rulebook you are doing exactly that, so quit being a hypocrite.
Everything you said goes against Christianity.

the bible says we should not worship any other gods..does not say we are not supposed to think about them..


if there is 'worship no other God'..why do ppl worship Jesus instead of God?
the bible says we should not worship any other gods..does not say we are not supposed to think about them..


if there is 'worship no other God'..why do ppl worship Jesus instead of God?

Aren't you supposed to be a Christian of some sort Squirrel?
Blah blah blah. Skaught quoted chapter and verse why you are committing blasphemy. According to your rulebook you are doing exactly that, so quit being a hypocrite.

first of all, the bible isn't a rulebook. secondly, i am not worshipping kali or "other gods", as there are no other gods. i merely stated that i personally relate to kali due to something that's happened to me. that "something" directed by the holy spirit by the way. this is in no way blasphemy; i think you may want to consult a dictionary.
Everything you said goes against Christianity. The bible makes it explicitly clear that you are not supposed to look to other faiths. Did you not see the massive list of scripture that I quoted earlier? And thats just a small sample of the multitude of bible verses that say not to.

Jesus's words:

John 14:6, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father, but through Me.”

How can you call yourself a Christian, but then explicitly do things that Christ said not to do?

This is why I call you a hypocrite.

i have come to the father through christ. that is why i have knowledge of god and that is why i have faith, and am not some ignorant, fearful retard like you wish i was.

see, kali doesn't claim to be the way to the father. does she? or do you even know?

i have reiterated over and over that i do not worship kali as a god or in place of god. i said i related to her. i also said that there is more than one way to say the same thing, and there are obvious truths in all kinds of literature, even those who some have concocted various religions out of.

you are a small-minded, bigoted and hateful person with an agenda. and if that's the way you choose to be i would say, you should at least be a little less obvious about it. you and phlog look like a couple of close-minded dolts here. don't you care?
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Lori take a look at this gem of superior rationality that you put forth earlier:

"in regards to the blasphemy, i'll stick to my guns here and say that as long as hinduism accepts christianity as truth, there is no conflict and there is no blasphemy."

I love your superior rationality here. In order to justify your opinion you state that you say it. Wow what a great rationally supported argument. It must be right and it must be justified because you said it. No need to quote any religious text that supports your opinion. No need to give any evidence to support your opinion. As long as you said it, that's all that is required for a superior rationally justified position.

I feel so threatened and pissed off right now. Oh gosh darn it what am I gonna do with myself.

are you contending that hinduism does not accept all other religions as true? you should do some research perhaps.
lol so let me get your thinking straight.

You think that people get threatened by your amazing rational abilities. These people don't want to hear that superior rationality because they can't possibly think of any rational objections against your amazing superior rationality. So those people then get pissed off. And even when those people dismiss your rationality as pathetic, so pathetic in fact that it couldn't possibly piss them off because it is laughably stupid, they deep down really still think that it is somehow amazing! And because deep down they recognize that you have superior rationality, they really are still pissed off. So I must be one of those people that are really deep down threatened by your superior rationality and I am therefore one of those people that are pissed off.

Makes perfect sense to me Lori, I think that's the only possible sane way to look at the situation...

wow what a tantrum. are you always like this, or only with christians?

and that's my point (which you of course missed entirely). my point is that you're being a bigot. my assertion is that you've already decided that religious people, and christians specifically, are close-minded and ignorant. so if a christian such as myself offers rationality that contradicts your assumption, you're threatened by it, and it pisses you off, and you apparently commence into some temper tantrum.

the bible says we should not worship any other gods..does not say we are not supposed to think about them..


"You shall not go after other gods, the gods of the peoples who are around you" Deuteronomy 6:14

“Pay attention to all that I have said to you, and make no mention of the names of other gods, nor let it be heard on your lips." Exodus 23:13

if there is 'worship no other God'..why do ppl worship Jesus instead of God?

Their not supposed to. There is a verse where a man bows down to worship Jesus, and Jesus lifts him up and says not to pray to him but only to pray to the father. I'd look it up but I don't have time.