Friends getting religious

No, it has nothing to do with any desire for you to be wrong that you believe I have. It has to do with the fact that I can say with certainty that you did not communicate with any god of any variety, nor did one communicate with you.

That's the truth.

You, like many others, have been fooled by a lack of understanding of the world around you.

prove it.
look... all I'm asking for is a little white space ... comprende?

I thought I made it clear.. I would like to read what you have to say... your formatting sucks... I could care less if there are typos or i isn't capped
if you solicit mr smith to present himself to you, and a man shows up and says, "hi. i'm mr smith. you requested my presence." certain characteristics of mr smith are inherent and known and the characteristics you observe are the same. why would you doubt that this is mr smith?
- How are these characteristics known before meeting Mr. Smith ?
- Mr. Smith is there. I can't see him, I can hear his voice and the sound comes from his person, if I reach out to where I see Mr. Smith I can touch him, hell I can even smell Mr. Smith and the smell seems to grow stronger the closer I get to where I see him.
Mr. Smith has a clear presence. And even if I, for some reason, doubt his existence I can always ask someone else whether or not Mr. Smith is really there.

actually, it's difficult to preconceive the nature and characteristics of god. they are a bit abstract and many aspects of it are not what you're familiar with from observing yourself and other human beings.
Gods characteristics are abstract ? You mean as in existing only in the mind.. ?

but as you interact with him, get to know him, and observe his nature and characteristics
- How does one interact with something that has no presence ?
- I thought you said that God was pretty much just 'his nature' and 'his characteristics'. These will have have to be clear and present for anyone to interact with God. So to say that one will come to know Gods characteristics once one interacts with him is contradictory to what you claimed before.

, they indeed line up with what god should be (in my opinion).
he actually surprised me.
These two statements are in contradiction with each other.

in a way i couldn't conceive what to expect, and in other ways, he is very unlike what many religious people would like you to believe to suit their own agendas. but i knew him when i got to know him. and his character does so happen to be in line with how he is described in the bible.
More contradiction..

his character is so different from human character, that you draw a conclusion. if it walks like a duck, chances are, it's a duck.
You have no such frame of reference. "Duck" will have to be defined and then experienced before one can say "If it walks like a duck, chances are, it's a duck."
If you're going to mudsling, at least make it clear what you're referring to.

Also, I wasn't taking any personal shots at you. I actually said I would not take it as far as that, if you read my latest post. And again, it's very telling that the second someone doubts you, your initial reaction is to criticize that person.

you are proposing that either i am a liar or that i am delusional and questioning my ability to have relationships. i consider that mudslinging. nothing you are proposing is founded in fact, it is simply a reaction to being threatened by a testimony that is something you don't want to believe.
look... all I'm asking for is a little white space ... comprende?

I thought I made it clear.. I would like to read what you have to say... your formatting sucks... I could care less if there are typos or i isn't capped

i apologize and will try to pay more attention to my formatting.

because of that, he knows what choices you will make before you make them. that does not mean that he makes those choices for you.

It exactly does.

See, if God is omnipotent/omniscient, then at the very moment he created the world, he foresaw all the actions of all the people to come. He knew some would be sinners, but created the world the way he created it anyway.

That means that things were in motion towards a destiny, and we have no choice in the matter.

So you cannot entertain free will and omnipotence/omniscience at the same time, they are mutually exclusive.

Also, on God telling you there is no time where he is, well, without time, there is no cause and effect. No cause and effect, no blame, no sin, just unrelated events. Again, this blows your arguments out of the water.

if you could see into the future life of a person, you could see the choices they make before they actually make them. that does not mean you have made those choices for them.

It does if you created the entire Universe they lived in.

if you do not use your knowledge of the future to influence them or it's outcome, then the person's freewill is intact,

Not if you created every element they will ever interact with, and at that point, understood the full ramafications of every aspect of it.

even though you know their future. this is really quite an easy concept, and i never have understood why people have such a difficult time with it. i guess it's because a lot of people are so close minded that they think there are no other possibilities other than what they are aware of in their own small existence and world.

No, it's simply because YOU do not understand the full ramafications of such a belief!
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god pushing his agenda from day one... oh wait there is no day one because time has no meaning ;)
you are proposing that either i am a liar or that i am delusional and questioning my ability to have relationships.

Nope, JDawg proposed you may be a liar. I was proposing you are incapable of having an adult relationship with a life partner. Please don't blame him for things I have said.

i consider that mudslinging. nothing you are proposing is founded in fact, it is simply a reaction to being threatened by a testimony that is something you don't want to believe.

Do you have a life partner?
prove it.

Sorry, dear, but that burden is yours, not mine. I'm not the one making outrageous claims in long, unchecked rambling posts.

you are proposing that either i am a liar or that i am delusional and questioning my ability to have relationships. i consider that mudslinging. nothing you are proposing is founded in fact, it is simply a reaction to being threatened by a testimony that is something you don't want to believe.

As usual, you're not paying attention. First, your ramblings make you sound entirely delusional. That's not mudslinging, it's an observation. Second, I never once questioned your ability to maintain a relationship. That was Phlog, not me. As a matter of fact, when he proposed it, I said I would not take it that far.
well since i was writing about my experiences, beliefs, opinions, and life, the words "I", "me", and "my" are pretty appropriate don't you think?

And the thing you don't seem to grasp, is that everything you have written, is all subjective. It's as real as the Yorkshire Ripper hearing 'God' tell him to murder prostitutes. He was so convinced of his experiences, he murdered 13 women, and attacked several others.

The only difference between you and him, so far, or in as much as you have revealed, is that the voices in your head aren't telling you to kill people yet.

As 1% of adults are schizophrenic, and a portion of those will hear voices, your symptoms don't surprise me Lori, I just find it sad that nobody has helped you over them yet.
- How are these characteristics known before meeting Mr. Smith ?
- Mr. Smith is there. I can't see him, I can hear his voice and the sound comes from his person, if I reach out to where I see Mr. Smith I can touch him, hell I can even smell Mr. Smith and the smell seems to grow stronger the closer I get to where I see him.
Mr. Smith has a clear presence. And even if I, for some reason, doubt his existence I can always ask someone else whether or not Mr. Smith is really there.

you knew mr. smith is a person, that he is a man, you invited him, he showed up, perhaps you needed an accountant and that's why you invited him, and then he reconciled your books.

Gods characteristics are abstract ? You mean as in existing only in the mind.. ?

in a our minds as humans, as you normally don't see or experience god-like characteristics in the people you interact with everyday, or in yourself. things things that he is capable of doing (at least in my experience) are not what you're used to seeing take place in the material world. they're just very unfamiliar and difficult to conceive of unless you experience it, and even then, it's a lot to get your head around.

- How does one interact with something that has no presence ?

it's a spiritual presence, not physical.

- I thought you said that God was pretty much just 'his nature' and 'his characteristics'. These will have have to be clear and present for anyone to interact with God. So to say that one will come to know Gods characteristics once one interacts with him is contradictory to what you claimed before.

i don't think that a lot of religious people accurately interpret and reflect the nature or characteristics of god that are presented in the bible. probably because they're relying on intellect and their limited knowledge of only things in the material world to interpret. therein lies the conflict and why i was suprised in a way. he isn't like a lot of people who claim to be an authority on him say he is, but he is like what i think god should be like. his nature makes sense to me. the ways in which he has communicated, the things that he has accomplished, how the whole experience came about, and what i learned about him having experience...getting to know him...identified him.
he isn't like a lot of people who claim to be an authority on him say he is, but he is like what i think god should be like

So are you saying that god is percieved however an individual percieves him, or that you know what others do not when it comes to matters of spirituality?
Then I am god!....Sweet

go plant a tree in your back yard

help it grow by your watering and care

the birds start making nests and the bees are using the pollen;

when you bring out the chain saw, then you can feel like god!

point is, that life is from your gift, your choice, your action imposed to existence by your choice.

seems that is what is so cool about being conscious;

ever read the old scritpures?


And Jehovah God saith, `Lo, the man was as one of Us, as to the knowledge of good and evil; and now, lest he send forth his hand, and have taken also of the tree of life, and eaten, and lived to the age,' --

seems that guy said the same thing

but me personally, i like using 'basic common sense' to really comprehend what is real and true.
Nope, JDawg proposed you may be a liar. I was proposing you are incapable of having an adult relationship with a life partner. Please don't blame him for things I have said.

i apologize for the misunderstanding. the unfounded accusations were coming so fast i got confused about who was making which one. your proposal was pulled straight out of your ass by the way.

Do you have a life partner?

a life partner? well, the only person that i've "partnered" with in any way for my entire life is my mother, and unless she passes away before i do, she won't even qualify for that.

if what you're really asking is whether or not i have maintained healthy and intimate relationships of longevity during my lifetime, the answer is yes, quite a few actually. i have very little conflict in my life. actually, now that i think about it, i have no conflict in my life in regards to relationships. i have been best friends with 3 women that are like sisters to me since the age of 12. that's 30 years. i have had 3 approx. 5 yr relationships with men over the course of my life that i either dated, cohabitated with, or was married to. and i've been in love with and maintained a relationship with one man (who was my first love) for 27 years now. i have a lot of good friends that i love and who love me from a lot of different places and times, a variety of ages, genders, races, and sexual orientations. i have a great relationship with my mom and dad and my brother, and i am very pleased with all of that because all of these people are very important to me.

and the fact that you have asked me this question, in regards to an proposition that is irrelevant and pulled straight out of your rear end, just because i believe in god, is sad and absurd.
Again, Lori, I didn't claim you were lying. I simply said it was a possibility, and even said that you were a nice person whom I wouldn't want to assume was lying. But I think I'm taking back that part about you being nice.

But regardless, the claims I did make (that you were delusional) are not unfounded. There is no god, so the idea that you think you're being spoken to by one makes you delusional.