Have you ever seen anything supernatural?

Rain is tears of god . Jeeze laweeze . It cries for you so you can eat the bounty of the earths goodness . Don't you have any respect for the world you live on ? It is your Home you know ! Your not a space alien are you ?

I always wanted to think that I was an Alien. I used to think when I was young that I was adopted by my mother, because they found me, on a space ship left behind for us by aliens from a different planned. And when I felt real bad about everything, I would talk to my real parents, my real family in the skies, heh.
I always wanted to think that I was an Alien. I used to think when I was young that I was adopted by my mother, because they found me, on a space ship left behind for us by aliens from a different planet.

me too..but it was more of; the aliens ditched me under a rock..
I am not of this world.
Insertdeityhere, nice theory but wrong. Which study did you read that informed you that hallucinations are always based on something real? Look at the imagination: "The formation of a mental image of something that is neither perceived as real nor present to the senses." Some people paint flowers, some people paint giant monsters, that doesn't make giant monsters real. And if the brain is capable of forming images that are not based on any sort of reality, when the brain is at its natural state, how much more so can it form those images during a hallucination.

As for Lori, go somewhere else to chuck your tantrum please.

So quick to say I'm wrong! tsk tsk lol Anyway I didn't read any study, therefore it's just my brain ricocheting around in my skull. Painting a giant monster I'd say would be my brain reconstructing a new type of image out of partial experiences or knowledge that I have acquired.
Oi some people have gotten aggressive on here. :S

I think that supernatural encounters and the works is limited by that person's knowlege of the world.You can't hallucinate an image of a flower if you didn't know what a flower looks like or see a ghost if you dont know what a ghost is.A Christian with no knowledge of other religions can't possibly have a revelation about Kali and so on.

Oh, yes its very possible. Religion has NOTHING to do with God. Idk who Kali is, but if he was a prophet of God he should be a part of the Christian faith in one way or another.
Interesting ? Going to California by Led Zeppelin .

Going to California with an aching in my heart
trying to find a woman who has never been born
well said..
Lori..don't get upset at it..it reads more as a challenge for you..

i'm not upset. i guess skaught fails to realize that he can apply this overly-verbose, self-indulgent rationalization to my observations regarding the OP and his sense of humor. :shrug:
Oh, yes its very possible. Religion has NOTHING to do with God. Idk who Kali is, but if he was a prophet of God he should be a part of the Christian faith in one way or another.

How is it possible? enlighten me please.Kali is a Hindu Goddess, one of the many Gods in the Hindu faith. Blasphemous to the Christian faith my dear.
How is it possible? enlighten me please.Kali is a Hindu Goddess, one of the many Gods in the Hindu faith. Blasphemous to the Christian faith my dear.

i'm a christian, and because of some experience i've had that i do attribute to god, i very much relate to kali. so much so, that if the baby i'm carrying is a girl, i'm going to name her kali.

i don't understand why this is blasphemous. i was under the impression that the hindu belief is that all other religions/faiths are true/accepted, which would include christianity of course.
It's in the 10 commandments, babe. In fact, I think it's the first one.

is that the "no other gods before me" one?

i still don't see how some appreciation of kali would be blasphemous. particularly, as i said, if the hindu religion accepts christianity. you know what i mean? i'm not sure that makes sense.
I thought it was pretty clear, Kali is a non-Christian god. Christianity is also clear about good and evil, but Kali represents a combination of the two, a very anti-Christian concept.
I thought it was pretty clear, Kali is a non-Christian god. Christianity is also clear about good and evil, but Kali represents a combination of the two, a very anti-Christian concept.

um, not when you consider satan it's not. :confused:

if i'm not mistaken, the 1st commandment has to do with ranking or priority. a recognition of a single creator (the father), not the exclusion of any other entities (satan for example).

in regards to my experience, i was told that i was the chosen lady in 2 john, who is a mother of course, according to the scripture. i was also told that i was the woman in rev ch 12, and the tree of life at the end of rev, bearing the kingdom population. again, in all references, a mother. yet it's clear that in these latter chapters, there is mass destruction going on. one could conclude, in order to allow the birth of this kingdom. and i think i've been pretty clear about my sentiments regarding this destruction. during that experience i could not have wanted it more. kali is a mother and a destroyer. she is very much parallel with this woman (women) in the bible.
That's great, Lori, I guess I will get to meet you in hell after all.

lol..doesn't belief in hell assume a belief in god?
