Good news for Proof of E.T's

UFO expert wants probes into sightings[/b]

THE Earth is wide open to an alien attack, a Government expert warned yesterday.

Former MoD chief Nick Pope, yadda yadda, ...

Nick Pope always comes aross as smug and supercilios. I can't believe anyone falls for his BS, and I certainly don't believe he respects the poor saps he fleeces with his books.

He also rather embellishes his career, as 'head of the UFO' desk, it was just one of his responsibilities, and was not a full time role according to MOD sources.
I'm as sceptical as the next person - unless the next person is orionstargirl, or whatever she's called (scrolling - it's so laborious, isn't it?) - but, anyway, this is interesting.

UFO expert wants probes into sightings

THE Earth is wide open to an alien attack, a Government expert warned yesterday.

Former MoD chief Nick Pope said officials are not doing enough to probe UFO sightings leaving us vulnerable to an extra-terrestrial invasion.

Nick Pope, who ran the Ministry's UFO project from 1991 to 1994, said: "The consequences of getting this one wrong could be huge. Frankly we're wide open."

He said there has been a number of "highly credible" sightings and landings of strange metallic aircraft across the UK.

But don't panic, the scientist doesn't think we're on the verge of being over-run by Dr Who-style monsters.

Nick said: "There's no evidence of UFO hostile intent - but it cannot be ruled out in future.

He added: "There has got to be the potential for that and one is left with the uneasy feeling that if it turned out to be so, there is very little we could do about it.

"If you believe these things are extra-terrestrial craft then you cannot rule out that what is happening is some kind of covert reconnaissance."

Reports of UFO sightings include a "vast, triangular-shaped craft" lying over RAF Cosford, West Mids, and RAF Shawbury, Shropshire, in 1993.

But Nick, who quit his job at the MoD's Directorate of Defence Security this week, warned: "If you reported a UFO sighting now, I'm absolutely sure you would just get back a standard letter telling you not to worry.

"If something doesn't behave like a conventional aircraft now, it will be ignored. That's because the X-Files have been closed down."

But an MoD spokeswoman insisted all UFO sightings were investigated for "evidence to suggest that UK airspace has been compromised by hostile or unauthorised air activity".

She said: "Unless there is such evidence, the MoD doesn't attempt to positively identify what was seen."

Feel free to dismiss this as an out-of-work ex-government official seeking advance publicity for his new career as a freelance UFOlogist. I know I will. ;)

Sounds like you've either been watching the great 50's classic sci-fi movie 'The Day The Earth Stood Still' or maybe drinking to much out of an open bottle. Right? You tell us because the so-called hostile aliens won't.
I (and lots of other people in the area) saw a UFO once, NOTE: UFO does NOT equal alien space ship it means unidentifed flying object.

I know this was genuine UFO as I called the airport to check if a craft matching that description was occupying that air space at that time etc. A lot of people were fobbed of with 'promotional air balloon ' that was in the air 10 miles away.

However this thing was illuminated (balloon was not) it was HUGE, balloon was 10ft across (I called the company to get details) and as balloon was small and 10miles away, no way I could see it in daylight let alone dark. The thing I saw was motionless. Red/orange, looked bigger than the moon. It was dark. (I could see the moon also speerately) It was there for two hrs or so. Rugby ball shaped.

A weird thing, but not necc alien space ship, in fact most likely not alien space ship.
I once saw what appeared to be an alien craft over Manhattan from my apartment building. More likely it was a blimp of some sort.

I am the observer that filmed this sighting and it is an honor and great fulfilment of purpose to have been sighting and in contact with these amazing beings for more than 13 years and then to one day be in the right place at the right time with my Camcorder ready.

May the truth and great documentation be with us always!


Your videos are crap. If I buy you some decent video equipment, will you do a better job?
I saw a UFO once, ... It was there for two hrs or so. Rugby ball shaped.

Did it move though? The attribute that is often overlooked before labelling sightings UFOs, is that the 'F' is for 'Flying'. This doesn't mean appearing to hover, or shooting across the sky, but demonstrating controlled flight.
I am still waiting for something else because I have sinced filmed two more incredible sightings. I do not understand these things but can only try to record and learn what I can.

ONCE AGAIN WHAT IS POSTED ON GOOGLE IS VERY BAD FOOTAGE!!! Two clips posted by the publisher can not IN ANY WAY give ANYONE a good idea of what I was filming. The films are at this moment being analyzed and I am working on having all of the last four sitings available on the net in their entirety. As one is filmed in the mountains during the day you should all have fun with that one :)

Light and Love to you all,

OSG (a student and Observer)
My offer still stands on better video equiptment. Would you mind if I hung out at your place to see some of this stuff? I know I am a complete stranger so we can do things on your terms for establishing trust and friendly relations.
ONCE AGAIN WHAT IS POSTED ON GOOGLE IS VERY BAD FOOTAGE!!! Two clips posted by the publisher can not IN ANY WAY give ANYONE a good idea of what I was filming.

Look, go hawk your snake oil elsewhere. If you wanted to share your experiences, rather that profit from whatever it is you are hawking, you'd share. But no, it's with your publisher, so I am at a loss for words. Oh wait, not I'm not,

Look, go hawk your snake oil elsewhere. If you wanted to share your experiences, rather that profit from whatever it is you are hawking, you'd share. But no, it's with your publisher, so I am at a loss for words. Oh wait, not I'm not,


A bit aggressive. Or is that frustration I'm reading? And talking about people peddling their work instead of giving it away... what about all those tell-tale books, especially effective at destabilizing and undermining political figures and their political platforms? Or what about those best-seller books written in stealth, from behind the scenes: sneaky corporate deals, cunning mismanagement, corrupt financial institutes, money laundering, unscrupulous objectives from the military and governments, high profile "deaths", etc. -- books with a mighty punch determined to make an impact on the system -- while making a pretty penny while they're at it too. Or what about all that good music or art that musicians and artists expect to get paid for -- being a starving artist goes so far and is good marketing to start a career but certainly not to further one. Oh, and what about all that crazy science research that's led to finding miraculous drugs, therapy, and stuff? Only the rich will benefit from those because only the rich will afford it...
A bit aggressive. Or is that frustration I'm reading? And talking about people peddling their work instead of giving it away... what about all those tell-tale books, especially effective at destabilizing and undermining political figures and their political platforms?

With these books, you are buying information, facts, and if it isn't true, the author gets sued. They need to make some cash in case anyone mentioned takes umbrage and tries to sue. If you just posted that stuff on the web, and their was legal action against you, you'd have to fund your defence yourself.

With this woowoo UFO bullshit however, if there is a video, what use is a book? A book can only make assertions and conjectures about the video, and it's not true! It's conjecture! If these woowoos wanted the world to see the video, release the video!

This woman is just peddling bullshit. At least that loser Lsufos published his crappy vids for free on his web site! Even of they were terrible quality, blurred, and nothing more than a stationary dot of light, or aircraft running light.

I asked this charlatan why nobody else saw what she saw. Why nobody else has released video footage. Do you get the idea that she has perhaps taped something mundane, that all her neighbours understand as mundane, hmmm? They didn't reach for their video cameras, because there was nothing worth taping, hmmmm?
Who in history has ever sued over a book of this type?

Who would buy this book in the first place? Out of focus aliens lit up with LEDS being videotaped by a shaky photographer buzzing around canadian rooftops at night time doesn't sound like it's going to be on the 'Best Seller' list does it? Of course I've been wrong before.
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There was a book about "Pleiadians" that came out a few years ago that sold 50 million copies.

I don't know of successful lawsuits over the truthfulness of a book when the book didn't libel someone, at least not in the "free" world. That doesn't mean they don't happen. I wish I could sue over the truth or falsity of a certain scientific idea and actually get the jury to listen.
phlogistician: With these books, you are buying information, facts, and if it isn't true, the author gets sued.
Hogwash. Of course you're getting information; that's extremely stark and obvious. But there's the crux: you'd be buying information -- and the last I looked, we're still living in a capitalist society, so buying anything is as ordinary as apple pie. But why feel flummoxed? What morality is being jeopardized? Okay, I'll admit, I too feel leery of books on ETs, so I'll just ignore the whole sector. But I'd feel just as quizzical of anybody standing on a pulpit in the market square and lecturing us to his heart content, eyes all aglow, finger lashing, voice trumpeting, and all all free of charge (like what I like to do. ding.). But that's the thing: Stargirl was not lecturing.
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