Has God Updated the Bible?

Though I have to admit you've come the farthest. Exceeding both MW and Snakelord in wit!
Hope you didn't work to hard on your post before last, because I read like .5 seconds of it.

Oh but I did, my fingers are exhausted.

*end sarcasm*

Do you have anything of any value to add, or would you like to just continue with your nonsensical verbal sputum?
im just not going to respond to anything you say anymore, nisus.
you are only trying to get your post-count boosted. im not interested in that, or any of your games. jesus was a prophet of the jewish faith, and i have been barred from attending synagogue in my hometown because of the problems i see within the religion itself.
dont point out how i differ from my own religion, because i already know.
get this fool, mw. im done with him.
SnakeLord said:
Oh but I did, my fingers are exhausted.

*end sarcasm*

Moreso your fingers than your brain. Don't wanna exhaust the old noggin. Apply some thought... oh damn, back where you started.
SnakeLord said:
Little chance of that happening while I'm conversing with you.

*yawn* move on puppy.

Yea, you showed me for like 3 pages you just can't get it to click when i'm around. It's gotta be a bitch not having anything good 2 say back.
Yea, you showed me for like 3 pages you just can't get it to click when i'm around.

Perhaps we should conduct a poll. I'm just curious how many people would vote in favour of you considering you've spent this entire thread telling them all they know shit.

It's gotta be a bitch not having anything good 2 say back

Didn't realise it was a contest. Who are the judges on what is good and what isnt? Oh, and do you lose points for txt speak?

Funny, Devil retires, Snake back in... Cmon now

I shall be certain to phone Devil and make sure our schedules coincide so this problem never occurs again.
LOL a poll... just when I thought you couldn't get more desperate.

Sure maybe if all the athiests in here tell you you're right, you'll feel better.
Hahah those last two sentances, you broke that down into 3 quote response.

Kind of hard to fluff up all your words when Nisus doesn't give you anything to work with.
LOL a poll... just when I thought you couldn't get more desperate.

It's called sarcasm my naive little pet.

Hahah those last two sentances, you broke that down into 3 quote response.

Impressive mathematical skills.

Anyway.. would it actually be that much trouble to get back to the discussion at hand? Sure, I can understand that people need to run away from things they cannot debate, but at least try.
Devil. Apologies for the misunderstanding earlier on.

Gentlemen, Nisus is a child - if he "owns" the thread, I suggest we withdraw and leave him to it. Maybe he'll learn some Christian humility.
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