Has God Updated the Bible?

SnakeLord said:
It stands to reason that the people making the claims on those websites concerning revelations are actually religious people.

Wether they're religious or not, has no correlation with you pointing your finger boasting some superior intellect. And you chose this particular point to come out here and mock and scoff--- as if it was such a "great leap of faith".

First of all, since you don't believe in the BIBLE. WHY THE HELL ARE YOU SCRUITINIZING BIBLE COMMENTARY??

If in your mind the bible is folk tale, then why do you delve into what peoples thoughts of it are? Their thoughts being an elaboration upon what you already consider "fiction".

Why don't you start arguing about the source, how you can prove it's falsehood, rather than what people think of it.

This is the method of chopping down a tree at the Trunk, not plucking off the leaves as you are doing.

SnakeLord said:
There is a tendency with many religious people to try and promote some form of bible validity.

There is a tendency with many anti-religious people to try and derail peoples faith in Bible Validity.

SnakeLord said:
They do this by taking any sentence they feel like and messing around with it until it somehow fits in with modern day times.

There are some people on Sciforums who think that breaking down someones posts and commenting on each sentance; will some how give them brownie points, and make them look more intelligent and wise, messing around with it till it fits into their standard of a "rebuttal".

SnakeLord said:
I remember a while back about religious people claiming they had golden teeth, and then using a biblical quote concerning golden mouths as some kind of 'evidence' for the existence of a god and the validity of the bible. What you're doing here is no different to that.

What does that have to do with, reading a scripture that says "people of the earth" and understanding that it means people of the world. You're starting to go off on various tangents here. Creating a smoke screen.

SnakeLord said:
You're taking a claim from an old book and adding extra bits to try and make a connection - alas it does not work.

From the beginning before you ever started your self-righteous denunciation of BIBLE INTERPRETATION (mind u, not the BIBLE) MILLIONS of people already made the connection. And outlined it in various websites, as i've already demonstrated.

I'm in no dilemna at all to make any "connection". I was forwarding your attention to words and ideas that already make sense to a lot of people.

Like I said, it would have been easier for you to just say you disagree rather than trying to point out any "idiocy". Because you just make yourself look like an idiot more and more.

SnakeLord said:
Answer this: Do you agree that in cities, (Rome, London etc), there are people from all tongues, all nations?

Obviously you retard. But why would it say kindreds tongues and nations if they were just talking about one city. He could have just said the Gentiles in Jerusalem--- But he didn't John Said:

"and they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves.

And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth.

SnakeLord said:
I'll admit it carries more weight than your "run to and fro" claim, but it's still pretty daft really.

And you're the one saying that these prophets plagued and tormented the earth--- But they only had to do it in London.

You grasp the fact that their influence is felt upon the EARTH. You openly show that by saying "These two prophets that do not dwell on the earth, come along and start infecting everything that does dwell on the earth with plague. You don't need a tv to see a plague when it's directly affecting you. "

Then try to still confine it to ONE place. Why are you trying to argue conflicting ideas? You still can't get a foot in, go on your belly Snakelord.

SnakeLord said:
Further to which let's not forget the bible is just another fiction novel.

But it still keeps you wrapped right around my finger. Coming back for more, but more especially the commentary.

SnakeLord said:
I love how you fundies

I love how you Dumbass Athiests-- (some counter name calling for you/generalization) can leave religion but you can't leave it alone.

SnakeLord said:
There's really nothing to save. Your life will continue along the fundie path, and my life will continue along the atheist path. It's really no big deal.

Save me from what? Now you want me to join your religion of being an athiest? Your idea of salvation. You're mixed up kid.
Wether they're religious or not, has no correlation with you pointing your finger boasting some superior intellect.

This is not about "superior intellect", but the pointlessness of taking one sentence and trying to make out that it's talking about satellite TV.

First of all, since you don't believe in the BIBLE. WHY THE HELL ARE YOU SCRUITINIZING BIBLE COMMENTARY??

Because no matter where I go, someone is trying to ram it down my throat. My six year old daughter can't even sit in school for a week without someone ramming it down her throat.

If in your mind the bible is folk tale, then why do you delve into what peoples thoughts of it are? Their thoughts being an elaboration upon what you already consider "fiction".

I can't even stand up in court without some dickcheese shoving a bible in my face, in America people can't even spend money without having such idiotic beliefs shoved in their faces, I can't seemingly remain unpestered in my own house because on a regular basis some spastic turns up at my door with a bible and starts preaching his crap - thus endangering his very existence.

Let's not make a mistake here.. the book certainly is interesting, (as is every other ancient text). They allow us to look back at early civilisation - see how they perceived life and the cosmos. See the rules they held, the methods they used to accomplish things etc etc. But when some jerkoff comes along in 2006 and tells me I have to believe every word, or that some sentence in some passage shows they knew about the QVC shopping channel, I have to take exception.

And then I sit here wondering how anyone with a functioning brain could honestly believe that one guy went and got several million animals and stuffed them on a boat, or that some sky being had a half human son and then killed him because we're all assholes and so on. I then have little choice but to seek out these people and ask them. Alas the answers are always so vague, so pointless: "have faith, that's it".

So I still seek this answer, and await the day where I shall receive a tad more than "believe for the mere bloody sake of it". It's simply ludicrous.

I go on to ask them why this book, this god are real instead of the other few gazillion, and again never receive a satisfactory answer.

Why don't you start arguing about the source, how you can prove it's falsehood, rather than what people think of it.

Obviously you're not used to the system, but you made a claim that a sentence or two in revelations shows the invention of televisions, and have yet to substantiate that claim. The onus is on you to do so, and my debate with you concerning that is to see if you can or not. Clearly you cannot.

As I stated earlier, I don't care what you think - you can live your life believing in leprechauns for all I care. But if you make a claim, I will debate it if it is questionable. I told you on my very first response to you that you're making a grand leap of faith - and that's exactly what it is. You want some indication that revelations can actually reveal something of substance, and so you take an obscure sentence and start talking about satellite TV for no good reason.

I shall ask you: Do you think the woman flying on a dragon is a sign that aeroplanes would be invented and that the end times are now given that now is the only time when people can fly?

There is a tendency with many anti-religious people to try and derail peoples faith in Bible Validity.

And that would all fall apart the very nano-second the religious man could provide something substantial, (i.e evidence for his claims).

There are some people on Sciforums who think that breaking down someones posts and commenting on each sentance; will some how give them brownie points, and make them look more intelligent and wise, messing around with it till it fits into their standard of a "rebuttal".

It is a common method of forum debates that help ensure the person you're responding to knows exactly what you're responding to. If you would like, I could rewrite this post without your quotes, and then see just how well you can keep up with the context.

What does that have to do with, reading a scripture that says "people of the earth" and understanding that it means people of the world. You're starting to go off on various tangents here. Creating a smoke screen.

Read it again and you'll eventually understand what it has to do with it.

MILLIONS of people already made the connection. And outlined it in various websites, as i've already demonstrated.

Millions of people, (in England), believe that it's bad luck to not salute a lone magpie when you see one. Does that make it true?

Obviously you retard

Needless to say, a "yes" would have sufficed. It's incredibly hypocritical to accuse someone of insulting you while you do your utmost to insult them.

But why would it say kindreds tongues and nations if they were just talking about one city.

Style of writing. If I was going to now write you a story about my visit to London, I would say:

"There were 'people of every race, language and nation'".

If I was going to now write you a story about some dead people that were lying on the ground in London, I would say:

"There were 'people of every race, language and nation staring at these corpses for three and half days'".

Funnily enough, that's just what the bible says. Maybe it's just me, but I don't personally know anyone that stares at the TV for three and a half days. On the other hand, people constantly out and about in the city would have little choice but to see these corpses for as long as they lay there.

He could have just said the Gentiles in Jerusalem

No he couldn't. It doesn't say half as much as it does the other way.

Then try to still confine it to ONE place. Why are you trying to argue conflicting ideas? You still can't get a foot in, go on your belly Snakelord.

Swiftly moving past your petty insults, it seems you completely misunderstand what I have been saying. There are no 'conflicting ideas' at all. You have two guys that come along and cause worldly plagues. These men eventually kick the bucket and lie in a city for a few days while the inhabitants of that city look on. Was quite simple really.

But it still keeps you wrapped right around my finger.

Wrapped..? Lol, delusion is strong with you obi-wan.

can leave religion but you can't leave it alone.

Leave religion? What do you mean?

Save me from what? Now you want me to join your religion of being an athiest?

Eh? Have you just woken up by any chance?

Tell you what.. I am going to do exactly what you have done. I am going to take a sentence or two from the bible to make a claim, (that in honesty will have a lot more credibility than yours). Here we go:

Rev 7:1 After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth

This must mean the end times will come when the planet is flat. We all know that a ball does not have corners. As you can see, I have provided a fact, (balls don't have corners), and relevant passage. But I shall go one step further and support it with even more biblical quotes:

Isa 11:12 He will collect the scattered of Judah from the four corners of the earth

Rev 20:8 and will go out to deceive the nations at the four corners of the earth

So, in summary: The end times can only occur when earth is as flat as a pancake. We will undoubtedly be able to watch the event on TV.
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SnakeLord said:
This is not about "superior intellect", but the pointlessness of taking one sentence and trying to make out that it's talking about satellite TV.

You are too unfamiliar with the scriptures to make any comments. You seek signs, and a perfectly clear answer. This is why it is said, that they seeing, see not, and hear, but do not listen.

Profound truth taught in parable and in plain word. Yet you say you see, but you see not.

These are the scriptures. And you are of those who say "How can this man give us his flesh to eat?"

SnakeLord said:
Because no matter where I go, someone is trying to ram it down my throat. My six year old daughter can't even sit in school for a week without someone ramming it down her throat.

That response had nothing to do with what I was talking about at all. I said why are you scrutinizing Bible Commentary. Why are you debating with me about interpretation of the word? You should be more worried about who wrote it. You're very inconsistent.

I'm sorry you have such a complex over peoples ideas, welcome to the world, where everything is SOLD to you all day long. Not just religion, your entire identity. Bitch and moan 2 someone else.

SnakeLord said:
I can't even stand up in court without some dickcheese shoving a bible in my face, in America people can't even spend money without having such idiotic beliefs shoved in their faces, I can't seemingly remain unpestered in my own house because on a regular basis some spastic turns up at my door with a bible and starts preaching his crap - thus endangering his very existence.

Why were you in court in the first place? Like i said people sell you everything, not just religion. So obviously you have other issues.

SnakeLord said:
Let's not make a mistake here.. the book certainly is interesting, (as is every other ancient text). They allow us to look back at early civilisation - see how they perceived life and the cosmos. See the rules they held, the methods they used to accomplish things etc etc. But when some jerkoff comes along in 2006 and tells me I have to believe every word, or that some sentence in some passage shows they knew about the QVC shopping channel, I have to take exception.

I can see I got you really fired up but I'd like to get back to the reasons why you are still whining about Bible commentary.

SnakeLord said:
And then I sit here wondering how anyone with a functioning brain could honestly believe that one guy went and got several million animals and stuffed them on a boat, or that some sky being had a half human son and then killed him because we're all assholes and so on. I then have little choice but to seek out these people and ask them. Alas the answers are always so vague, so pointless: "have faith, that's it".

Okay, nm sorry for being impatient with you I can see that you're opening up now.

SnakeLord said:
So I still seek this answer, and await the day where I shall receive a tad more than "believe for the mere bloody sake of it". It's simply ludicrous.
HAHAHAHAHAA yea tell me about it. People that sincerely believe in Christ still ask themselves that question. Same with devout jews who still wait for their messiah. Why can't he just come and smash down all their oppressors???? There is purpose in faith, when you have faith in a purpose.

SnakeLord said:
I go on to ask them why this book, this god are real instead of the other few gazillion, and again never receive a satisfactory answer.

Some remember that feeling. Never receiving an answer. Some now have received their answer. You don't have to believe in Eternal Life, or Jesus Christ if you don't want to. The hope that it is real, is a fundamental part of Faith, without witness.

SnakeLord said:
Obviously you're not used to the system, but you made a claim that a sentence or two in revelations shows the invention of televisions, and have yet to substantiate that claim. The onus is on you to do so, and my debate with you concerning that is to see if you can or not. Clearly you cannot.

I showed how many people, believe and understand that the Bible talks about technology and why. I showed you with prefect plainess how it's possible, but you simply refuse to believe it. And fight on everyhand not to.

And you have contempt for the idea that it could possibly be true, because then you might find yourself possibly believing in Jesus Christ, and you don't want to become what you hate the most. As I can see...

SnakeLord said:
As I stated earlier, I don't care what you think - you can live your life believing in leprechauns for all I care. But if you make a claim, I will debate it if it is questionable. I told you on my very first response to you that you're making a grand leap of faith - and that's exactly what it is. You want some indication that revelations can actually reveal something of substance, and so you take an obscure sentence and start talking about satellite TV for no good reason.

If you didn't care what I thought then you wouldn't come back here to hear what I have to say. So. Yea debate all you want. Meanwhile you can go and debate all those websites, since they think the same as I do. Or you only debate right here because you do care what I think. Because I just might say something that will tarnish your 2.3k post count. HAHA C'mon Goliath, so strong and so wise.

SnakeLord said:
I shall ask you: Do you think the woman flying on a dragon is a sign that aeroplanes would be invented and that the end times are now given that now is the only time when people can fly?

What woman flying on a dragon?

you mean "And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent."

That woman is the the Church of God // 12 tribes of Israel symbolism. Her child is the Kingdom of God, but it went into the "wilderness" because of persecution "the face of the serpent". I.E. Apostles ceased and the organization that Christ had established.

That's why i said this earlier

"New Testament:
Messiah is born and comes to the people of Israel
Messiah atones for sin
Messiah rejected/crucified/slain
Apostles then preach the Gospel to the Gentiles (the rest of the world) after Israel rejection the Messiah


Exterior history
100AD Christ's original church rapidly disintegrates and falls into Apostasy. "

The Church of God flew on eagle wings where it was nourished by God. Though it was taken away from Mankind, it was never destroyed.

SnakeLord said:
And that would all fall apart the very nano-second the religious man could provide something substantial, (i.e evidence for his claims).

There is plenty of evidence, but back to your dilemna of no faith. That's why it is also said "If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead"

SnakeLord said:
It is a common method of forum debates that help ensure the person you're responding to knows exactly what you're responding to. If you would like, I could rewrite this post without your quotes, and then see just how well you can keep up with the context.

Oh i know all about your methods, hence why you saw me come out swinging. You guys can't open your jaws without insulting people, so I just joined in and fought back. Still getting my point across.

Breaking down an argument though is usually a sign of your cockiness and not being able to really get a point across, cause you're too busy whining, or fluffing up everything you say. When it's worthless to most readers.

SnakeLord said:
Read it again and you'll eventually understand what it has to do with it.

No, I think I will turn down the offer of your advice and counsel seeing as it hasn't led you to anything even in the likeness of "understanding". I'll proceed in my own paths. Unashamed of your judgment. Because really I don't care if anyone has seen it through this whole conversation but it is evident to me; which is firstmost important, that you are uneducated in these matters.

SnakeLord said:
Millions of people, (in England), believe that it's bad luck to not salute a lone magpie when you see one. Does that make it true?

No, and I hope you weren't supposing that to be a stumper. Or of any consequence to your side of this whole conversation.

SnakeLord said:
Needless to say, a "yes" would have sufficed. It's incredibly hypocritical to accuse someone of insulting you while you do your utmost to insult them.

You were the first too complain about the insults. "I don't know you" I knew you from the second you opened your mouth Snake.

Insults, I just think they are innate to conversation here now. Since you fundy athiest are so puffed up you can't quite possibly make any sort of comment without degrading the person you talk to.

So I, by nature, try my utmost to utterly confound you. And it works very well. Because see alot of people come to these boards with very simple faith, and you throw out all you flashy insults like "idiocy" to tread them down and rack up your posts; instead of just telling people they're dumbasses. Well I saved myself some time and just Cut right to the chase.

SnakeLord said:
Style of writing. If I was going to now write you a story about my visit to London, I would say:

"There were 'people of every race, language and nation'".

If I was going to now write you a story about some dead people that were lying on the ground in London, I would say:

"There were 'people of every race, language and nation staring at these corpses for three and half days'".

Funnily enough, that's just what the bible says. Maybe it's just me, but I don't personally know anyone that stares at the TV for three and a half days. On the other hand, people constantly out and about in the city would have little choice but to see these corpses for as long as they lay there.

You're close, now try replacing London with Jerusalem. And understanding that the scriptures do tell us that these two prophets "TORMENTED" them that "DWELL ON THE EARTH"

Hence why they hate and despise them and leave their bodies, to be seen by all nations, kindreds, toungues and people. And the people of the earth send gifts one to another because they rejoice in their death.

That is why the bodies are left in the streets.

Chapter 11 is very straightforward with little to no symbolism at all. Except the candle sticks, the reed, and the dragon/beast.

Anyways you're not ready to understand the meat of the scriptures you need to be given the milk. So work on your faith. And polish up your craftiness because you're not the most subtle of all the beasts of the field Snake.
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The Devil Inside said:
he doesnt want faith, nisus.
and i gather that he doesnt want you to give it to him either...

Then he knows when to not hit the "reply" button.
if you really wanted to "minister" to him, you would wait for him to ask you for it..
forceful conversion only creates mindless drones.
i assure you, he is not THAT.
Haha, anyone even posting on this board is "ministering" their ideas. You'll have to ban me before you take away my freedom to speak.
im just trying to show you how futile your efforts are.
speak away, dude.
it isnt going to do you any good, and you would realize this if you read ANYTHING snakelord says in response to you.
I have read everything unfortunatly. Star trek Futile whatever don't talk to me.
So what now I have to trifle with you too? Why don't you add something to the conversation instead of chiming like a door bell when you walk into a 7-11.

Like some substance.
"trifle" with me? my oh my, arent WE high and mighty?
shall i add some substance?
deuteronomy 13 specifically speaks against folks that preach religions that "are unknown to your fathers", as christianity could be described to the jews.
care to defend your pauline doctrine against that?
how is that for substance?
nothing you have said in this entire thread (or any posts of yours i have read) reflects the teachings of jesus. jesus was a jew, not a militant preacher. learn about the idol you preach on, before trying to hand poison to the first person you meet on the internet that disagrees with you (as your posts indicate)
(15 minutes later) thats what i thought. so eager to pick and choose your fights, nisus?
as soon as someone that knows the scripture shows up, you back down.
im actually surprised by that, for some reason.
Trifle, as in my energies are already engaged in one conversation, and I don't want a 2 vs 1 goin here, but it's ok you birds of a feather often flock together.

High and Mighty if you dub it so... I would feel awful flattered. But i'm actually on the same level as you are, the only status you have is your words. You're text, interactive text if you will.

deuteronomy 13 specifically speaks against folks that preach religions that "are unknown to your fathers", as christianity could be described to the jews.

That's great, what does deut 13 have to do with anything? Is that a formal challenge?! So my Fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob??

"Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was I am."

"And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham."

how is that for substance?

Sorry I should have been more specific. We were talking about Rev ch. 11 pretty much.

nothing you have said in this entire thread (or any posts of yours i have read) reflects the teachings of jesus.

I don't care.. oops. Uh... what do you want me to say?

jesus was a jew, not a militant preacher. learn about the idol you preach on, before trying to hand poison to the first person you meet on the internet that disagrees with you (as your posts indicate)

Spare me, I know in these 23 years I've fallen further than short of perfection.

you know what? forget it, as you probably cannot read hebrew anyhow, LION OF ISRAEL.

Can you? I was looking to learn.
The Devil Inside said:
(15 minutes later) thats what i thought. so eager to pick and choose your fights, nisus?
as soon as someone that knows the scripture shows up, you back down.
im actually surprised by that, for some reason.

Spoke too soon!
The Devil Inside said:
(15 minutes later) thats what i thought. so eager to pick and choose your fights, nisus?
as soon as someone that knows the scripture shows up, you back down.
im actually surprised by that, for some reason.

Spoke too soon! Quick edit!1111!!!
and no, snakelord and i are not "birds of a feather". i disagree with everything he said. but militantly preaching to folks like that does nothing.

i am jewish, and he is an atheist. we have very different colored feathers.
Well I did join the Military right out of High School!!

Jew/Athiest Both factions of the army of Satan. JK

Really I am haha =)

I am going to Netanya Israel I hope...in spring. I want to learn hebrew.