Good news for Proof of E.T's

You could always try using bread sticks, y'know....

Wow you are a genius, why didnt I think of that. Stargirl if you are listening next time you go on a trip to ursula major dont bring me back a set of jobien boogle spoons. I repeat dont bring me back the spoons mr Anon has fixed it for me, I will use bread sticks to probe my ass instead, Sorry about that.
Worth noting perhaps if you watch the first filmed sighting (ufos over Summerland that I uploaded to You Tube) when it gets to the close up part of the light to the left hit the pause and play frame by frame. What you will notice is
1) the craft is on its side, bottom? facing left and spinning clockwise.
2) Because these crafts are targeted by our governments and shot down it is dangerous for them to be fully physical.

So you will see in this sighting that the complete ship is in view for just a few frames as the spinning rotation of the craft and the accererated molecules of matter make it nearly impossible to see the craft in its entirety when viewing with the naked eye. With the help of technology we can freeze one frame and clearly see how the craft is achieving this effect. There is so much our eyes do not see or comprehend as with my other sightings it is while watching the sightings frame by frame that you can see many objects moving and interacting but that when watched in real time are so fast we can not even see them with our unaided eyes. The craft in this sighing is FANTASTIC showing the complete make up, I do hope you will try this.

For the record I did not go out looking for them... I woke up onboard a craft at 17 this caused me much grief and formed many questions in my young mind that at that point had never even thought of the potential for life elsewhere. It was after my first experience that my attention was caught by reflections of sunlight off the craft in the sky or to see them at night. At this point I have seen nine different species and more than 10 types of craft. I do take this serious for I know in the future our worlds are to be merged and we will work together as they have said " In the future all species will be accepted and work together, this is the beginning of that time"

Light and love to you all ! If I had the technology I would love to teleport all of you to my mountain for a night of filming and observing these amazing things. For I am sure their are many observations your scientific minds could make that right now I do not posess the understanding to determine, haha this is why I am back in school taking more math and science. But from experience there is nothing better than showing these things to those who have never seen or noticed them before.

I am thankful for the innate hostility here for you are helping me to do my job better. You have given me a new perspective from the side of not being familiar with these things but also possessing great intellect . So Thank You for helping this rather young and ignorant girl grow into a better documenter and researcher :)

Hello Crunchy Cat! You can check your e-mail now....
Oh - could you post a direct link to the clip before I continue reading your post? I'm too blasé about forum-backtracking.
Phlogistician, I can't even make out an aircraft in your video sorry

Well it's a short clip, 15 seconds I think, so watch it a few times, and look for a little shiny blip toward the top left hand side. It has no visible wings, appears orb like, and is moving, ... is it a UFO? No, it's an out of focus aeroplane.

but I thought after reading your hostile comments it was just another nasty comment from you and not worth remarking on

Hostile? You need to get out more. It's not like I anally probed you or anything.

as I watched it numerous times and could make out nothing next time try to make your hoax as large as my orbs

They are the size they are, and I zoom in as much as I can. I'm not in control of the objects I filmed. Are you in control of the ones you filmed?

It is obvious you have neither seen nor expereinced anything yourself or by trusted members of your group or you would not waste so much time trying to convince others that they do not exist.

Have you read anything that I've written on the thread? I have taken 'UFO' footage. I have had an 'abduction' experience, but being rational, know I have not had contact with ETs!
It has no visible wings, appears orb like, and is moving, ... is it a UFO? No, it's an out of focus aeroplane.
An airplane that's a blip that looks like an orb with no visible wings. So much more sensational.

Hostile? You need to get out more. It's not like I anally probed you or anything.
So dramatic.

They are the size they are, and I zoom in as much as I can. I'm not in control of the objects I filmed. Are you in control of the ones you filmed?
No room for undue influence, huh?

I have taken 'UFO' footage.
No, you deliberately set out to take footage of something you had in mind. Oh look, that blip will do just fine.
I have had an 'abduction' experience,
No, you first researched your predicament then fashioned it to something you read then linked it to a word that will forever be inserted in quotation marks. From then on you use this—your own self—as an antitoxin to reassure your rationalism—your own self:

I would venture to assume that whatever explanation agrees with them it must also affiliate with their sense of grip with this side of reality we all share.

p.s.: will someone please copy/paste the bloody direct link to the clip?
Meanwhile, you've said nothing of substance on this thread at all.

You're vague, dishonest, and offer nothing.

So, say something, or fuck off.
My my how biased you are, Phlo; it says something about your inclinations. And I believe that is all Stargirl needs to know. Period.
Guys/Girls (or under gender specific little grey aliens), please please please (with sugar on top) could you refrain from degrading yet another thread into a personal slurry of attacks.

I ask you this very nicely for three reasons:

1: I don't want to get all super strict moderator on both of you, since theres two of you and only one of me. It wouldn't be a fair match up (There should be at least three or four of you to be fair.)

2: When the topic breaks down to this level, all discussion is wasted on deaf ears and technically it would actually be better just to lock the thread.

3: the old adage... "Stay on Topic" is applied pretty liberally, however it does aid with discussion and therefore is as important as ever.

With that said it should be understood to anyone that "see's things" that not everybody will see what you automatically see. If your mind is biased in one particular way (i.e. Seeing aliens, manmade objects or swamp gas) then it's more than likely what you are going to see. This is proven when people see faces or articles in inanimate objects or clouds, it's mearly a trick of the mind.

With these "Flying objects", it is assumed they fly because in your mind you know things need to either fly due to areodynamics or float for being less in weight/volume in comparison to the atmospheric pressure of the altitude it exists at when not relative to being held up by a string or standing upon a pillar.

However people tend to rule out that pockets of gases or pressure fronts might generate visual distortions. For instance one such visual distortion is a theory into Eddies (small twisterlike wind/turbulance) Simply in a lit room, fill a bucket/bath with water and moved a cupped hand beneath the waters surface. If you do it correctly you should create a swirl in the water, what you should look at though is the light thats being defracted onto the bottom of the bath/bucket. You'll notice that the swirl appears as a grey blob where the light source is being distorted further than normal.

Now I haven't had the opportunity to place a water proof camera beneath the surface to look up, but I'm suggesting that the swirl would appear like an object on the surface due to the distortion. How this applies to the sky is that our atmosphere contains gases that are at a lesser pressure than that of water, in essence it would suggest a similar but lesser reaction to that of the experiment depicted here.

This is mearly one hypothesised reasoning of how a "UFO" is just an article of atmospheric conditions and not actually solid. Before anyone mentions of potential "radar" anomolies, please understand that Radar could suffer anomolies due to such conditions too.
Meanwhile, you don't seem to understand debate, attacking those that are con the proposition is not the same as supporting the pro with facts.

Ergo, you have said absolutely nothing.

So, point out why her footage appears 'real', how our resident looney tunes has proven she is really being serially abducted, and why my footage and my 'abduction experience' have zero bearing on the subject, and you might actually get taken seriously.

Happy now Stryder, I didn't tell him to fuck off once in there! ;-)
With these "Flying objects", it is assumed they fly because in your mind you know things need to either fly... .

Exactly, but I'm not buying someone elses assumptions. Lights that appear to be in the sky are not 'flying' unless they demonstrate controlled flight. She has not shown that, and Meanwhile has not supported this either.

She's convolving two issues, her bad dreams, and a her bad video, into something that just isn't there. She needs professional help, not Meanwhile's vague support.
Are we still talking about the intergalactic penguin or is there another poorly-filmed, out-of-focus video to deride now?
There's a poorly-filmed, out-of-focus intergalactic penguin now. They are so cute!
Happy now Stryder, I didn't tell him to fuck off once in there! ;-)

I'm happy, you should know though that occasionally I have to do the whole "butt in and moderate" bit otherwise I'm not doing what I'm suppose to do.
I would address your points, Stride and Flo, but if I do I'm the one who'd be accused of going off topic and fomenting trouble.
Gosh, that'd be unusual for you...... Perish the thought anyone could ever accuse someone of your calibre of anything even remotely close.