from the beginning, the end

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He whom the Lord sets free, is free in deed.
I am free but I choose not to be.

The rest who think they are free and those who think the Lord has set them free but, are mistaken, are enslaved by demons and every evil thing.
I don't recall any prophet trying to force scripture down peoples throat, or judging and saying cruel things like you do.

No one's going to kill you, you just want to be special so you act as if you were above others,

You may honor God with your lips but your heart is far away from him.
c7ityi_ said:
I don't recall any prophet trying to force scripture down peoples throat, or judging and saying cruel things like you do.

No one's going to kill you, you just want to be special so you act as if you were above others,

You may honor God with your lips but your heart is far away from him.

Oh no! Dont set him off again :m:

I thought it was beginning to come to an end ;)
peace? They will call him the prince of peace, but that's not what he is or was.
Luke 12:51 "Suppose ye that I came to bring peace to the world. Nay, I came to bring division".

Maybe I am the test. As you have treated me, so would you have treated the Lord.
Suppose Jesus came here and you forced him to watch "The View" and Jerry Springer for 20 hours a day. He would vomit and kill you all. So, he sent me to do it for him.

My experience these last days is like a man who has to go to the bathroom so bad that he cannot hold it. There are people everywhere so he can't go outside. There is an outhouse in the midst. He opens the door and finds crap slung everywhere, vomit on the floor, a dead skunk and rat rotting along the wall, and something nasty looking dripping from the ceiling. He puts a large plastic bag over himself and cuts a little hole in it so he can do his business. He goes in, tries not to touch anything, does his business and gets out as fast as he can and tries not to vomit in his bag.

It is like living in a world where everyone you come across throws up on you and you nearly vomit because of their presence.

There is nothing left in this world that is pure except minerals. Even the evil is not pure anymore.

Suppose you would like to cut me down with your words as you do. You would do the same to the Lord if he were me. Contrary to your belief, you are trying to cut down the tree of life which means you are seeking death. Of course God is going to give you what you want.

Put your best pharisees (scholars and teachers) on the job and I will verbally tear them to shreds.
1)God will not let me fail
2)I have the scriptures
3)I have power over the spirits which choose their words for them.
4)I am smarter than them and you.

So, the last prophet will kill most of you with plagues, dehydration, and weather, trying to get you to listen to him. Then you will kill him and he will go back to heaven. As he leaves there will be an earthquake stronger than any in 6,000 years and most if not all of the rest of the living will be killed. After you are all dead, because you are evil, the prince of peace will return.

is anyone getting the picture.
Who am I?
c7ityi_ said:
I don't recall any prophet trying to force scripture down peoples throat, or judging and saying cruel things like you do.

No one's going to kill you, you just want to be special so you act as if you were above others,

You may honor God with your lips but your heart is far away from him.

Obviously God has chosen to be fair with this last generation and to have the scriptures told to them even though they don't want to hear them. Everyone must know, before they are killed and put to rest for 1,000 years, and before they are sent to hell for eternity, why it is that they are being judged and sent to burn in fire forever. So he will force the scriptures down their throats.

I promise, you will kill me.
I don't want to be special, I don't want to be at all.
I am here to do a job and give glory to whom glory is due.
How can I be special when I choose not to be anything but what God makes me be.

My lips do not always honor God but God is inside me. He is not far from anyone, even the Devil himself does nothing except what God puts in him to do.

Yes my son, confess your will to a preast. Perhaps he will have the decency to call the loony bin.

You are in good company there. Lots of Jesuses, many prophets, a few historical figures. Youd fit right in.

A bit of an anal fixation plus a vomit complex. Dodgy, classic mainstream symptoms.
I am tired of arguing with non believers and non believing "christians".
Let me quickly explain and prove why all of you must pay the death penalty before christ returns and why most of you are going to burn in hell if you do not change.

First, Christ said: "he who loves this life shall lose it, and he who hates this life will gain it and be given eternal life".

Who of you, if your child hates his life would not do everything possible to make your child love his life? You are guilty of murder and will pay with death.

He who believes in me will not parish but will have eternal life. You do not believe what he said (above) so you do not believe in him who said it and you will burn in hell for it.

If you do not believe in me, whom he sent, you do not believe in him who sent me and will burn in hell.

I am as an original apostle, I do what God has told me to do without receiving a penny for doing it. If you have a bad thought against me you are a murderer and will pay with the death penalty. If you argue with me using christs words you are a blasphemer and a murderer and have committed the unforgivable sin and will most certainly burn in hell.

Tomorrow I will try to teach you how to change and become acceptable to the Lord.
But, you must know, there is not enough time left for you to become acceptable so you must die before Christ returns.

Either way, he came at an hour when you thought not, like a thief in the night and he caught you unaware. Most of the fault is your preachers. Your preacher is a business man and a soothsayer. He says only that which is soothing to his flock. He will burn in hell for this.

I am tired of arguing with non believers and non believing "christians".
Then go to sleep or learn patience.

Let me quickly explain and prove why all of you must pay the death penalty before christ returns and why most of you are going to burn in hell if you do not change.
If you must but please remember that there is no hell, there was never any Christ, and of course something that never was can never return.

First, Christ said: "he who loves this life shall lose it, and he who hates this life will gain it and be given eternal life".
That is indeed the sales pitch of the myth.

Who of you, if your child hates his life would not do everything possible to make your child love his life?
What a peculiar question.

You are guilty of murder and will pay with death.
Nope – I haven’t killed anyone yet.

He who believes in me will not parish but will have eternal life.
More sales talk for a product that doesn’t exist.

I am as an original apostle,
No you aren’t. You are delusional.

I do what God has told me to do without receiving a penny for doing it.
Go take some more medication.

If you have a bad thought against me you are a murderer and will pay with the death penalty.
Not bad just pity and sympathy.

If you argue with me using christs words you are a blasphemer and a murderer and have committed the unforgivable sin and will most certainly burn in hell.
Once again there never was a Christ – that is a myth.

Tomorrow I will try to teach you how to change and become acceptable to the Lord.
Please don’t since that will be breaking the rules of the forum concerning preaching.

But, you must know, there is not enough time left for you to become acceptable so you must die before Christ returns.
Bit of a waste of time you trying to tell us then isn’t it?

Either way, he came at an hour when you thought not, like a thief in the night and he caught you unaware.
Don’t remember that. Damn, did I miss him already?

Most of the fault is your preachers.
Good job I don’t listen to preachers then.

Your preacher is a business man and a soothsayer.
Umm, I don’t have any personal preachers.

He says only that which is soothing to his flock. He will burn in hell for this.
Tough luck for him then.
OOOoooh!! I'm so scared of Jesus and his giant, unwashed, smegma covered penis!

Hey down in hell, do they have like, barbeques? Where you can eat each other?
And can you like, sell your arsehole for a cold drink??

Its easy to realise how religion came to be such a prominent force in our society, until recently.
wjj said:
If you argue with me using christs words you are a blasphemer and a murderer and have committed the unforgivable sin and will most certainly burn in hell.

Like we care!
Thank you both for trying to weaken my spirit. You are guilty of murder and the sin which cannot be forgiven in this life or the next. You may now laugh yourselves to death. Satan has won you both into his eternal kindom. How proud you must be. As you know, pride was the first sin.

Now to begin:

In order for someone to be saved, you must first realize that you need to be saved and therefore you must know what you need to be saved from. It is obvious that God does not care for you personally. The battle is not yours. It is between God and Satan who wishes to overthrow him. You automatically belong to the devil because he created you and he is the GOD of your world and the world system. Christ came to destroy Satan and his works, as I have said several times, and you are one of his works! I am not fighting any battle, I'm just doing what MY creator put in me to do. As you should be able to tell by now, we do not share the same creator.

Christ came to steal you away from your master and creator, Satan. Hell was created for Satan only, but his children will follow him there if they do not break away from his chains which are on you and your life and your world.

It is simple to prove the existence of GOD in millions of ways. Look in front of you. What happened, you see billions of living atoms which through light came into your eye and then into your mind and your memory and you are taking an infinite amount of pictures in a second. Did evolution do that? What did you evolve from? the answer is LIGHT. Have science prove that. Jesus said: The father is the light which came into being of itself.

Now for the devil. What is it that causes the reflex, making you pull back and erect an instant wall of rejection when you here the name Jesus Christ?
What is it that makes it impossible for someone in the world to live the christian disciple type of life described in the bible? It is the world system.

What is it that causes you to lie to yourself, then believe the lie and to live in it.
an example:

A woman sits down in front of the mirror in the morning and looks at her face. She frowns and sighes realizing her percieved ugliness. She gathers her makeup and puts it on until she looks in the mirror and smiles and says to herself:"I am beautiful". She then goes out into the world acting as if she is beautiful, all day. This is the kind of thing that makes me vomit. First, she looks like a whore. Second she tempts men to lust after her flesh, third, there is no truth about her, only superficiality.

Now, as Jesus said, God the Father of Gods, has put a drop into every man. To find that drop you only need to grow very tired or very sick. That drop is the thing that is the comfort which your being retreats to. You can make it grow by learning truth and dispelling lies, and by learning about the God of gods, Jesus Christ, and by loving truth and therefore, Him, as he is TRUTH. Or you can leave it as a drop until God takes it away from you and you find yourself dead and heading into the second death which is the lake of fire.
Christ came to steal you away from your master and creator, Satan.

Thou shalt not steal, sinner.
"He shall come as a thief, in the night" don't call Christ a sinner.

I suppose I should examine something I said which will cause the "christians" to jump all over me for and call me the devil, and which the Satanists will praise me for.

I said:"God does not care about you". The evidence is overwhelming. He drowned everyone on the earth in 40 days except for 8 people. All the animals included. He has let christianity turn into a business, homosexuality to be woven into the fabric of society, murder of unborn children to be the murderers freedom, etc.

"Christian" will say: "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, so that whosoever would believe on him shall not parish, but have eternal life".

Apparently there were either translational problems with this, or God was just in a good mood on that day. He does tend to be somewhat bipolar at times like me. First, the world is an evil place and God hates the system of the world and the master of it.
Second, it does not say:"God so loved man". Jesus came to bring, sword, division, and war. He came to make people kill eachother. He came to destroy the works of the devil, which is the world.

There is that drop in each one of you which came from heaven and which God loves.

"The wages of sin is death", and "it is every mans purpose to die once".

When Christ returns, the world will be presentable to him. This means you must change or die. Revelation tells you that your all going to die and there will be no one on earth when he returns.

People ("christians") believe that when the bible states "one will be taken, and the other left" that this means christ will come and rapture the church. It is not true. One person will live for God and will go to him to rest when he dies, the other will live for himself and will die and remain in the earth, and most likely in its moulten core where the devil is supposedly chained and imprisoned.
(Q) said:
Christ came to steal you away from your master and creator, Satan.

Thou shalt not steal, sinner.

I suppose I used a bad choice of word. "steal". Is it stealing if you break into someones house and take back what they stole from you?

Of course I am a sinner. I have a flesh vessel and that makes me a sinner. I crucify my flesh daily, but we all have a thorn in our flesh which will not be removed until God removes it from us.

You are clearly preaching and no one is taking you seriously, believers or unbelievers.

Please raise an issue that you would like to seriously debate or I will close this thread and censor any future attempts at blatant preaching.
Is it stealing if you break into someones house and take back what they stole from you?

So, two wrongs make a right?
(Q) said:
Is it stealing if you break into someones house and take back what they stole from you?

So, two wrongs make a right?

The only wrong was done by the one who stole your belongings.

If it were up to me, I would go to the mans house, knock on the door and when he answered I would shoot him in the foot. then I would cut off both his hands and make him carry what he stole from me back to my house. Then I would cut off his feet and make him walk home. It is wrong to steal and without hands or feet, he will never do it again.
Cris said:

You are clearly preaching and no one is taking you seriously, believers or unbelievers.

Please raise an issue that you would like to seriously debate or I will close this thread and censor any future attempts at blatant preaching.

Here is an issue: What spirit is it that makes you say that no one is taking me seriously when there have been over a thousand visits to this thread.

You are clearly antichrist spirit who is open to anything but proof of Christ. I am only trying to show proof.

Please close thread. It is too long.
I will change my name and start another if I choose.
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