Good news for Proof of E.T's

The unfortunate thing was that until very recently I have I not known anyone in this field. I have researched and documented independently since I was 17, after the publisher contacted me I sent them the link to what I had filmed literally days before and then they put that footage under copyright and contract for another book. The sightings I have taken since can be uploaded but again I know only a handful of scientists through e-mails and so if anyone has a good suggestion of where I might post something right now for all to see please let me know and I will be sure to get on that. Thankyou "Meanwhile" for your intelligent discourse and questions.

May you all be Blessed always and may the "Proof of the Truth" set us free to realize the true potential of our future.

OSG :)
Who would buy this book in the first place? Out of focus aliens lit up with LEDS being videotaped by a shaky photographer buzzing around canadian rooftops at night time doesn't sound like it's going to be on the 'Best Seller' list does it? Of course I've been wrong before.

Yeah you could be wrong again, with proper marketing(or in this case spamming) there are always shit loads of morons who will buy into a fantasy.
How many UFO video tapes on the market are other than shaky blobs?
......Unless you count the CGed ones - zero!
Hogwash. Of course you're getting information; that's extremely stark and obvious. But there's the crux: you'd be buying information -- and the last I looked, we're still living in a capitalist society, so buying anything is as ordinary as apple pie. But why feel flummoxed? What morality is being jeopardized? Okay, I'll admit, I too feel leery of books on ETs, so I'll just ignore the whole sector. But I'd feel just as quizzical of anybody standing on a pulpit in the market square and lecturing us to his heart content, eyes all aglow, finger lashing, voice trumpeting, and all all free of charge (like what I like to do. ding.). But that's the thing: Stargirl was not lecturing.

And you completely ignore the fact that people who write supposedly factual memoirs DO GET SUED.

People who write fiction, don't get sued, unless they ripped off the story, and that's tricky when the caveat on UFO stories is personal revelation. Did Whitley Strieber get sued by Betty and Barney Hill for ripping off their idea? NO! Because both were presenting their fiction as fact!

And while we may be living in a capitalist society, that does not mean it's OK to sell fiction as fact and get away with it.
ONCE AGAIN WHAT IS POSTED ON GOOGLE IS VERY BAD FOOTAGE!!! Two clips posted by the publisher can not IN ANY WAY give ANYONE a good idea of what I was filming.

You know, I saw the trailer for the new Bond movie a couple of weeks ago, and until I saw it, I was happy to wait for the film to come out on DVD. But the trailer had enough of the good bits in it to make me want to go see the film at the cinema.

So, what am I saying here? That, to sell a product, you need to show some good parts. But you are saying that your publisher completely ignores this tried and trusted marketing strategy, and shows really poor footage, hoping that will convince people to buy his product?

Either, the entire footage is bland, or you need a new publisher.
Super-advanced ET's that traveled hundreds of light years would probably want to land and get in some sight-seeing while they 're here and charge up their LED's a little. I would think buzzing a few canadian house tops at night would get a little boring.
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the "Publisher" really just someone purchasing "Stock" footage, in the sense that any books/ documentaries that publishing firm involves itself with, they can pull the footage up at whim.
phlogistician: And you completely ignore the fact that people who write supposedly factual memoirs DO GET SUED.
That, my dear, has nothing to do with the crux of the matter I was referring to, which had something to do capitalism and that anybody who has a story to tell will without a doubt write a fuckin' story: what are you as a group complaining about? that Stargirl is publishing, or that her published work is is a fraud? Furthermore, how in hell do any of you know for a fact that her experience is fraudulent? You base that on what? Supposition? Or perhaps against your very humdrum and uneventful lives? How do you as a group know that what she shot is not genuine? You were there? You all actually know better —from experience???
the truth about UFO's and the universe is coming out christmas day...:D I have a great source...:m:..i'm new to the site I like it...
KingTriad: the truth about UFO's and the universe is coming out christmas day... I have a great source... ..i'm new to the site I like it...
Humdrum foreigner seeking to be received by the local mob: sycophant.
what are you as a group complaining about? that Stargirl is publishing, or that her published work is is a fraud?


Jesus, how many times. The book is not the video, but meta-analasis of the video. She uses terms such as 'ET', from her subjective interpretation of some lights in the sky, owing to her personal experiences. It's not rational, or unbiased at all.

NOBODY ELSE in her vicinity appears to have reported the same phenomena as UFOs let alone jumping to an ET hypothesis. The first and foremost step is to prove it's a UFO, before postulating on it's origins!

She has supposedly been serially abducted, and now films random lights in the sky to 'prove' ETs are buzzing around. Amazing how a single individual can do this, over and over again, when none of her neighbours can, don't you think?

So, she's a nutter. A bona fide nutter.

Here's a question for you, ... why would ETs abduct and return humans, risking being caught or remembered? Why can't they, with their amazing galaxy crossing technology, develop something like Rohypnol or GHB? Why do they bother returning humans, when so many people are reported missing each year? Why not just keep them? What scientific value is there serially abducting the same person, over and over again?

Abduction experiences can be explained by many and various mundane causes, temporal lobe epilepsy, sleep disorders etc. I have suffered these, I've also posted deliberately fake UFO videos on here, but I am not an abductee, because I understand what I experienced and filmed!

This chick needs medical/psychological help, not a publisher.
To bad the super-advanced aliens don't abduct some top elected officials in Washington and hopefully not return them.
To bad the super-advanced aliens don't abduct some top elected officials in Washington and hopefully not return them.

They don't return them though, they replace them with reptilian/insect/human hybrids! Who then take their orders from the Illuminati!

The Illuminati then hold a secret lottery, to see which humans are going to get ass raped by the aliens next!

Steal a parking space from a guy with a funny shaped head recently? You'll get double entered into that lottery. Maybe just double entered!
They don't return them though, they replace them with reptilian/insect/human hybrids! Who then take their orders from the Illuminati!

The Illuminati then hold a secret lottery, to see which humans are going to get ass raped by the aliens next!

Steal a parking space from a guy with a funny shaped head recently? You'll get double entered into that lottery. Maybe just double entered!

Sounds exciting. Have you been thru this experience before?
"Crunchy Cat" you are most welcome to come hang out some time and go filming with us. Over thirteen years of contact and sightings most have many witnesses, including all my recent filming. As I have just recently seen two of these ETVS shot down(seperate occasions) and collected by military I do not desire to call the authorities when I spot one, I will however call across town so that others I know that are interested in them, may see them as well. These beings are in contact and maintaining relationships with humans all over this world. I believe they want us to know the truth about them and it is obvious that our relationship with them is still very much in its infancy
"Crunchy Cat" you are most welcome to come hang out some time and go filming with us. Over thirteen years of contact and sightings most have many witnesses, including all my recent filming. As I have just recently seen two of these ETVS shot down(seperate occasions) and collected by military I do not desire to call the authorities when I spot one, I will however call across town so that others I know that are interested in them, may see them as well. These beings are in contact and maintaining relationships with humans all over this world. I believe they want us to know the truth about them and it is obvious that our relationship with them is still very much in its infancy

Sweet and thanks! PM me and lets exchange some contact information :)