Has God Updated the Bible?

c7ityi_ said:
But tooth fairies does exist. They break people's teeth! Whether we call them tooth fairies or some other name is not so important... the point is that somehow our teeth break, so "tooth fairies" exist!

Just as God does. It's just that today people understand more, so ordinary people don't call "it" God anymore. Just as they don't say that tooth fairies break their teeth... yet those "things" exist.

M*W: Now, I've heard everything! Tooth fairies breaking teeth! I guess it couldn't be that jawbreaker you put in your mouth.
Medicine Woman, may I ask your opinion of Deism? In your opinion, is it possible to believe in a God on purely rational and natural terms, without adhering to any organized religion? Or are Deists mentally ill as well?

edit - Nevermind, I guess you deleted your post.
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Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Now, I've heard everything! Tooth fairies breaking teeth! I guess it couldn't be that jawbreaker you put in your mouth.

Yep, that's what the tooth fairy is! The modern word of tooth fairy is candy... so... God also has a modern word... that word is... the self.. =)
Mosheh Thezion said:
men... homosexual men... change the bible to suit their needs...
men... homosexual men... homosexual women... cannot be other than what they are, and discover that because of the Bible, what they are is condemned as a sin. For those who believe in God, and furthermore feel they have a vocation, where is their spiritual outlet? You say, "Well, it's the sin, not the sinner". So those people are condemned by their church to abstain from sexual expression (to say nothing of the opportunity to raise and care for children and build a family), for the rest of their lives, simply because of the way they were made? Or, alternatively, they could bite the bullet and get married to a person of the opposite sex - and consequently live a lie?

Because homosexuality was illegal in the majority of cultures for so long, it was hidden. For straight people, gays were "other people", and who knows why they did what they did? First the anti-homosexual laws were relaxed on the grounds that it is invidious to criminalise consensual private sexual behaviour. In the last 35-40 years (they certainly were unable to throw off the confines due to society as soon as the act was legalised), more and more gays have "come out of the closet", such that it is now not unusual for anybody to count at least some gay people among their acquaintances. With the prevalence of openness about sexuality, it has become more and more evident that it's simply against common sense to a) continue to feel revulsion at homosexuals simply because of what they get up to in private, and b) to condemn a certain orientation on the grounds that it's a "sin", when everybody knows of the gays that they know that they simply could not be any other way.

If you continue to speak out against homosexuals on biblical grounds, and preach so even to your gay friends, next time try to look at it from their point of view - when you say "It's the sin, not the sinner", try to look a little deeper, and contemplate exactly what it is you are asking of them.

Meanwhile, no matter what Christian churches may preach about homosexuality, the laws pertaining to a man "lying with a man as with a woman" are part of the Levitical "Holiness Code", dealing primarily with the state of cleanness and uncleanness (and only therefore pertaining to whether the person in question was fit to worship), which are considered laws repealed by the Grace of Jesus Christ. Paul, the promoter of that doctrine, himself wrote against gay sex I believe, but what is more important, Jesus himself never did.
c7ityi_ said:
Yep, that's what the tooth fairy is! The modern word of tooth fairy is candy... so... God also has a modern word... that word is... the self.. =)

M*W: But, tell me, what kind of candy does the 'self' eat?
c7ityi_ said:
Yep, that's what the tooth fairy is! The modern word of tooth fairy is candy... so... God also has a modern word... that word is... the self.. =)

M*W: So, 'god' speaks, now? He has his own language, I suppose, since he created the word 'self.'

I asked this question several times before, but no one could answer. Why am I not surprised that YOU would have the answer for "What language does 'god' speak?"

I await your illustrious dissertation.
Qorl said:
I don't know where in The Bible is written that homosexuality is wrong. They are people just like you and me. God is not stupid not to know what's coming.

Leviticus chapter 20
Pi-Sudoku said:
Has anybody considered that God may be a liberal. If so he may well have changed the bible, allowing homosexuality and other common practices which the right wing churches dispise.

The church shouldn't asume that God hasn't changed his opinions in 2000 years.

There is a chance that yeah, maybe it's true. He changed his mind between the old testment and the new one so you never know.
There is a chance that yeah, maybe it's true. He changed his mind between the old testment and the new one so you never know

From a biblical perspective this is not possible. Several times god makes mention that he is not one to change his mind:

"Furthermore, the Eternal One of Israel does not lie or change His mind..."
Where does it say that? I'm not saying your lieing, I'm just wondering. Because I was reading Leviticus and it was talking about unclean animals and then in the new testament it talked about how all the animals were fine.
m*w..... i'm sorry... i'm not sure what you're talking about but...

M*W: But, tell me, what kind of candy does the 'self' eat?

um... the self doesn't eat anything... since it's already perfect and complete...

M*W: So, 'god' speaks, now?

the self expresses itself through all living things.

He has his own language, I suppose, since he created the word 'self.'

I asked this question several times before, but no one could answer. Why am I not surprised that YOU would have the answer for "What language does 'god' speak?"

... god has infinite languages. so he has no language.

yeah... you don't have to be surprised that i know Everything, since i am the self and so ar u.
Nisus said:
MW and SG don't know shit. Talk so much with a tongue full of fire.

"But he didn't write it in the first place"

your throwing popcorn at the screen kid. I crap better generic responses.

No he didn't come down and write it on the wall with his finger but he sure-as-hell caused it to be written.

Compass yourselves about with sparks.

if there is a way for you to make less sense, i'd like to see it.
god didnt write the bible, nor did god cause the bible to be written, the writing of the texts that eventually became collectively known as the bible caused the judeo christian god to exist as a concept in the hearts and minds of men. put that in your pipe and smoke it god lover.
In the bible, does it state anything about technology being used in the future. Im sure whoever wrote the bible couldn't have foreseen the dawn of technology.....
charles cure said:
god didnt write the bible, nor did god cause the bible to be written

Say it with a little more conviction, maybe it will matter to someone. But this is commonly the case of you anti's, not really provoking any thought in what you're trying to communicate.

Just barking while your chained to a tree. Bark louder doof.
Prideless said:
In the bible, does it state anything about technology being used in the future. Im sure whoever wrote the bible couldn't have foreseen the dawn of technology.....

"And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.

And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves."

The only era in history where I think this statement could be most applicable is now. The only time the "people and kindreds and tongues and nations" can "see" something all together at once is now.

When John wrote these words, 70-90AD ish, there was no sattelites, to cable TV. No radio. No TECHNOLOGY. Yet he forsaw a moment when two prophets would be killed in Jerusalem (rev chap 11.)and...

"And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves."

None of you people even consider the potential intelligence of the Bible you just bash it because religion was forced on you or some other lame reason.
Prideless said:
In the bible, does it state anything about technology being used in the future. Im sure whoever wrote the bible couldn't have foreseen the dawn of technology.....

Oh here is another applicable to our day also

"But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased."

People have never been able to move "to and fro" on the level they do now. You can go "to and fro"m china in like a few days, before journeys that took months and years are traveled with a few hours and some boring in flight movies.

Knowledge and understanding has also reached a pinnacle, unsurpassed by any other period in time.

Welcome to the Time of the End.
And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies

Refers to any time in history where people saw dead bodies. You're making the grandest leap of faith by trying to equate that as being relevant only to now.

the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

People have been running 'to and fro' since mankind got up out of the sludge. It is simple idiocy to try and equate that to only being possible right now.

Please, take a moment to apply some thought.
Nisus said:
Knowledge and understanding has also reached a pinnacle, unsurpassed by any other period in time.

Welcome to the Time of the End.
knowledge always has increased
we know more now than yesterday
less than tomorrow

the "end of the world" has been predicted since the dawn of humanity
no religious person in their right mind will say exactly when the end will come.