Friends getting religious

this is such a prevelant, convenient, unfounded, and lame response. i think you need the help.

Lori, in the response to Jdawg, you show tendencies towards 'stream of consciousness' in your writing style. IE, no punctuation, paragraphs, and the overuse of 'I'. Your world is you-centric, have you not noticed that?

Why don't you try objectivity for a change?

The fact remains;

A, You met God.
B, You suffer mental aberrations.

I think it's obvious which, but then I'm not living a delusion.
Lori, in the response to Jdawg, you show tendencies towards 'stream of consciousness' in your writing style. IE, no punctuation, paragraphs, and the overuse of 'I'. Your world is you-centric, have you not noticed that?

Why don't you try objectivity for a change?

The fact remains;

A, You met God.
B, You suffer mental aberrations.

I think it's obvious which, but then I'm not living a delusion.

There is a "C" option, Phlog--she could be making it all up. I think far too often we underestimate people's ability to fib.
the fact is that you do not know that i didn't, you just really want that to be true because you don't believe god exists and you are convinced that you are right about that. isn't a hallucination visual? a dream is a mental vision. this was not a vision. he has used dreams and visions to communicate with me, but his presence is and was not a vision. god presented himself to me over a long period of time and by a variety of means. he showed himself to me by communicating with me and revealing things to me in a variety of ways. he has shown me his nature. the things that he has accomplished in me and in my life, and the ways in which he has accomplished this, are astounding and are absolutely indicative of what god is and should be, if he in fact is god. i've had some very intense isolated spiritual experiences, but generally, this identification was made over a long period of time, and in response to my sincere desire and request for knowledge of god. it's not like he slid down a rainbow and landed his ass in my living room for some brief show. if that had been the case, then me, being sane, would have assumed that i was hallucinating, or i would have assumed that it was in fact not god, because i would have not been able to identify him based on an experience like that. the fact is that i am a sane, functioning human being, and that is verified by the people around me, and by the life i lead every day. i have never been prone to hallucinations, and if i were, my hallucinations would not accomplish a damn thing. if i were prone to hallucinations, i would hallucinate about all kinds of things all the time. if i were a liar, i would lie about all kinds of things all the time. neither of those things are true about me. the people who know me best would say that i am almost too honest. i don't believe there is any such thing as too honest. i am completely healthy. when some of my more intense experiences were going on, the things i was testifying to worried my parents. they took me in for an mri of my head. the results were indicative of normal health and functioning. i have never been medicated on anti-anxiety or anti-psychotic meds, or depressants, or stimulants, or any other prescribed drug other than some infrequent antibiotics, as i very rarely get sick. i manage an accounting department. i have a college degree. i did very well in school. i do very well in my profession. i drive a car. i own and take care of a home and a pet. i travel. i enjoy the arts. i maintain very successful and solid relationships with all kinds of people. i am very close to my parents and my good friends. they trust me. they respect me. they admire me. and as much as they might have been concerned for me during a time of hightened spiritual experience (i found it difficult to comprehend and to reconcile; it blew my mind), every single one of them has looked me in the eye and almost reluctantly said, "i know damn well you're not crazy. you're one of the most well adjusted and stable people i know." this is fact...the only reason that you have postulated that i am either insane, a liar, or prone to hallucinations, is because you don't want to believe what i'm saying. you have your mind made up about the existence of god, and you don't want to be wrong. this in fact is why you haven't experienced him yourself. you don't want to. i mean, what would happen to your precious ego? that is so tied to your precious intellect? what if then, you had to be the one who was accused of being crazy, or a liar, or hallucinating, or on drugs, or in need of drugs? you can't handle it. well i can. i don't give a flying fuck about my ego. i care about the truth.

you should either stop using your phone to post .. or realize no one is going to read shit like this :shrug:
I skipped right over it.

To the op,

If your friends start pushing religion on you, I'd suggest bringing it up in conversation. You'll get more talking to the friends pursuing religion than by coming here and asking people to speculate.
There is a "C" option, Phlog--she could be making it all up. I think far too often we underestimate people's ability to fib.

Well, yeah, but if she's lying, it sounds like she's also lying to herself, so I count that as 'B' too.

I think 'C' is reserved for televangelists, who _know_ they are lying just to make money. :)
Well, yeah, but if she's lying, it sounds like she's also lying to herself, so I count that as 'B' too.

I think 'C' is reserved for televangelists, who _know_ they are lying just to make money. :)

Attention can serve as a motivator for being dishonest, too. Think of how children lie. I'm sure there are people who never outgrow that.
you should either stop using your phone to post .. or realize no one is going to read shit like this :shrug:

It's a hard read, but if you do wade through it, it tells you a lot about Lori. She prides herself on a lot of things, but she appears single. Is religion filling a void in her life? Sounds like it.

On a rough count, 35 references to 'I', 17 'me', and 9 'my' uses. IE, Lori, lives on planet 'Lori'.
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Attention can serve as a motivator for being dishonest, too. Think of how children lie. I'm sure there are people who never outgrow that.

Maybe you are right. She mentions her parents, and friends, but not a life partner. Maybe she is still a child, and incapable of an adult relationship.
It's a hard read, but if you do wade through it, it tells you a lot about Lori. She prides herself on a lot of things, but she appears single. Is religion filling a void in her life? Sounds like it.

On a rough count, 35 references to 'I', 17 'me', and 9 'my' uses. IE, Lori, lives on planet 'Lori'.

It's a hard read, but if you do wade through it

Yeah ... right? ... I would kind of like to but.....
Maybe you are right. She mentions her parents, and friends, but not a life partner. Maybe she is still a child, and incapable of an adult relationship.

Well, I'm not going to go that far. I'm just offering up an option. I don't know if that would necessarily mean she's incapable of having a relationship.
Sorry Lori, but there are very good logical expositions of why God cannot be omnipotent.

Let's start with;

"Is God willing, but not able, or able, but not willing, to prevent Evil?"

And then there is;

"If God is omnipotent, how can we have free will?"


well, he could have chosen to create nothing. and he created the laws under which we exist and face the consequence of. for example, you are familiar with the law of gravity. the fact that this law exists does not stop you from jumping off the roof of a 10 story building if that's in fact what you want to do. how about biology? we, as humans, need water to live. it's a vital part of our composition. but if you want to, you can choose to cease from drinking water and die. nobody's stopping you. in regards to evil, it's a case of duality. like i said, he could have created nothing. in order for law to exist, the possibility of transgression must also exist. in order for life to exist, the possibility of death must also exist. in order for light to exist, the possibility of darkness must also exist. love, hate...good, evil...and so on, and so on. neither one of these things must be perpetuated, but if nothing is ever perpetuated, then nothing exists.


once i received an answer. can't remember what the question was specifically, but the answer i received was, "there is no time here." god is not under the constraint of time as we are here in the material world. therefore he can see the past, present, and future, all at once. because of that, he knows what choices you will make before you make them. that does not mean that he makes those choices for you. if you could see into the future life of a person, you could see the choices they make before they actually make them. that does not mean you have made those choices for them. if you do not use your knowledge of the future to influence them or it's outcome, then the person's freewill is intact, even though you know their future. this is really quite an easy concept, and i never have understood why people have such a difficult time with it. i guess it's because a lot of people are so close minded that they think there are no other possibilities other than what they are aware of in their own small existence and world.
jdawg and phlog,

do you have to be so pathetic, really? i mean, don't you find it a bit embarrassing? i'm almost embarrassed for you here...
you should either stop using your phone to post .. or realize no one is going to read shit like this :shrug:

so you're criticizing my grammar? really? that's pretty desperate. i didn't capitalize anything either. are you really incapable of reading what i've written? it's really that difficult huh?
therefore he can see the past, present, and future, all at once.

does he know which one is which though?

Time,having no meaning to him ....would cause confusion

there would be no past, present, future to him.
so you're criticizing my grammar? really? that's pretty desperate. i didn't capitalize anything either. are you really incapable of reading what i've written? it's really that difficult huh?

no bonehead... it's the massive paragraph... didn't I make that clear?
It's a hard read, but if you do wade through it, it tells you a lot about Lori. She prides herself on a lot of things, but she appears single. Is religion filling a void in her life? Sounds like it.

On a rough count, 35 references to 'I', 17 'me', and 9 'my' uses. IE, Lori, lives on planet 'Lori'.

well since i was writing about my experiences, beliefs, opinions, and life, the words "I", "me", and "my" are pretty appropriate don't you think? or did i misunderstand your inquiries and you were actually expecting me to speak for someone else. what i spoke of is exactly what is going on in my life. you accuse me of being crazy and delusional, so i offered up evidence that is contrary to that, and it is the truth. the fact that you are speculating about the "void in my life" is pathetic and hilarious. you guys are really obviously desperate...and hateful. all of these criticisms (unfounded except for the grammar) are in direct response to the fact that you don't like the idea of what i am testifying to. period. well, wah, wah, wah. you may as well suck your thumb to make yourself feel better. i think that might be a more mature way to appease yourselves.
who got to the grammar? I could get past the paragraph

that's pretty desperate........... Drama Queen on something else !
therefore he can see the past, present, and future, all at once.

does he know which one is which though?

Time,having no meaning to him ....would cause confusion

there would be no past, present, future to him.

it might cause confusion for you if you were to see everything at once, but you're not god are you? do you think he's just like you?
jdawg and phlog,

do you have to be so pathetic, really? i mean, don't you find it a bit embarrassing? i'm almost embarrassed for you here...

If you're going to mudsling, at least make it clear what you're referring to.

Also, I wasn't taking any personal shots at you. I actually said I would not take it as far as that, if you read my latest post. And again, it's very telling that the second someone doubts you, your initial reaction is to criticize that person.