Good news for Proof of E.T's


stop being so stubborn and willfully ignorant

tell you what
lets put aside those pesky et's and consider things on an epistemological level. what can be known. we can also examine the actual application of this determined knowledge. after that, we shall invite et and his butt plugs and have a ball. ja? nein?

if not, a simple q&a session

i feel confident you will come around.
Attempting to say that we cannot understand the motivations of aliens to excuse the incoherence in the reports of alien abductions is rot.

It's a manifestation of 'God works in mysterious ways', ie, a cop out to avoid hypocrisy and inconsistency.

So you think the examples I gave for the wide range of possible human motivations between human cultures with technological and other differences was not a good point?


All this post here of yours says
1) you disagree
2) that I am copping out and hypocritical and inconsistant

Clearly you think you can instantly determine my motivations, so I can see how you may assume that if there were aliens you would be able to do this for them.
So you think the examples I gave for the wide range of possible human motivations between human cultures with technological and other differences was not a good point?


Because the argument goes that we could not ascertain the motivations of aliens, and then you offer such motivations.

What you need to do is offer a reasonable explanantion of why the disparate acts ascribed to aliens do not fit into a coherent motivation(s).
do animals when there infected with radiation
do they bleed and have redish swelling over em
and do humans go the same way when infected with radiation but not in treatment
Because the argument goes that we could not ascertain the motivations of aliens, and then you offer such motivations.

was it really that hard to understand my point. Do you think the Yanomami were always able to ascertain the motivations of the non-Y they came in contact with? Is it possible that cultural differences might, as in that situation, make ascertaining hard?

Another point I was making was that there might be a variety of motivations, whereas it seems you are saying there should be a consistant one?

I thought these things were pretty clear.

What you need to do is offer a reasonable explanantion of why the disparate acts ascribed to aliens do not fit into a coherent motivation(s).

What I need to do?
I pointed out that there may be many motivations.
In fact technological differences might make some of these unfathomable to us.
I think you assumed that if these interactions were real, they should be part of some monolithic pattern. It seems you continue to make this assumption. We have enough experiences between cultures on earth to show that a very diverse set of motivations can be the root of cross-cultural interactions.

And I still think you implication that I must be a hypocrite and copping out was unnecessary and a distraction.
Another point I was making was that there might be a variety of motivations, whereas it seems you are saying there should be a consistant one?

Well yes, unless you are implying that inter-stellar travel is so commonplace amongst our more advanced star system neighbours that many different groups are visiting, for different reasons. I had first expected to be visited by the equivalent of NASA!

I don't buy large scale visits to earth by amateurs though.
Well yes, unless you are implying that inter-stellar travel is so commonplace amongst our more advanced star system neighbours that many different groups are visiting, for different reasons. I had first expected to be visited by the equivalent of NASA!

Let's say we don't kill ourselves before we develop interstellar travel. How do you think we will cruise around the universe? Think of private jets or cars. Why wouldn't technology be used in the complicated and often idiotic mish mash of ways we use the forms of travel we are now capable of? The only objection might be scarcity of fuel or parts? But to rule it out assumes these must be problems.

I don't buy large scale visits to earth by amateurs though.

I am sure the rulers and knights of Europe would be shocked that teenagers can drive the vehicles they do, say in L.A., vehicles that would flatten a knight in all his glorious armour even on his expensive and elite steed.