from the beginning, the end

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Hey wjj,
I take two tricyclic antidepressants, 1 called clomipramine, and another called amitriptyline. They help to alleviate (and mostly eliminate) my serious life long depression, and also calm me down, calm down my anxiety problems ALOT, and they stop my mind going round and round in circless - stop me obsessing with things.
But they also make me tired a lot of the time. But thats ok.

It took me ages of experimentation with different psychiatrists to find the right combination.

Want you to know that mental illness is nobody's fault.
i've accepted it now and my life is actually pretty good.
Its also opened my eyes to a lot of things i never would have seen otherwise.

Hey as long as you are a "good person" (respectful, compassionate, don't harm anyone) god has to love you right?
That's my belief as a humanist. I share a lot of the same moral values as a lot of religious people.

Hey I understand that we at sciforums are often sceptical and rude towards people with strong religious beliefs - hey i'm a prime example of that, but at the same time I do sympathise with wjj's suffering.
Well hell, no one likes to see others suffer. But what i see as a big problem is that wjj is a bit too mystical, and it has screwed his brains up. That's why I posted the relationship of schizophrenia & religion bit. Though I honestly don't like to see wjj suffering but he needs to come to grips with reality, and the sooner he leaves his beliefs the sooner he will start to feel a bit better. No Gurantee. But it worked wonders on me.

Wjj it would suit you good to read about this psychiatrist.

He's one of the few that would tell you that drugs is not the way to heal your deppresion, but adequate diet, and natural herbs.

Godless, please don't quote Szasz.
He firmly states that "mental illness does not exist"!!
His position was argued when he wrote his book in the 1960s, and he's a croc, who has had a picture taken with Tom Cruise - he is an anti-psychiatrist, just like scientologists.

How dare he tell people that mental illness is not a real biological problem.
His book was published before any of the research that proves that severe cases of mental illness are a biological/chemical problem, and he still refuses to accept it.

I've had a huge argument with Duendy about Thomas Szasz - where I've totally debunked him as a reference in this thread:

I agree that the religious beliefs are a trigger for the problem, but they aren't the main cause.
All the healthy lifestyle in the world, without proper treatment (ie medication) will not help the many with serious mental illnesses. That includes me.
The last thing wjj needs to hear is that his "mental illness is not real", most people couldn't even imagine his suffering.

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Hi Cris ,

I strongly believe that religion is as good as tranquilizers for easing your mental anxiety - so it will have effect on some of the symptoms of all depressions.

Religion - and especially if you talk with other people about it - will also help on
depression caused by mental traumas (bad experiences) - it will work like speech therapy - and you will feel that you have something to hold on to , and a group of people where you belong and feel safe.
Also helps to prevent suicide ......

Religion is not a bad thing at all .....

Physical exercise also works against depression - studies have shown that ....

Also regular prolonged laughter (at least 30 minutes - or better one hour) , has antidepressive effect in studies .... laughter causes repeated depolarisations of the cell membranes in the limbic system of the brain with intervals of about 150 ms -
actually like a very small ECT(electrochock)
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wonderfull! Let's talk about depression in medical or science pages of the website.

I'm actually done preaching! hooraah, you say. Good.

Now let me tell you what I do know as fact from what I've learned from my seven senses. (taste, touch, smell, hearing, sight, mind, and spirit). Let science debate the seven senses until the cows come home. The problem is that the cows already came home and you ate them. Now the truth. I have never heard, seen, or felt God, the devil, angels or any otherworldly being except for one thing. When I was most depressed, I did feel some sort of "black-hole" type of presence come up behind me and touched me. That's it.

What I do know is that there is something which I was born with which I have never found in anyone else. Call it GOD or Heaven or holy spirit. It is that which I am. The only presence I have ever felt it in is in people in some churches while I am in church. When they get up to leave, it leaves them also.

It is easily deduceable that Christs words were from a spirit which is not worldly. Who among you could say such things from your own being. NONE.

I don't know your fate or mine. But I do know that where I come from is the place I want to return, and that I don't belong in the physical and I have been ready to leave for many years. There is truly nothing here for me, so I thought I would give you a few words while I am here and functional.

In my depression, I am not functional in any way. Currently I am more functional than most. I am a productive and respected member of society. In fact, I met personally with the vice president of the national corporation I work for which has ten to twenty thousand employees, just the other day.
Religion - and especially if you talk with other people about it - will also help on
depression caused by mental traumas... Also helps to prevent suicide ...... Religion is not a bad thing at all .....

Neither is heroin, if you use it to treat crack addiction. An that is essentially all you've done. You've not tackled the real problem of depression or suicidal tendencies. They will remain as long as you keep turning to religion.
Now the truth. I have never heard, seen, or felt God, the devil, angels or any otherworldly being...

Yet, Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy are beyond your scope of belief. Can you be so sure those presents under the tree and the money under your pillow were placed there by your parents?

What I do know is that there is something which I was born with which I have never found in anyone else. Call it GOD or Heaven or holy spirit.

It's called your 'self.' No one else possesses it. No gods or spirits required.

I do know that where I come from is the place I want to return

Your mothers womb?

There is truly nothing here for me

That much is true, there are no spirits, gods, angels or demons here so you'll have to find solace in your imagination.

Instead, why not simply join the physical world and enjoy everything it has to offer?

In fact, I met personally with the vice president of the national corporation I work for which has ten to twenty thousand employees, just the other day.

You brought him a letter from the mail room?

So, what is it, ten or twenty thousand? Certainly, the vice-president wouldn't be very impressed with you if you didn't know that simple fact.
One last word to all those who I invited here and even to those who commented with their irrellevant comments. I will give you a KEY which can turn you from a beast into a person. All religions and even sciences and even Tom Cruise has a premise. KNOW YOURSELF. If you don't wish to know yourself then you are truly worth less than the animals which occupy the earth but do not destroy it as you do by sucking out its resources and turning its surface into concrete and asphault, and polluting its atmosphere.
If there is a protector of the earth, it will surely remove all of you and put you somewhere where you can do no more harm.

The Key is this. Examine your reflex or defense mechanism which causes you to ignore, reject, or change the subject from my words in this post. When you understand why you do this, you will begin to come alive.

Please spend a little time using the key and I will have a less boring and nauseating world to live in. Thanks for your time.

I am finished with my testimony. If anyone wishes to contact me, I will try to keep my email address.
Please spend a little time using the key and I will have a less boring and nauseating world to live in.

Not a hope in hell. :D

One last word... I am finished with my testimony.

You keep saying that yet keep returning with more nonsense.
Here is my conclusion and the last of your non-sense.

Christ said in the Gospel of Thomas: "many of the first shall be last and shall become a single one". That's me.

Now, according to the Bible there are the elect, who are those which are present at the return of Christ. the 144,000. I believe those are in me also, because there are not 144,000 decent believers who do not sin living today.

Now it is said that they will rest in the Father. They are resting in me. So I am the Father. Not your Father the devil, but his father.

So, this elimininates all of my depression and I will believe it until I either see Christ, or Michael plants one foot on land and one foot on sea and says: "let there be time no longer".

I came in an hour which you thought not.
I never knew you, so depart from me you workers of iniquity!
witnessjudgejury said:
I came in an hour which you thought not.
I never knew you, so depart from me you workers of iniquity!

WJJ, take rest in the fact that the weight of the world does not rest on your tiny little shoulders. You are a man like any other man. Nothing unique and mysterious about you I am afraid. That's OK though. Just be the man you are and do the best you can but please stop fooling yourself into thinking your purpose on this earth is something other than getting through the next day and being grateful for the food on your plate. Be kind and gentle and all the things you are but see yourself as 'not worthy'; be 'humble'; expect to sit at the least favoured place at the table. You are not a prophet or a messiah or any such thing. You are just a man. There is plenty miracle enough just drawing breath. Let go of these other notions of yours. They are not things for you to worry about.


You are not a prophet or a messiah or any such thing. You are just a man.

Hilarious! And the differences between WJJ and the prophet you believe are... ?

If someone else, lets call him Paul, were to take note of what WJJ was saying and then years later wrote most of it down, WJJ would have a huge following. We could call it 'Juryianity.'

Funny stuff, c2o.
(Q) said:
Please spend a little time using the key and I will have a less boring and nauseating world to live in.

Not a hope in hell. :D

One last word... I am finished with my testimony.

You keep saying that yet keep returning with more nonsense.

You are quite correct. There is no hope in hell.

And, I see you have begun to focus on your new home.

As you are one of those freaks who finds it necessary to have the last word I find it entertaining to play with you on your way out. You won't have the last word but, you will have the last scream with your friends.

I really do hear your father calling you home. If you need to know where he is you are walking on the roof of his house. Now hurry along and be on your way home. I'll send an angel to escort you.
c20H25N3o said:
WJJ, take rest in the fact that the weight of the world does not rest on your tiny little shoulders. You are a man like any other man. Nothing unique and mysterious about you I am afraid. That's OK though. Just be the man you are and do the best you can but please stop fooling yourself into thinking your purpose on this earth is something other than getting through the next day and being grateful for the food on your plate. Be kind and gentle and all the things you are but see yourself as 'not worthy'; be 'humble'; expect to sit at the least favoured place at the table. You are not a prophet or a messiah or any such thing. You are just a man. There is plenty miracle enough just drawing breath. Let go of these other notions of yours. They are not things for you to worry about.



Christ tells me in the Gospel of Thomas that the world is not worthy of me.
Hmm. Sometimes I think he was only talking to me because people like you have no understanding of his message.
witnessjudgejury said:
I came in an hour which you thought not.

Stop imitating and speaking so proudly as if you were pure like God himself, he would laugh at you. Ask him what he thinks of you-- ask yourself what you think of you.
As you are one of those freaks who finds it necessary to have the last word

Your last words are as vacuous as your first.

I find it entertaining to play with you

I'm glad you're entertained. You've been entertaining as well, but lately have become sad and pathetic.

I'll send an angel to escort you.

What will the angel look like?
c20H25N3o said:
WJJ, take rest in the fact that the weight of the world does not rest on your tiny little shoulders. You are a man like any other man. Nothing unique and mysterious about you I am afraid. That's OK though. Just be the man you are and do the best you can but please stop fooling yourself into thinking your purpose on this earth is something other than getting through the next day and being grateful for the food on your plate. Be kind and gentle and all the things you are but see yourself as 'not worthy'; be 'humble'; expect to sit at the least favoured place at the table. You are not a prophet or a messiah or any such thing. You are just a man. There is plenty miracle enough just drawing breath. Let go of these other notions of yours. They are not things for you to worry about.



If a man needs to have a delusion of grandeur in order to get rid of his horrible depression, why would a "good" or "christian" person try to bring him down and give him back his depression?
Simple answer, you are a worker of iniquity. Get on the boat with your friend Q and hurry along to your father the devil. I will send an escort for you also.

The majority of the world could care less who I am, so what's the difference?

I may be doing some work along the way but, I told you the reason I was here.

that's all.
"If a man needs to have a delusion of grandeur in order to get rid of his horrible depression, why would a "good" or "christian" person try to bring him down and give him back his depression?
Simple answer, you are a worker of iniquity."

WJJ, a lot of people would find that accusation offensive. Maybe the people here just really care about the truth...
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