from the beginning, the end

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Maybe someone should have given a positive comment.
Like I said no one can take you seriously to do that.

It is clear that no one wants a prophet.
At least not a self-proclaimed one with no credibility.

proof positive of the rejection of the true God.
No just rather simple common sense.
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Here is an issue: What spirit is it that makes you say that no one is taking me seriously when there have been over a thousand visits to this thread.
How do you know they aren't all laughing at you? Judge by the quantity and style of the replies received, i.e. those that actually took time to say something.

You are clearly antichrist spirit who is open to anything but proof of Christ. I am only trying to show proof.
No you are preaching your own personal perspectives of what you believe that do not even appear to correspond with any known Christain cult or accepted perspective.

Please close thread. It is too long.

I will change my name and start another if I choose.
You are free to do so but you do not need to change your id - you are not being banned in any respect.

Just try to debate rather than make long personal assertions that I hope you realize no one is going to take seriously.
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