from the beginning, the end

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(Q) said:
Did Paul really exist?

We are led to believe such a thing. Regardless, whoever wrote about Jesus did exist, whether he made the story up or simply stole the idea from somewhere else. If anyone of the so-called apostles actually knew the man they called Jesus, we should at least know his real name.

His real name was Yeshua. The translators messed it up. There were no J's in the alphabet.

There are several paintings of Paul the apostle in existence today and his face looks the same in every one of them. Also, It is recorded in history that he was born about the time of Christ and died by beheading around 65 ad.

Also, James the Just was translated from Jacob, whom God changed his name to Israel.
Maybe Yeshua never existed but he does now and he has come to destroy you all, children of the evil one.

Your spirits give you away. You are spiritually dead and are used by the spirits of your creator, the devil.

The fact that this makes no sense to you is enough to prove it. You are but carcasses which have hearts that beat temporarily.

I am here to give you life, to raise you from the dead, or to kill you completely and remove you from the earth, your choice.
c7ityi_ said:
but amen is an egyptian god..

yes, and Alpha and Ohmega are the first and last letters of the hebrew alphabet, and dogshit doesn't taste good. So, what's your point.

Lord cast all of these evil spirits into the abyss and show these people their nakedness and their shame. Then kill them swiftly if they persist. In Yeshuas name we pray. "AMEN"
And Father, If they choose not to pray the prayer which is the only logical thing to do for a person looking for truth, and you choose not to kill them swiftly. Let them each have two more spirits which are ten times as evil as the ones which posess them so they may destroy themselves and be put out of their misery.

Let my words be inspiration to those looking for truth and stop those who wish to cover each statement with dung from doing any more of it.

Destroy the wicked with fires, wars, waters, winds, earthquakes, plagues, disease, volcanoes. Let them drink the wine of their fornication and become drunk with it and let them kill eachother. Nuke the bastards if you must. Just get them off my planet so I may have peace and a stomach which is not ready to vomit day and night from their wickedness. They are so ridden with the disease of their deceipt that they tell themselves lies and believe them. Remove those who destroy the earth and the spirits of those who would choose good over evil but are not able because the choice is no longer made available to them. You once drowned every soul on earth except Noahs family for the same type of wickedness. Do it again Lord, the harvest is ripe and their is no more good to be sown on this planet as my post here has proven. Let the last of the last of the formed beings be born so that this diseased race may be removed from the earth. Afterwords, let them sleep a thousand years and when they are awakened, let the evil ones and those who have done that which is unforgivable, be cast into outer darkness and the lake of fire to burn for eternity. The people here don't listen to the truth, they just comment on things like their closed minded opinions of my mental stability which they have learned from books written by atheists. Truly, this world is over ripe. There is no good here and no possibility of growing it. Let it be done. Destroy the inhabitants of this earth or remove me far from them, back to where I came from. As the bible has said, kill them all and sort them out later.
As the bible has said, kill them all and sort them out later.

That's so beautiful and touching... kinda brings a tear to my eye...

O.k., so that didn't work and I must have travelled down the wrong path. I came here to find the truth and to find out who I am so, Let me go down the opposite path with infallible reasoning using mostly fact. The following is the reasoning of what the bible really says.

This Father created a son and apparently something similar to the Oedipus complex occurred. The son thought he was better than the father and the father got angry and told him he was going to create a room for him, fill it with fire and lock him in it forever. How loveing.

So for some reason these two decided to create something to take out their frustrations with eachother upon, Adam. So they put Adam in a garden and told him not to learn the difference of good and evil. Then they tricked him and made him learn it and then they punished him for it by kicking him out of the garden and telling him he would suffer his entire life and that instead of living forever, he would die in less than a thousand years.

Along the line they taught man to do satanic blood sacrifices with animals to sacrifice for their sins which they made them commit and to worship their creators who hated eachother.

Jesus came along and decided he would cause man to hate eachother and kill eachother so they would cease to exist.

Keep in mind that no one has ever seen any of these father gods or son gods and probably never will.

Now Jesus was real. Even the jews believe he was here, but that he was a false prophet. Jesus said himself in Luke 10 or 11 that he came to bring fire and to cause division. So he gathered a group of people, one by one and taught them to love him and teach others his beliefs. The other group he taught to hate him and kill him. His theory was that the church would grow and there would be wars and wars and wars and a final war and everyone would be killed. He sacrificed himself because he hated the world and its ignorance and simplicity because he was different and could not force the world to become like him.

I identify with him and his words because he gave me the only explanation I have been able to find of why I am different from the rest of the world. Now, it is ignorant for me to live by a book which could be nothing but a lie, so I must accept that I am different and figure out how to enjoy my life while I am here. It is unfare for me to think that the world should become like me because I am different. Just because I have different reasoning a more awareness and spirit is no reason for me to judge others who don't have it.

So, I will accept that I am different and even admire you for haveing blurred the line between what is good and what is evil. We are better off not knowing the difference (not having eaten of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil) anyway.

No one deserves to burn in hell or to suffer for the anger between a father and son whom we will never know or see. We are who we are and there's not alot we can do about it.

Jesus left 2,000 years ago and hasn't returned. His church died and became a business, the thing which he hates. The "christian" nation has churches of "Satan" and "Lucifer" in it and was founded by freemasons who made a constitution which gave freedom of religion. "Christians" go to church to bask in the holy spirit for an hour and then they go home as dead as they were when they went in.

So lets just get along. I'd like to see lots of naked women walking around in the streets.
"Let me go down the opposite path with infallible reasoning using mostly fact."
Sure, like the bible is based on truth.

BTW Didn't god create jesus AFTER adam and eve?

I'm tired of telling you you're being threatening to people.

Why don't you find some other way to be special, than preaching people telling them they are wrong, and telling them they are going to burn?

What I'm going to do to try and be special, is to help people who are mentally ill. To help them understand and to ease their suffering.

Most people are just gonna think your a dickhead if you talk to them this way dude.
"So lets just get along. I'd like to see lots of naked women walking around in the streets."

* The game`s up Satyr ... :D
No. Jesus was created before any other being, according to the text of the bible.

I am not really interested in what people think of me as it is my responsibility to judge myself and the only way to judge myself is to know myself.

In order to know myself I must examine my relationship with my world, with those who are like me, and those who are not like me. I cannot help others (remove the splinter from their eye) until I can see how to help them (remove the log from my eye).

I have searched high and low inside and outside, rightside up and upside down, good and evil, god and satan, Jesus and Ezekial, Elijah and Moses, Noah and Paul, John the baptist and John the revelator, The last two prophets and the angel of death, The Son of perdition and the prodigal son, Tom Cruise and John Travolta, Anton Levey and Allister Crowley and even Miss Cleo and Rod Parsley. The whore and the business man, the philosopher and the Electro Shock Therapist. Nowhere have I found myself but inside me.

A psychiatrist once told me that I was simply one who walks the fence.
I am


Now the bible is the only book in history which seems to have the best philosophy and a history of people who back it up. So I have spent most of my time with my roots in Jesus Christ as he told me to do. I talk to "GOD" without ceasing in my head. He does not answer of course. However, I do have belief that he works through me and does whatever he wishes to do with me. I have prayed a thousand times for him to do so because, I have no use of myself for myself. My depression has destroyed every ounce of Joy and desire which I could have as a man. That and the fact that I cannot find a woman to worship who would worship me. They just use me, as the world has taught them. People are spiritually dead and devoid of love.

By the way, a "dick head" would be someone who impregnates the world with his head. Is that a bad thing?

Now I have found the world full of spirits. Angry spirits, greedy spirits, analyzing spirits, parental spirits, alcohol spirits, death spirits, depression spirits, love spirits, business spirits, musical spirits, painting spirits, philosophising spirits, atheism spirits, closed minded "christian" spirits, anti-christian spirits, demonic spirits, black-hole spirits, and my spirit. The list goes on and on. My spirit, when I am strongest, is overpowering and penetrates everyone. When I am weak, the other spirits use people to depress me, confuse me, cause discomfort, inconvenience, etc.

I don't know who I am but, It seems that the God of the Bible has decided everything and written it down so it will not be changed. The interesting thing is the fact that, in the bible, God has been known to change his mind from time to time, and me being continuously evaluating my condition and the condition of the visible and invisible worlds, maybe I have pointed out his hard headedness and he will be easier on you.
If you continue to rebel though, He will surely double your torment until he sends the angel of death.

So, we have "christians" who are wacked out and they blow up an abortion clinic, but we have not one "Christian" who goes into a church like Rod Parsleys and overturns the money changers. Every church has at least a table where they sell books and things. Jesus would shit himself if he saw this. Rod Parsley has an entire enclosed store in his church and has an email address called "customerservice".

I will continue later.
Let's talk about anger for a moment.
First though, is there anyone in the world who spends their vacation time doing this?

Now, Anger is the most powerfull tool to initiate change.
Is it wrong for me to make people angry?

You are not angry at me anyway, you are angry at what I am saying.
I know many people and not one of them dislikes me or is angry at me.

If you have fear, then it is scary to make people angry.

What I found many years ago is that if I go into a group of people, no matter how large or small, and I make them angry at me, first they unite much more strongly witheachother, second they think as a group, against what I am saying usually but, they come to their own conclusion to my argument and the world is a better place afterwards. As long as they don't kill me, I have done a good thing. If they kill me then I guess my time is up, and I'll try again next life, if there is one.
If the plagues come which I have called upon the earth, then I will assume that I am the last of the two prophets spoken of in the Book of Revelation. I have power over weather, plagues, and to turn the rivers into blood. I will preach for 42 months after which you will kill me. My body will lay dead in the streets for three and a half days and the world will throw a party. Then God will put life back in my body, I will stand up and you will watch me return to heaven. What more could a "man" ask for?
I've been praying for death for many years and I cannot wait to get away from you sick dead freaks. I have a free ticket to heaven without fear of judgement. I can handle 3.5 more years if I know thats the end of my prison sentence here. If there are no plagues, then I must keep searching for who I am and how to make the world a better place because If I have to come back in another life, I certainly don't want to come back to spiritually dead people like you all. I will try to put life in you before I leave. As God said to (Ezekial I think) preach to that pile of bones, and command life into them!
If the plagues come which I have called upon the earth, then I will assume that I am the last of the two prophets spoken of in the Book of Revelation.

I really really hope one of them isn't bird flu :rolleyes:
WJJ please call the nearest shrink, I think that you are skipping some of your meds.

Did you run out?.
I will preach for 42 months after which you will kill me. My body will lay dead in the streets for three and a half days and the world will throw a party. Then God will put life back in my body, I will stand up and you will watch me return to heaven.

A prophet in the making. You go girl!
witnessjudgejury said:
So, we have "christians" who are wacked out and they blow up an abortion clinic, but we have not one "Christian" who goes into a church like Rod Parsleys and overturns the money changers.

If you want something done you have to do it yourself.

I have power over weather, plagues, and to turn the rivers into blood. I will preach for 42 months after which you will kill me. My body will lay dead in the streets for three and a half days and the world will throw a party. Then God will put life back in my body, I will stand up and you will watch me return to heaven.

If you think that, you are crazy. But if you are honest to yourself, I know you don't believe it. If you try to become a prophet by your own will you just end up crazy. A true prophet would leave alone those who don't want to hear his words.

I've been praying for death for many years and I cannot wait to get away from you sick dead freaks. I have a free ticket to heaven without fear of judgement. I can handle 3.5 more years if I know thats the end of my prison sentence here.

Don't be so weak, you started the game so you'll have to stand out.

If there are no plagues, then I must keep searching for who I am and how to make the world a better place because If I have to come back in another life, I certainly don't want to come back to spiritually dead people like you all.

We are a reflection of what is within you. If you are angry, you see anger, if you are sad, you see sadness, if you are loveful, you see loveful people. If you want to change the world, change yourself. If everyone helps themselves, everyone will receive help.
c7ityi_ said:
We are a reflection of what is within you. If you are angry, you see anger, if you are sad, you see sadness, if you are loveful, you see loveful people. If you want to change the world, change yourself. If everyone helps themselves, everyone will receive help.

Titus 1:15

To the pure, all things are pure; but to those who are defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure; but both their mind and their conscience are defiled. (WEB)


So again I ask: WHO AM I ?

Don't say: "you are just a man, trying to make his way in the world".

First, inside, I am not similar to a man.
Second, I am trying to make my way OUT of the world. I'm trying to find my purpose and accomplish it as quickly as possible so I can get out and go back to where I came from.

Why is it that only a demon spirit would tell Christ who he was as he spoke through another man?
Maybe I will put a demon spirit in one of you and command it to speak through you and tell me who I am. I probably don't need to though, because most of you have allowed yourselves to be posessed by evil spirits and are living comfortably with them inside of you anyway, without even being aware of them.

Maybe someone should force KidRock to tell me who I am. He obviously knows more than the rest of you because he wrote the song "Bawitdaba" (Paul with the Ball). Whether he got his info from a cult, from drugs, from evil spirits, or from scripture, he knows something.

If I am the prophet, then, as it is written, if any man seeks to or does hurt me, he will in like manner be killed.

people should be carefull when they don't have any idea what or who they are dealing with.
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