Enlightenment: The Knowledge of Self

[601] 'With’ love

to love every one,
is to love no one.

there will always be those you love,
and those you don’t.

which is not to say that you should not
treat all people ‘with’ love – whether loved by you or not.

you can not make yourself love some one, you
either love them or not, as is the case.

but you can set your intention to
treat some one ‘with’ love, whether or not they are loved by you.

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[602] Control

To think then, that we have any control whatsoever over the events which we encounter, which intersect with and shape our lives, is simply an illusion – howbeit a more profound one than our imaginations can ever hope to grasp.

What is it then that the higher self intends to accomplish by having us here?

Intelligence, by its very nature, wants to be discovered, it desires to be known. Intelligence, rather than a state or quantifiable quantity, is an entity, a being in much the same way that we are entities.

Intelligence inhabits, co-existing with, as it were, other entities, other beings and life forms throughout the universe. We are used to those life forms, which are familiar to us, but our lack of exposure to other life forms should not limit our acknowledgement of the possibility (e.g., the probability) of their existence.

We are limited by our genetic structure – there is indeed a ceiling to our attainable level of intellect, based on human genetics. A computer can be adjusted to over-clock its CPU (Central Processing Unit, or brain), but it can’t turn from a Pentium 3 into a Pentium 4 – there are structural, or design limits. So too with humans, our genetic structure limits our ability to become enlightened. There is a practical aspect to all physical creatures (i.e., all have their design limits).

Humans can’t fly or breathe water either – that would take the altering of our basic genetic structure.

Genetic structure establishes, by its very nature, parameters with which it follows. Trains operate on tracks, lay the track and the train in turn has a means, a parameter, in which to operate. Creator gods, for lack of a more universally recognizable or mutually agreed upon term, create with the means that they are familiar with, the material with which they have at hand, the building blocks as it were, that they are used to working with; in our case genetic material.

Once designed, genetically based systems can be tweaked or altered, primarily by genetic manipulation, but also by the effects, or influences, of time and environment as well (as a side note here, the genetic systems ability to be effected by environmental influences over time, was and is an aspect designed in to these very systems from the start).

It takes creators to create, environmental influences merely define and refine those creations that were created – environmental influences do not, in and of themselves, create.
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Excuse me, but enlightenment is not any kind of knowledge; not knowledge of self, or "higher self", or anything. It cannot be said to exist, it is, at most, a description of a transitory effect; the release of the burden of thought, release of the illusion of ego, or mind.
Things, whatever it is that we approach, need not be universally defined or categorized for us - beforehand. We, as we go through this life, have the option of choosing those words and phrases that we use, and associating them in any way we might choose, in whatever way it is that might best suite us, or our purpose at hand.

I chose the word ‘enlightenment’, and have, over my recent past here and elsewhere, continued to define it as it applies to my way of thinking.

All of us have such an option, with any word we might choose, and in so doing we can choose to define, or establish any word, as a keyword to express our thoughts and ideas in summary.

Thanks for your comments, spidergoat.

I am not redefining the word enlightenment, I am suggesting a new understanding of it. We cannot use words haphazardly, letting them mean whatever we want them to mean, otherwise, what is the use of speech at all?
Dear Spidergoat

haven't you seen the water make its own stream? well, why try to change its course when it will always flow its way anyway? Jocaraiah is like the water that runs in the spring, just let it go its course, :). Jocariah, humans are capable of major understanding. Haven't you seen how religions place humans second to Gods? That must mean something to you :) . Perhaps the time is already here... Good bye now, my friend.
Re: Dear Spidergoat

Originally posted by Alien Ado
haven't you seen the water make its own stream? well, why try to change its course when it will always flow its way anyway? Jocaraiah is like the water that runs in the spring, just let it go its course, :). Jocariah, humans are capable of major understanding. Haven't you seen how religions place humans second to Gods? That must mean something to you :) . Perhaps the time is already here... Good bye now, my friend.

We are the product of a higher order, creatures created not for our purpose, but the purpose of another. We seek continually; fear constantly, and at all times carry on, delusionally maintaining our sovereignty over ourselves, all the while rationalizing this dichotomy within which we live.

We seek our gods from without, rather than from within – we are lost, annexed from our very souls, our spirit self as it were. Purposely sent out to seek in never-ending closed-loop programs, genetically played out before us, our tendencies toward specific behavior patterns designed into us with much forethought and purpose, which is and remains entirely unknown to us – and that of course being by design.

We are beautifully complex, unendingly diverse creatures, continually manipulated beyond our wildest imaginations, and that being by way of great intent.

Why are we here? That timeless question, whose answer continues to resist explanation ……where shall I start?
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of late

Originally posted by spidergoat
I am not redefining the word enlightenment, I am suggesting a new understanding of it. We cannot use words haphazardly, letting them mean whatever we want them to mean, otherwise, what is the use of speech at all?

This medium that we inhabit is inherently myopic – it sees only one post at a time. My use of the term ‘enlightenment’ has been anything but haphazard – I have given it much thought of late.

This format however makes it difficult to carry forward contiguous thoughts from prior posts without continually repeating one’s self.

If one were so inclined, this forum allows the search of prior posts of mine on the topic of 'enlightenment'.

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you say we are here because the frequency of the energy of our fear is a useful resource for an alien species. If this is so, then what do other alien species have to say about this? Is there a RSPCH? (royal society for prevention of cruelty to humans) If one species of alien exists then there is a high probability of multiple species existing. Surely at least one of them must think taunting the humans is immoral?
Originally posted by ScRaMbLe
you say we are here because the frequency of the energy of our fear is a useful resource for an alien species. If this is so, then what do other alien species have to say about this? Is there a RSPCH? (royal society for prevention of cruelty to humans) If one species of alien exists then there is a high probability of multiple species existing. Surely at least one of them must think taunting the humans is immoral?

Hello ScRaMbLe,

Thanks for taking the time to comment.

I think, as you say, the probability is high for the existence of multiple species. Obviously we serve a purpose, or we wouldn’t be here. All things exist for a reason, whether that reason is apparent to us or not.’ Taunting’ and ‘immoral’ are concepts that may not necessarily translate well when juxtaposed with those of a higher order.

What may appear to us as taunting is in actually the outward appearance of a purpose being performed. Creatures of a higher order continually attempt to multi-task, that is continually wring out the most benefit from each and every action they performed.

The concept of ‘immoral’, by its very nature, requires parameters within which to function. Immoral according to what – to whom – to what (or who's) set of standards, notions, conditions, or circumstances?

The United States of America, whether widely acknowledged or not, came about by way of, or as a result of ‘killing people’ – was that immoral? If the answer is yes, then we American's are here now as a result of immoral acts unleashed upon the British, and ourselves (via the Civil War) as well. If the answer is no, then immoral is a relative term.

So-called aliens perform acts that are in their best interest, as we ourselves have done, and continue to do. Neither malevolent, nor benevolent, they perform those tasks necessary for them, those things that are needful for them, at all times, and under all circumstances.

It is our thought process, that process by which we think, that can go about to limit our understanding of the world (including so-called aliens) in which we find ourselves.

Taunting is simply what ‘appears’ to us (from our perspective) to be taking place in certain instances because of our ignorance of the underlying reasons behind what is happening, and immoral, well, that may merely be a judgment call based on perspective as well.

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It is as important
to know what something is not,
as it is in knowing
what it is.

It is always best to see things
from as many perspectives
as possible

There is,
and remains,
no single perspective
that is the ultimate
or best perspective
of all.

A diamond
is best seen in motion
- the perspective changing
many times,
as its facets

This is true
of many

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Taunting is simply what ‘appears’ to us (from our perspective) to be taking place in certain instances because of our ignorance of the underlying reasons behind what is happening, and immoral, well, that may merely be a judgment call based on perspective as well.

I beg to differ. Having morality is about being able to see beyond your own circumstances and put yourself in the others shoes, regardless of if you have grey skin or human skin, one head or three. You argue that perhaps we are like cattle to them and so perhaps they do not consider it immoral to use us for their own purposes. I know many vegetarians who would disagree.

The question remains... who polices the police?

There is the adage of the glass appearing half-full to the optimist, and half-empty to the pessimist. However a third option might be that the glass exists simultaneously half-full and half-empty.

The idea here is to take in as much information as is possible about each situation we encounter, without limiting ourselves by trying to categorize it to simply one single facet or perspective.

As we categorize, we judge - as we judge, we inadvertently narrow our perspective.

No need for us to continually attempt to force each and every single thing we encounter into some predetermined category of ours, based on our own perspective at the time (which we know frequently changes moment-to-moment), simply because this is how we have done it in the past.

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All of us exist more in ignorance than in knowledge - that is, there's more that we don't know, than there is that we do.
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What I am saying here is to take the next step - to see that our perspective is simply that - 'our perspective'. And that as we interpret what it is we are seeing, we automatically go about to classify, categorize and pigeon hole everything into neat little easily-digestible chucks so as to preserve and reinforce our world view.

One can start by asking, "How is it that I have arrived at my perspective?" And then taking responsibility for that perspective knowing that it is simply one perspective, and that countless perspectives exist in the world simultaneously - ours being no more or less valid than that of another.

So that it can be said, we see through the eyes of our perspective - regardless of what our perspective is now or may be at some later point in time. Our salvation comes in the knowing that our perspective exists, simply as 'our perspective' alone, and that we are continually subject to it ... for better or worse.


We can own, acknowledge and take responsibility for our perspective, rather than simply letting it function in our life unaware.

As it pertains to perspective, such is the essence of enlightenment.


Genetics is responsible for all things human,
all things that appear to us as tendencies,
traits, behavior patterns and such – for even
learned behavior patterns are transferred into
our genetic make-up as we live and record the
events of our life.

Enlightenment is the gathering, processing,
integration and utilization of information - or put
yet another way, enlightenment is information
that has been received, understood, assimilated
and then acted upon

As we integrate and assimilate enlightenment
then, it is transferred and recorded in our very
genetic make-up, which can then be passed
down through the generations, from one
generation to the next, so forth and so on – so
that each passing generation may become more
enlightened than the one preceeding it..............
....and thus, the evolution of mankind.

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... via our perspective, our world is continually being created for us, whether we acknowledge this inherant capability within our perspective, or not.
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