Enlightenment: The Knowledge of Self

Hey Jo,
Wouldn't it save you alot of time if you just summed up alot of what you say into more effective communication like:

One way to consider enlightenment is as follows:

“Enlightenment is the gathering, processing, integration and utilization of information - or put another way, enlightenment is information that has been received, understood, assimilated and then acted upon.”

Utilizing or acting upon the information then is key - it does no good to simply entertain the thought conceptually - it must be acted upon in order to have enlightenment be integrated (or impregnated) and ultimately manifest in one's life.

Doing (or acting out) in the physical, connects the intellectual with the physical realm – thereby do we become whole, integrating both realms together in or within us.

*****You could have just said******
"To know, but not yet do, is not yet to know"
I admire your search for truth, keep on.
Something else I would like to share with you that might be useful in your search and writings. I notice that when you are espousing your perceptions you continually use the words we, us, everyone. Instead of using the words I, myself and me.

I know you beleive that we are all one, I beleive we are connected in one way or another as well if not just through interaction. But we "I" also have something known as independence as well. The last time I checked, I don't remember you helping to put food on my table.

You would be amazed at what you can learn about yourself when you just change all the words in your threads from us, we ,all, you, and any other word that denotes everyone, to that of pertaining to just yourself. Such as I ,me, mine, myself.
I can get a way better view and feeling for who you are and the struggles and insights you are having when I read your threads in this way.
I will give an example.
Heres an example:
We are these emotionally based creatures, continually, and at all times, subject to our emotions. Held hostage by all of those painful emotions, and romanced by the pleasant ones.

Maybe we should embrace all of our emotions, whether pleasant or painful – seeing as how we are emotionally based creatures.

Accepting and acknowledging both the pleasant and the painful in our emotional body.

I undersatnd you much better when I read it as such:
"I am this emotionally based creature, continually, and at all times, subject to my emotions. Held hostage by all of those painful emotions, and romanced by the pleasant ones.

Maybe I should embrace all of my emotions, whether pleasant or painful – seeing as how I am an emotionally based creature.

Accepting and acknowledging both the pleasant and the painful in my emotional body.

**When you start with the we and us routine it just confuses me.

If I had the time I would go back and do this to all of your comments, but this is not the case.
Peace out and happy writing.

Heres my little contribution to wisdom............
"There is no free lunch."

Peace Out
Hello moementum7,

Thanks for taking time to comment on my remarks, it's always interesting for me to read the comments of others, and your point I think is well taken. Feel free to change or replace all of my 'we's' with 'I's' whenever you choose.


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True wisdom:)

Hey Jo,.....have you ever thought or felt like the only thing left to do is face all your fears?
Originally posted by moementum7
True wisdom:)

Hey Jo,.....have you ever thought or felt like the only thing left to do is face all your fears?

I am sorry, but I don't understand your question.
[1001] Meditation

There are many levels of meditation, the ultimate level to be where you do not exist – where the frequency of the universe passes through you and continues on.

*the ultimate level to be where you do not exist*

I would have to say the ultimate level should be to fully end up where you are, then where you want to be.
Just my OP

[1002] Frequency

Time exists as a frequency, as part of the creation frequency, that is, the frequency upon which all other frequencies are based. The creation frequency is the master frequency, the master frequency which holds the universe together.

Another way to think of this, is that the master frequency, which the creation frequency is, is responsible for the regulation of all other frequencies that exist. All other frequencies receive their coding from the master frequency. The master frequency regulates the production of all other frequencies. All frequencies receive their operational blueprint as it were, from the creation frequency.

The point in all of this is that all things exist as frequencies - all things are frequency based.

[1003] Emote

We, all of us, are frequency-based creatures. We emit the frequency of fear on a continual basis. Our emotions are all frequency based, as we emote, as we experience our emotions, we in turn emit various frequencies.
[1005] Paraclete

It is our higher self that acts as our intercessor, our connection between self and the collective consciousness.

[1006] Higher Self

When discussing the higher self, or that part of self that is eternal, or never-ending, as opposed to the temporal aspect of self, it is difficult to agree on what terminology to use without taking into account one’s paradigm or belief system.

Surely the higher self exits, nearly all of us seem to be aware that the physical part of self is merely here for a season, and that we are more, much more than the physical body, but what is the higher self, and how does one’s soul or spirit, terms, which we have heard so often bandied about, figure into the mix?

First of all, things are the way they are, and no amount of intellectual reasoning will every change or alter that in any way whatsoever. What is – is. Secondly, it is our perception of what exists universally that differs, not in fact, what it is that does exist. Our inability to explain or reason out anything, changes nothing. Those things that are in existence are in existence - period. How we explain these things really comes down to our use of language coupled with our belief system or paradigm, which we hold as being, in effect (or in computer parlance), our operating system.

Pick a belief system, a frame of reference, and in so doing one automatically chooses the terms used to explain that eternal part of self. Typically, we choose are terminology based on our belief system.

Thirdly, our intellect or mental ability, by way of our genetic structure, is limited. We, all 6 BILLION of us, can only reason, only understand as human’s reason, as humans understand. And human understanding is not limitless; it is in fact based on genetics, just as the chimp’s intellect is based on its genetic structure, so too it is with humans. Certainly humans may have intellect higher or lower relative to one another, as the case may be, but it always falls within a range or mean – that is, that of all human intellect. We never see our intellect as being limited, or having a ceiling – but it does. The problem is that we are not familiar with those beings whose intellect is greater than our own – rather only those beings or creatures processing an intellect less than our own.

Well, except maybe those of us known of as abductees – we indeed are familiar with those creatures possessing an intellect greater than our own. So then, it is by first hand experience, that we, those of us known of as abductees, have arrived where we are.

Enlightenment is based on information - knowing first hand that our species is not the sharpest tool in the shed, is indeed information. Coming to that information by first hand interaction or experience, rather than intellectualizing about it, is a tumultuous affair at best, but then enlightenment can at times, be a messy business.

[1008] Limitless possibilities

We all think, as we enter our day, that we have limitless possibilities. But our life adheres to a strict script, so that to think so, means we are continually being deluded - our possibilities are limited to those found within our script, and nothing more.

We adhere to our script, whether we are aware of it or not - those beings of a higher order understand their scripts, at least understanding that they continually adhere to one.

There is a great deal we need to acknowledge, a great deal we need to realize as we breath the air that fills our lungs, and speak the words that have filled our minds.

We are nothing more, or less, than biological machines.

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[1009] Intersect

We are continually, and at all times, being deluded, mislead and deceived by those beings of a higher order. The ‘only’ reason that we ever intersect with their lives is that we are a resource to them.

They have a vested interest in us, and therefore interact with us. This is by no-means a hobby for them; it is summarily and exclusively for their well-being alone.

And what sort of resource might we then be?

[1010] A cow is a cow

Perhaps one day, an enlightened cow in a field of cows, possibly understanding its purpose, and that its purpose is being played out in its life, as it lives its life, day-in-day-out. There is after all, simply the knowing, and nothing more besides that.

Better to know, no doubt, then not. Although, knowing, it seems, changes nothing whatsoever.

A cow is a cow.

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[1011] Needless grief

Of course there is another element, or facet, to consider in #[1008], and that is although the scripts by which we live our lives may be predetermined, the fact remains that because we are ignorant of the outcome of those predetermined scripts of ours, we, in effect (that is to say, from our perspective at least), really do have a ‘limitless potential’ - anything is possible.

So then, our ignorance serves an essential purpose – because of it, all of us have an unlimited potential within our lives, and so all is well within the world.

Cows should stay cows, unenlightened as to their purpose – why cause them needless grief, when they are helpless to change their fate; and so too humans, remaining within their bounds as well. No need to cause them needless grief either – their fate transpires in their lives soon enough.

I have learned my lesson too well – through countless words and hours spent, to now realize that in ‘ignorance vs. enlightenment’, ignorance is often in our best interest after all.

No need to cause any of us, needless grief.

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My salvation

My salvation lies in the fact that few, if any, understand my words - and that, as is now apparent to me, is as it should be.

No need to disturb the general populous, it is through genetics, and the manipulation therein, by those of a higher order, where our salvation, mankind's salvation, truly lies.

"In our knowledge, we are made foolish, by the very principles which we have embraced leading us to the knowledge we have sought.'

Which 'i' have sought.


In response to "a cow is a cow".

Your sense of purpose leaves me unimpressed; things change constantly, and if change is not directed it can easily become deterioration.

Nietszche once said that humans believed that human consciousness was the pinnacle of all that had been or could ever be achieved. He postulated that this was a defense mechanism, which prevented us from developing our consciousness in ways that might be harmful to ourselves... our sense of the endemic superiority of consciousness was an evolved trait in his opinion.

Maybe it is time to stop reveling in what is, and try to become something new.