Good news for Proof of E.T's

Meanwhile said:
 This message is hidden because Meanwhile is a twat.

Oooo, it's like Christmas and getting a licence to kill all on the same day.... Marvellous stuff!
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I posted today a clip from the July 2nd footage at You Tube. This clip shows the object changing shape and color again if you pause the frames while playing you can see some interesting craft shapes and physical energy manifestations. I hope that Phlogistician will take a peek and tell me what he thinks. I posted a similiar clip from this same night as I half over half an hour of this footage at Ufos Northwest and their report states that given their current data they can not explain what this is. I have seen alot of different types of craft but this summer is the first time I have seen and filmed this type of activity... the link is
The video you have requested is not available.

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Mmmmm.... Over 6 hours after initially posting the link and still, no show for the footage - and yet you allude to being almost tripping over the actual "UFO's" themselves whenever sticking your head out the door with a camcorder in hand. Fascinating stuff.
A few posts have been deleted, purely because they didn't warrant splitting into a thread just to be deposited in the Cesspool.

I know the majority of the posts were in regards to "Staying on topic", for the most part people do find it hard to keep on a topic when the subject in question is a closed book to them.

Ontop of that, The thread itself wasn't much of a Topic, it didn't ask a binary question of yes or no but for the reader to believe without any supporting evidence that the footage provided was what the author stated it was.

To bring it into a topic, we'd probably look at another "Do UFO's equal Aliens" thread, which we have had more than one occur in the past. Perhaps the thread should be more about "How to better document weird occurances so everyones happy".
OK you probably think I just dont know of what I speak, but I spent a year or two on UFO boards open to find atleast some scientifically derived material that aliens are visiting us? The UFO cranks will insist that science merely ignores UFOs and aliens because it is too wacky, but the fact is the has been countless scientific research into the subject and guess what! Data to the Possitive is absolutely zero.
If these dreamers would just know of scientific method, most of them would get a real life,
I guess your board chose not to include Dr. Steven Greer or anyone of the hundreds of high ranking military, political, and scientific minds that fully support and are involved with the Disclosure Project.

Anyone up for a wild read " Hidden Truth, Forbidden knowledge" is a new release by Dr. Greer. This book and the movie "What the bleep do we know" should do much to catapault many out of the stone age :)

The link works now...

The first scientific analysis done on The July 2-3rd sightings that I filmed was done by Dr. Ron Milione, Research and developement, TAPS (the Atlantic paranormal society); leading developer of all tools used by Ufologists and the researchers on the Ghost Hunters television series.

Dr. Milione and his team said of the entire footage "Real critical proof of trans-dimensional communication...Fantastic facial images of Greys...The most amazing observations of a UFO ever recorded on film!"

The truth is, there is much proof but also alot of ignorance and it is only a matter of time before the former overcomes the latter.

I liken the fully materialized ships to that of any fine peice of machinery and so those that enjoy seeing those types of things, as I do, please pause the film as you play it if you would like to see some really cool frames of the fully materialized craft.
I guess your board chose not to include Dr. Steven Greer or anyone of the hundreds of high ranking military, political, and scientific minds that fully support and are involved with the Disclosure Project.

Anyone up for a wild read " Hidden Truth, Forbidden knowledge" is a new release by Dr. Greer. This book and the movie "What the bleep do we know" should do much to catapault many out of the stone age :)

The link works now...

The first scientific analysis done on The July 2-3rd sightings that I filmed was done by Dr. Ron Milione, Research and developement, TAPS (the Atlantic paranormal society); leading developer of all tools used by Ufologists and the researchers on the Ghost Hunters television series.

Dr. Milione and his team said of the entire footage "Real critical proof of trans-dimensional communication...Fantastic facial images of Greys...The most amazing observations of a UFO ever recorded on film!"

The truth is, there is much proof but also alot of ignorance and it is only a matter of time before the former overcomes the latter.

I liken the fully materialized ships to that of any fine peice of machinery and so those that enjoy seeing those types of things, as I do, please pause the film as you play it if you would like to see some really cool frames of the fully materialized craft.

OK if you glance over the brushes with the law of Greer the liar and con man, the disclosure project is merely about revealing the sightings of unidentified objects by a tiny fraction of decommissioned military personnel(who are no doubt short of money).
orions stargirl said:
Dr. Milione and his team said of the entire footage "Real critical proof of trans-dimensional communication...Fantastic facial images of Greys...The most amazing observations of a UFO ever recorded on film!"

Mmmmm.... Real critical proof of trans-dimensional communication, eh? How inexcusably marvellous - Now, precisely which page of a terrestrial physics book does that oft observed phenomena actually occur on - if you wouldn't mind pointing that out for the rest of us mere knuckle-dragger's here present - or do you honestly consider startrek jargonisms to genuinely constitute actual science on your world?

Rhetorical question I know, but as comrade Hamster has so eloquently pointed out - your link indeed still does not work, despite your assured opinion to the contrary - and yet you seem to believe that somehow you have insight into areas of physics that aren't readily held as actually existing to begin with...

A trifle like your UFO footage would appear equally to remain largely absent, if you'll forgive the observation.
My apologies for the link being inactive? Over 95 have viewed this sighting and as I helped my father over the phone find it last night I know it is working but for some reason it is not on this page.

Solution; go to You Tube, search my user name(orionsstargirl) and you will see the July 2, 2006 sighting listed there.

I am intriqued to hear your comments and any potential observations of what scientific methods are achieving the effects that this thing did :)

As for the science, What can I say "This is TRULY a Great time to be alive!"

:) Who cannot say the last 20 years have not brought amazing advancement. With out the potential for any exponential growth factor try to fathom the potential possibility for the next 20.

I know you will make of it as you will but I became aware of different densities of energy at an early age, energy that surrounds all objects and even existing in air and so called clear space because of my sensitive vision I could see the illumination of particles as they are illuminated by a source and even the vibration of particles or energy within solid matter if I focused on it.

I learnt by about 6 that not everyone saw things as I did, I had also had by that age numerous dreams of exact future events. Blah,Blah point is being curious but questioning as I am I became very observant but also desiring to have explanation for these things.

So over the course of my not so many years I have determined that if I can not find all the answers then I must work towards them myself. This is why I am back in school not caring should I be a poor (but happy) student the rest of my life so long as I am moving towards understanding.

(This experiment for observation of (other types of matter and entities?) developed because of lucky observations over the last three years :)

I am not aware if others use this technique but through my observations I have found that by using differing light sources you can illuminate ghosts or I don't know what? for others to see. I will explain it as simply as possible.

Best case scenario you have a room with a large window. You will need a lamp or light source with a low wattage bulb (60 watt) place your light source about 15 ft from the window. all lights must be off (except your light source) and curtains open.

Particles will be lit to diifering levels in the surrounding area some making it possible to see the reflection of the room in the darkened window. If something moves through the space which you are observing you will notice. The larger the window the easier it is to notice the particles movement and illumination through your observation room.

Best to read or work on something else while doing this so you are not waiting in boredom set yourself up so you will see in the reflection should something alert your attention and it will.

May the proof of the truth and great documentation be with you always,

Paula (a student and humbled observer)
:) ... Hullo Paula, actually we are being a bit harsh on you here. Sorry for that, we get all sorts and... Well, take a trip through the older pages of some of the stuff posted by people in the past, you'll see what I'm meaning....

Have a question, may seem a bit odd, but when seeing these energy particles, etc - can you at all notice a similar thing going on when there is sound at all, rhythmical patterns, colours, that sort of kidney or is this only when you find yourself reading text or working on number problems?
:) ... Hullo Paula, actually we are being a bit harsh on you here. Sorry for that, we get all sorts and... Well, take a trip through the older pages of some of the stuff posted by people in the past, you'll see what I'm meaning....

Have a question, may seem a bit odd, but when seeing these energy particles, etc - can you at all notice a similar thing going on when there is sound at all, rhythmical patterns, colours, that sort of kidney or is this only when you find yourself reading text or working on number problems?

One thing to aid with your filming, Try to keep some of the Scenery (like the Horizon) within the shot. This will aid identifying if any object is actually moving in relationship to the scenery or is actually moving due to camera wobble and digital zoom.

No it doesn't

The first scientific analysis done on The July 2-3rd sightings that I filmed was done by Dr. Ron Milione, Research and developement, TAPS (the Atlantic paranormal society);

'Scientific' analysis by a paranormal society? Those two things just don't add up. If you want scientific analysis, let real scientists look at the footage. there are mnay real scientists here at sciforums, show us the footage, therefore.

leading developer of all tools used by Ufologists and the researchers on the Ghost Hunters television series.

An expert in ghosts and aliens this guy eh? He is just dripping with credibility.

Dr. Milione and his team said of the entire footage "Real critical proof of trans-dimensional communication...Fantastic facial images of Greys...The most amazing observations of a UFO ever recorded on film!"

Nobody has a full scientific proof of other dimensions (and if your good Dr has he should publish, he'd get a Nobel proze for sure), so how could a blurry video prove 'trans dimensional' communication? . He uses the term 'Greys' as if they really exist. If this video is 'proof' why does he still use the term UFO, because he is able to classify the phenomenon, and it is no longer
'Unidentified'. Sorry Paula, but this guy is using pseudoscientfic gobbledigook.

The truth is, there is much proof but also alot of ignorance and it is only a matter of time before the former overcomes the latter.

That is true, but sadly you are looking at this the wrong way around Paula. There are explanations, but they aren't what you think they are. These things are no manifestations of your bad dreams, they are random mundane things that you take poor videos of. You have hypnogogic dreams, night terrors, or temporal lobe epilepsy or some other experience. You aren't being abducted. Learn about these things, talk to other people know know and unerstand what is going on, and leave this UFO nonsense behind.

I liken the fully materialized ships to that of any fine peice of machinery and so those that enjoy seeing those types of things, as I do, please pause the film as you play it if you would like to see some really cool frames of the fully materialized craft.

If you want us to see, it, link the video, ....
After checking on You Tube I found that the video embedding for this clip was disabled and so I changed it the link should work now here it is....

Thanks for your advice Stryder. The problem with my filmed sightings is that they go on for many minutes, I tend to zoom in and out for reference many times but also my own curiosity also leads me to watch in wonder (for minutes on end)as close as I can get my digital eye to go. I have a tripod now for my camera so this should help for future filming

I do not know everything about Dr.Milione but I was told that TAPS is just a society formed by some scientists (on the atlantic coast) that study and research in these areas. I would definately appreciate any advice you might be able to give as to who I should send copies of my sightings to (rough estimate at this time I have just over two hours of footage from 2005- to now.) It is really important for me to at least get copies of these sightings out to some and hopefully added to the culmination so that if not now maybe later we will understand.

Phlogistician, I feel for you if you have endured some type of night terror or sleep disorder. I assure you I do not. I do not know if you are referring to one experience I was asked about in the interview by Jerry Pippin but that is the only experience of that nature that I have had that I think could give you that idea. There is also a scientist in Japan, I caught the end of a news clip on CNN (2years agon now?) this Physicist :) said that they had proved the existence of lesser physically materialized intelligent existences or entities and were communicating with them??? Thanks for reminding me to search out something to read on their work.

I will share something with you now so that you may please understand that there may be levels and existences that are part of our realities but because we don't experience it directly we are unaware of.

(Plese note I liked my ( ignorant?) reality better before rather than after have had for some stange reason the twist of chance to see this)
this has caused me much thought!

Exact date in my Juournal but early (first week of October) 2006, having taken a friend to Vancouver airport I spent the night at my best friends house in the lower mainland area of Vancouver before proceeding home to the Okanagan the following day.

My best friend(from highschool) her husband(another friend from highschool) and I went outside to look at the sky must have been around 10:00 p.m as they never knew this stuff about me until I filmed the July footage and the book this summer they wanted me to point anything interesting out to them. We saw a couple of oddly moving objects within the atmosphere but they were too far away to film or see well. They have a newborn baby that started to cry so they husband went in leaving us sitting and talking on the front steps of their house.

To the south we saw an bright orange ball shape object it was about 200-300 ft above the farm fields I called my friends attention to it as it was coming our way. She asked me what it was? Was it one of them and I said I do not know exactly but yes it is what I have seen before.

It must have been about 2000 ft? away and I was hoping it would come closer because it would be great to share this with my best friend then there was a plane (flying low from the west and coming towards the object that was coming north). The plane had a white light on the front of it, like a search light. We saw an orange flash come from the plane and hit the orange ball object that was at least a 15ft?? diameter. When the object was hit it seemed to melt apart like plastic? and dropped melting straight down landing in the farm fields to the southwest of us.

If you drew a straight line about 500ft straight west (in front of us and then turned south for 1500 ft that was the objects location my friend remarking did that plane just shoot it ? The (quiet) plane now searchlight on the ground flying over the area with in two? minutes there were military trucks and over twenty men in this farmers field with flashlights.
I told my friend we had to go in she said that they did not see us and I told her that is the point we don't want them to know we were sitting here watching this.

This was the second time I had witnessed our? planes shooting at them. (first time I ever saw something shot down though) I am sure you know etvs?, or whatever they are, have been declared a hostile threat by the U.S army. Anyways this may not be apart of your current reality but for whatever reason it seems to be apart of mine. Also for what it is worth there are indeed man made UFOs or whatever but those ones are not as advanced as the others.

Also I am smiling thinking how could what you will see from the link be determined mundane and if so then I would love to have a visit with any that
partake of such things regularily!

Mr Anonymous,
About sounds and the vibratory rates of the particles responding??
I have heard of studies like this but I have not noticed this and I have many questions in this area. As for the energies I see it all the time sometimes I see more but the point being I can not stand outside on a sunny day without glasses and not see what they call plasma swirling everywhere. I wear my sunglasses for the UV blocker alters the spectrum blocking the sparks of plasma that can be very distracting especially driving on a cloudy day :) I know I will continue to invest many years working on a better understanding of energies and structure. I also know that sound waves can have amazing and also (what i would call) devastating effects there are many studying and utilizing these technologies even now...

looking forward to the bash about the recent clip :)
Am I wrong to be suspicious about the fact that those lights aren't illuminating anything around them? Is there anything in that clip that couldn't be whipped up in 5 minutes on a PC?

orionstargirl: please post your best piece of footage. Your best. The one that's going to convince even sceptics like me. If you've already posted it (here or elsewhere), please direct me towards it - like a Star Shepherd leading her hapless sheep into the Meadow of Enlightenment. Thanks.
My apologies for the link being inactive? Over 95 have viewed this sighting and as I helped my father over the phone find it last night I know it is working but for some reason it is not on this page.

Solution; go to You Tube, search my user name(orionsstargirl) and you will see the July 2, 2006 sighting listed there.

I am intriqued to hear your comments and any potential observations of what scientific methods are achieving the effects that this thing did :)

As for the science, What can I say "This is TRULY a Great time to be alive!"

:) Who cannot say the last 20 years have not brought amazing advancement. With out the potential for any exponential growth factor try to fathom the potential possibility for the next 20.

I know you will make of it as you will but I became aware of different densities of energy at an early age, energy that surrounds all objects and even existing in air and so called clear space because of my sensitive vision I could see the illumination of particles as they are illuminated by a source and even the vibration of particles or energy within solid matter if I focused on it.

I learnt by about 6 that not everyone saw things as I did, I had also had by that age numerous dreams of exact future events. Blah,Blah point is being curious but questioning as I am I became very observant but also desiring to have explanation for these things.

So over the course of my not so many years I have determined that if I can not find all the answers then I must work towards them myself. This is why I am back in school not caring should I be a poor (but happy) student the rest of my life so long as I am moving towards understanding.

(This experiment for observation of (other types of matter and entities?) developed because of lucky observations over the last three years :)

I am not aware if others use this technique but through my observations I have found that by using differing light sources you can illuminate ghosts or I don't know what? for others to see. I will explain it as simply as possible.

Best case scenario you have a room with a large window. You will need a lamp or light source with a low wattage bulb (60 watt) place your light source about 15 ft from the window. all lights must be off (except your light source) and curtains open.

Particles will be lit to diifering levels in the surrounding area some making it possible to see the reflection of the room in the darkened window. If something moves through the space which you are observing you will notice. The larger the window the easier it is to notice the particles movement and illumination through your observation room.

Best to read or work on something else while doing this so you are not waiting in boredom set yourself up so you will see in the reflection should something alert your attention and it will.

May the proof of the truth and great documentation be with you always,

Paula (a student and humbled observer)

Orions Stargirl,

I would be willing to help you film these flying entities using some of my telescopic equipment just to help you prove these flying entities are real to the skeptics and not something else. I believe they are something real. I would like to capture them on film using some good telescopic equipment. Let me know.
Actually Jumpercable, I intend to visit OSG in Canada to do just that. Would you be against lending us some good telescopic equiptment for the cause (it would save me the cost of buying some)?