Have you ever seen anything supernatural?

Of course I don't believe in anything supernatural, but I was just wondering if anyone thinks they have seen something supernatural. We should get some interesting stories. Thanks!
No, because it would be largely impossible in a naturalism subsumed under Kantianism to observe anything as it exists in an unconditioned world. Its influences would simply be rendered in experience as another "normal" part of the conditioned world that is observed everyday. The traditional supernatural stuff would only be a remote possibility in the former "noumenal world", with the "natural order" of course being ascribed to the latter phenomenal world. Since Kant restricted theorectical reason to experience, it cannot prove anything about the entities or circumstances of metaphysical doctrines. Practical reason is what is left to explore that, and it can only endorse something on the basis of "ought" -- that believing in the reality of a particular whatever in the unconditioned world is either necessary to resolve a problem (technical) or constructive for the well-being of human beings (moral).
Because you refuse to engage in any kind of open, rational discussion about this, I'm going to tell you what I really think

You've made it clear that you have a tendency to misinterpret things that people say. You choose, and I think its not a conscious decision, to interpret things through a filter of severe ill mental health.

i have engaged in an open and rational discussion while you have pointed your finger and screamed "blasphemer!" and spewed bible verses like you're on some witch hunt. which you continue in even worse fashion...

I think that you have serious mental health issues, and I fear for the children of a mother who believes such insanity. Theres nothing wrong with having a sense of spirituality. But anyone who, in a moment of "isolation" and therefore vulnerability, begins having divine revelations inspired by media is seriously mentally ill. Nearly a textbook example of schizophrenia. If I knew only a little more about you, I would call child protective services on you, because I do not think that you are mentally fit to be a parent. Perhaps the MODS will see this thread and pass on the relevant information to the appropriate authorities.

With that, because I have worked in mental health, I know that it does not help the sick person to engage them in discussions about their delusions, and because I am personally not interested in hearing about the delusions of sick people, I have decided to stop this conversation and put you on my ignore list. As a final note, I STRONGLY suggest you speak to a professional about your "revelations". Though I fear that engaging you in this discussion has only contributed to your illness.

what a pompous, judgmental, and incorrect piece of work you are. firstly, the divine revelations weren't inspired by the media, but by the divine. funny (no not really), the one who reads the gospels in repetition like it's some ritual, and cuts and pastes scripture like a bible thumper, doesn't believe in spiritual experience.

secondly, it was the experience that caused the feelings of isolation, not the other way around. if you would apply some common sense and logic to what i've said, i think you would find that response quite normal, at least temporarily, considering what i experienced (which you don't even know the half of).

and finally, you can shove your armchair diagnosis up your ass where it belongs, as well as your threats. i have never been diagnosed with a mental illness in my life. would you like to know why? because there has never been any cause for it, or any indication i have one, that's why. for someone who recites the bible, you should know that the entire book is about people hearing the voice of god. i'm a well-educated, stable, successful, and happy person. college degree, professional career, owned and maintained my own home since my early twenties, i'm happily married and have maintained successful and fulfilling long term relationships with family and friends, the same family and friends who upon hearing the news of my pregnancy were very happy for me and expressed that i will make a great mother.

they didn't have to say i would make a great mother, but they did. many of them.

consider yourself on ignore.
you don't even believe it's possible to be a christian because you don't believe in spirits. i am not a christian because i follow rules. i am a christian because i am born again of the spirit. this is christianity 101 phlog, and you just failed.

It's not about what I believe.

It's about the hypocrisy in your beliefs.

You pick and choose what suits you, and ignore the inconvenient parts.
Ah, plogistician, the man who can't define God, is still banging on about other people's hypocrisy.

Ho hum.
Applying logic to bible verses that support your claims? There are no bible verses that support your claims.

Let me again state, that I have no issue with you creating a "faith" of your own. I am ecstatically happy for you and anyone who does that. But, anyone who picks and chooses from many faiths, cannot call themselves a "Christian". They just can't, and anyone who knows anything about Christianity and Christs teachings and the whole entire message of the bible knows this. If someone does this, they are a hypocrite. That is logic.

this is so spot-on. i think lori would make a good mother because she seems like she is sincere in wanting to nurture but i don't think she would be good for developing their mind. emotions, yes probably. intellect, probably confuse or obfuscate them.

but to be reasonable, which religious people aren't necessarily known for, there is more than one way to look at the same thing. and there is more than one way to say the same thing. when i was younger i studied the world's major religions enough to realize that there are obvious truths in all of them, and most of them result in many of the same behaviors (depending on who's using them and why). when comparing them, to me, christianity was the most comprehensive answer. not the most exclusive necessarily; imo that is just the result of practitioners ego. but definitely the most comprehensive, and therefore the final answer if you will.

and it makes the most sense according to my life experience and my environment.

that doesn't mean i can't learn from or appreciate aspects of any other doctrines.

i'm curious. do you believe the christian god is the one true god as the bible states or do you believe that all these other religions are worshipping the same god under different names?

when you say that christianity seems to be the most comprehensive answer to you, what do you mean by the 'final' answer/truth since it implies it should apply to everyone?

if christianity is the most comprehensive as well as the final answer, then what is there to learn from other doctrines? seems contradictory. it's like claiming that your religion has it all a-z but you still want to partake of religions that are fragments or have pieces of what your religion already has. that is essentially what you claimed and it's contradictory.
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you don't even believe it's possible to be a christian because you don't believe in spirits. i am not a christian because i follow rules. i am a christian because i am born again of the spirit. this is christianity 101 phlog, and you just failed.

I won't question your Christianity since each branch of Christianity has a different idea of what a Christian should be and quite frankly each Christian has a different mentality on what it means to be a Christian.Anyhow I'd like to ask a few questions regarding the holy ghost if you don't mind.

Do you feel that this holy ghost have favorites amongst humans? By that I mean how come those of equal faith to yours do not experience special revelations like the one you've mentioned.(2 John) I hear a lot about prayers answered and miracles galore but not the type you mentioned.

From what you've posted I assume you know exactly how it feels to interact with the holy spirit and therefore I'd like your opinion on the following.Those scary people at church who say they feel the holy spirit within them while going into violent convulsions and speak supposedly unrecognizable tongues, are they lying? Your revelation, was it in a dream or some other way?

Dear lady please keep in mind that I mean no disrespect by the questions I ask, I am genuinely curious.
Ah, plogistician, the man who can't define God, is still banging on about other people's hypocrisy.

Ho hum.

James, do you have a short term memory problem?

Or are you just trolling?

We went through this over and over. I stated I had no definition of God, and then I challenged you to describe your God. You utterly failed and copped out with a dictionary definition. You acted quite dishonestly, and got yourself reported. You must remember the latter, surely?
I'm hesitant to post to a thread with more than 120 posts, but the subject line is an interesting question.

My most honest answer is 'I don't know'.

I can truthfully say that I've seen things that I found inexplicable.

But I don't really know what the limits of 'natural' are or where the 'natural'/'supernatural' boundary lies, assuming that there is one. I'm basically a monist and I think of everything that exists as being natural. But having said that, I also think of the word 'natural' as an open unbounded set that shades off imperceptably into the 'unknown' at the edges.

I guess that I'm kind of a Fortean, in a way.
My most honest answer is 'I don't know'.

I can truthfully say that I've seen things that I found inexplicable.

But I don't really know what the limits of 'natural' are or where the 'natural'/'supernatural' boundary lies, assuming that there is one. I'm basically a monist and I think of everything that exists as being natural. But having said that, I also think of the word 'natural' as an open unbounded set that shades off imperceptably into the 'unknown' at the edges.

Same here.
this is so spot-on. i think lori would make a good mother because she seems like she is sincere in wanting to nurture but i don't think she would be good for developing their mind. emotions, yes probably. intellect, probably confuse or obfuscate them.

this seems like an odd assertion given what's been discussed in this thread. here i've basically been told to hide my face in a bible in fear and don't come out since the devil's in hinduism, and in the media, and in the university, and in the music, which is a ridiculous load of shit which i've contended with. these people tossing around scripture forgot some that says that turning away from knowledge is evil.

i'm not afraid of anything, and would encourage my children not to be either. it's my opinion that faith is trust and not some ignorant, spoon-fed, shot in the dark.

what was your gpa when you graduated college? mine was 3.17, which isn't great but let's face it, school is fucking boring, and i achieved that while working about 30 hours a week because i paid my own tuition, rent, car payment, insurance and anything else, and partying my ass off. i was high my entire college career, pretty much. i took calculus high...homework, lectures, exams, the whole class, and got straight A's. i gave every speech in speech class high and got an A too. so while i wouldn't encourage my kids to take drugs, i'm certainly not stupid or uneducated.

i'm curious. do you believe the christian god is the one true god as the bible states or do you believe that all these other religions are worshipping the same god under different names?

it's my belief that there's only one god (creator, father). it seems that way to me based on my logic and experience. i really can't speak for others; i don't know.

when you say that christianity seems to be the most comprehensive answer to you, what do you mean by the 'final' answer/truth since it implies it should apply to everyone?

i'm referring to the premise in christianity that there is something wrong with us, as a human race, that we can not fix ourselves. an inherent flaw that requires us to rely on god to fix, or requires us to trust god. christ is the cure for this flaw. he redeems, restores, heals, and ultimately perfects the human race. what i think is a genetic endeavor (by his blood). as i understand it, no other religion teaches this. some of them are like self-help religions. some are about following rules. and it's not as if these rules and philosophies aren't helpful at all, they're just not the cure.

if christianity is the most comprehensive as well as the final answer, then what is there to learn from other doctrines? seems contradictory. it's like claiming that your religion has it all a-z but you still want to partake of religions that are fragments or have pieces of what your religion already has. that is essentially what you claimed and it's contradictory.

why is that contradictory? i like to travel and experience other cultures as well. i can get everything i need in the states, and i live here and can stay here my whole life without venturing abroad, so would that make traveling contradictory as well?
why is that contradictory? i like to travel and experience other cultures as well. i can get everything i need in the states, and i live here and can stay here my whole life without venturing abroad, so would that make traveling contradictory as well?

i'm just going to address this because my gpa or whether one graduated college or gave speeches isn't related to intelligence or necessarily being more intelligent. besides, i think what you perceive to be intelligence is what i would call conditioning. people who tow the line in what society expects or adapted to the time tend to do okay, but that doesn't mean they are necessarily very intelligent, just well-adapted to their environment. for instance, being a christian is common for western culture and it's inherent views and belief system. working has nothing to do with intelligence, it's just means that you had a job. also, experimenting with drugs and partying in college are common experiences. this doesn't have anything to do with the issue.

traveling to other countries to experience different cultures is not the same as having everything you need to live in the states. those other cultures are going to be different where it will not be the same in the states as well as their customs/practices/values can be different as well as even tangibles such as goods etc. you are missing the point.
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I think I am more Sumerian than anything my self . Maybe not but like the way they talk about Me"s Ah Yeah being named Me makes the attraction stronger . I think the christian God developed from the original text of Sumerian influence. Pretty sure that Ur and Sumer are all but the same and Abram was Sumerian . I also think he ventured away from his home and started his own thing . His own circle of influence and because of natural genetic disposition ( chain of events ) lead him to his modified version of Sumerian indoctrinations. Hence forth Israel was born as a culture to it self . Islam to by way of Ishmael . I believe it all has the same roots , but I also believe it was carried to Sumer from earlier times in Zimbabwe. The real root of civilization . Did you know there are supposedly 70,000 year old Mines in South Africa? That blows my mind ! I bet it is true too. Speculation yes . Don't look like speculation for the guy claiming to have found the mines. Interesting to Me to say the least
I won't question your Christianity since each branch of Christianity has a different idea of what a Christian should be and quite frankly each Christian has a different mentality on what it means to be a Christian.Anyhow I'd like to ask a few questions regarding the holy ghost if you don't mind.

Do you feel that this holy ghost have favorites amongst humans? By that I mean how come those of equal faith to yours do not experience special revelations like the one you've mentioned.(2 John) I hear a lot about prayers answered and miracles galore but not the type you mentioned.

i'll be the first to admit that this one particular experience i had (which i've barely touched on in this thread) was fucking weird. so weird, so prolific in volume and meaning that i swear i felt like my head exploded trying to take it all in. i felt like i couldn't keep up, and it was very traumatic. but i don't think for one second i'm the only one who's had intense, weird experiences like this, and i don't think that having such an experience makes me any more or less special than anyone else.

the ultimate goal of christianity is communion. we're not only a communal species, but we're a communal creation. it's something we can't escape or deny no matter how hard we try. it's just the way it is. and what i think is the coolest thing about humanity is that we are all unique. genetically there is, never has been, and never will be, anyone like you, or anyone like me. and i think that we all have roles to play, and destinies to fulfill, and aptitudes and gifts to nurture, and crosses to bear and fears and challenges to overcome. and we all need each other. we're all just as important. if everyone is special. then no one is special.

From what you've posted I assume you know exactly how it feels to interact with the holy spirit and therefore I'd like your opinion on the following.Those scary people at church who say they feel the holy spirit within them while going into violent convulsions and speak supposedly unrecognizable tongues, are they lying? Your revelation, was it in a dream or some other way?

this hits close to home because when i was very very young, i used to go to a church like that with my grandma, and my grandma used to speak in tongues. i didn't appreciate it one bit then, and i still don't appreciate it any more so today.

now, i'm not looking to judge other people, and my grandma's as nice and honest as the next person, maybe a bit more, but as weird as some of the stuff i've been through has been, i have never felt compelled to behave that way. there are two things that really bother me about it. one is that it can be turned on and off like a faucet. you know, these people were fine when they were walking into church and they were fine when they left. it's not like they're pulling some shit like that in the middle of a restaurant or a shopping mall. and secondly, i see absolutely no benefit to it. i see no accomplishment. so if i had to guess, i'd say it's drama.

i have had a few dreams that i would consider prophetic or enlightening, but that's not how i got the message i spoke of in this thread. that was more direct, and like i said, in the middle of a bunch of other weird hoopla that was going on. to be specific i was in the middle of channeling a letter, when god interrupted me and told me to go get my bible and read the book of revelations, so i did. when i got to chapter 12 all of a sudden i felt a presence in front of me. i can't explain how but i knew there was someone standing in front of me (i was sitting on my couch). i felt a tingling sensation on my upper arms. i asked out loud, "_____, is that you?" i was inquiring of the person who was to be the recipient of the letter, and the sensation got much stronger. i took that as a "yes". the sensation moved up my arms to my shoulders, neck, and stopped on my face. when the event was over i picked my bible up off the floor and continued to read, only now it was like there was a wind blowing through my head. that's the only way i can describe it, and i felt like i was being led around the bible on a leash for a little while. i was told i was the woman in chapter 12, then on to 2 john, and then to the very end of the bible where it talks about the tree of life bearing the kingdom population.

Dear lady please keep in mind that I mean no disrespect by the questions I ask, I am genuinely curious.

i appreciate that, thank you. i try to only be a bitch when it's appropriate. lol. :)
i'm just going to address this because my gpa or whether one graduated college or gave speeches isn't related to intelligence or necessarily being more intelligent. besides, i think what you perceive to be intelligence is what i would call conditioning. people who tow the line in what society expects or adapted to the time tend to do okay, but that doesn't mean they are necessarily very intelligent, just well-adapted to their environment. for instance, being a christian is common for western culture and it's inherent views and belief system. working has nothing to do with intelligence, it's just means that you had a job. also, experimenting with drugs and partying in college are common experiences. this doesn't have anything to do with the issue.

traveling to other countries to experience different cultures is not the same as having everything you need to live in the states. those other cultures are going to be different where it will not be the same in the states as well as their customs/practices/values can be different as well as even tangibles such as goods etc. you are missing the point.

well i don't know what you're point is then.

as far as my intelligence is concerned, there are only so many standardized tests you can take, and so many teachers and professors and others who can reiterate to you that you are indeed intelligent, before you take their word for it. i mean if there's a measure, then i'm in the upper 90th percentiles across the board. plus, it's clear that i value education and knowledge in particular, regardless of how it's acquired. i happen to think that traveling and socialization is one of the very best ways to acquire knowledge. iow, i'd rather live life than study it. but above it all, i believe that the smartest thing anyone can ever do, is to have an open mind and an open heart.

now then, where is your assertion regarding my intelligence coming from again?
I just saw a you tube video that said there are 1100 people just like you in China and that there is 1300 you's in India . Well it was really talking about education . American jobs was the reference and why Americans will loose more and more Jobs to Globalization . More qualified peoples else were and they work cheaper so why would a Transnational Corporation even want Americans for employees is my question . Auuoops Sorry Mods . It was Lori !! she made Me say it when she said we are all unique. Snow flakes yes ! I like Snow Flakes . Yeah sexual animals those Snow Flakes . How would the Bible say it ( Sensual , Ah yeah that is what it says . Nothing will happen until the Man of Sin comes to the stage and these things are the things of Satan , Sensual things of the earth. This is were David Koresh got the Idea He was God . He thought him self the Man of Sin that was depicted in the Bible . It is one reason he would have sex with the under age girls and the other guys wives . Funny how them Cult Leaders find a way to justify getting the nooky . Shit I want the nooky , but I made a promise so that is out . No strange nooky for Me. bum ! I sometimes think about it so hey I guess I am guilty as charged . Nooky Nooky Nooky , O.K. me wife knows what I think about so get off the gate keepers back