from the beginning, the end

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"Jesus therefore cried out in the temple, teaching and saying, "You both know me, and know where I am from. I have not come of myself, but he who sent me is true, whom you don't know." ~~ John 7:28

Again, I see little difference between WJJ, Jesus or any other so-called prophets' ramblings.

The only reason you disagree is because you believe in another prophet, as do many others who believe in their prophets. WJJ is no different from them.
(Q) said:

"Jesus therefore cried out in the temple, teaching and saying, "You both know me, and know where I am from. I have not come of myself, but he who sent me is true, whom you don't know." ~~ John 7:28

Again, I see little difference between WJJ, Jesus or any other so-called prophets' ramblings.

The only reason you disagree is because you believe in another prophet, as do many others who believe in their prophets. WJJ is no different from them.

WJJ is too late. The Messiah has already come and is the fulfillment of the prophets. There is nothing for WJJ to do other than accept the gift of life that is his by grace through Jesus Christ. Jesus came and performed many miracles and was crucified, buried and rose again. There are many witness accounts in the bible that refer to these events and having believed them, I have found a new life in Christ.


On the first day of my vacation, I again read the book of Revelation. I realized that if I am the 2 prophets which have power over the waters and rain, I also have power to bring plagues upon the people of the earth. So I will continue to stir the waters and the waters and I will bring three plagues upon the earth, one in the U.S. to torment all of its people day and night for a time.

This for justice, to avenge the blood of the saints, because I am bored and yearn for the wrath of God, but above all else,

To prove that the testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ is true and just and that all of you murderers will pay for your sins, including all of you preachers who, after the end, will burn in hell for lying to your sheep, selling them prosperity and for telling them that God loves everyone and does not cause pain or death.

And if you read the Lord of the Rings you'll surely equate yourself to Frodo.

I'm sure that if you studied the James Bond books with the same enthusiasm that you'd be convicned you were actually James Bond.

You are suffering from delusions of grandeur. A delusion (common in paranoia) that you are much greater and more powerful and influential than you really are.

You are just an ordinary person, try to deal with it and continue to seek professional help.
WJJ is too late. The Messiah has already come and is the fulfillment of the prophets.

What about the alleged second coming of Christ - WJJ could be the one, and you consider him psychotic.

Grab the next time machine back a couple thousand years and stand in front of your prophet while he speaks - you may very well come to the same conclusion as you did with WJJ.

Jesus came and performed many miracles and was crucified, buried and rose again.

That's an interesting myth, but nonetheless, a myth.

There are many witness accounts in the bible that refer to these events and having believed them, I have found a new life in Christ.

Sorry, I was beginning to think you'd not find escapism in the bible as a fundamentalist.
(Q) said:
WJJ is too late. The Messiah has already come and is the fulfillment of the prophets.

What about the alleged second coming of Christ - WJJ could be the one, and you consider him psychotic.

Grab the next time machine back a couple thousand years and stand in front of your prophet while he speaks - you may very well come to the same conclusion as you did with WJJ.

Jesus came and performed many miracles and was crucified, buried and rose again.

That's an interesting myth, but nonetheless, a myth.

There are many witness accounts in the bible that refer to these events and having believed them, I have found a new life in Christ.

Sorry, I was beginning to think you'd not find escapism in the bible as a fundamentalist.

I'm not doing this with you (Q). I have done it a million times. You cannot cite Jesus as a base for assessing my reaction to WJJ and then remove that base to suit your own argument that Jesus is a myth.


You cannot cite Jesus as a base for assessing my reaction to WJJ and then remove that base to suit your own argument that Jesus is a myth.

Ok, no problem, let's assume he did exist, as a prophet according to Christianity.

Once again, you cannot distinguish between WJJ and Jesus as prophets. WJJ is alive and very well may accomplish miracles, and may be executed for a crime, and rise from the grave days later. And after a hundred years have passed, someone may write about him, someone like Paul, for example. Many may read Pauls writings and find WJJ to be the one true prophet.

Can you deny this to be a likely possibility?

I envision your great grandchildren will follow WJJ as a prophet, the one you now consider a psychotic in serious need of professional help.

Wouldn't that be a peach?
WJJ, some of the things you have been saying to people are very threatening and vicious, you realise that? Not that any of them take you seriously, but its still offensive what you are saying.

Although I'm only 2nd year I believe it may qualify as "compensatory narcissm" - and yes, with constant "delusions of grandeur".

(Q) i see your comparison with Jesus as valid, but i doubt jesus was as hateful, spiteful and threatening.

WJJ dude, find something else to do with your life mate. Go and feed the homeless in the soup kitchen, do something to help your fellow man.
If you believe in god you must believe that he would bless you for helping other human beings - instead of just hating and threatening.

WJJ IF you love GOD, and love JESUS, why don't you try to be more like JESUS?
As for seeing a psychiatrist, I saw mine last week. As always, I was told that I am doing very well and that in order to relieve my depression, I must do what my soul and spirit tells me to do. If you hold things in, they will harm you.

Blessed are those who keep watch, for the son of man will come in an hour when you think not.

A certain man came to his nation and told them that they have woven lies and deceipt into the fabric of their universe and therefore the fabric would disintegrate. The nation was judged and had begun to be destroyed. Some of them came to him and begged him to save them from their spiritual destruction. So, he did and let them go four years more. The man came back and found that the condition had worsened and the evil multiplied, so the nation was destoyed by the fire of the judge.

they say: It is o.k. to murder the unborn because you cannot see it, just don't take and ultrasound so you wont have a picture of it. It is o.k. to allow the gay lifestyle to be woven into the fabric of society and to promote it on television along with premarital sex and all manner of whorish lifestyles and deceipt. It is good to remove Gods commandments and prayer from schools so that children no longer have the opportunity to believe in a God. It is good to have churches of Satan and churches of Lucifer, so that our children will have freedom to learn the ways of the animal in them. It is good to teach our children to lie and to deceive and to learn to hurt and kill others in such a way that is beyond the scope of the law. It is good to pay our farmers not to grow food for the thousands who starve every day so we can create charities and spend more money to feed them and make us feel good about ourselves.
It is good for our preachers to teach that God loves every one of us and will prosper us if we send money. It is good to teach that God is not a judge, but a lover who accepts us as we are. God loves the whore and the murderer and the liar and the thief. Hell is not a place where God sends people, the bible is a lie.

Yes, this time you will certainly be destroyed even before you can destroy yourselves.

If you believe in tolerance, then you will tolerate me sending you to the fire of hell after I destroy you from the life you have on earth.
The son of man shall come as a thief, in the night. What will he steal?
The kingdom of heaven.
"The kingdom of heaven is within you, and outside of you".
It was planted in each of you as a seed. You could choose to water and fertilize it and make it grow, or you can choose to let your animal nature seeds grow and choke the seed of heaven within you.
The son of man came as a thief to take the seed back from those who choked it with crops from their own desires. Now, the kingdom of heaven could only be seen from within so haveing it only on the outside of you, you will never again be able to see it.

A farmer came back to his land to harvest his crop and see what the caretakers had grown. He ate a piece of the fruit (turned on his TV) and was made deathly ill and vomited profusely. He then ordered that the harvest be gathered and burned.

Jesus told his disciples to keep watch one hour while he went off to pray. Three times he did this and each time when he returned he found them all sleeping. "Can you not stay awake and keep watch one hour?". All christians are spiritual descendants of these disciples so, it is of no wonder that He found them sleeping on his return.

They lift their hands to the sky and worship Jesus, not haveing a clue as to where he is. They will say: The bible tells us he will come with the clouds, but they do not examine the clouds which come from the water on the earth which is evaporated by the sun, then it condensates into clouds and moves around in the sky with the winds and rains upon the earth.

They will say he will come from the sky with a light so bright as to shine from east to west. But the bible tells us that all men, women and children will be killed in the wrath of God before this occurs and Jesus will return to the earth with the elect. The christians are like the native american indians who worship the spirit in the sky. Christ said: "if heaven is in the sky then the birds of the air will precede you to heaven, and if heaven is in the sea, then the fish will precede you to heaven".

The first commandment is to love God with all of your being. If you cannot find it in yourself to obey the very first commandment, how then will you be kept from the fire.

Those christian who love him for what he did, but not for who he was and every word that he said, will have their place in the fire with the unbelievers.

Such is the end of the animal man removed from the earth and then in the second judgement, cast in the fire.

The harvesters are here now to harvest. You have brought them yourselves by telling them that the harvest is ripe.
Maybe I am just a comedian. Here is a short story which happened to me a few days ago.

A co-worker came up to me with his room mate after work. They were conversing with eachother and decided to have casual conversation with me. They are gay. I conversed with them some. Then the dominant one said to me "I will jump your crucified bones". They both laughed and he casually said:"I'm going to hell". I continued to stare into space as I do and then I decided to preach to him. I told him the following words:

(Q) i see your comparison with Jesus as valid, but i doubt jesus was as hateful, spiteful and threatening.

The point is that you or anyone else really don't know for sure, since the words you've read about Jesus were written by Paul many years later. Can anyone validate Pauls writings as being accurate?
The coming of the son of man is likened unto a man who was walking along the road and noticed that there was a house on fire and was going to burn down with the inhabitants inside. He came up to the house to knock on the door and wake the inhabitants and bring them to safety but, the guard dogs at the door would not let him approach. They would not even bark as to inform those sleeping that there was an intruder approaching. Instead, the dogs growled at the man and bit him untile he had no choice but to run for safety and let the house burn down with the inhabitants inside.
(Q) said:
(Q) i see your comparison with Jesus as valid, but i doubt jesus was as hateful, spiteful and threatening.

The point is that you or anyone else really don't know for sure, since the words you've read about Jesus were written by Paul many years later. Can anyone validate Pauls writings as being accurate?
M*W: Did Paul really exist?
(Q) said:
(Q) i see your comparison with Jesus as valid, but i doubt jesus was as hateful, spiteful and threatening.

The point is that you or anyone else really don't know for sure, since the words you've read about Jesus were written by Paul many years later. Can anyone validate Pauls writings as being accurate?

I do have proof but I cannot give it to you because you will not allow yourself to recieve it.

Christ did not come for you who would not receive him but killed him instead.
For you he came to cast out and burn.
So the man ran to the neighbors house and woke the neighbor who grabbed his gun and ran to the house and put down the dogs. The man then ran and knocked on the door but could not wake the inhabitants. The house burnt down and the inhabitants died. The other guard dogs which were out back were picked up by the dog catchers and also were put down because they were friendly to no one but their dead master.

I do have proof but I cannot give it to you because you will not allow yourself to recieve it.

You need not worry about me, I'm completely convinced you are a prophet, as valid as any other prophet was throughout history.

Christ did not come for you who would not receive him but killed him instead.

Your one hope is that the same happens to you, that is, if you intend to have a following.
Did Paul really exist?

We are led to believe such a thing. Regardless, whoever wrote about Jesus did exist, whether he made the story up or simply stole the idea from somewhere else. If anyone of the so-called apostles actually knew the man they called Jesus, we should at least know his real name.
witnessjudgejury said:
For you he came to cast out and burn.

But it's not their fault they can't believe in it, and besides, what's the big deal. If you believe in jesus why do you act as you were jesus, are you not defiling his name? You should not judge because you are not god.
Here is your proof. read these words, understand them, then speak them to God and mean it. I promise you will have your proof.

"Father, creator of all things: If you are real and are Jesus Christ as the bible says, then please forgive me for my sins. If the devil exists, then I renounce him. Please show me that you are real and change me into something which is acceptable to you. If hell is real, please don't send me there. If it is true that Jesus was born of a virgin, died on the cross for my sins, and was raised from the dead, then I will believe it as I will believe what is really true".

It is not wrong to question what you do not know is true. It is wrong to deny that which you are seeing with your own eyes.
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