Friends getting religious

Also enmos, there have been select times when I have experienced a physical manifestation of a spirit. These experiences were different than the communication with god.
“Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
...Holy Babble... ”

uh, do you think you change anything by calling it that?

and if it makes a difference..then do you think it's positive or negative?

I call it as it is. That is an effective factor in positive change.


1. Well something communicated with me by a variety of means and the communication accomplished things and it had a well defined nature or personality which I described. The reveal of his nature and purpose was how he showed himself to me.

2 a: not clearly defined, grasped, or understood : indistinct <only a vague notion of what's needed> ; also : slight <a vague hint of a thickening waistline> <hasn't the vaguest idea> b: not clearly felt or sensed : somewhat subconscious <a vague longing>

3: not thinking or expressing one's thoughts clearly or precisely <vague about dates and places>

4: lacking expression : vacant <vague eyes> <a vague stare>

5: not sharply outlined : hazy
Obviously not. I was making a point: if God wants us to believe in him, why doesn't he show himself?

he shows himself all over the place. some people don't recognize him.


he showed himself to me. and it was obvious.

Aside from you not yet explaining how you know it's god, that does not mean it's shown itself to anyone else.

Who knew I was a god.

Take a number.

He's also never shocked or offended. Seen it all, done it all I guess.

That contradicts The Holy Babble.

Hedging their bets.

What it reall comes down to is most people are afraid to die, they really are. It's instinctual to try and live and survive even at the expense of others if necessary.

Most people are not strong enough and mature enough to accept that they will one day perish without thinking there must be something more to it.

Maybe there is, but since I don't know that I refuse to believe in anybody else's version of what happens or go along with any magical way out of here.

That comes with a price higher than death. Selling your soul while here on earth.

I cannot sell my soul to anyone, god or devil or whatever.

So how did you know it was actually God that 'showed' himself to you ?
How did you establish that there was an entity there at all ?

Well something communicated with me by a variety of means and the communication accomplished things and it had a well defined nature or personality which I described. The reveal of his nature and purpose was how he showed himself to me.

Also enmos, there have been select times when I have experienced a physical manifestation of a spirit. These experiences were different than the communication with god.

That doesn't answer the question.
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I cannot sell my soul to anyone, god or devil or whatever.

No, my point is that you sacrifice who you really are and what you truly believe to side with an idea you don't believe in.

All because you are too weak to face the known fact that you will die and end it at that.

That is all that is known, everything beyond that is speculation.

In other words, I would rather maintain my dignity and not claim to know something I can not.
I cannot sell my soul to anyone, god or devil or whatever.

No, my point is that you sacrifice who you really are and what you truly believe to side with an idea you don't believe in.

All because you are too weak to face the known fact that you will die and end it at that.

That is all that is known, everything beyond that is speculation.

In other words, I would rather maintain my dignity and not claim to know something I can not.

Yes. That is part of why I cannot do it.
i knew that was coming

such that most have experienced what happens when someone finally resolves to beliefs over truth; they then use others to question their own beliefs.

many who grow up, fight against beliefs but when they find, there is no consistant answers about 'life' from most every other type of knowledge; often the regression to the accepted, becomes their truth.

"sad but true"


Pretentious, meaningless drivel.
Let them believe as they wish.

I don't see myself becoming religious again ever again, though. I simply hope that I do not end up suffering for my lack of belief; after all, God, it is you and not I that refuses to show yourself, and you gave us, supposedly, our logic and reason, so what do you expect me to do?
use your logic and reason, showing himself renders them useless..then all people will be the same.
Obviously not. I was making a point: if God wants us to believe in him, why doesn't he show himself?
because then everyone will believe in him..
if you ask why doesn't he want us to all believe in him? i tell you why did he create us in the first place?
you don't know what the person next to you is sometimes are not sure what is it YOU want, you get confused...and given god's superior properties, you expect to know what HE thinks??
“Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
...Holy Babble... ”

I call it as it is. That is an effective factor in positive change.
your goal is noble, but your method is wrong..

in trying to show others' ignorance, you present no argument at all, but instead demonstrate your intolerance and desperatness and rudeness...
but because i believe you are none of these, i ask you to rethink the image you're giving of yourself, and the methods you use to reach your goals..
So how did you know it was actually God that 'showed' himself to you ?
How did you establish that there was an entity there at all ?

Well something communicated with me by a variety of means and the communication accomplished things and it had a well defined nature or personality which I described. The reveal of his nature and purpose was how he showed himself to me.

Also enmos, there have been select times when I have experienced a physical manifestation of a spirit. These experiences were different than the communication with god.

That doesn't answer the question.

Would you please answer the question Lori ?
If she's being honest (of which there are no guarantees, much as I think Lori is a nice person and wouldn't want to think she would lie) the most that is true is that she has had hallucinations, or perhaps maybe they were simply very vivid dreams that she cannot, in hindsight, distinguish from reality.

She really believes she saw God. We know she didn't. What's to argue?

it must be very convenient for you to accuse someone of being a liar everytime the testify to something you don't want to believe. but your accusation is unfounded and false. i am not lying.

Aside from you not yet explaining how you know it's god, that does not mean it's shown itself to anyone else.

yes, i'm the only one. i'm so, so special. the fact is that i'm not the only one as i have heard much testimony from others that i'm sure you would accuse of lying as well. how do you know a dog is a dog? how do you know a person is a person? how do you know a tree is a tree? you identify it by it's known characteristics. the characterists and nature of the entity that i've interacted are god-like. therefore i have concluded that it is god. there is also the fact that i asked for this specifically. i truly wanted to know god if he existed. my intentions and desire sincerely was, if god is real, then i want god to prove that to me, and he has.

That contradicts The Holy Babble.

the fact that he's omnipotent, unafraid, and created everything to be exactly as it is at any given point in time and under any circumstance? i don't think so mr. bible thumper. it has been my experience that he is not shocked or offended by anything.

That doesn't answer the question.

yes it does. you just don't like my answer. but it satisfies me just fine, and that's all that really matters.

Would you please answer the question Lori ?

if you solicit mr smith to present himself to you, and a man shows up and says, "hi. i'm mr smith. you requested my presence." certain characteristics of mr smith are inherent and known and the characteristics you observe are the same. why would you doubt that this is mr smith? actually, it's difficult to preconceive the nature and characteristics of god. they are a bit abstract and many aspects of it are not what you're familiar with from observing yourself and other human beings. but as you interact with him, get to know him, and observe his nature and characteristics, they indeed line up with what god should be (in my opinion). he actually surprised me. in a way i couldn't conceive what to expect, and in other ways, he is very unlike what many religious people would like you to believe to suit their own agendas. but i knew him when i got to know him. and his character does so happen to be in line with how he is described in the bible. his character is so different from human character, that you draw a conclusion. if it walks like a duck, chances are, it's a duck.
if you solicit mr smith to present himself to you, and a man shows up and says, "hi. i'm mr smith. you requested my presence." certain characteristics of mr smith are inherent and known and the characteristics you observe are the same. why would you doubt that this is mr smith?

You wouldn't under these circumstances, just stop and think that Mr Smith was a manifestation of your imagination, based upon your preconceived ideas?

Let's look at this rationally, you have either;

A, Met God.
B, Suffered a well documented phenomenon of mental aberration.

Sorry Lori, but it's B. Get help.
the fact that he's omnipotent, .

Sorry Lori, but there are very good logical expositions of why God cannot be omnipotent.

Let's start with;

"Is God willing, but not able, or able, but not willing, to prevent Evil?"

And then there is;

"If God is omnipotent, how can we have free will?"
If she's being honest (of which there are no guarantees, much as I think Lori is a nice person and wouldn't want to think she would lie) the most that is true is that she has had hallucinations, or perhaps maybe they were simply very vivid dreams that she cannot, in hindsight, distinguish from reality.

She really believes she saw God. We know she didn't. What's to argue?

the fact is that you do not know that i didn't, you just really want that to be true because you don't believe god exists and you are convinced that you are right about that.

isn't a hallucination visual? a dream is a mental vision. this was not a vision. he has used dreams and visions to communicate with me, but his presence is and was not a vision. god presented himself to me over a long period of time and by a variety of means. he showed himself to me by communicating with me and revealing things to me in a variety of ways. he has shown me his nature. the things that he has accomplished in me and in my life, and the ways in which he has accomplished this, are astounding and are absolutely indicative of what god is and should be, if he in fact is god. i've had some very intense isolated spiritual experiences, but generally, this identification was made over a long period of time, and in response to my sincere desire and request for knowledge of god. it's not like he slid down a rainbow and landed his ass in my living room for some brief show. if that had been the case, then me, being sane, would have assumed that i was hallucinating, or i would have assumed that it was in fact not god, because i would have not been able to identify him based on an experience like that.

the fact is that i am a sane, functioning human being, and that is verified by the people around me, and by the life i lead every day. i have never been prone to hallucinations, and if i were, my hallucinations would not accomplish a damn thing. if i were prone to hallucinations, i would hallucinate about all kinds of things all the time. if i were a liar, i would lie about all kinds of things all the time. neither of those things are true about me. the people who know me best would say that i am almost too honest. i don't believe there is any such thing as too honest. i am completely healthy. when some of my more intense experiences were going on, the things i was testifying to worried my parents. they took me in for an mri of my head. the results were indicative of normal health and functioning. i have never been medicated on anti-anxiety or anti-psychotic meds, or depressants, or stimulants, or any other prescribed drug other than some infrequent antibiotics, as i very rarely get sick. i manage an accounting department. i have a college degree. i did very well in school. i do very well in my profession. i drive a car. i own and take care of a home and a pet. i travel. i enjoy the arts. i maintain very successful and solid relationships with all kinds of people. i am very close to my parents and my good friends. they trust me. they respect me. they admire me. and as much as they might have been concerned for me during a time of hightened spiritual experience (i found it difficult to comprehend and to reconcile; it blew my mind), every single one of them has looked me in the eye and almost reluctantly said, "i know damn well you're not crazy. you're one of the most well adjusted and stable people i know."

this is fact...the only reason that you have postulated that i am either insane, a liar, or prone to hallucinations, is because you don't want to believe what i'm saying. you have your mind made up about the existence of god, and you don't want to be wrong. this in fact is why you haven't experienced him yourself. you don't want to. i mean, what would happen to your precious ego? that is so tied to your precious intellect? what if then, you had to be the one who was accused of being crazy, or a liar, or hallucinating, or on drugs, or in need of drugs? you can't handle it. well i can. i don't give a flying fuck about my ego. i care about the truth.
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You wouldn't under these circumstances, just stop and think that Mr Smith was a manifestation of your imagination, based upon your preconceived ideas?

Let's look at this rationally, you have either;

A, Met God.
B, Suffered a well documented phenomenon of mental aberration.

Sorry Lori, but it's B. Get help.

this is such a prevelant, convenient, unfounded, and lame response. i think you need the help.
the fact is that you do not know that i didn't, you just really want that to be true because you don't believe god exists and you are convinced that you are right about that.

No, it has nothing to do with any desire for you to be wrong that you believe I have. It has to do with the fact that I can say with certainty that you did not communicate with any god of any variety, nor did one communicate with you.

That's the truth.

You, like many others, have been fooled by a lack of understanding of the world around you.

isn't a hallucination visual?

Not necessarily, no.

As for the rest of your post, as soon as you figure out how to properly separate your posts into something less daunting to read, then maybe I'll read it. But I won't be bothered with a 300-word paragraph.