Friends getting religious

Let them believe as they wish.

I don't see myself becoming religious again ever again, though. I simply hope that I do not end up suffering for my lack of belief; after all, God, it is you and not I that refuses to show yourself, and you gave us, supposedly, our logic and reason, so what do you expect me to do?

Are you really pleading with a fictional character on an internet forum?

Obviously not. I was making a point: if God wants us to believe in him, why doesn't he show himself?
he shows himself all over the place. some people don't recognize him.
not nice, very honest, not fond of religion, only shows up when invited, admires introspection, hates lies, very creative at getting a point across, conversational but doesn't beat around the bush (no small talk really), and in regards to him and spiritual knowledge, he gives you what you ask for, so be careful what you ask for, apparently fond of the arts. he'll develop you, mature you, as you become more childlike with him, like innocense without ignorance, i think he likes inquisitive people, people who want to know why, and he has a great sense of humor, but is not sympathetic as far as i know.
He's also never shocked or offended. Seen it all, done it all I guess.
not nice, very honest, not fond of religion, only shows up when invited, admires introspection, hates lies, very creative at getting a point across, conversational but doesn't beat around the bush (no small talk really), and in regards to him and spiritual knowledge, he gives you what you ask for, so be careful what you ask for, apparently fond of the arts. he'll develop you, mature you, as you become more childlike with him, like innocense without ignorance, i think he likes inquisitive people, people who want to know why, and he has a great sense of humor, but is not sympathetic as far as i know.

And what did he look like ?
All of a sudden, a lot of my friends are getting really religious. We are all connected on Facebook and I see a lot of them talking about going to church activities, praying, and all that stuff. It just amazes me that all of a sudden a lot of them are getting so religious. One of them told me that I had better be getting with God because I am not getting any younger. What does age have to do with believing or not believing? They think because half of their lives is over with that they need to start believing now

Hedging their bets.

What it reall comes down to is most people are afraid to die, they really are. It's instinctual to try and live and survive even at the expense of others if necessary.

Most people are not strong enough and mature enough to accept that they will one day perish without thinking there must be something more to it.

Maybe there is, but since I don't know that I refuse to believe in anybody else's version of what happens or go along with any magical way out of here.

That comes with a price higher than death. Selling your soul while here on earth.
Why he had a long white beard and a lightning bolt in his hand of course. Or were you being serious? In which case, he was not visible.

So how did you know it was actually God that 'showed' himself to you ?
How did you establish that there was an entity there at all ?
not nice, very honest, not fond of religion, only shows up when invited, admires introspection, hates lies, very creative at getting a point across, conversational but doesn't beat around the bush (no small talk really), and in regards to him and spiritual knowledge, he gives you what you ask for, so be careful what you ask for, apparently fond of the arts. he'll develop you, mature you, as you become more childlike with him, like innocense without ignorance, i think he likes inquisitive people, people who want to know why, and he has a great sense of humor, but is not sympathetic as far as i know.

my kind of guy!

let me guess on the looks

about 5'10, brown(auburn) hair long, gotee but no need to shave as it is natural, dark complexion but definitely a peckerwood

scar over the lip, (kalki)

deformed ear (buddha)

practically no body hair

just so damn good looking it hurts (yet an introvert)

let me guess on the age; 43 as of 2 days ago

i don't think that guy is God (in fact, i will put my life on it) as that would be scary to actually consider some magic dude walking around and not using his magic wand to fix up everything with a waive of the hand

meaning; if YOUR god is all powerful (omnipotent), and is willing to allow what is occuring in gaza to continue; i already hate em!

the man you see, is, nor should ever be considered God

see zech 13

4And it hath come to pass, in that day, Ashamed are the prophets, each of his vision, in his prophesying, And they put not on a hairy robe to deceive.

when the people 'know him' the religions will be over

5And [one] hath said, `I am not a prophet, A man, a tiller of ground I am, For ground [is] my possession from my youth.'

a man

6And [one] hath said unto him, `What [are] these wounds in thy hands?' And he hath said, `Because I was smitten [at] home by my lovers.'

gave up all (even his own family)

as who the heck would ever believe a single man could be capable of actually sharing life; few believe him!

and it ruins most every bit of credibility within family, friends, community and even amougst the forums of complete strangers. (all because he is just that straight and most can't handle it)

if that person be a god (omnipotent); then shame on him for not being capable of conveying the truth on the first pass

otherwise, i will have to conclude, that a man be who does the deed (the revealing) as bound to a convenant with existence (God)

do me a favor, the next time God comes over to your house; PM me and i will come over immediately; i would like to slap the bastard, for allowing what is occuring across this earth, to continue!
So how did you know it was actually God that 'showed' himself to you ?
How did you establish that there was an entity there at all ?

Well something communicated with me by a variety of means and the communication accomplished things and it had a well defined nature or personality which I described. The reveal of his nature and purpose was how he showed himself to me.