Has God Updated the Bible?

actually, the hebrew says "a young girl". not "a virgin".
girls were frequently married at a very young age in those times, i doubt i have to say this though.
The Devil Inside said:
im in belgium. there is no first amendment here. :)

i hope you do see, that the tactics you are using are counterproductive, at best?

Did i say ammendment? No i just said freedom of speech. Counterproductive in what way??

Were you just trying to use a big word?

I've set no standard for productivity for myself in this discussion. So I don't see how I can counter it.
Don't preach your rules to me. mister. Dude, seriously quit talking to me you can't hang.

Why did you even start talking to me? So we can bicker over stupid shit?
And yes there is freedom of speech, because I don't care what the rules say Pharisee.
Haha yea that sounds great coming from an athiest whose new endeavor is Bible commentary.

It's not actually a new endeavour, but these mistakes of yours are likely to happen when you make bold assumptions.

To be honest Nisus, you really should stop telling people what they do or do not know, and what they do or do not do and concentrate on the actual topic of discussion. The discussion here is, (or was), focused upon your claims that revelations indicates the end times are now because there was no other time that people could see everything at once, or indeed that people could run to and fro.

There are several inaccuracies in your claim:

1) People have always been able to run "to and fro"

2) (as we have already discussed): The "people of nations, tongues and kindred" does not imply everyone on the planet. You have seemingly confused the style of speech to include everyone when it does not.

3) You mention that "Knowledge and understanding has also reached a pinnacle" which means it must be the end time on the basis that revelations states quite obscurely: "knowledge shall be increased". That alone could imply any time ever after the text was written, and indeed some time in 50 gazillion years from now.

I think the best thing to do right now is to wait and see whether two prophets get whacked by the beast and left lying in the streets for 3 days anytime soon. If you're a man of action and not just mouth, we can even put a wager on it. Of course, all of this should have happened a couple of millennia ago anyway according to jesus:

"Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place"

There goes your entire argument.

Is comment on scriptures that you have no understanding of whatsoever.

Yeah, I've noticed your tendency to do that with anyone that disagrees with you. Only wise old nisus knows how to read a book. You've done it to several people here, the latest of which was Silas. It's really quite naive.

To contend over interpretations of words you don't even believe to be true in the first place.

I don't believe in aliens either, but I can still manage a discussion about War of the Worlds. What is your point exactly?

No I understand English, and I understand it better than you actually. I've never strangled someone so many times with words as I have you. You should know that after having come thus far in conversation with me

What I do know from having come this far is that you have a tad of an ego issue and you have problems with anyone that disagrees with you.

No, you die at the end of the day just like all these "idiots" that believe in religion

I fail to see how my mortality is relevant.

I've not made any generalizations about your kind so far

"But this is commonly the case of you anti's, not really provoking any thought in what you're trying to communicate."

"None of you people even consider the potential intelligence of the Bible you just bash it because religion was forced on you or some other lame reason."

That is all you have done throughout this thread. Take into account that both of your above statements were made before you and I even started talking to each other. You're a liar.

Your so full of shit man.

Yes yes, so is everyone that disagrees with you:

"MW and SG don't know shit"

"Just barking while your chained to a tree. Bark louder doof."

"So what now I have to trifle with you too? Why don't you add something to the conversation instead of chiming like a door bell when you walk into a 7-11.

Like some substance"

Need I continue?

It's quite amusing to see you claiming everyone else thinks they're superior while you're the one saying they're full of shit and you know best. You've certainly provided me with a chuckle or two. For that I am thankful.

Grow up and become a better example for your kid.

Listen chump, deal with your own kid when you're old enough to have one - don't tell me how to be with mine.

I don't know specifically what form of technology will be used to broadcast to the world that these 2 Prophets have been slain, wether it be TV, sattelite TV, internet etc, I think it will be every form of communicating Idea, upon the wings of technology.

Ok, and will - as per the text - everyone sit staring at their TV's, computer screens and so on for three and a half days?

But really seriously, you old bag of degraded and fucking worthless human specimen (yes I will own you in insulting too)

Listen baby-poo, you probably don't even "own" a pair of underpants. However, it is apparent you are in need of a serious ego-boost, so if it helps I'll just say I'm majorly insulted and you royally owned me with that whole 'fucking' speech.

you have no grounds for calling anyone a nutcase or supposing, because you don't believe the same as another that you're superior in intelligence.

For the umpteenth time this is not about being superior. I would call anyone a nutcase that came along to my house with a book written by ancient shepherds and made claims that specific beings existed and the reason they believed so was.. well.. just because. If someone came round preaching the rules of Lenny the leprechaun I would say the same thing. It's not that I am specifically superior to them, it's just that they're being daft.

If someone came round to you and started telling you the tooth fairy really does exist and demanded that you come and worship the tooth fairy, you'd be saying the same thing I'm saying.

Oh now there is a burden of proof for evidence?

Now? There always has been.

Well sorry, you can go google "Bible Evidence"

Have done. Funnily enough everytime I try it, it comes up with sites that don't actually contain any evidence. Strange really.

Like religious people can't believe in science.

If you had have actually read what I said, you would see I implied no such thing.

At this point you've communicated to me that I am Stupid, Crazy, and "Fundamental" in my beliefs. Go on preacher. But take no wonder why at the end of the day I will be more inclined to believe the words of Jesus.

If it all comes down to 'faith', then they're both as valid as each other. No? Then again it seems that 'faith' is simply about believing what you want to be true.

Really at this point, I've lost the whole conversation.

That's apparent.

And I think that complaining about religion is just a cop-out because if you're gonna complain about religion bombarding you; you should also complain about telemarketers and pop-up ads.

Here we have an agency you can write to that stop all and any junk mail from arriving at your house. I have an x-directory phone number that stops unwanted sales call, anti-pop up software which stops pop up ads and yet I seemingly can't stop religious fundies from knocking on my door, or the education board from forcing religion down my daughters throat.

However, if I was constantly being bombarded with junk mail, pop ups and spam I would most likely complain about that too... just not on this particular forum. Perhaps an anti telemarketer forum would be better.

Topic? You wanna talk about has the Bible being updated?

Wasn't what I personally had in mind but it shall suffice.

I think that the bible should be updated. It can be called the 'New New Testament'. Basically it can weed out all the contradictions from the OT and NT, it can give us specific dates as to when we're all going to be annihilated, torn apart, burned, and what not, and it can also tell us about the more modern day acts of god, (such as the tsunami being caused because people from Thailand are all evil, as were the residents of New Orleans etc etc etc). It can also feature stories of the new prophets - David Koresh, Jones, and so on and so forth.

It's actually kind of complex and I'm not sure what you're talking about specifically. But there is plenty of "evidence" that can sustain belief.

Such as?

but there is 100% evidence of bethlehem

The existence of a city is evidence that there's a floaty sky being and a life part 2? If so, you would be interested to know that the city inhabited by the demi-god Gilgamesh actually exists. Does that mean that Gilgamesh truly was a demi-god, battled giant ogres, half men-half scorpions, and had a beast friend called Enkidu that was sent down by the gods, (all few dozen of them)?

I don't think so.

Yea because it was a stupid example.

How was it stupid? It's in the bible.

Maybe you should quote it and contrast it with your mountaintop perception of the planet.

It's not my mountain top perception of the planet, but the bible's.

'the Devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor.'

You ever seen a map?

Once or twice. The relevance?

And God had a tendancy to speak to them in terms so that they would learn, according to their understanding.

So you're saying according to their understanding the world was flat and so god had to tell them the world was flat? And yet you then think they foresaw TV being invented. Bizarre.

It's not that he couldn't understand the basics, anyone can understand the basics, given the proper education and having the right information.

So now you're saying god gave them wrong information and didn't educate them that the world was actually round?

I think you should also be judged based on what you don't know. And 10 years from now your understanding of the world and universe could possibly evolve dramatically based on discovery of new information.

Certainly. And if I now wrote something down in a book that turned out to be false,(such as the earth being flat), I would have to acknowledge that fact, as would any other sane person.

I'm positive John's understanding of the cosmos had nothing to do with the revelation he recieved. And if you understand the book it was fashioned in the form of an evangelical writing, being sent to 7 churches, not a science forum.

John wanted to tell 7 ancient churches that one day in the next few millenniums there would be TV's while also telling those very same churches that the planet looked like a pancake?

You know that Star is also used symbolically as an Angel, or a Child of God in other instances of scripture?

Yes. However, if you read the entire passage you can see they are indeed referring to a star, (sun).

I thought you were so terribly smart that you would have already known there is no "evidence" that will satisfy your scientific methods.

Then why make the claim? Do you have a habit of going round just making up anything you feel like and expecting people to accept it as truth? Please.

hahahhahaahahahahah. What for?

I think that says it all.
Snakelord I owned you hard this whole convo.. Really there is no need to keep going/ it's funny you disagree with everything I say.

I got up right under your skin. Well good. Because you're a dumb ass. And really I owned everyone else on this whole thread so.

Call me self-righteous, rile, mock, scorn and scoff but you all got your asses handed to you on every degree.
How about no?

And why do you keep talking about Jesus, I thought you were a Jew. + you already made yourself look stupid by quoting your citation about stoning everybody who believes in the Christ.
Nisus said:
Snakelord I owned you hard this whole convo.. Really there is no need to keep going/ it's funny you disagree with everything I say.

I got up right under your skin. Well good. Because you're a dumb ass. And really I owned everyone else on this whole thread so.

Call me self-righteous, rile, mock, scorn and scoff but you all got your asses handed to you on every degree.

M*W: You don't 'own' SnakeLord, and you surely don't 'own' any other person on this board, xian or not! I don't need to speak for SnakeLord, he can handle you with both eyes closed and his hands tied behind his back!

It appears that you, Nisus, are the 'dumb ass,' not SnakeLord. You language usage is that of a junior high school student.

I think it's time that the Moderators make a review of your continuing to show your ass on this forum. You have nothing intelligent to offer.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: And you're not worth our time, so get lost!

......... Man u guys suck so bad at arguing and debate. Seriously. Speaking of being lost, where the hell were you the whole time? U didn't want none, you know i'd bite you.

Sorry MW teh Soul eatah, it's gonna take more than a pack of wolves and a confused jew to try and bag me.
1. yes, i am jewish. but i also revere the teachings of jesus. i just dont believe he was G-d.
2. i quoted deuteronomy 13 so that you might understand that the hebrew prophets warned the world about worshipping false idols. i do not condone violence of any kind, and when i am faced with my non-compliance to the law, ill deal with the lawmaker..not you. "thou shalt put no other gods before me, i am The Lord El Shaddai who brought you out from egypt."
3. i am many negative things, but i am rarely confused.