Has God Updated the Bible?

SnakeLord said:
Please, take a moment to apply some thought.

If you knew anything about the Bible or the Book of Revelations you would know that these events spoken of occur around the end of the "7th Seal", the last and Final seal, and period of earths instance in time.

The book goes over the events of the worlds history in 7 SEALS--- Feel free to read it before commenting.

So not only does the context of the scripture actually refer to the time of the last days, but a time where all the nations will see these events together; which corroborate harmoniously with the advent of technology/TV/etc.

Someone asking me to take thought, in something they know nothing about, seems to be the one making comments lacking thought.

"And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth."

So this chapter, 11, shows how people of the earth (not just any random time or random nation), in the last times, will slay 2 prophets then rejoice over their death. Everyone in the world will be able to see the event, then they will send gifts to eachother, rejoicing in their death.

Eat some Stfu k?
leopold99 said:
knowledge always has increased
we know more now than yesterday
less than tomorrow.

Yes well compare the exponential increase of knowledge from the last 100 years... to the knowledge that was available when that passage of scripture was written. Daniel lived around B.C. 623. NO cell phones, no internet.

And it was written thus "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased."

now we are 2600 years after this was written, if there was ever a time where the earth experienced a remarkable increase in knowledge, it would be now.

Not only the amount of knowledge that exists in general but the RATE at which it can travel and spread is greater than anyone would have formerly envisioned.

leopold99 said:
the "end of the world" has been predicted since the dawn of humanity
no religious person in their right mind will say exactly when the end will come.

"end of the world" is different from

"Time of the End".

I'm talking about the Last Day(s)--- not the Last Day. The final period of time given to mankind--not the "end of the world".

I'm talking about a period of time, that the Bible talks about where these things will happen. The time you live in now.
Nisus said:
now we are 2600 years after this was written, if there was ever a time where the earth experienced a remarkable increase in knowledge, it would be now.
i guess some would say it was remarkable to see a single cell
some would say the knowledge to build the pyrimids is remarkable

according to some people the end of days has been happening for the last 1000 years or more

don't get me wrong, i'm not anti-religious, i just don't have a whole hell of a lot of evidence
If you knew anything about the Bible or the Book of Revelations

Funnily enough, I do. I see you making yet another grand leap of faith that has no actual basis in reality.

you would know that these events spoken of occur around the end of the "7th Seal", the last and Final seal, and period of earths instance in time.

Now kindly explain the relevance this quote has to my post.

The book goes over the events of the worlds history in 7 SEALS--- Feel free to read it before commenting.

I have read it many times. Where is the relevance to my post?

So not only does the context of the scripture actually refer to the time of the last days, but a time where all the nations will see these events together; which corroborate harmoniously with the advent of technology/TV/etc.

If this were so, it is prevalent to state that this could be referring to some time in the next 50 gazillion years - indeed any time after TV and technology has been invented - unless of course you're saying in 50,000 years time people wont be able to see events together?

Someone asking me to take thought, in something they know nothing about, seems to be the one making comments lacking thought.

Oh if only you had have given it some thought you would have realised the idiocy of making such unfounded assumptions without even knowing me.

Eat some Stfu k?

Love thy neighbour at it's absolute finest.. *end sarcasm*

I have met too many overly hostile fundies to be impressed or surprised by your piss poor attitude.
Here is the Bible in a Nutshell

Old Testament:
Creation of the world
God makes covenant with Abraham/Isaac/Jacob (Israel)
Israel's (the people) interactions with neighboring nations/countries
Israel's fall and destruction/scattering amongst the nations
Prophecy of the coming of the Messiah/Gathering of Israel

New Testament:
Messiah is born and comes to the people of Israel
Messiah atones for sin
Messiah rejected/crucified/slain
Apostles then preach the Gospel to the Gentiles (the rest of the world) after Israel rejection the Messiah


Exterior history
100AD Christ's original church rapidly disintegrates and falls into Apostasy.

Around 300AD Emperor Constantine is "first Christian Emperor"

325 AD First Council of Nicaea (May 20 - July 25, 325)
Roman polytheism fuses with broken down Christian monotheism and becomes the Catholic Church

Millenia pass by particles of what Christ did remained recorded in the NT-- everyone took grabs at what was said and got in the capitalist market of making religion.
SnakeLord said:
Funnily enough, I do. I see you making yet another grand leap of faith that has no actual basis in reality..

Ok we'll just hit on this then, and disregard the rest of what you said as "Snakelord" propaganda...

IF you knew about the Book of Revelation you wouldn't have said this, speaking of rev chap 11;

SnakeLord said:
Refers to any time in history where people saw dead bodies. You're making the grandest leap of faith by trying to equate that as being relevant only to now...

Maybe you know the book of Revelation exists, but you've honestly have not taken time to consider what's written in it's pages. And you would know about the 7 Seals and how they were relevent to what I said initially.

But you don't wanna talk about truth you just wanna have a pissing contest like most of the people here.

Either way i'll roast and slam you, so it's fine with me as long as I get the message across.

SnakeLord said:
If this were so, it is prevalent to state that this could be referring to some time in the next 50 gazillion years - indeed any time after TV and technology has been invented - unless of course you're saying in 50,000 years time people wont be able to see events together?...

Christ told his Apostles, that when the end was drawing near and the prophecies concerning the Last Days become fulfilled, that those times would be shortened. I.e. not 50,000 years riding the "increase of knowledge" but,

"except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened."
matt 24:22

So save your interpretations until you read Matt 24 and the Book of Revelations. Because until then they have no application at all within a Biblical context.
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At the end of the day, Nisus, there has not been a single generation in two thousand years - including the people who knew Jesus personally - who have not expected the Millennium at any moment.

I personally find it, well, not amusing, but rather exasperating, when people go straight to labelling George W. Bush or Tony Blair or Osama Bin Laden as the Antichrist, and claim that, with all the shit that's going on right now, clearly the Last Days are at hand. The greatest single event that best qualified as heralding the End times was surely the Second World War - the war that killed fifty millions of people, the wholesale destruction of towns, villages and entire cities, not to mention the almost total eradication of the Jewish race in mainland Europe. Since Jesus, when he comes, will de facto be the Jewish messiah, I can well imagine that a lot of Jews would be asking him, "You're our Messiah - where the hell were you sixty years ago?"

Meanwhile, as I keep pointing out, without any eschatologist interested apparently in answering this view, the return of Jesus is pretty much bad news to any democratic republic like, well, the United States, since He will rule as the King of Kings and his Justice will be Absolute. And the rule of the people, by the people, for the people, will indeed perish from the Earth.

Nisus said:
Maybe you know the book of Revelation exists, but you've honestly have not taken time to consider what's written in it's pages.
As SnakeLord has already pointed out - repeatedly - he has read Revelation "many times".
SnakeLord said:
Oh if only you had have given it some thought you would have realised the idiocy of making such unfounded assumptions without even knowing me.

Wait I had to point this out...

This is part of your introductory response, the first things you said to me...

SnakeLord said:
Please, take a moment to apply some thought.

U don't know me either. But your folly is made manifest.
Maybe you know the book of Revelation exists, but you've honestly have not taken time to consider what's written in it's pages. And you would know about the 7 Seals and how they were relevent to what I said initially.

If we look at the original post you responded to, and the biblical quote you used, we can see there is no indication whatsoever that it applies only to now.

Prideless said: "In the bible, does it state anything about technology being used in the future. Im sure whoever wrote the bible couldn't have foreseen the dawn of technology"

You then made a quote regarding people seeing dead bodies for three and a half days and not bothering to bury them.. and then somehow try to equate that to being about technology. It has no merit whatsoever.

You do this by claiming that "people, kindred, tongues and nations" refers to everyone on the planet watching TV which is simple foolishness. As you might know, jesus did state that the end times were going to happen a couple of millennia ago, and the 'people, kindred' statement adequately applies to the different people that would have lived in jerusalem in those times.

Either way i'll roast and slam you, so it's fine with me as long as I get the message across.

Please child, you couldn't roast and slam a pork chop.
Dude, you really fail at debate and reading comprehension.

Here is that post you were talking about.

Nisus said:
The only era in history where I think this statement could be most applicable is now. The only time the "people and kindreds and tongues and nations" can "see" something all together at once is now.

When John wrote these words, 70-90AD ish, there was no sattelites, to cable TV. No radio. No TECHNOLOGY. Yet he forsaw a moment when two prophets would be killed in Jerusalem (rev chap 11.)and...

"And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves."

snakelord said:
You then made a quote regarding people seeing dead bodies for three and a half days and not bothering to bury them.

it wasn't subtle it was 'they that dwell upon the earth' fyi..

snakelord said:
You do this by claiming that "people, kindred, tongues and nations" refers to everyone on the planet watching TV which is simple foolishness.

So I guess you interpret these words "People of the earth" differently then I do? Or to say that "everyone on the planet" (which I didn't say, you did) would be "foolish" to say?

I understand how you're trying to make me look "simple" and "foolish" but like, you suck at it so eat your roasted pork chop.

I said "The only time the 'people and kindreds and tongues and nations' and 'people of the earth' can 'see' something all together at once is now."

I didn't say they will be in their living rooms eating TV dinners. k? I was talking about the possibility. The possibility that hasn't existed in any other era of time.

Furthermore... going back to this particular chapter in Revelation,

I'm not saying that it has to be "everyone on the planet" and they all have to be "watching TV"

but the chapter gives more than just a subtle idea.

These prophets will turn water...
'to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will'

'And the nations were angry'

'And they that dwell upon the earth'

'The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord'

So excuse me if you think it's a "leap of faith" or "foolish" to suppose that these passages of scripture refer to the people of the earth collectively.
Anyways I didn't open up my comments saying "These words are confined to one method of understanding" or "yo this is happening right now in 2006 omg"-- But certain things are obvious to the reader

You keep on digging a hole for me to fall in but it's funny how you end up in it.

So lock up and bring something else to the discussion because trying to degrade and flame me isn't in your best intrest.
But Nisus, intelligence is the product of time; the older you are the wiser you are, and time is a product of ones morality! At nineteen I was a mere teenager, but now, at twenty-five, I consider myself to be more mature.

The bible has been 're-written'; the New Testament, as Spuriousmonkey correctly highlighted.
I said "The only time the 'people and kindreds and tongues and nations' and 'people of the earth' can 'see' something all together at once is now."

And I am telling you the opposite. The fact is that you don't need technology for "people and kindreds and tongues and nations" to be able to see some corpses. A quick walk through London and you'll find all kinds of people, kindreds, tongues and nations represented there. The same would have been true of Rome, (in the context of the passage), back then. TV is not needed.

I'm not saying that it has to be "everyone on the planet"

There you go then. As it is not "everyone on the planet", then it simply refers to the people from all different nations and talkers of different dialects that happen to be present in the city at the time. Thank you for arguing yourself out of the argument.

So excuse me if you think it's a "leap of faith" or "foolish" to suppose that these passages of scripture refer to the people of the earth collectively.

It is, and even more so when, on the former quote of yours, you say it doesn't refer to "everyone on the planet". Indeed you had a go at me for even putting those words in your mouth.

You keep on digging a hole for me to fall in but it's funny how you end up in it.

If you say so, enjoy it. I'll just continue watching you argue against yourself.

So lock up and bring something else to the discussion because trying to degrade and flame me isn't in your best intrest.

You really are quite a scary boy.
SnakeLord said:
And I am telling you the opposite. The fact is that you don't need technology for "people and kindreds and tongues and nations" to be able to see some corpses..

SnakeLord said:
A quick walk through London and you'll find all kinds of people, kindreds, tongues and nations represented there...

That's great, but what relation does that have to the context of the chapter which talks about;

These prophets will turn water...
'to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will'

'And the nations were angry'

'And they that dwell upon the earth'

'The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord'

If you read closely you'll see it doesn't say anything about London or just a secular society. It's talkin about EVERYBODY.

Here hold on I'll put it in Bold for you. Everybody Not London. The World ID est People of the Earth There you go that's Bold, Italicized and Underlined.

SnakeLord said:
The same would have been true of Rome, (in the context of the passage), back then. TV is not needed. ..

Yes but if you let logic be your guide, you will see that in order for the people of the earth to behold one event--Some technology or form of communication is needed, enabling the majority of people to "see" and "know" together.

Feel free at any time during this discussion to read Rev chapter 11.

SnakeLord said:
There you go then. As it is not "everyone on the planet", then it simply refers to the people from all different nations and talkers of different dialects that happen to be present in the city at the time. Thank you for arguing yourself out of the argument...

I know you'd like to think you got me here on this one, but unfortunately since I said not "everyone on the planet" I meant, if you will let logic be your guide again, that not everyone has access to Television, radio and this kind of communication.

But a VAST MAJORITY DOES and/or WILL by the time these scriptures are fulfilled.

Some people live in jungles. Etc... anyways why am I explaining obvious things to you?

SnakeLord said:
It is, and even more so when, on the former quote of yours, you say it doesn't refer to "everyone on the planet". Indeed you had a go at me for even putting those words in your mouth....

Hahah keep in mind you were the first to assume (leap of your faith, conclusion drawn) I meant "Everyone on the planet".. when if you refer back to what I said initially

"The only time the 'people and kindreds and tongues and nations' and 'people of the earth' can 'see' something all together at once is now."

I didn't say, "Every single last person upon the face of the planet will behold this event"

You don't have a foot in the door Snake, you're still lacking with any sort of potent argument. Even if I gave you this, it still wouldn't undermine the whole idea anyhow.

SnakeLord said:
If you say so, enjoy it. I'll just continue watching you argue against yourself.

If that's what you need to tell yourself to feel better; that's fine. But at this point I'm obliged to tell you that the normal passerby and reader will see that you're just bludgeoning your head against a wall. Over and over again.

Now lay off. The deeper you dig this the farther you fall.
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That's great, but what relation does that have to the context of the chapter which talks about;

These prophets will turn water...
'to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will'

'And the nations were angry'

'And they that dwell upon the earth'

'The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord'

If you read closely you'll see it doesn't say anything about London or just a secular society. It's talkin about EVERYBODY.

What you're missing here is that this has no relation to TV's. If these two olive tree prophets did indeed smite everyone all over the earth with plagues, then you wouldn't need a TV to see it. Why you have even mentioned TV and satellites is beyond me considering revelations doesn't in any way whatsoever hint at such a thing.

Yes but if you let logic be your guide

Seriously, you wouldn't know what logic was if it got up and slapped you round the head.

you will see that in order for the people of the earth to behold one event--Some technology or form of communication is needed

Unless the people it refers to all live in the same place. And of course you don't need technology to be struck with plague.

You don't have a foot in the door Snake, you're still lacking with any sort of potent argument.

What a tongue of fire you have.. But hey, I've seen you do that to everyone that even dares debate against the bible or your god in any form. Still, regardless to your tongue of fire, there is still no mention of technology in the quotes you used. For some reason you'd like there to be - maybe it would make the book look 'cooler' or something, but it doesn't change the reality of the situation.

But at this point I'm obliged to tell you that the normal passerby and reader will see that you're just bludgeoning your head against a wall.

Well, while I'd agree you're not very smart, I wouldn't go so far as to call you a 'wall'.

Hug-A-Tree: Sorry, just saw your post...

Numbers 23:19

God is not a man who lies,
or a son of man who changes His mind.
Does He speak and not act,
or promise and not fulfill?
You are lacking in judgement, because those things are plain to the understanding.

"Their bodies, being left in the street, may show the enormous hatred that people had for these two witnesses of God. The many problems the world had been going through were blamed on these two prophets of God. It would appear this prophecy could not have been fulfilled until the times in which we are now living. How is it possible that the people of the world are able to see their dead bodies? The answer would appear to be the use of satellites and television. Through the technology of this age, we can see events—as they happen—from around the world on television and on computers. One might wonder, if their bodies may be left lying in the area that our Lord Jesus Christ Himself was crucified?
Rev 11:10-AND THEY THAT DWELL UPON THE EARTH (or the inhabitants of the earth-NIV) SHALL REJOICE OVER THEM, AND MAKE MERRY (and celebrate), AND SHALL SEND GIFTS ONE TO ANOTHER; BECAUSE THESE TWO PROPHETS TORMENTED THEM THAT DWELT (or live) ON THE EARTH. The two prophets had warned people to repent. They had warned people of what was happening. But the people of the world chose to believe the lies of the Antichrist and false prophet. The two prophets had proven they were of God by the things they did. The corrupt people of the world were tormented by the many plagues that they brought. But now they were killed by the Antichrist. The wicked people of the earth probably believe the plagues will now stop. They rejoice, and celebrate, and give gifts to each other. It would appear the two prophets had warned that Armageddon was about to happen and the people would shortly perish and be in hell. The reason we believe these are some of the things they warned the people about is because they appear in the Revelation. But the people chose not to believe them; they were positive that the two prophets of God were wrong."

That is taken from
This person must also be lacking "thought" or not as "smart" as you? or?

Words Beyond Time-Space?
Jesus' Words in the New Testament
Event No. 3

Foretold Event: Jerusalem’s technological environment foretold (worldwide telecommunication to the masses).

When Foretold: 100 CE

When Fulfilled: 1980

Time passed from prophecy to fulfillment: 1,880 Years

Can We Confirm it?: Yes

More reading @ http://www.harvardhouse.com/Jesus_prophecy_3.htm

Here is another witness against you, that's two witnesses.

I'd like to address the rest of your post, and the other issues you tried to "bash" me with but; I think this info is sufficient, and i'm tiring of having to refute everything you say, because you don't think about if first.



Revelation 13:16-17 "And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name."

On May 10, three members of a family in Florida became the first people to receive the biochip implant. Each device, made of silicon and called a VeriChip, is a small radio transmitter about the size of a piece of rice that is injected under a person's skin. It transmits a unique personal ID number whenever it is within a few feet of a special receiver unit. VeriChip's maker describes it as "a miniaturized, implantable, radio frequency identification device (RFID) that can be used in a variety of security, emergency and healthcare applications."

Is the biochip the mark of the beast to be used by the antichrist? We can't really know. What is significant is that people are being softened to the idea of a mark or an implant as a means of maintaining security, providing medical information, and regulating a more interdependent world. As attitudes change, fears subside, and people are convinced of the need for such a mark, the true mark of the beast will be easily introduced to the world by the antichrist.

This person must also be lacking "thought" or not as "smart" as you? or?

Well, he didn't mention satellite TV so that's a start.

Here is another witness against you, that's two witnesses.

That's not a "witness", that's a person with an opinion. Just like you, what he fails to realise is that the quote doesn't say everyone on the planet:

"Consider the setting of the Apostle John. Nineteen centuries ago, it was impossible for the whole world to view human events at the same time. But human events are now viewed each day by the entire planet."

If he'd actually bothered to read the quote he'd see it does not mention or imply everyone in the world, but every human in the city that are from different nations, speak different languages etc. It would be more prevalent to state that revelations shows that people will travel to, and live in, other countries and cities. Ok, they did even back then so it's nothing out of the ordinary.

30 seconds is all it takes to see the maker of that website is an idiot. "Seven evidences for messages from outside time-space"... Lol.

Is the biochip the mark of the beast to be used by the antichrist?

Does it say "property of anti christ" on it? I think not.
For starts, you're the idiot. Subject matter was brought up and you start off telling me

SnakeLord said:
It is simple idiocy to try and equate that to only being possible right now. Please, take a moment to apply some thought.

moments later, I tell you
Someone asking me to take thought, in something they know nothing about, seems to be the one making comments lacking thought.

you respond with

SnakeLord said:
Oh if only you had have given it some thought you would have realised the idiocy of making such unfounded assumptions without even knowing me.

hahaha. Like I said you don't know me either, your folly is manifest.

So you sit here and try to make a bunch of insults up to distract from the fact that you look like a complete moron at this point. Trying to shift the weight of all your shame onto me.

I didn't even know there were websites that share the same interpretation of Rev. Chapter 11. I just when to google and typed the following : "two prophets tormented" technology

and it pulled up multiple web sites of people who have the same interpretation.

Moreover it goes on for about 10+ pages of people and websites that have the same understanding.

They must all have some degree of understanding and intelligence, but under your scrutiny and massive generalization their all tangled in "idiocy".

SnakeLord said:
Well, he didn't mention satellite TV so that's a start.

No but as I have already explained and many others have also, these passages of scripture talk about the people of the earth beholding these events together.

Some how your pride mixed with your internet balls// and your "idiocy"
doesn't allow you to grasp this as a feasable and accurate interpretation.

SnakeLord said:
That's not a "witness", that's a person with an opinion.

Yes it is an opinion, and it's actually based on fairly simple logic. That the normal person who isn't suffering from an ego breakdown-- would comprehend.

That in order for the people of the world to behold one event, some form of technology is needed. But your clinging to this point as if it were going to save you. It won't not now, and not 300 posts later of you repeating the same non-sense.

SnakeLord said:
Just like you, what he fails to realise is that the quote doesn't say everyone on the planet:

You can argue this point till this thread is 9213873492847 pages long and it will never fall into your favor based on the fact that it says numerous times in Chapter 11, that it's talking about the people of the world.

SnakeLord said:
"Consider the setting of the Apostle John. Nineteen centuries ago, it was impossible for the whole world to view human events at the same time. But human events are now viewed each day by the entire planet."

If he'd actually bothered to read the quote he'd see it does not mention or imply everyone in the world

Still gnawing away at that old bone.

"And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth"

Well now your dumb, and you're a liar.
SnakeLord said:
30 seconds is all it takes to see the maker of that website is an idiot

Look who is talking? At least he backs up what he's talking about.

He was only providing an interpretation, but is obviously stupid for even attempting it because you seem to have the most accurate understanding of Revelations; according to... only yourself so far. So it's say to say at this point, you're the "idiot". You brought it up, so you can bear it, till the end of the discussion.

SnakeLord said:
Does it say "property of anti christ" on it? I think not.

No, but even if it did and was spelled out for you in plain word, it would amazingly escape your narrow mind.

In concluding; I'd like to point out, that it would have been much easier for you to have just said "I don't believe in the Book of Revelations"

than to have tried to challenge pretty simple and obvious interpretations, open to even the most uneducated readers.
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They must all have some degree of understanding and intelligence, but under your scrutiny and massive generalization their all tangled in "idiocy".

It stands to reason that the people making the claims on those websites concerning revelations are actually religious people. There is a tendency with many religious people to try and promote some form of bible validity. They do this by taking any sentence they feel like and messing around with it until it somehow fits in with modern day times.

I remember a while back about religious people claiming they had golden teeth, and then using a biblical quote concerning golden mouths as some kind of 'evidence' for the existence of a god and the validity of the bible. What you're doing here is no different to that.

You're taking a claim from an old book and adding extra bits to try and make a connection - alas it does not work.

Answer this: Do you agree that in cities, (Rome, London etc), there are people from all tongues, all nations?

No but as I have already explained and many others have also, these passages of scripture talk about the people of the earth beholding these events together.

Sure, but that's quite normal if they all live in the same city and nobody bothered burying the dead. Why even mention nobody burying the dead if they simply can't because they're on the other side of the planet watching it on Sky News?

I'll admit it carries more weight than your "run to and fro" claim, but it's still pretty daft really.

Further to which let's not forget the bible is just another fiction novel. They can say anything they want, (one man goes and gets several million animals and puts them on a boat/satan looks at the entire planet from the top of a mountain etc), but none of this promotes validity for any of it.

Some how your pride

Pride is irrelevant.

Yes it is an opinion, and it's actually based on fairly simple logic

I love how you fundies try to use the word "logic" to a man with a scientific mind, thinking it will make your argument sound better. Logic is not your thing, stick to faith.

That in order for the people of the world to behold one event, some form of technology is needed.

Nonsense. All you need to do is stand at the top of a mountain.

But your clinging to this point as if it were going to save you. It won't not now

There's really nothing to save. Your life will continue along the fundie path, and my life will continue along the atheist path. It's really no big deal.

Well now your dumb, and you're a liar.

Hardly. These two prophets that do not dwell on the earth, come along and start infecting everything that does dwell on the earth with plague. You don't need a tv to see a plague when it's directly affecting you. Eventually these prophets die, and as a result the plagues stop. Then everything that dwells on the earth, (including frogs, pubic lice and abominable snowmen), rejoice and send each other presents, (because they're not being inflicted with plague anymore). There is no implication that a TV, radio or internet service provider is going to be invented.

He was only providing an interpretation, but is obviously stupid for even attempting it because you seem to have the most accurate understanding of Revelations

That's pointless. What I am doing is debating over the worthlessness of trying to claim any specific sentence as showing the invention of satellite TV, much like I would debate a claim that the talking snake in genesis is a sign that one day animals are going to be able to speak to humans.

No, but even if it did and was spelled out for you in plain word

So it doesn't.. Then why bother stating it's the mark of the beast?

In concluding; I'd like to point out, that it would have been much easier for you to have just said "I don't believe in the Book of Revelations"

But I do. Who in their right mind wouldn't believe in naked prostitutes flying around on dragons, stars crash landing on the planet, (but the planet somehow remaining intact), and human faced, gold crown wearing locusts? *end sarcasm*

I suppose the dragon is a sign that aeroplanes will be invented because the only time people can fly is now?
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I cannot see how people can read a book and believe everything about it is true.

Ok thats my opinion, kept it short because i'm off to hogwarts to meet harmoine.

read it in a book ..... must be true....
vividwolf said:
I cannot see how people can read a book and believe everything about it is true.

Ok thats my opinion, kept it short because i'm off to hogwarts to meet harmoine.

read it in a book ..... must be true....

M*W: Says,

"... write it in a book... and it will become gospel;"

"... sell the goddamn book... and it will become a reality...;"

"... read it in a book... and it will become dogma;"

"... refute it in a book... and it will become religion...;"

"... revive the book... and it will supercede your understanding of reality;"

"... study the book... and you will become zealous...;"

"... analyze the book... and you will become enlightened...;'

"... close the book... and you will become an atheist...;"

"... burn the book... and you will become free."