Have you ever seen anything supernatural?

i have come to the father through christ. that is why i have knowledge of god and that is why i have faith, and am not some ignorant, fearful retard like you wish i was.

No, I don't wish you were a fearful retard. Where did I even suggest that? Those are your words, not mine. Makes me wonder what you truly think of yourself.

see, kali doesn't claim to be the way to the father. does she? or do you even know?

I don't know, but I also don't care.

you are a small-minded, bigoted and hateful person with an agenda. and if that's the way you choose to be i would say, you should at least be a little less obvious about it.

So this is how you handle being challenged. By angrily calling me a small minded hateful bigot. You handle it with anger. That's a productive way to be... Very Christian of you. Very Christian of you indeed.

you and phlog look like a couple of close-minded dolts here. don't you care?

Well I would care of we looked like close minded dolts here, but we don't. I think the fact that we are pointing out your ignorance and hypocrisy is a show of our intellect. Also, you are obviously taking this as a personal attack, and it's not, at least not on my end, I can't speak for phlog. It's not. It's a challenge. So, I'll ask you again. How can you call yourself a Christian when your beliefs explicitly go against what the bible says?

You can get huffy and puffy if you want and start name calling, or you can answer the question.
My beliefs don't go against what the bible says, at all. Not even a little, and I have explained why and reiterated several times. Why then are you still carrying on as if they do if it's not a personal attack?

Maybe it's a matter of your ignorance regarding my beliefs and both teachings? Anyone can google bible verses nowadays, but how about if you apply them with some logic to what I've said? You've already stated that you don't know anything about Kali and that you don't care. My guess is that you have the same sentiment towards Christ, and if so, why are you posting?
Don't go against the bible? Are you serious? What about all the verses I posted earlier. Did you not see them?

Look, I have no issue with someone who looks to all faiths to develop their own sense of spirituality. Heck, I do that myself. I am a very spiritual person, and I do indeed turn to the bible, and the Koran, and Hinduism, paganism, philosophy, Native American beliefs... you name it. What I am trying to understand, is... like I have explained and reiterated several time, how you can call yourself a Christian and do things that the bible says not to do. And don't say that your beliefs are in tandem with the bible because they are not. Have you read the bible? I have. Yep, the whole thing. And I read the gospels at least once per year. Why? Because I like Jesus. He said and did some good things. I do think there is a large element of myth to the stories, but that doesn't mean that there is no spiritual relevance to them.

Applying logic to bible verses that support your claims? There are no bible verses that support your claims.

Let me again state, that I have no issue with you creating a "faith" of your own. I am ecstatically happy for you and anyone who does that. But, anyone who picks and chooses from many faiths, cannot call themselves a "Christian". They just can't, and anyone who knows anything about Christianity and Christs teachings and the whole entire message of the bible knows this. If someone does this, they are a hypocrite. That is logic.
"You shall not go after other gods, the gods of the peoples who are around you" Deuteronomy 6:14

“Pay attention to all that I have said to you, and make no mention of the names of other gods, nor let it be heard on your lips." Exodus 23:13

still doesn't say ya can't think about them..

either way..it is not an issue to point your finger.
its not your job to condemn those who don't line up with your beliefs.
still doesn't say ya can't think about them..

either way..it is not an issue to point your finger.
its not your job to condemn those who don't line up with your beliefs.
It's not condemnation to point out hypocrisy. It's an observation.
Don't go against the bible? Are you serious? What about all the verses I posted earlier. Did you not see them?

Look, I have no issue with someone who looks to all faiths to develop their own sense of spirituality. Heck, I do that myself. I am a very spiritual person, and I do indeed turn to the bible, and the Koran, and Hinduism, paganism, philosophy, Native American beliefs... you name it. What I am trying to understand, is... like I have explained and reiterated several time, how you can call yourself a Christian and do things that the bible says not to do. And don't say that your beliefs are in tandem with the bible because they are not. Have you read the bible? I have. Yep, the whole thing. And I read the gospels at least once per year. Why? Because I like Jesus. He said and did some good things. I do think there is a large element of myth to the stories, but that doesn't mean that there is no spiritual relevance to them.

Applying logic to bible verses that support your claims? There are no bible verses that support your claims.

Let me again state, that I have no issue with you creating a "faith" of your own. I am ecstatically happy for you and anyone who does that. But, anyone who picks and chooses from many faiths, cannot call themselves a "Christian". They just can't, and anyone who knows anything about Christianity and Christs teachings and the whole entire message of the bible knows this. If someone does this, they are a hypocrite. That is logic.

there is no blasphemy to support your claims skaught.

i reiterate once again...
i do not worship kali. i do not pray to kali. i do not substitute kali for the father. i do not substitute kali for the christ. i believe in one god, the father, who is the creator, therefore i do not consider kali to be a god.

what i said was...
that i identified personally with kali because of a spiritual experience i've had. i'm a human skaught, not a god, so if i identify with kali, i do so as a human and as a woman. during this experience i was told by the holy spirit that i was the chosen lady in 2 john, the woman in revelations ch 12, and the tree of life giving birth to the population of the kingdom at the end of revelation. during that time the holy spirit gave me messages of understanding from all sorts of media including art of various sorts, music, literature, other people. as i stated, i also identified with the character in the movie "the lady in the water", mostly because i felt so isolated at that time. above all else and through a variety of media and ways, i was given the message that i was a destroyer and that i was a mother, which is exactly what kali is. THAT IS IN NO WAY BLASPHEMY.

now i don't appreciate having to repeat myself numerous times in one thread just because you're jumping at the chance to point fingers and call me a name. you're wrong, and that's the last time i'm going to explain why.
there is no blasphemy to support your claims skaught.

i reiterate once again...
i do not worship kali. i do not pray to kali. i do not substitute kali for the father. i do not substitute kali for the christ. i believe in one god, the father, who is the creator, therefore i do not consider kali to be a god.

what i said was...
that i identified personally with kali because of a spiritual experience i've had. i'm a human skaught, not a god, so if i identify with kali, i do so as a human and as a woman. during this experience i was told by the holy spirit that i was the chosen lady in 2 john, the woman in revelations ch 12, and the tree of life giving birth to the population of the kingdom at the end of revelation. during that time the holy spirit gave me messages of understanding from all sorts of media including art of various sorts, music, literature, other people. as i stated, i also identified with the character in the movie "the lady in the water", mostly because i felt so isolated at that time. above all else and through a variety of media and ways, i was given the message that i was a destroyer and that i was a mother, which is exactly what kali is. THAT IS IN NO WAY BLASPHEMY.

now i don't appreciate having to repeat myself numerous times in one thread just because you're jumping at the chance to point fingers and call me a name. you're wrong, and that's the last time i'm going to explain why.

So let me ask you. Do you consider yourself a Christian? But before you answer, let me define what I mean by "Christain"

Christian: A person who has received Christian baptism or is a believer in Jesus Christ and all of his teachings.
So let me ask you. Do you consider yourself a Christian? But before you answer, let me define what I mean by "Christain"

Christian: A person who has received Christian baptism or is a believer in Jesus Christ and all of his teachings.

are you referring to the ritual of baptism or the actual baptism of the holy spirit, and are you referring to your personal interpretation of his teachings or the counsel that i've received personally from the holy spirit and the work that's accomplished in me?

in other words, yes i am a christian. i have a personal relationship with god through christ which has transformed me and continues to. i am the church. i am the bride of christ, and i am birthing the kingdom of christ onto this earth, and i would never do or say anything to undermine that or lie about that, or what god has done to me.
are you referring to the ritual of baptism or the actual baptism of the holy spirit.

Basically, baptized into the faith whether dunked under water at a church, or through a personal revelation through holy spirit or any other formal ritual whose purpose is indoctrination of the faith

and are you referring to your personal interpretation of his teachings or the counsel that i've received personally from the holy spirit and the work that's accomplished in me?

I am referring specifically to bible verses. And the bible as a whole. So in other words, do you accept the bible as gods word and as 100% true?

in other words, yes i am a christian. i have a personal relationship with god through christ which has transformed me and continues to. i am the church. i am the bride of christ, and i am birthing the kingdom of christ onto this earth, and i would never do or say anything to undermine that or lie about that, or what god has done to me.

I never once said you were lying. I don't think you are doing that at all. When you say what you believe, I believe that you believe it.

Again, let me state, I am not personally attacking you. I am trying very hard to understand your logic.
A 3 year old could rationally justify their belief in Sata Clause, but I don't find that rationality threatening. People can rationally justify almost any crack pot idea, as long as that rationality doesn't have to be based on any sort of solid evidence.

Did you miss the memo? Faith doesn't require any sort of solid evidence to be claimed as truth, that is why it's called faith.
I skimmed through the thread and I think Lori needs to keep an open mind and not push her religious mumbo jumbo down people's throat.
Not everyone chooses to believe in God, okay?
Deal with it.
I have observed two supernatural events.

First was a park that contained an unmarked cemetary marked by three flags- US, Briton and France. The flags were small and placed in the ground. They had a tendency to change order when they were not observed- you turn your back and look back and they changed in order. Last time I went there, they were building a cemetary in that spot for war heroes.

Second was my dead grandfather visiting me at nighttime. It was paralyzingly scary. He sat at the foot of the bed and looked at me and shook his head to indicate no. I was frozen in fear. One day I eventually worked up the nerve to confront him which I did and he disappeared in a puff of smoke.

These two events haunt me, but I am at peace with them- they no longer haunt me. As an interesting side effect, I have not had a bad dream in the past 20 years since it happened.
I skimmed through the thread and I think Lori needs to keep an open mind and not push her religious mumbo jumbo down people's throat.
Not everyone chooses to believe in God, okay?
Deal with it.

"skimmed", yes apparently that means you didn't read it because i'm the one being called a blasphemer and a hypocrite in this thread for daring to have an open mind.

and nobody gives a shit if you don't believe in god, okay?
deal with it.
and next time actually read the thread you're posting in.
The Old Testament certainly is, and if you do do the thing Jesus instructed his followers to do in the NT, you aren't a Christian.

you don't even believe it's possible to be a christian because you don't believe in spirits. i am not a christian because i follow rules. i am a christian because i am born again of the spirit. this is christianity 101 phlog, and you just failed.
Did you miss the memo? Faith doesn't require any sort of solid evidence to be claimed as truth, that is why it's called faith.

i equate faith with trust. do you need to have solid evidence in order to trust? not necessarily. but i prefer to trust what i know, and knowledge does require evidence of some sort.
Basically, baptized into the faith whether dunked under water at a church, or through a personal revelation through holy spirit or any other formal ritual whose purpose is indoctrination of the faith

i really have no appreciation for rituals, particularly because they are so often used as a substitute for what they're supposed to symbolically represent. the former i did to make my grandmother happy. the latter meant everything to me and changed my life forever.

I am referring specifically to bible verses. And the bible as a whole. So in other words, do you accept the bible as gods word and as 100% true?

only when interpreted to me by the holy spirit; what i come to understand through experience. for example, who would have guessed that i was the chosen lady in 2 john? certainly not i, and no theologian that i'm aware of would believe such a thing.

I never once said you were lying. I don't think you are doing that at all. When you say what you believe, I believe that you believe it.

Again, let me state, I am not personally attacking you. I am trying very hard to understand your logic.

well you sure were quick to pull out that index finger and start yelling blasphemer weren't you? to be honest, are you sincerely interested in my logic, or are you more interested in judging me?
only when interpreted to me by the holy spirit; what i come to understand through experience. for example, who would have guessed that i was the chosen lady in 2 john? certainly not i, and no theologian that i'm aware of would believe such a thing.

well you sure were quick to pull out that index finger and start yelling blasphemer weren't you? to be honest, are you sincerely interested in my logic, or are you more interested in judging me?

Because you refuse to engage in any kind of open, rational discussion about this, I'm going to tell you what I really think

You've made it clear that you have a tendency to misinterpret things that people say. You choose, and I think its not a conscious decision, to interpret things through a filter of severe ill mental health.

during this experience i was told by the holy spirit that i was the chosen lady in 2 john, the woman in revelations ch 12, and the tree of life giving birth to the population of the kingdom at the end of revelation. during that time the holy spirit gave me messages of understanding from all sorts of media including art of various sorts, music, literature, other people. as i stated, i also identified with the character in the movie "the lady in the water", mostly because i felt so isolated at that time. above all else and through a variety of media and ways, i was given the message that i was a destroyer and that i was a mother

I think that you have serious mental health issues, and I fear for the children of a mother who believes such insanity. Theres nothing wrong with having a sense of spirituality. But anyone who, in a moment of "isolation" and therefore vulnerability, begins having divine revelations inspired by media is seriously mentally ill. Nearly a textbook example of schizophrenia. If I knew only a little more about you, I would call child protective services on you, because I do not think that you are mentally fit to be a parent. Perhaps the MODS will see this thread and pass on the relevant information to the appropriate authorities.

With that, because I have worked in mental health, I know that it does not help the sick person to engage them in discussions about their delusions, and because I am personally not interested in hearing about the delusions of sick people, I have decided to stop this conversation and put you on my ignore list. As a final note, I STRONGLY suggest you speak to a professional about your "revelations". Though I fear that engaging you in this discussion has only contributed to your illness.