Enlightenment: The Knowledge of Self

Originally posted by BigBlueHead
In response to "a cow is a cow".

Your sense of purpose leaves me unimpressed; things change constantly, and if change is not directed it can easily become deterioration.

Nietszche once said that humans believed that human consciousness was the pinnacle of all that had been or could ever be achieved. He postulated that this was a defense mechanism, which prevented us from developing our consciousness in ways that might be harmful to ourselves... our sense of the endemic superiority of consciousness was an evolved trait in his opinion.

Maybe it is time to stop reveling in what is, and try to become something new.

I find your response mostly predictable, uninteresting and lacking any originality whatsoever. Nietszche may have said a great deal, but is it BigBlueHead or Nietszche to whom I am speaking.

Speak your own thoughts, not those of another.


All right then, screw Nietzsche, he's dead anyway.

Your cow conclusion, the status quo, is the only conclusion that your inquiry should not have come to... all your postulations and assertions about spirituality and frequencies and levels of existence don't amount to anything if your final conclusion is "Sit and wait for something to happen."

If that's what you think, you can take your seat beside the 70's AI theorists and people waiting for the Rapture. There are better things to do with your time than wait; suggesting it to other people is more reprehensible than doing it yourself.

Frequency is only a metaphor... it's become popular recently because of string theory and other such vibration-based theories of reality. The universe is not such that it can be easily characterized with a simple metaphor, like a piece of fruit or ripples in the water. Beware of people who sell you simple answers to complex questions.
I occaisionally check the boards, I intended to leave a long time ago, but occaisionally I become bored. I would like to point out as a response to your thread, that the only thing keeping it up is you replying to your own thoughts, to which I say this . Write them all down in Word Processor or Notepad, then post it all here, and then see how long it actually stays up. 155 of the replies to this are all from you, that makes 3/4 of all replies given to this durring its time up. That would lead me to believe that most people really dont care about enlightening, and even then most people offering enlightenment are blind themselves. The difference is what your hear and what is said.

Originally posted by JoojooSpaceape
I occaisionally check the boards, I intended to leave a long time ago, but occaisionally I become bored. I would like to point out as a response to your thread, that the only thing keeping it up is you replying to your own thoughts, to which I say this . Write them all down in Word Processor or Notepad, then post it all here, and then see how long it actually stays up. 155 of the replies to this are all from you, that makes 3/4 of all replies given to this durring its time up. That would lead me to believe that most people really dont care about enlightening, and even then most people offering enlightenment are blind themselves. The difference is what your hear and what is said.


In this instance at least, the numbers you've mentioned are irrelevant. My objective has never been to keep this thread going nor utilize it in a traditional fashion.

My intent? Well, it may help to think of this thread as my journal, open for those who might care to read it.

People do read my words and comment as it suits them, which is fine by me - as you have done as well.

I see my words, my writing on any given topic, merely as one perspective - one facet where a multitude of facets may exist - where my perspective may change from one day to the next, from one moment to the next, or over the course of time.

I offer nothing - I don't believe, nor do I disbelieve, my own words - I remain neutral in all matters about which I write

My perspective is no more, nor less, valid than that of another; but it is my own (at that point in time in which it is written).

You see, even as I write this, I do it for my benefit alone - for it suites me at this point in time - at this point in my life.

Whether BS, nectar of the gods, or something between the two, it can only be determined within the perspective of the reader, for that is where truth abides, such as may be found.


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Originally posted by BigBlueHead
All right then, screw Nietzsche, he's dead anyway.

Your cow conclusion, the status quo, is the only conclusion that your inquiry should not have come to... all your postulations and assertions about spirituality and frequencies and levels of existence don't amount to anything if your final conclusion is "Sit and wait for something to happen."

If that's what you think, you can take your seat beside the 70's AI theorists and people waiting for the Rapture. There are better things to do with your time than wait; suggesting it to other people is more reprehensible than doing it yourself.

Frequency is only a metaphor... it's become popular recently because of string theory and other such vibration-based theories of reality. The universe is not such that it can be easily characterized with a simple metaphor, like a piece of fruit or ripples in the water. Beware of people who sell you simple answers to complex questions.

Thank you for taking time to present me with your own words. I read them with interest.

As far as any 'conclusion' is concerned, from my perspective at least, I simply followed what appeared to me.

There again, it is (was) simply my own perspective at that particular point, and if it stands or falls, that is to say, whether having any validity or not, that is not my concern. I have nothing whatsoever to prove, or disprove (for that matter I imagine).

Should you care to comment in the future, I should enjoy reading it.


[1101] Praying

[310] If you pray

if you pray
acknowledge your consciousness,
your existence
as a created

be appreciative
of the painful
as well as
the pleasant,
for it has taken
to bring you
to where

and lastly,
set your intention
to do that
which has been placed
in front of you
to do


PS - Just a quick thanks to all of those taking time to read and comment on my remarks over the last year or so.


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I read the first few pages of this thread and your thoughts seem to be structured off the writings of the author of the book "Matrix V-The Quest For The Spirit". (Leading Edge Research-Val Valarian)

Also you say you say you received these ideas from alien greys, this interests me.

Evolution is an integral part of creation. All things
evolve. All things are expanding or contracting,
ascending or descending; growing or dieing.

The universe expands and contracts over time, as if it
were a beating heart, howbeit over billions upon
billions of years per beat. As if it were a wave, a
frequency too long for us to ever imagine.

All things were designed to evolve. We exist on a sea
of change – evolving as we go.

It is upon this backdrop then that those creatures of
a higher order continually see to it that man’s
evolution suits their purpose. We are, have been, and
continue to be highly manipulated creatures. Designed
and refined as we are by those creatures of a higher
order. And this taking place over time – over long
periods of time - over long periods of man’s history.

... sometimes, when I am unsure of who I am, I come here to remember...upon remembering, as my heart pounds heavy, I am stunned to see, that part of me which appears upon the pages.

a journey taken - an uncertain quest, it is ... played out before others, no less.

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... sometimes, when I am unsure of who I am, I come here to remember...upon remembering, as my heart pounds heavy, I am stunned to see, that part of me which appears upon the pages.

a journey taken - an uncertain quest, it is ... played out before others, no less.

As the self discovers itself, it grows, or is raised, exponentially.

Whatever we are, we are. At this point in our life we are a collection of past experiences; programmed, with programming performed by our parents, teachers, professors, societal norms, and those certain genetic tendencies which we all exhibit. All things coming before, as they do, to make us what it is that we are now.

Therefore we live in the present, doing those things necessary, those things that stand before us to do - simply put, we live in the now.

We are all temporal beings, living as we do with this seasonal physicality.

To die is our ultimate destiny, to live our present necessity - all things standing before us as they do for a reason, so that we may find our place in the world, our place within the universe, leaving behind our past as a vapor, as a wisp of smoke swirling behind us as we pass through this present existence.

We are our gods, living out these lives as we do, finding our destiny dispersed as it is throughout our lives and our life experiences; living the course set before us, without need of anything.

We are unto ourselves, whole, complete in form and substance, gods living through our creation.

We are that which we seek – we are our gods.

We are all fools; all wise beyond our understanding. For we are both our god and the creation, living through ourselves as we do, embracing this journey with both patience and joy.

Let that which is in us arise to discover itself, to awaken unto our true nature - both god and man, abiding together as one, this most perfect union in all of creation.

We are,
we are god,
we are our god,
we are our god living within us
we are our god living within us, within our creation.

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