Enlightenment: The Knowledge of Self

[701] Tantamount

Finding one's equilibrium
tantamount to acknowledging
and accepting
both who
and what
we are.

The caveat being of course,
that one must first come to terms with,
or understand,
who and what it is
that they are.

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I understand that I see things tainted by my own perspective, but, what other choice do I have? None. By your logic I could go kill 1000 people tomorrow and that could be excused as long as I didn't have a problem with it and it was acceptable within my own perspective. Everyone else would see me as a butcher but thats ok 'cos its only their perspective!
Originally posted by ScRaMbLe
I understand that I see things tainted by my own perspective, but, what other choice do I have? None.

It all comes down to the knowing. Knowing that our perspective is ‘ours’ alone, and understanding that the way in which we process information, which we encounter, is entirely of our own device, our own mechanism if you will - it is pecular to each of us.

…“We can own, acknowledge and take responsibility for our perspective, rather than simply letting it function in our life unaware - as it pertains to our perspective, such is the essence of enlightenment.”

In short, our salvation comes by way of the knowing.

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[702] The true point

To know through the intellectualizing, and to know through the living out, are two different matters entirely.

We can intellectualize (seeing through the use of our intellect), but it is the living out of a matter, which brings us to the true point of understanding.

As we go out into our world, we can (are able to) hold on to the concept that our perspective is ours alone, that it shapes and colors our world in a way that is unique and peculiar to each and every one of us. This then is the living out of the matter – as we go about to integrate our learned concepts into our daily lives, they become fixed or cemented into our perspective. So that, as in this case, even what we learn about our perspective, is folded back into our perspective, and as we then go about our lives, this information, ounce lived out and understood, carries on to influence us in countless ways.

So then, from the intellectualizing to the living out – from the living out to the understanding. Intellectualizing about a matter is not understanding it – it is in actuality, simply the conceptualizing of the matter.

Understanding comes by way of the living out - if this were not so, there would be no reason for us to live out our existence here, rather we would simply intellectualize about it ad infintium, at that point where we existed, prior to incarnating here.

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I agree completely. True knowledge can only come from personal experience. Reading 100 books on swimming doesn't enable you to swim. Since you still haven't answered my question however, I will rephrase. Within the intergalactic community is there a standard code of conduct or is each species self regulating? If you do not know, please simply say so! :)
Originally posted by ScRaMbLe
I agree completely. True knowledge can only come from personal experience. Reading 100 books on swimming doesn't enable you to swim. Since you still haven't answered my question however, I will rephrase. Within the intergalactic community is there a standard code of conduct or is each species self regulating? If you do not know, please simply say so! :)

I am not familiar with this 'intergalactic community' that you've mentioned.

Hi there...

dear scramble, why does that question trouble you?.. Jocharaiah does not have an answer for you... If you really want a better answer, you will find it very deep within yourself, but watch out you may find what you are looking for... ;) This is only an insight, speculation perhaps.... good bye my friend..
dear scramble, why does that question trouble you?..

I guess basically I was wondering if ethics was simply a human concept or a universal one. I'm not in a position to judge whether jocariah has been in contact with alien entities or not, but if this is infact the case, I would have thought this would be one of the first and foremost questions he should be asked!

If you really want a better answer, you will find it very deep within yourself, but watch out you may find what you are looking for...

I have found the answer within myself long ago but it is still only the answer from a human perspective.
Originally posted by ScRaMbLe
"I guess basically I was wondering if ethics was simply a human concept or a universal one. ....."

From my perspective, such as it is, there must by necessity be a parameter with which to function within, where ethics is concerned. Ethics according to whose perspective? Whose societal norms? Which society? What culture? Which civilization? Which species?

Simply put, all creatures do, or attempt to do, those things that are in their best interest.

How have you come to maintain your ethics? What was the source of this for you? Where have you learned your present concept of ethics, as that concept is understood, reasoned out, or defined by you?

These are all valid questions, meant to bring about an awareness of how you have come to this point, as it pertains to ethics - both yours and society's.

Ethics may well be a concept foreign (or moot) to those of a higher order.

How can this be entertained without first reasoning out how we have arrived at our 'perspective' as it pertains to this matter in the first place (i.e., how have we come to know what it is that we know)?

By who's hand, or by what means, have we come to see the world in the way that we see the world?

How have those parameters, as it would apply to ethics, been established in, or within us?

Understanding that these parameters exist within us, is the first step - understanding 'how' these parameters have come to exist within us, is the second, and seeing the overview of all of this (i.e., our humanness if you will) is the third.

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Hey Jocariah, Question.

I admire what you are doing here but if I may ask, What is it for.
What do you hope to gain?


Jocariah - thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. I guess my view of ethics is simply the golden rule of "do unto others as you would that they do to you". I treat animals of a lesser intelligence with respect, although I am partial to the occasional steak. However, I understand that a hungry shark or lion may also be partial to the occasional chunk of me! I do understand what you say by all species put their best interests first, but sometimes there is room to put another species interests level with your own without adversely affecting your own interests. I guess what I'm wondering is if alien species hold any affection for the human species (as I do for a dolphin or my dog) or are they just using us solely for their own purposes?

we are all entitled
to our own perspective.
There is no good or bad, right or wrong
as it pertains to perspective – each one is
no more or less valid than the next.

Our perspective is simply ‘our perspective’.

We are far more interesting for the diversity
that we exhibit, than any similarities that we
might share.

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Originally posted by ScRaMbLe
"... I guess what I'm wondering is if alien species hold any affection for the human species (as I do for a dolphin or my dog) or are they just using us solely for their own purposes?"

There is no one single alien species that interact with us, but many. Animals for example have many varieties as well, and serve an important purpose. Humans share many alien traits to greater or lesser degrees, having been continually breed throughout man's history.

Humans, by their very nature, are a product of various genetic mixtures – this has been, and continues to be the case. There is no such thing as being 100% human - we may outwardly appear to be similar, which should strike us as being odd when compared to other creatures such as animals for example, but we are all genetically different in many ways.

Emotions are genetically coded into our make-up. But this is not the case with all creatures. We have, and are able to express, emotions due to our genetic structure. Emotions were designed into us, and that being for a reason. And that reason is that it was in the best interest of those who did the designing.

All creatures do not possess emotions, but we do, and that is the result of our genetic coding, which facilitates emotions. This genetic coding was designed into us, and makes us who we are.

As you know, scientist don’t simply go about to ‘f—k’ with lab rats – they have a very specific reason for doing what they do. And so it is with those who manipulate us as well - there are many reasons behind their interactions with us.

It is not important that other creatures ‘feel’ for us emotionally, not all creatures share our emotional body – but those of a higher order always, at all times and under all circumstances, do what is in ‘their’ best interest. This is not meant to insinuate that humans are not a valuable commodity, or that their best interest continually conflicts with that of our own. But is important to at least consider that those creatures of a higher order look out for their best interest first.

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Seldom are there edicts,
but rather journeys
that transpire
throughout our lives
and bringing us
ever closer
to our
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Originally posted by Guyute
What is it for. What do you hope to gain?

Hello Guyute,

Thank you for your question. What do you think I have to gain in all of this, if I may ask?

We are those beautiful creatures,
living our lives
through the richness
of our emotions.

And in so doing
allowing our emotional body,
to carry us
to those places
which we might never
have imagined.

at times pleasant,
and at times
but nevertheless
delivering us
to where
our imaginations

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Originally posted by Jocariah
Hello Guyute,

Thank you for your question. What do you think I have to gain in all of this, if I may ask?

What do I think you have to gain? Hmmm, The satisfaction and knowing that with your words you helped a many of people out?

Originally posted by Guyute
What do I think you have to gain? Hmmm, The satisfaction and knowing that with your words you helped a many of people out?


Hello Guyute,

Thanks for your reply - I would never have imagined that one. I am here, from my perspective at least, simply because that is what is in front of me to do.
