Good news for Proof of E.T's

I saw that someone has posted the "not so good clips from July on "You Tube" and so I uploaded a small digital video clip from the daylight sighting I filmed September 16, 2006. I wish I was closer, hopefully next time :) Anyways enjoy and I am sure you will have some interesting criticisms...

I believe this is the link...
I saw that someone has posted the "not so good clips from July on "You Tube" and so I uploaded a small digital video clip from the daylight sighting I filmed September 16, 2006. I wish I was closer, hopefully next time :) Anyways enjoy and I am sure you will have some interesting criticisms...

I believe this is the link...

Paula, you are a fucking loon. Just how did that dot of light qualify as 'Flying', you know, the really important part of 'Unidentified FLYING Object'?

It did NOT DEMONSTRATE CONTROLLED FLIGHT. it just sat there. It appeared to be a a star. What is your problem? So desperate to prove your abduction hallucinations are real you video the mundane and call it a UFO? Grow the fuck up!
I saw that someone has posted the "not so good clips from July on "You Tube" and so I uploaded a small digital video clip from the daylight sighting I filmed September 16, 2006. I wish I was closer, hopefully next time :) Anyways enjoy and I am sure you will have some interesting criticisms...

I believe this is the link...

Maybe if the camera was focused a little better would could see what the so-called UFO object really was. Right now, it's just an out-of-focus blob that's just hanging out in the sky. Hardly anything to get excited about. Get them/it to land next time and then take some photos. That would do it.
The whole point is that yet more blurred pixellated video of dots in the sky, whether they are moving or not, does not constitute "Good news for Proof of E.T.s" Digitally zooming in is, seriously, not the same thing as looking at the object through a good pair of binoculars. No Video format has anything like sufficient resolution. You need high grain film and proper zoom lenses.

And the reason that people with good optics don't produce the excellent photographs of UFOs that are hoped for (even by us skeptics, btw) is because when you look at those objects with the good optics, you can invariably see that it's an ordinary plane, or a helicopter, or some other perfectly explainable thing. (That first film looked like someone had made a jerky video of a porch light.)
Maybe if the camera was focused a little better would could see what the so-called UFO object really was. Right now, it's just an out-of-focus blob that's just hanging out in the sky.

It's easy to capture such footage using a camcorder. I live near an airport, and created exactly the same sort of film;

It's just a quick short to show that using a zoom, you can turn a nice clear jet airplane into a bright blob. The wings disappear, and woo, look, a UFO. NOT!

I am the observer that filmed this sighting and it is an honor and great fulfilment of purpose to have been sighting and in contact with these amazing beings for more than 13 years and then to one day be in the right place at the right time with my Camcorder ready.

May the truth and great documentation be with us always!


Orion Skygirl,
Your UFO photos to me are interesting and hopefully they prove to be the real thing someday. I suggest that to keep the skeptics from bashing your photos in this forum, have your editor release some better ones to publish here for the sake of intelligent discussion on UFOlogy. Otherwise, they will continue to bash you and your photos. I don't and I know you would not like to continue to see that.
I hate to say it but it looks like a "Weather Balloon" to me. It wouldn't suprise me if there was a Meteorological office somewhere near where that shot was taken.

The Meteorological network is what is used to work out the weather patterns so that people can have a near to accurate depiction in the forms of a weather forecast. Sometimes the Met Offices double up with Airports considering Pilots when making Flight Plans have to take into consideration weather conditions with both forecasts at preflight and upto the minute reports when actually flying.

Their are many types of apparatus usually used, one of them is of course the Weather Balloon which measures a number of different pieces of information, from Wind velocity, Wind direction, Temperature and barometric readings.

Other things you might see are ground wind measuring devices, A cloud base spotlight that measure the height of clouds and usually a little box that looks a bit like a beehive. Not to forget the actual balloon launching station, since it has to be prepared "Out of the wind".

Such balloons will travel distance when at higher altitudes due to the windspeed at higher altitudes being greater than down here on the surface. Those winds of course change direction readily in regards to Ground temperature, moisture content, whether it's day or night and of course the layout of the land. (Which can create updrafts)

I'm sure if you search the internet you could probably find a large map with all the Met offices marked on it, if then applied to sightings locations would certainly lower the number of actual Unidentified Objects be they flying or not.
Posted my first filmed sighting today on You Tube

The first sighting I filmed was in October of 2005.

Summerland, B.C has numerous reports of UFO activity a year, I learnt after I filmed this. We were coming down from the mountains across the lake from Summerland. As we came to a clear point on the mountain because the power lines went by we saw two lights rise up straight out of Summerland (does not have an airport) By the time we stopped and I got the camera going the lights had gained considerable altitude.

You can however make out that the lights are independent from each other and the one to the left is moving to the south faster than the one on the right. I filmed them for two minutes not really understanding what I was filming and then I suggested to my Fiancee' that we drive back to town on the KVR (de-funct railroad track along the lake) so we could be closer and have a good view up and down the valley. We were parked right above the tracks so within a couple minutes we emerged out onto the high gravel road along the mountain but the lights had disappeared. There is no way a plane or any conventional craft could have left our sight for a minute when we went behind the trees and then disappeared, we had a clear line of sight for miles in every direction and there was no aircraft in the area while we were there... :)

Here is the link
That link doesn't work and the video before was pretty crappy. BTW, check out my post before this one.
I saw that someone has posted the "not so good clips from July on "You Tube" and so I uploaded a small digital video clip from the daylight sighting I filmed September 16, 2006. I wish I was closer, hopefully next time :) Anyways enjoy and I am sure you will have some interesting criticisms...

I believe this is the link...

How can someone post something you shot on September 16, 2006, in July. That makes no sense. And, you seem pretty unenthusiastic about the whole extraterrestrial event.
OK, the Oct 2005 vid is here;

Again, these dots of light do not qualify as 'FLYING' the essential criterion for being a U.F.O! They maintain the exact same relation to each other throughout the clip, and the only movement is induced by camera shake during the zoom!

Did you look at my 'UFO' footage? See that it bears a striking resemblance to parts of this one posted by you;

Except I know mine was a jet liner, because I created the effect using a zoom to affect the focus.

Now, either post something of substance, or give up.
NicolasIM7, To clarify, I discovered that someone posted the not so good clips (from the July footage) that the publisher had uploaded to Google, on You Tube so I then posted a clip from the daylight sighting I Had filmed in September on "You Tube". Then last night I posted a clip from my first filmed sighting on You Tube as well.

It will take a bit of time but I will put together a good collection of my best footage to add so hopefully soon I will have much more at "You Tube"

As for enthusiasm. I Love filming them! It is an honor and a humbling experience to be in the presence of something so foriegn and advanced.

This is however the most hostile and negative forum I have yet to read and respond on so my apologies for not being more talkative or even attempting to comment. I have been personally viewing and in contact for more than 13 years so I do not need to be convinced of my reality nor to convince any others. I am just at a stage in my life where I have the ability to share these things with other inquiring and intelligent minds and I am thankful to do so regardless that a few cannot or do not want to accept it.

This topic is not new but thousands of years old and I think it says much for our own self-indulgent arrogance and hostility that in all this time with much documentation of otherworldly beings that can be found in our ancient histories we can not even on this day acknowlege that something more than us exists.

We are evolving slowly perhaps on somedays but surely!!!

Whenever you can look into the sky and see what you see you may be amazed to see more things there then what you thought.... Best times are before the stars are out and right before sunrise they are very active. I am going to try and get some fresh footage before sunrise for The nasty Plogistician Guy to pick about. I'll bring you some controlled flight maneuvers and you can tell me how you think they are weather ballons or barely visible jetliners :) Be Blessed always !!!

With much love and humor (for these are fantastic days)

Guys, please be more congenial to Orions Stargirl? Crunchy Cat is the only one really being constructive here.

Orions Stargirl:

The daylight footage seems to be a star. What about it did you find that incredible? It was certainly less impressive than the earlier one you showed, which seems to have been either ball lightning, an aurora, or some gas in the atmosphere.

Do you have anything showing a particularly detailed craft? An actual alien? That sort of thing?
Guys, please be more congenial to Orions Stargirl? Crunchy Cat is the only one really being constructive here.

Jim, you're right absolutely here - but read OSG's posts here: the title alone says it all. As far as OSG is concerned UFO's equate ET's. Irrevocably, incontrovertibly. This is belief, simple as. Anything subsequently being provided as so called "evidence" is simply cherry picked to serve as illustration of OSG's personal beliefs. If there were actually more detailed footage, clearer shots, captures of actual EBE's - why start the thread with crap to begin with?

Granted, Phylo's getting a tad ratty in his responses - but that's mostly a consequence of attempting to have a rational debate with Meanwhile, not so much OSG per say - Meanwhile just brings that out in people and, frankly, who can blame them?

As to the rest, though I'm certain OSG's a wonderful human being, if what has been presented constitutes proof of anything it's that OSG owns a cam corder and possesses a highly holistic imagination. I'm personally very pleased for her on both scores, but it's bollocks from start to finish - if a person chooses to go out looking for UFO's and see's them, not just once but many times over the course of years, this is merely something symptomatic of themselves and how they contrive to look at things.

Interesting stuff from a certain perspective - lamentably nothing of the slightest use to any one except the person in question...
Orion's Stargirl, look at my vid;

and see that the bright ball shown is quite similar to what is shown in one of your vids. But you know what? Mine is an aircraft, caught in sunlight, not a UFO. I have also had an 'abduction' experience, but I know it was just a dream, because my partner was awake and witnessed me thrashing around in my sleep! If I was less rational, I may convolve these two disparate things, into an ET hypothesis, but I understand what is going on. There is no relation between dots of lights in the sky and a bad dream!
I don't see it. Can someone outline what things are supposed to be? I see a light moving around, is the alien the thing to the left of the light?
If aliens could speak their intentions, what do you think they'll say?

Oh, they'd probably tell us about how they nearly screwed up their home planet like we are doing, how religion is really divisive and should be abandoned, how they'd like to learn about our cultures, and if we start thinking that we can spread our junk into space once we've ruined Earth we have another think coming and we need to clean our shit up or else.

At least that's whay I'd say if if I had a death star parked near a planet like Earth.