Good news for Proof of E.T's

I don't see it. Can someone outline what things are supposed to be? I see a light moving around, is the alien the thing to the left of the light?

To see anything in it, you have to me slightly mentally unbalanced, troubled by hypnogogic nightmares, be attention hungry. Think of it as a Rorschach test, ... only people who need psychoanalysis will see more than a blob, ...
If aliens could speak their intentions, what do you think they'll say?

Y'know, that's an awfully good question. Foregoing the obvious flippant references alluding to compliments regarding the overall quality and durability of our particular species anuses aside and electing unaccountably instead to dedicate an entire fifteen minutes of my actual life to the matter - I have to say, I'm not entirely convinced an alien species would actually deign to talk to us in the first place.

For starters, what exactly are we supposed to have in common? To use the analogy of family - we've all got distant relations of some description or other. Generally, we go out of our way to avoid them if less well off than ourselves. But of course, this is an anthropomorphism. And that remains ones basic problem.

Certainly, we can accept the notion of intelligent extraterrestrial life - but simply put we have absolutely no genuine frame of reference of what the term "alien" actually means in practice - only by extension of our own concept of our own species do we get anywhere near close to what that word may actually mean in reality.

The problem being, of course, in dealing with a genuinely alien species - by definition, we wouldn't be dealing with anything actually human at all. And that exact same problem would remain exactly as true for any alien species out there coming into direct contact with us.

The precise nature of Nature really doesn't change. It is what it is, what changes is simply our perception and understanding. Fundamentally an extraterrestrial species isn't terrestrial - it's something from outside our biosphere, something born from the processes of a completely other world and quite frankly we have absolutely no frame of reference to compare such a thing to except our own fictions, our own beliefs, our own anticipations.

In much the same way as God isn't Religion, an intelligent alien life form isn't going to be what we simply believe it to be - it's going to be itself. And the very last thing that entails is it being in the slightest us.

Except, of course, within the paucity of our own imaginations...
Ah yes, flying saucers, little green men with bug eyes, and 37 different flavors of anal probe.
Perhaps she has been....



Well, despite me asking her to look at my 'UFO' footage and comment, she has avoided any direct reponse. It's dishonest, to avoid such things, so I suspect she knows she is peddling BS, and doesn't want to get into 'debunking' my footage, as anything she could say about mine, would apply to hers, even though I'm not claiming mine is anything but an aeroplane.

It was just a thinly veiled plug for her book, and there again, dishonest.
Here's a question for you, ... why would ETs abduct and return humans, risking being caught or remembered?
ETs risking being caught or remembered by returning their subjects back into their environment proper? Obviously they don't feel threatened. Says much, doesn't it? So then, why return them?

Why can't they, with their amazing galaxy crossing technology, develop something like Rohypnol or GHB?
Maybe they have. Something a lot more potent, a lot more formidable. But there again, why not Rohypnol? Not good enough for their purposes? Evidently not. Says much, I think.

Why do they bother returning humans, when so many people are reported missing each year?
Obviously, part of the answer as to why subjects are being returned is because they must resume a certain day-to-day existence. The question is why — not why be returned but why must subjects be reinstated? This is where a certain logic is exposed, a certain application, a certain method ... and perhaps a certain revelation.

Why not just keep them?
As long as the subject is human, only planet Earth and the world's socio-environment will guarantee the continuation of a certain and perhaps critical evolution, a certain degree of being? Or perhaps a total disruption might be fatal? But fatal to what aspect of the human psyche? Evidently, one way or another, human subjects are not disposable. Says much, I'm intrigued.

What scientific value is their serially abducting the same person, over and over again?
Obviously to monitor a certain procedure; a lifetime might be a trifle to them. But what in the human psyche changes over time? Consciousness? A sense of self? Spirituality? Perhaps it isn't about change either...

Abduction experiences can be explained by many and various mundane causes
One can explain anything away with banality.

This chick needs medical/psychological help, not a publisher.
And they are especially good at explaining things away with banality.

The Universe is certainly not banal. But the majority of humans unfortunately are well beyond banal. A few others are not... Says much, I believe.
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I really dont get why some people feel everything must have a prosiac explaination, making the unexplainable explainable by relying on models that dont give an accurate, adequate explaination seems like a bad way of attaining truth and simply a good way of making the world less scary.
I really dont get why some people feel everything must have a prosaic explanation, making the unexplainable explainable by relying on models that dont give an accurate, adequate explaination seems like a bad way of attaining truth and simply a good way of making the world less scary.
I would venture to assume that whatever explanation agrees with them it must also affiliate with their sense of grip with this side of reality we all share. Yet, their sense of agreement doesn't square off with my sense of agreement, however much else we might share in common, like this forum — our realities differ in so much as our sense of defiance differs towards it. And when did "reality" have the final say? There always seems to be something lurking behind it!
... Says much, I believe.

Well, patently. You certainly seem to think so. So at least there's someone who might actually agree with you out there...

As for the rest of us, however....
Crunchy Cat, I have not posted enough to PM you, but let me know when you plan on traveling to B.C, Canada.

Phlogistician, I can't even make out an aircraft in your video sorry but I thought after reading your hostile comments it was just another nasty comment from you and not worth remarking on as I watched it numerous times and could make out nothing next time try to make your hoax as large as my orbs and then I can see something too :) It is obvious you have neither seen nor expereinced anything yourself or by trusted members of your group or you would not waste so much time trying to convince others that they do not exist.

Someone mentioned why do they repeatedly take someone and what would the point of memory be???

My experiences that I remembered started at 17 and have continued ever since. It did take me ten years to overcome the fear and post-traumatic stress I experienced from my one and only encounter with a negative, hostile Being.

The repeated contact is to develop trust and to build a relationship over time
Unlike most humans these beings seem to have the highest regard for all life forms and environments and therefore desire to help and not hinder the evolutionary process. When people are first taken they are sedated and have next to no strength or ability to fight as that is our survival instinct when confronted with something ( that has power over us) that we have no experience with or definition for. Over time as we find we are not in danger our minds evolve and no longer need to be in an altered state for our own protection but can now interact fully conscious and aware of our environment and these amzing beings. We are allowed to be conscious at different points to bring these experiences and memories and even new knowledge back with us to share with others and over time the entire consciousness of humanity will expand to include many new and different lifeforms.
Personally, I'd venture she's acting possibly as a Jobien Spoon-mule from the read of her...
orions stargirl said:
Crunchy Cat, I have not posted enough to PM you,...

Holy crap, are you serious? My bad, I had no idea that to PM someone required a certain quantity of posts :).

Please feel free to contact me on my Yahoo address but let me know when you do so I know to start checking. I can then give you a 'real' email addy + phone # at that point.

orions stargirl said:
...but let me know when you plan on traveling to B.C, Canada.

I have no set schedule and can probably do it on a weekend (I'm in California) so it's not a major distance. I think that I'll want your expertise to know which weekend(s) are the best for viewing these airborne critters.

If only i didnt wear mine out probing my anus i wouldnt need to spend out the 20,000 gelf dinars for some new ones.:(