Has God Updated the Bible?

Medicine Woman said:
It appears that you, Nisus, are the 'dumb ass,' not SnakeLord. You language usage is that of a junior high school student.

Hahah whatever I just like proving you saps wrong. It's cool tho, group up and try to compensate.

Btw when your telling them to censor me don't forget when you said this, ya hypocrite.

Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Now you're preaching, mother fucker! Read the forum rules! My soul, should I have one, will never starve, because I eat swine (the other white meat)! You're just another run-of-the-mill Christians who doesn't know Jack Shit about anything.

BTW, welcome to sciforums, asshole, where atheists will thrive and devour your soul. Not even your bones will be found as fossils! Do you dare to test us?

Gratz on jr high school language!

Oh and don't forget when you oxy-moroned yourself

Medicine Woman said:
I don't even like the taste of your soul


Medicine Woman said:
M*W: There are no such thing as "souls," there is only biological energy. Energy is readily consumed but not destroyed. Souls of Christians are very appetizing to Atheists. Therefore, for every professing Christian out there, there is one sated Atheist. Yum Yum

When it comes to talking to you, i just pull the string MW and you collapse in on yourself. You are a monument of your own shame.

Snakelord is gonna need more than a Cheerleader at this point.
Main Entry: 1Chris·tian
Pronunciation: 'kris-ch&n, 'krish-
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin christianus, adjective & n., from Greek christianos, from Christos
1 a : one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ.

wouldnt you try to be a bit more peaceful, if you were a christian, nisus? you have already made yourself look like a fool. cut your losses and get out of the hole you have dug. thats my suggestion.
The Devil Inside said:
1. yes, i am jewish. but i also revere the teachings of jesus. i just dont believe he was G-d.
2. i quoted deuteronomy 13 so that you might understand that the hebrew prophets warned the world about worshipping false idols. i do not condone violence of any kind, and when i am faced with my non-compliance to the law, ill deal with the lawmaker..not you. "thou shalt put no other gods before me, i am The Lord El Shaddai who brought you out from egypt."
3. i am many negative things, but i am rarely confused.

You belong in the Kingdom hall of the Jehovah's witnesses or the 7th day adventists. That sounds more cohesive with what you're trying to communicate to me. And then the cherry ontop your name "The Devil Inside", spectacular.

I'm not judging you i'm just telling you what I see. If you don't like the heat get out of the kitchen. + you look even more feeble trying to ride on other peoples momentum in this discussion.
The Devil Inside said:
Main Entry: 1Chris·tian
Pronunciation: 'kris-ch&n, 'krish-
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin christianus, adjective & n., from Greek christianos, from Christos
1 a : one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ.

wouldnt you try to be a bit more peaceful, if you were a christian, nisus? you have already made yourself look like a fool. cut your losses and get out of the hole you have dug. thats my suggestion.

Haha, are you trying to brainwash me or something since everything else you say fails? You're repeating yourself, and all your insults are more applicable to yourself so go look in the mirror.

You're the one that wanted this shit. You shouldn't have opened your trap.

Same goes to Snake.

Same goes to MW.
And talking to me like I should be mindful of the Savior; when you don't even believe in him is retarded too.

You just got done telling me not to worship Idols and you consider Him a false diety, or atleast unworthy of His rightful name, God.

So explain just what He was? If he wasn't a prophet, and He's not God? You are fading out... end of your transmission.
"The Devil Inside" is the only devil i know of. the name reflects the traditional rejection of the idea of "the devil trying to steal your soul". in judaism, "the devil" is a servant of G-d, and does not interfere with humanity without authorization.

do you know anything about jehovah's witnesses? 7th day adventists? i doubt it.
i belong more in the house of gautama, than in the extremist churches you mentioned.
stop digging down, and ask nicely....i will toss you down a rope, and get onto different subjects. that is....unless you want to continue this very "non-christlike" conversation (on your part).
jesus was very definitely a prophet, according to judaism. otherwise, he wouldnt have been invited to teach in the temple. do you really have that much ignorance about the life of the idol you worship?

like i said, i revere jesus' teachings. concluding that infinity can cram itself into a human body though....nah. nowhere in the torah does it say that will ever happen. in fact, it says that folks will come along saying it HAS happened. just because i say the sky is purple, doesnt necessarily make it fucking so.
paul was a charlatan.
'nuff said. (to quote stan lee)
This is too funny the Jew teaching about Christ. You don't even realize how unstable everything you say is.
The Devil Inside said:
jesus was very definitely a prophet, according to judaism. otherwise, he wouldnt have been invited to teach in the temple. do you really have that much ignorance about the life of the idol you worship?

Sure Jesus would have liked to know that before they nailed him to a cross. Oh but since your religion is much like you, unstable, I guess it's always subject to change.

Maybe the Torah and OT will receive and update.
The Devil Inside said:
like i said, i revere jesus' teachings. concluding that infinity can cram itself into a human body though....nah. nowhere in the torah does it say that will ever happen. in fact, it says that folks will come along saying it HAS happened. just because i say the sky is purple, doesnt necessarily make it fucking so.
paul was a charlatan.
'nuff said. (to quote stan lee)

nice beliefs. whatever.
you are grasping here.
post some references to show my scholarly "instability", or stop talking. im not interested in helping you boost your post total.
you are making no sense. take some time, formulate a thought, and write it in a notepad before you post....to make sure you are being coherent.
Look who's back!! Nice of you to join us. Hope you didn't work to hard on your post before last, because I read like .5 seconds of it.
The Devil Inside said:
you are grasping here.
post some references to show my scholarly "instability", or stop talking. im not interested in helping you boost your post total.
you are making no sense. take some time, formulate a thought, and write it in a notepad before you post....to make sure you are being coherent.

Hahahaha, you're frustrated. Take all that advice yourself.
you do? what? You're talking as if you had some consistent train of thought going. You are a fucking idiot.

Go teach someone about Jesus.
After your done licking your wounds, read http://www.simpletoremember.com/vitals/jewsandjesus.htm


Jesus was not a prophet. Prophecy can only exist in Israel when the land is inhabited by a majority of world Jewry. During the time of Ezra (circa 300 BCE), when the majority of Jews refused to move from Babylon to Israel, prophecy ended upon the death of the last prophets -- Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi.

Jesus appeared on the scene approximately 350 years after prophecy had ended. "
lol so you are saying that noone can ever have any contact with G-d, after those men? and no, you are incorrect. prophecy THROUGH the ark of the covenant was possible only during that period. but to say that prophecy can not and did not happen after that----completely invalidates your entire religion. is that what you are saying? that all of the prophetic books of christianity (at the time of writing a subsect of judaism) are invalid?
the book of revelation is void then?
interesting that you double back on yourself like that.
i dont lick myself. who knows where i have been? :p
The Devil Inside said:
lol so you are saying that noone can ever have any contact with G-d,

No, that's a Jew site. I was showing it to you so you would see the inconsistency with what you said earlier, about Jesus being a prophet to the Jews. Remember "jesus was very definitely a prophet" said you~

Funny how all these other sources say different anyways, that's what you wanted right? A point?

No you just want a foot in the door! But you're not gonna get it.

HAhaha that's funny how quickly you jumped on that thinking I was supporting that Idea. You were frothing at the mouth " oh nisus what a fool, I have him now har har"

Whatever-- Dude you look stupider than MW at this point.