from the beginning, the end

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(Q) said:
As you are one of those freaks who finds it necessary to have the last word

Your last words are as vacuous as your first.

From this comment and those similar, the rest of you can find new meaning to His words: "The light shined in the darkness and the darkness comprehended it not."

Do you really think that God would conclude his complex six thousand year old plan in which prophecies will be fulfilled hourly without haveing a representative here to witness and see that his word is carried out to the letter?

Do you think justice would be served without the saints being here to witness the avenging of their tortures and murders?

Anyone with life experience knows that if you want something done right, you must do it yourself. Do you think the Lord himself would not be present during the time which is called the Lords Day?

So the weeds are made conspicuous so they may be plucked up by the roots.
(Q) said:
As you are one of those freaks who finds it necessary to have the last word

Your last words are as vacuous as your first.

I find it entertaining to play with you

I'm glad you're entertained. You've been entertaining as well, but lately have become sad and pathetic.

I'll send an angel to escort you.

What will the angel look like?

Who do you think made you choose the perfect word to answer your own question. Vacuous.

The angel will look vacuous! It will suck your life out of you and will deposit the eternal part of you in hell.

It is sad to see people commit the unforgiveable. Many people tell me they want to go to hell, but like their father, they deny what it will be like there.
witnessjudgejury said:
If a man needs to have a delusion of grandeur in order to get rid of his horrible depression, why would a "good" or "christian" person try to bring him down and give him back his depression?

You do not need to have or be under any delusion. I am not trying to give you back your depression. Discern my motives if you will. A symptom of your depression is your need to delude yourself in order for you to feel special and needed and wanted and important, without having to reach out to real people whom you fear may judge you and call you a looney. I am a real person although 'good' is a term I wouldn't fashion myself with; 'saved' but not 'good', and I can see your suffering in the words that you type. You are suffering from a type of psychosis and I have seen it before. You need to get REAL help.

Simple answer, you are a worker of iniquity. Get on the boat with your friend Q and hurry along to your father the devil. I will send an escort for you also.

Funny, (Q) and I have had numerous spats on here. (Q) is a die hard atheist and I am a christian, yet still at some sort of fundamental level we maintain a degree of respect for eachother, whilst differing on almost every matter. I am actually heartned if (Q) is saddened by what he reads of yours, because he has seen past all the words and has beheld the frightened paranoid behind them. I think (Q) actually wishes that you would get help as well. Perhaps this is the first thing (Q) and I will agree on (apart from the fact that the world is round ;) ).

The majority of the world could care less who I am, so what's the difference?

The above words are the words of a lost soul. The majority of the world has no idea who you are. Those of us that have witnessed your web talk have become concerned for you however. We believe you are suffering from some sort of psychosis. The list of drugs you are taking pretty much firms that idea up and it would be remiss of us not to point out again and again that you need to seek professional help and be honest about your symptoms. What have you got to lose?

I may be doing some work along the way but, I told you the reason I was here.

that's all.

No fireworks, no whizz bangs, nothing for you to get excited about. All pretty mundane. Life is fairly frustrating WJJ. For everyone. Some more than most. But we have to carry on regardless with our feet firmly on the ground.

These words are 'for you' WJJ. Not against you. I hope you will be able to discern that at least.


c20H25N3o said:
WJJ, take rest in the fact that the weight of the world does not rest on your tiny little shoulders. You are a man like any other man. Nothing unique and mysterious about you I am afraid. That's OK though. Just be the man you are and do the best you can but please stop fooling yourself into thinking your purpose on this earth is something other than getting through the next day and being grateful for the food on your plate. Be kind and gentle and all the things you are but see yourself as 'not worthy'; be 'humble'; expect to sit at the least favoured place at the table. You are not a prophet or a messiah or any such thing. You are just a man. There is plenty miracle enough just drawing breath. Let go of these other notions of yours. They are not things for you to worry about.



First, if the world was a heavy weight then how does God who is light hold it in space. You must be thinking of the God Midas. When I was young, I carried the world on my shoulders, you apparently have no idea of my stature or how tiny my little shoulders are.
Second, the world is a Garden. This Garden has been overrun with weeds such as yourself. People who feel it necessary to bring others down. God is not the Gardner but the owner of the Garden. The angels are the reapers who pluck up the weeds.
Thirdly, I no longer worry about anything at all.
Fourthly the world is only mundane to depressing people like you. Your breath is a miracle, but the life you have after your breath is gone is a miracle of miracles.
Open your eyes and I promise you will not find things mundane. Unfortunately you have done the unforgivable and lost your soul forever.
You really should pay attention to whom you are trying to bring down.
Ya! this guy is nuts.

And proves it so, with every post he keeps making. Even after claiming about a dozen times now, that "this will be the last post".

An idiot in the midst! Ah the list of theist that are a bit nutty and totally irrational here on sci keeps providing atheism fuel for their cause.

To eradicate mysticism the only true mental desease of men.

c20H25N3o said:
You do not need to have or be under any delusion. I am not trying to give you back your depression. Discern my motives if you will. A symptom of your depression is your need to delude yourself in order for you to feel special and needed and wanted and important, without having to reach out to real people whom you fear may judge you and call you a looney. I am a real person although 'good' is a term I wouldn't fashion myself with; 'saved' but not 'good', and I can see your suffering in the words that you type. You are suffering from a type of psychosis and I have seen it before. You need to get REAL help.

Funny, (Q) and I have had numerous spats on here. (Q) is a die hard atheist and I am a christian, yet still at some sort of fundamental level we maintain a degree of respect for eachother, whilst differing on almost every matter. I am actually heartned if (Q) is saddened by what he reads of yours, because he has seen past all the words and has beheld the frightened paranoid behind them. I think (Q) actually wishes that you would get help as well. Perhaps this is the first thing (Q) and I will agree on (apart from the fact that the world is round ;) ).

The above words are the words of a lost soul. The majority of the world has no idea who you are. Those of us that have witnessed your web talk have become concerned for you however. We believe you are suffering from some sort of psychosis. The list of drugs you are taking pretty much firms that idea up and it would be remiss of us not to point out again and again that you need to seek professional help and be honest about your symptoms. What have you got to lose?

No fireworks, no whizz bangs, nothing for you to get excited about. All pretty mundane. Life is fairly frustrating WJJ. For everyone. Some more than most. But we have to carry on regardless with our feet firmly on the ground.

These words are 'for you' WJJ. Not against you. I hope you will be able to discern that at least.



Do you understand anything besides your own words.
You really should kill yourself and rid yourself of the mundane world.
There really is no paranoia or fear in me, but I wouldn't expect someone like you to see that either. You are a very depressing person (weed). I don't expect you would believe in the unforgiveable which you to have done.
By the way your right that "the above" words which are yours are from a very lost soul which is eternally lost with no hope of ever being found.
You can speak against me and be forgiven. If you speak against the holy spirit you cannot be forgiven on earth or in heaven, ever.

Isn't it interesting how in one sentence you say my words are from a very lost soul, then you give me no possible way of getting my lost soul found, and then you tell me your words are for me and not against me.

I can discern that you were very deceptive person. Who probably has no idea of the negative impact of your words. Like your father, you deny your disease.
Actually, it was Atlas not Midas who carried the world on his shoulders. It could have been the Michelin man for all I care. Neither Greek nor American Mythology exist in the end.
witnessjudgejury said:
First, if the world was a heavy weight then how does God who is light hold it in space. You must be thinking of the God Midas. When I was young, I carried the world on my shoulders, you apparently have no idea of my stature or how tiny my little shoulders are.

I was speaking figuratively but it is a common symptom of your condition to literalise everything that is said to you. As to your stature, you are just a man. No more, no less. It is not good for man to be alone. We need help. We can help eachother. However you are resisting help prefering to believe instead that you are something special and it is everyone else who needs help. This is a common symptom of psychosis and perhaps it's most wicked symptom as it cuts you off from the love you need from others.

Second, the world is a Garden. This Garden has been overrun with weeds such as yourself. People who feel it necessary to bring others down.

Again you are not my judge WJJ. I'm sure I have been the worst kind of person at times but I have repented and I do my best to be grateful for what I have and share what I have and live a life that I believe would be pleasing to God. Sometimes I get wound up and say hurtful things still, but rather than relishing in the pain my words cause others, these days I cannot wait to make peace and do something positive to bring healing to the relationship. Forgiveness is good stuff. I thank God for showing me that.

If you need me to be blunt about your self-deception you only need to examine the last quote. You try to 'put me down' by calling me a 'weed', saying that 'people who feel it necessary to put others down' are the 'weeds' that are overunning this Garden. I am not trying to put you down however WJJ. I am just aware that speaking the truth and being honest is the best policy, and you appear to be suffering from psychosis. If you had a broken leg and I said 'hey man it looks like you have a broken leg', would you consider that a 'put down'?
There is much stigma attached to mental illness and this fact is a great shame. However there are people out there who have studied the causes of psychosis and they feel the way about your mind as a doctor would a broken leg. They just want to use their skills to help your mind heal and set properly.

Thirdly, I no longer worry about anything at all.

But others are worried about you aren't they? They are worried about you because they love you.

Fourthly the world is only mundane to depressing people like you.

I didn't say I was depressed. I said life was a struggle. Endurance produces character. Not worrying about anything would never lead to overcoming the frustrations. We wrestle with our frustrations that we may overcome them and be better characters for it.

Your breath is a miracle, but the life you have after your breath is gone is a miracle of miracles.

Sounds like a suicide's mantra. WJJ, you do have a real important purpose here. But I'm afraid that on the face of it it is rather mundane. Jesus was excellent at pointing out this fact. He said that if you want to be the greatest, the most special, you have to become like the least, like one who would happily wash another's feet. Jesus was very practical in this regard, indeed putting his money where his mouth was and picking up the wash clothe and the bowl and doing the business with his disciples feet. A very very mundane act in the context I mean it but a holy and beautiful act in an entirely different context.

Open your eyes and I promise you will not find things mundane.

Being 'Holy' is mundane by this world's standards. It means washing eachother's feet, being humble, taking the back seat rather than jumping in the front, yet the blessings received from adopting such an attitude is one of true peace. True peace is not mundane spiritually speaking. True peace is the 'holy grail' of almost every religion/meditation at it's core.

Unfortunately you have done the unforgivable and lost your soul forever.

Well I am afraid that is not so. They keys of life and death do not belong with you WJJ. You are just a man. Like me. A forgiven sinner. Like me.

You really should pay attention to whom you are trying to bring down.

I am not trying to bring you down WJJ. If you were 'true' you would see that I am just pointing out you have a broken leg. Nothing to be ashamed about. I have been in much worse states mentally speaking and I needed help too.

Please take the time to consider my post 'without prejudice'. I would not waste my time if I did not consider it important.


c20H25N3o said:
You do not need to have or be under any delusion. I am not trying to give you back your depression. Discern my motives if you will. A symptom of your depression is your need to delude yourself in order for you to feel special and needed and wanted and important, without having to reach out to real people whom you fear may judge you and call you a looney. I am a real person although 'good' is a term I wouldn't fashion myself with; 'saved' but not 'good', and I can see your suffering in the words that you type. You are suffering from a type of psychosis and I have seen it before. You need to get REAL help.

Funny, (Q) and I have had numerous spats on here. (Q) is a die hard atheist and I am a christian, yet still at some sort of fundamental level we maintain a degree of respect for eachother, whilst differing on almost every matter. I am actually heartned if (Q) is saddened by what he reads of yours, because he has seen past all the words and has beheld the frightened paranoid behind them. I think (Q) actually wishes that you would get help as well. Perhaps this is the first thing (Q) and I will agree on (apart from the fact that the world is round ;) ).

The above words are the words of a lost soul. The majority of the world has no idea who you are. Those of us that have witnessed your web talk have become concerned for you however. We believe you are suffering from some sort of psychosis. The list of drugs you are taking pretty much firms that idea up and it would be remiss of us not to point out again and again that you need to seek professional help and be honest about your symptoms. What have you got to lose?

No fireworks, no whizz bangs, nothing for you to get excited about. All pretty mundane. Life is fairly frustrating WJJ. For everyone. Some more than most. But we have to carry on regardless with our feet firmly on the ground.

These words are 'for you' WJJ. Not against you. I hope you will be able to discern that at least.



Let me give a little teaching of discerning of spirits.
Anyone who reads your words can feel the dark spirit which accompanies them. You bring new meaning to Gods words:" And darkness was upon the face of the deep."

Now, why have you refused to even attempt to answer a single one of the myriad of questions which I have posed on this thread? Another way of discerning of spirits.

Why in the world would you be worried about me and your illusion of my psychosis? Am I a danger to myself or to others? only my words are dangerous to people who disregard them and try to explain them away with reasoning like yours. You are saying the Jesus Christ was psychotic and yet you call yourself a christian. The vast majority of my words came from his lips. So you believe he was a psychotic and you killed him and now you call yourself a christian. Hmm. I don't recall Jesus saying that there would be no fireworks, only a mundane life which you must find a way to carry on?. No. He came to bring fire and will guard it until it blazes. And it BLAZES.

Enjoy the fireworks if your still around for them.,

Please discern my spirit.
Is it light or dark?
It is brighter than the sparks of a firecracker.

Just so you don't say I don't offer hope to those who want it, pray this prayer.

"Lord Yeshua (Jesus) Christ, I believe that you are God made manifest as a man, I love you with all of my being as you have commanded and I meditate without ceasing on your every word. Please forgive me for torturing and murdering all of the saints and yourself, I did not know what I was doing because my father the devil had deceived me. Please teach me to be a good person and do whatever it takes to make me worthy to live with you in your kingdom of heaven forever. Please don't send me to eternal hell fire and outer darkness forever where I deserve to go. And by the way, please tell us if the man writing these words is a man of God by doing something miraculous or kill him if he is of the devil or the mundane." Amen
And by the way, please tell us if the man writing these words is a man of God by doing something miraculous or kill him if he is of the devil or the mundane

God gave me eyes and ears with which to discern what is happening, and also a little personal experience. I hope and pray you will find your way out soon.

I see very little difference between WJJ and every other so-called prophet througout history.

The only difference, other than style, is that theists even consider him psychotic, yet firmly believe in their own prophets of past.

Perhaps the only difference between prophets of old and new is our understanding of psychosis.

I'm convinced WJJ IS a prophet, in that all other prophets were just like him.
(Q) said:
I see very little difference between WJJ and every other so-called prophet througout history.

The only difference, other than style, is that theists even consider him psychotic, yet firmly believe in their own prophets of past.

Perhaps the only difference between prophets of old and new is our understanding of psychosis.

I'm convinced WJJ IS a prophet, in that all other prophets were just like him.

Prophets of old and new give glory to God. They took a back seat and let God do the talking. If they were self-promoters then people would have had no hesitation in calling them 'mad'. You cannot talk about the glory of God whilst in the same breath saying 'Do you not know who I am?' like you are somehow God yourself.
Comon (Q) please do not confuse the issue. WJJ's health is more important than that.


Comon (Q) please do not confuse the issue. WJJ's health is more important than that.

I don't think that's anything wrong with WJJ, a bit confused, and perhaps even depressed but overall he's a typical theist nutjob trying to convince others of his beliefs and stance.

He is here mainly for the attention we have been giving him. He is further inspired by our retaliation of his beliefs. But he's no mad-man. Many a theist believed that they were the prophets of God's word, and that they hold the true interpretation of their holy scripture.

Godless said:
I don't think that's anything wrong with WJJ, a bit confused, and perhaps even depressed but overall he's a typical theist nutjob trying to convince others of his beliefs and stance.

He is here mainly for the attention we have been giving him. He is further inspired by our retaliation of his beliefs. But he's no mad-man. Many a theist believed that they were the prophets of God's word, and that they hold the true interpretation of their holy scripture.

M*W: So you do know my ex-husband!
As you have noticed, I am the only one alive which could honestly pray that last prayer that I wrote. This is because I am the elect. Yes, as Christ said, many of the first will be last and will become a single one. Without God in me, there is no me. That is the only thing I will ever swear to.

We have been praying for justice for thousands of years and we are thrilled that it is finally here. Every one of you will die a slow, torturous death, full of terror and the worst hell on earth since the beginning of time. I will (we will) be full of joy watching you suffer and die as you have done to many of us and to me.

You are rebellious and believe you are your own gods because your creator was the same way. If you do not cut yourself of from him, you will suffer the second judgement which is eternity in outer darkness and the lake of fire where you will scream without end for eternity. Christ came to destroy the works of the devil and you, being the devils creation, are his works. Don't you wonder why you are so rebellious?

The sin against the holy spirit is so unforgivable because nearly all of Gods creation has rebelled against him and tries to hurt him at every turn. Causing harm to my motivation and trying to bring me down or even thinking a bad thought against me will send you to hell for eternity without possibility of parole. Hell is the second judgement. Hell on earth is the first.

Christ said woe unto those who take bribes to council sinners. That would be all of you preachers who preach for a living. Your all going to Hell for eternity.

Do not listen to the preachers. They lie to you and tell you that God would never hurt anyone. They are working for the devil or they have not read the bible. Remember Sodom, Gomorah, Lots wife, the multitudes of fifty which Elijah called fire down from heaven which consumed them, and of course the wrath of God in the last days.

Many would like to kill me as they did to us in the past for telling the truth and for scaring and angering them. I have news. You can't do a damned thing about it this time around. Even if you could, I have come to enjoy the torture, and I would just get up after three days anyway.

To those of you who are moved, remember, Christ promised that he would save any one who called upon his name. Of course, those who have committed the unforgivable will not be heard.

I am going on vacation now and to be with God who is Me and the elect who are me.

Have fun in the winepress and take it like a man while I laugh at you for a change.
Godless said:
I don't think that's anything wrong with WJJ, a bit confused, and perhaps even depressed but overall he's a typical theist nutjob trying to convince others of his beliefs and stance.

He is here mainly for the attention we have been giving him. He is further inspired by our retaliation of his beliefs. But he's no mad-man. Many a theist believed that they were the prophets of God's word, and that they hold the true interpretation of their holy scripture.


WJJ said:
Every one of you will die a slow, torturous death, full of terror and the worst hell on earth since the beginning of time. I will (we will) be full of joy watching you suffer and die as you have done to many of us and to me.

WJJ said:
Causing harm to my motivation and trying to bring me down or even thinking a bad thought against me will send you to hell for eternity without possibility of parole.

WJJ said:
I am going on vacation now and to be with God who is Me and the elect who are me.

I disagree with you Godless. He is suffering a chemical unbalance giving him delusions of grandeur. He needs to seek professional medical help before he hurts himself or someone else. If he thinks he is God and that God is going to 'enjoy' human suffering, who knows what he might be deluded into thinking is 'ok' for him to do?

This is not about religion or christianity or any such thing. Just delusion period.


Truly C20 his ramblings are nothing more than to get attention. I've been on many boards of this nature, I've seen this one too many times.

All I discern is one huge fooking ego.


He obviously is full of himself, must be a young kid of 13 or so and thinks he is enlightened some how.

His musing reminds me of Tony1, Leo Volont, at least Tony was a bit more coherent, but I'm sure that he is here mainly for attention.

Godless said:
Truly C20 his ramblings are nothing more than to get attention. I've been on many boards of this nature, I've seen this one too many times.

I hope you are right. I have decided not to respond further anyway. I cannot see any point in continuing the discussion. If he is suffering from psychosis, I can only hope that people nearest and dearest to him get him commited for his own sake.
If he is an attention seeking troll then I am sorry to have wasted any emotion at all. I am also dissapointed that I was caught out like that.


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