Enlightenment: The Knowledge of Self

[801] Accepting

We are these emotionally based creatures, continually, and at all times, subject to our emotions. Held hostage by all of those painful emotions, and romanced by the pleasant ones.

Maybe we should embrace all of our emotions, whether pleasant or painful – seeing as how we are emotionally based creatures.

Accepting and acknowledging both the pleasant and the painful in our emotional body.
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[802] The hearer

All of us carry with us a unique perspective, a unique point of view, in that we process what it is that we hear based on our past experiences, along with our present expectations.

In any given situation, in any given circumstance, there exists a responsibility of the hearer to interpret the sound being heard.

So then, it can be said, "those that are able to hear do, and those that are not, don’t".

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[803] Hearing

whether we hear or not, is not based on the amount of effort, if any, applied on our part, but rather it is whether or not our higher self chooses for us to hear.

it may appear that we seek of our own volition, but in actuality, it is our higher self, which causes us to seek in the first place, knowing as it does, in advance, what it has for us to discover.

our higher self is not above trickery in this regard; after all, it has our best interest at heart.

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[804] Plateau

Truth, any truth, must be tied to the moment in time in which it exists. Truth is always in the moment; simply being, as it is, that truth that we need, that we require, to take us to the next step - to our next plateau.

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[805] Forever and always

you see there is no end, no ultimate truth for us to discover - we simply move forward, precept upon precept, until that point at which it is no longer possible for us to move forward. It is at that point then, that we simply move on.

So whether moving forward, or moving on, there is always, by necessity, motion.

We, being the creatures that we are, are always in motion; forever and always moving forward.

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[806] That prophet

Is it that we await that prophet who, with clarity of speech known to all prophets throughout time, is to come? Speaking with words laid out and arranged in such fashion as to defy the conscious mind, bypassing it as it does, and gently delivering those words spoken into our very hearts to be discovered, time-and-again, through that certain revelation that comes from within.

And if not in this life, surely in the next; so it may be that at the time appointed, he or she may bring forth those utterances having been so long in coming, so long forgotten within our collective psyche - as if upon the hearing, we were simply remembering those things known, which for reasons unknown, we were not able remember.

Telling us with great confidence and certainty, that course, which lies ahead.

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[807] Lexicon

Lexicon: the special vocabulary of a particular author, field of study, etc. (Wester's New World Dictionary)

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You are one intriguing individual joc! :)

Tell me to shut up anytime you like, hi-jacking your thread is not my intention...

whether we hear or not, is not based on the amount of effort, if any, applied on our part, but rather it is whether or not our higher self chooses for us to hear.

This statement is kind of paradoxical. How would you define your "higher self"?
[808] Living the run

Living the run is really about living your life from birth until death.

Life is a run – you hit the ground running at birth, and don’t stop until death.

Even in a sedimentary life, time takes its toll, the aging of the physical body is continuous, and provisions must constantly be made for survival of the physical body. Eating, breathing as well as all of the other bodily functions continues on day-by-day. Survival of the physical body, regardless of the circumstances, is a ‘run’. A never-ending race to the finish, regardless of where that finish may be.

Hence we are all 'Living the Run'.

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[809] Qua

Defined herein as follows; functioning as - 'as' - in the capacity as (in the function, character, or capacity of; as "the President 'qua' Commander in Chief")

Qua is the essence, or quintessence, of the experience, that is the experience of what it is to be human – to explore the human condition, this medium that one finds oneself in while being in or within the human form; for all forms are not human, and human form is not all.

You are functioning in the capacity ‘as’ human. You are not human, that is to say, that is not the extent of who you are, entirely, but rather you are functioning in the capacity ‘as’ human. Being human is how it is that you are functioning ‘as’, while all the while realizing that you are not ‘merely’ human, but something much, much more that just human.

Another way to say this is that you are occupying your humanness temporarily – that is, for the time being, you are located within your humanness as it were, seeing those things that are only apparent, only visible during this present human experience.

In such an instance as this, there is much information passing into you as you occupy your humanness, much thought is continually taking place on a subconscious level as you dwell in your humanness at this specific point in time, this specific point in the expression of your humanness – but your humanness is temporal, or temporary if you will – so that to realize your ‘humanness’ is to realize the temporality of the situation in its entirety.

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Originally posted by ScRaMbLe
This statement is kind of paradoxical.

How would you define your "higher self"?

That part of me which houses all of my past lives, which continues on upon my physical death. The part of me connected to the collective consciousness. The part of me that is more than this physical being. The part of me, which I seek out when wanting to connect with spirit. The part of me that sets my course as I move throughout my day - my higher self.

From a prior post:

"The life that we live is the manifestation of our higher self. The higher self places us within the various lives that we live, seeing the overview of all of our lives in total – having as it does, the perspective of the whole of the experience. That is, the whole of the experience of all of our lives lived, or yet to be lived.

Tense, past, present or future, is not a concept to which the higher self is subject - of course the past, present and future exist, but they exist merely as a framework for the existence of the whole of the creation. A framework if you will, that houses, or sets the stage for the creation that exists around us, of which we are an integral part.

The higher self exists as an extension of the collective consciousness which itself exists as an extension of the creation frequency, which exists as a part of a yet far greater collective, and so on and so forth. To what end one might ask. Well, the concept of an end or a beginning is unique to those creatures having a finite existence, which is not the case universally. All creatures are not born, and then die. But such is the case with the human condition."

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[810] Dichotomy

We exist as a dichotomy, continually seeking our freedom as we do, yet all the while wanting to maintain our security, our safe harbour in this life.

Individually, we all tend to lean toward one or the other - choosing to side with either security or freedom, and then longing for the one not chosen.

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Re: From the beginning of your thread...

Originally posted by tablariddim
Which creatures are not born and do not die? As you assert.

Thanks for taking time to comment.

As I understand your question to be; [specifically] which creatures are not born and do not die?

That I do not know.

[811] Seeming

It is assumed, or taken for granted if you will, that the conscious mind drives the whole of the being, the entirety of what it is that we are here, at this point in time, in this life that we now live, but that is not the case.

We consciously think thoughts, seeming to diligently plot our course, but that is simply our higher self placing those thoughts within us that 'it' has for us - connecting the dots if you will, from inspiration, to a conscious thought, to the execution of the thought via our actions and onto the manifestation of the whole of the process; the result.

Indeed, it is our higher self that leads us through these processes, howbeit with the illusion of self-governance.

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[812] Design

We are all so easily deceived, but there is hope. And that hope comes by way of the knowing. For it has all been by design that we are the way we are. And even in that we are able to know this, that has been by design as well.

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Originally posted by Jocariah

The higher self exists as an extension of the collective consciousness which itself exists as an extension of the creation frequency, which exists as a part of a yet far greater collective, and so on and so forth. To what end one might ask. Well, the concept of an end or a beginning is unique to those creatures having a finite existence, which is not the case universally. All creatures are not born, and then die. But such is the case with the human condition.

So why do you claim things, which are untrue? I mean what is the point of your ranting, unless it's just therapy for you?
Re: Re: Enlightenment: The Knowledge of Self

Originally posted by tablariddim
So why do you claim things, which are untrue? I mean what is the point of your ranting, unless it's just therapy for you?

If you believe that all life is temporal, that is your concern and not my own. As far as truth goes, simply providing unverifiable specifics on any topic of discussion does not in and of itself prove an underlying truth.

It is possible after all, to know that something exists without knowledge of the underlying specifics. For me, my computer is one simple example of that concept.

It appears from my perspective at least, that you seek proof, and in so seeking that you want truth as well.

Proof is relative to the underlying theory at hand, and of course such theory changes with time (throughout man’s history that is) – and truth, any truth, from my perspective at least, is temporal, as are we.

One might say then, it comes down to a matter of perspective - and you've simply been reading mine.

If your higher self already has the knowledge to guide your conscious self through lifes tests what is achieved by experiencing things you already know the outcome to?