Friends getting religious

not MY meaning, THE meaning.

No its just your meaning. There is no "THE" meaning and never has been and never will be.

you think i created the universe?

The universe wasn't created.

you think i created the laws that govern it?

There weren't any created laws that govern it. There are regularities which we codify as "laws" but these are just our observations.

the laws that govern it just happen to have meaning, otherwise they wouldn't be called laws,

Nope. They are just called laws by convention. The only "meaning" is that we have noticed this regulaity in how things work.

all humanity seems to want to do is find ways to circumvent those laws.

I have noticed people like you are dissatisfied with how things are and you like to pretend there a re gods and eternal lives and what not.

But how reality works is how reality works. You can work with it or fail.
well then you can stay here and have it. i'm moving on to something perfect and so are many others.

Nope. You will die and that will be it.

your thoughts manifest even if you don't overtly act on them.

Just as thoughts.

they influence your behavior and your beliefs and your perceptions, and if you don't believe me then ask a psychologist.

Some of them can if they are strongly held and you act on them. Most are simply passing ponders of no real consequence.

your thoughts also have energy.

Nope. At least not as you are using the term.

it's what some people call prayer.

Prayer is just wishful thinking.

that's actually why you don't know god.

There is nothing to know.
Yet more proof that your delusion is not consistent, because previously you have stated 'law is law'.

Want to get your thoughts together, and come back to us with a dogma that doesn't contradict itself?

it's not dogma, but an observation. what you want is manifest according to law. you want truth, you'll get it. you want lies, there are plenty. you want to know god, you will. you don't, fine. you want development, it's available, but if you want to focus on other things, stagnation is always an option. it's about what you want in this life. there's a lot available to choose from. you don't see that in your everyday surroundings? in the lives of people you see?
it's not dogma, but an observation. what you want is manifest according to law. you want truth, you'll get it. you want lies, there are plenty. you want to know god, you will. you don't, fine. you want development, it's available, but if you want to focus on other things, stagnation is always an option. it's about what you want in this life. there's a lot available to choose from. you don't see that in your everyday surroundings? in the lives of people you see?

bLAH blah blah. More pseudo mystic bullshit Lori.

When you put these words together, do you really think they make any sense?

You're just making this shit up as you go along.
bLAH blah blah. More pseudo mystic bullshit Lori.

When you put these words together, do you really think they make any sense?

You're just making this shit up as you go along.

what i said was not pseudo, or mystic, or bullshit. what i said was entirely objective and can be observed, tried, and tested in your everyday life. you would love it if it were mystic, then you could deny it arbitrarily.
what i said was not pseudo, or mystic, or bullshit. what i said was entirely objective and can be observed, tried, and tested in your everyday life. you would love it if it were mystic, then you could deny it arbitrarily.

Oh yeah right, follow your three step plan and be talking to God in no time.

It was pseudo mystic bullshit Lori, a product of your dementia. Seek help.

btw it's 'pseudo mystic', ie, fake mysticism, 'pseudo' and 'mystic' are not separate.
Oh yeah right, follow your three step plan and be talking to God in no time.

It was pseudo mystic bullshit Lori, a product of your dementia. Seek help.

btw it's 'pseudo mystic', ie, fake mysticism, 'pseudo' and 'mystic' are not separate.

yes, making conscious choices is dementia and observing those choices is mysticism. don't seek help; go fuck yourself.
yes, making conscious choices is dementia and observing those choices is mysticism. don't seek help; go fuck yourself.

You chose to hear God in your head?

But still this doesn't resolve the inconsistencies in what you have said, that 'law is law', but then it's your choice too?

Why do you get so angry when questioned about this? Can't you accept that you exhibit the symptoms of schizophrenia, and therefore it's very reasonable for anybody reading your claims to think you are suffering from it? Especially when you have not sought a disgnosis for such?

Really Lori, go get help.
You chose to hear God in your head?

in a way, yeah. i chose to want a relationship with know him, and it happened. i choose what i do with myself in regards to that relationship, and i choose understanding and truth above all things. that's not an easy choice.

But still this doesn't resolve the inconsistencies in what you have said, that 'law is law', but then it's your choice too?

well let me dumb it down for you. we have traffic laws in this society right? but you can ignore them and drive however you want anyway if you choose to. you might have to pay, and you might end up killing someone or yourself.

Why do you get so angry when questioned about this? Can't you accept that you exhibit the symptoms of schizophrenia, and therefore it's very reasonable for anybody reading your claims to think you are suffering from it? Especially when you have not sought a disgnosis for such?

Really Lori, go get help.

i'm not angry, my response was appropriate. first in regards to the adoration of masturbation that the typical atheist argues the right to have, which they do have the right to have (this is me being a smart ass). but more relevant i think is that it's so easy for you to offer up this completely unfounded theory that everyone who has experienced spiritual phenomena is schizophrenic, and everyone who believes in god is just stupid. i'm not the only one in the world who's received messages from god in various forms. i'm not the only one who has heard his voice. people all over the world have had experiences like mine or even much more trippy than mine has been. i am entirely healthy. i live in the real world, where i hold a responsible job, take care of myself and a home and other people around me. i have great relationships with people and have many people who love me, who if they thought i was sick, would have my ass in the hospital in a second no matter what i said about it. you don't think it's odd that none of the people i interact with every day of my life think and say that i am a very grounded and sane person?

yes, there was a time in my life several years ago when i went through something that literally blew my mind, and what i had to say about it, and my reaction to it, startled people around me and even scared me for a while. it's not simple to reconcile an experience that's spiritual with the material world around you. it's frustrating. but since then, i have found a way to reconcile it. it makes sense, it has meaning, and coming out the other end of it, i am a stronger, more capable person who has more peace and stability than i ever had before it happened. does that seem like the normal response to mental illness to you?

i will reiterate, from what i know of mental illness and schizophrenia specifically, it's not a condition that appears for a short time, provides meaning in the real world, that you recover from, and end up better off because of.

furthermore, i'm not sure that those who hear voices that tell them bad things, and produce an ill or insane effect in those people, aren't experiencing a spiritual phenomenon as well. seems to me that there are bad spirits as well as good. it also seems to me that there is something to be said for what you ask for, and what you make of it. if you want to be tortured, if you want to think the world's out to get you, or there is some vast conspiracy against you, if you want to be fed lies and believe it, and allow them to shape your life, then i believe those desires will manifest.

i don't tell you to seek help from a flippin' priest because you're an atheist do i?
Purpose is the intent in completing a goal, there is no benchmark for purpose, no definitive. Purpose is without meaning, and truly is devoid. You must understand that there is no plateau of achievement that all life must accomplish. Your own conception of purpose may not coincide with mine, but that is good and fair. Be happy that there is no secular meticulous purpose that we all must blindly reach.

In hindsight just do not assure your self that there is meaning and justification in all you do.