from the beginning, the end

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**Q guote: Your reactions will be as follows:

Seek professional help and stay away from guns.** & children!. ;)

Still not as bad as Sir Loone, if anyone here remembers.
witnessjudgejury I may not share the same religious beliefs as you but I do empathise with your suffering - having suffered from mental illness for much of my life myself.

Without wanting to sound like i'm telling you what to do, I just want to say that I don't think you deserve to suffer because of any illness, and personally I have found that seeking help from a medical professional that you trust - really helps.
Obviously it has to be someone you like, trust and respect.

I continue to see a psychiatrist that I trust, now and then, to make sure I keep things in check and that none of my symptoms gets out of hand.

You are free to travel on whatever path you choose, but it is my belief that no-one deserves to suffer so painfully for any medical problems that they might have -
and that god would not want them to suffer so unfairly for those medical problems, whether they are cancer, diabetes, mental illness, migraine headaches, whatever.

I agree. I certainly do not deserve to suffer. I don't think God was the cause of my suffering other than to make me who I am. If you want to make a candle into a shape of an animal, you have to burn the wax so you can mold it into another shape.

Maybe, instead of saying that I make no sense, you might ask me a question about something which does not make sense and I will give you understanding if you are sincere.

You see, I automatically do the things which christ told his disciples to do without even knowing it or thinking about it. He said: "Answer them in their folly". This means, if they ask a stupid question, give them a stupid answer. I did not lie, I just answered in a sort of parable or in a few short words which perfectly explains the question to me using a picture so to speak. If you want ears to hear, I said I would give them to you.
Does it make sense that you are living on the surface of a very large ball that is spinning around in space, and if you jump in the air, you come back down and land on the spinning ball?

Science can explain it to you in terms of physical laws but science has no idea where the laws came from.
if they ask a stupid question, give them a stupid answer.

No one asks yet we still receive.
(Q) said:
if they ask a stupid question, give them a stupid answer.

No one asks yet we still receive.

You are the one pressing the buttons to get here and take by reading.

If I take a dump here, that doesn't mean you should eat it.
Many people are asking the same question that I was initially screaming when I came to this website. WHO AM I ?

I still basically have no idea other than the words of God. The first few lines of the Gospel of Thomas, the words about Paul the apostle, and the song of Kid Rock and the song of Dave Mathews.

Of course the majority of the responses here were, "you are a nutcase". I got a better answer than this from a simple badger who, if I put my hand in front of his hole, would jump out and chew it off.

There was one answer given from someone which deserves comment. To the questions. "who am I?" and "what is my purpose here", he responded.
1) you haven't got a clue
2) Light relief

The first answer leads one to believe that like many, he knows something and is hiding it. Such is the goal of the evil ones.

The second answer "Light relief", to many means that I am here to be a comedian. To others it means that I am to shed light and truth and give relief to the human race.

This person did send me in the direction of the Gnostics which have kept secret the words of christ which are not in the bible. For instance, those which I posted in the new thread "Did God (King James) include everything?".

Let me explain a difference between me and mankind. Christ told his disciples to stop focusing on the visible turn your focus to the invisible. It was comforting to hear those words because that is one difference. I have spent my time since birth focusing on the invisible. Those things which make people do what they do. Where is God, Who is God. Some people ask themselves "There must be something more than this?". I have always known there was much more than this and have focused on figuring out what it was and where it was and what am I in relation to it. What are the things which were here before man and which will be here after mankind is gone.
I am here for a short time, I came from somewhere, and I will return to somewhere when my body dies.

Man focuses on the present, on instant gratification, and making his short physical future comfortable.

A comment which seems funny and had no bad intention, was actually intended to harm my spirit by making me feel inferior or some such thing. The force which causes your words to do something which you did not intend is what interests me.
I have spent my time since birth focusing on the invisible.

And of course, the invisible and the non-existent are one and the same.
By the way, I have complete trust in all of you being my psychiatrist. You may see this as a scary thing but the truth is that I know your limitations and what it is that limits you and I know my unlimitations and what it is that limits and unlimits me.
By you analyzing me, I can begin to wake you up!
You may see this as a scary thing but the truth is that I know your limitations and what it is that limits you and I know my unlimitations and what it is that limits and unlimits me.

Understandably, an unwittingly unintelligent unpost.

Does it make sense that you are living on the surface of a very large ball that is spinning around in space, and if you jump in the air, you come back down and land on the spinning ball?
Well yes it does make sense once you understand how things work. It is only confusing to those who are ignorant of the facts.

Science can explain it to you in terms of physical laws but science has no idea where the laws came from.
Science is an exploratory tool and not everything has yet been explored, that is hardly the fault of science. But using imagination to provide answers to things we have yet to explore is simply irresponsible and deceptive, i.e. religion.

The second answer "Light relief", to many means that I am here to be a comedian. To others it means that I am to shed light and truth and give relief to the human race.
No, it simply means that your ideas lack ay credibility to the extent that they cannot be taken seriously.

Let me explain a difference between me and mankind.
You are part of mankind and you are seriously deluding yourself if you think any differently.

I have spent my time since birth focusing on the invisible.
Which possibly explains why you have no grasp of reality.

Some people ask themselves "There must be something more than this?".
It is a common question. The truth is there isn’t anything else – learn to deal with it. The challenge is that if something is not right then it is entirely up to us to change it. Living in a fantasy world of imaginary gods in the false hope that it will get better is the defeatist and irresponsible attitude perpetuated by religion, something we must all learn to fight against.

I have always known there was much more than this and have focused on figuring out what it was and where it was and what am I in relation to it.
You have known no such thing, you have merely hoped that there was and have followed an imaginary false trail ever since. Wake up and face reality and take some real steps to improve life on this planet.

What are the things which were here before man and which will be here after mankind is gone.
The universe – we are most likely just a drop in the ocean of time, irrelevant and insignificant.

I am here for a short time,
Unless science can solve the aging problem, probably another 20 years before we see significant progress.

I came from somewhere,
You came from an egg and sperm.

and I will return to somewhere when my body dies.
No you wont. You will simply cease to exist.

Man focuses on the present, on instant gratification, and making his short physical future comfortable.
There is no reason to believe there is anything else. But many of us are trying hard to extend that short time rather than hope that imaginary deities will do it for us.
Hi Paul ,

I am back again , now let´s see - your psychiatrist says that he can do no more and that you have to live with it - and you have tried all kind of medications .....
I read your new thread " Did God (King James) include everything ? " it was really a long post (postings).....
Have you ever had manic episodes, where you where really active and only slept a little ?

Depression can be caused by physical illness , at least the following bloodsamples should be taken : Haemoglobin, lymfocytes with a differential count, sodium, potassium, creatinine, calcium , cobalamin (=vitamin B12), TSH , liver enzymes , glucose. Also lack of Thiamin (= vitamin B 1) and poisoning from heavy metals ( for instance led or mercury ) can cause mental illness.

Mental illness caused by physical illness is resistant to normal medicine against mental illness - but normally easily cured if you cure the physical disease .....
Also abuse of drugs or alcohol can cause mental illness .....

Depression can be caused by bad experiences (traumas) - normally that kind of depression is best cured by a combination of speechtherapy combined with an antidepressive medication.

Rarely some types of Schizophrenia and Schizotypia can mimick the symptoms of depression without psychotic symptoms - only showing the socalled "negative symptoms " : social withdrawal, loss of energy, sadness, tendence to isolation -
in that case the treatment is not antidepressive drugs, but one of the new drugs for
Schizophrenia called "ABILIFY" - it is the only drug with proven effect on negative symptoms .....

If it is a real depression that comes back - periodic or recurrent depression - then the treatment is first to get you out of the depression and after that stabilize you so you do not enter back into depression .
To get you out of the depression you will need antidepressive medicine - the strongest are tricyclic antidepressants such as DOSULEPIN and the mao-inhibitors
such as ISOCARBOXAZID (this one does not go well with most other medication,be careful )...
If medication is not enough you might need ECT (electrochock) or perhaps transcranial magnetic treatment (you cannot receive ECT if you are taking ISOCARBOXACID).

After you have come out of the depression, you should combine your antidepressive medication with medicine that prevents you from entering into depression again , such as LITHIUM or Valproat or Lamotrigen ............

Perhaps you should take a chat with your psychiatrist again - perhaps he overlooked something .................

Best of luck, Paul !!!
Paraclete - do you think religion is a justifiable method for reducing depression, after all it does give people hope whether the hope is justified or not?
I take lithium for bipolar, effexor for depression and trazedone so I can sleep at night.
But, thanks for the info.

How do you stop six billion people who are running with all of their might, as fast as they can into an eternal fire?
Answer: land mines. (tornados, hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanoes and (large hail) storms. This is the only way to get people to question their mortality and immortality and begin to wake up and read what God has put into words and make some sense of it all. A few will read and understand, but only a few.

When you begin to understand who is your father and who is your grandfather, you will understand. If you come from the earth body and spirit, you are of your father which is the God of the earth. When you die, you go into the earth and are closer to the fire in its center which is said to be hell. Satan and these other 7 Gods created man and rebelled against their father. Jesus was not a son of God like satan. He is God the grandfather who became a man, the son of man. His message is that you'd better cut yourself loose from your father and go to him, who is the Grandfather. This is necessary because he came to destroy the works of the devil and you are those works, so you must become one of Grandfathers works and loose yourself from the devil, your father.
apparently, since no one is paying attention, I suppose it necessary to blow the worlds mind and drive the lost into insanity.

Paul said:"pray without ceasing". Obviously, this appears an impossible task. But, the fact of the matter is, that when you are thinking, God and the others, hear every thought and act accordingly. When you are thinking, you are talking to God. You are talking to the devil also. All those greater than you know every thought you have. Thinking honest and good thoughts is good, all others condemn you. If your thoughts are not with God, then as christ said, they are against him.
wjj - stop worrying about what might be able to hear your thoughts - gods and devils are only imaginary things - they aren't real.
Gods, devils, demons, mysticism, all these things come from ancient schizophrenic people who put their delusions in writing, and today it's believed to be the word of god.


The Relationship Between Schizophrenia & Mysticism

Bicameral man interpreted hallucinations as "voices of the gods."
body of evidence

The idea that man has a soul, and that it survives death, to either go to hell or heaven according to how one lived is not even a Hebrew original idea, but stolen or copied from the beliefs of ancient Egyptians.

So basically what you are uttering here to be "facts" is nothing more than delusions. Your gods, devils, and the buybull is nothing more, then ancient stories stolen from other civilizations and put together by desperate illitarate slaves of ancient past.

I take lithium for bipolar, effexor for depression and trazedone so I can sleep at night.

And you wonder why...

no one is paying attention
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